Feb 11, 2025  
Graduate Record 2008-2009 
Graduate Record 2008-2009 [ARCHIVED RECORD]

Tuition, Fees, Housing, and Dining

Tuition, Fees, Housing, and Dining

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Tuition and Fees


University tuition and fees, listed below, consist of tuition and required fees, as well as a student activities fee. Students enrolled for three or fewer regular credits, or research credits only, are assessed partial required fees and student activities fees. Students paying only the partial required fees do not receive student access to fitness centers or athletic events. The student activities fee subsidizes activities approved by the Student Council, such as publications, club sports, and service organizations. In addition, students enrolled in the Graduate Schools of Arts and Sciences, Architecture, Business, Education, Engineering, Law, and Nursing are required to pay special school fees. Tuition is based on the student’s residency classification (i.e., either Virginian or non-Virginian). University tuition and fees are subject to change.

Fixed Charge Schools

University students enrolled in fixed charge graduate schools are assessed tuition and fees based on their residency status and school of enrollment.

Tuition and Required Fees:
Academic Year (2 semesters)
Virginia Students
Graduate Business (M.B.A.)  
Graduate Commerce
  (M.S. in M.I.T.)  
  (M.S. in Accounting)  
  (M.S. in Commerce)  
Law (J.D.)  
Medicine (M.D.)
  Medical Research  
Non-Virginia Students
Graduate Business (M.B.A.)  
Graduate Commerce
  (M.S. in M.I.T.)  
  (M.S. in Accounting)  
  (M.S. in Commerce)  
Law (J.D.)  
Medicine (M.D.)  
  Medical Research  

Variable Charge Schools

University students enrolled in variable charge graduate schools are assessed tuition and fees based on their residency status, school of enrollment, and enrollment credits. For tuition and fee assessment purposes, enrollment credits are classified as either regular credit, non-topical research, or audit.

Students enrolled for regular credits, or regular credits plus non-topical research and/or audit credits, are assessed tuition and fees based only on the number of regular credits.

Students enrolled for non-topical credits, or non-topical research credits plus audit hours, are assessed tuition and fees under the classification of “research.”

For information on course classification and academic requirements, contact the appropriate school.

Tuition and Required Fees (Does not include School fees)

Academic Year (2 Semesters)


Virginia Students

All schools except Engineering and Law


9 or more credits





4-8 credits





1-3 credits











9 or more credits





4-8 credits





1-3 credits









Law (L.L.M., S.J.D.)


9 or more credits





4-8 credits





1-3 credits










Non-Virginia Students

All schools except Engineering and Law


9 or more credits





4-8 credits





1-3 credits











9 or more credits





4-8 credits





1-3 credits









Law (L.L.M., S.J.D.)


9 or more credits





4-8 credits





1-3 credits









School Fee
Academic Year (2 Semesters); students enrolled in the schools listed below are required to pay a fee in addition to tuition, required fees, and the activities fee.

Graduate Architecture



Graduate Arts and Sciences



Graduate Business (Doctoral Program)



Graduate Commerce



Graduate Education



Graduate Engineering






Graduate Nursing






Waiver of Tuition and/or Fees The following qualified individuals may request a waiver of a portion or all of the tuition and fees associated with attendance at the University of Virginia. This waiver must be requested each semester from the Student Accounts section of Student Financial Services. Individuals who request a waiver of their fees relinquish entitlement to use the facility or activity that the fees support, and their student identification cards are deactivated accordingly.

Employee Waiver Program University of Virginia full-time salaried faculty (9- or 12-month), ROTC faculty, full-time staff, and health care professionals who have been employed for one year or more may request the waiver of tuition and fees for enrollment in one course per semester. The waiver must be requested prior to the end of the registration period for that semester.

This waiver policy (760.800) is not applicable to non-credit or audited courses, non-topical research credits, books, or study material costs.

The course for which the waiver is obtained must be completed with a passing grade or better. Otherwise, the University must be reimbursed for the waived charges within 30 days of the issuance of grades. Students must pay all charges incurred if they withdraw from a course.

Faculty Spouse The spouse of a full-time University faculty member may request a waiver of the athletics and/or student health components of the required fees.

Dual Degree Programs Tuition and Fees

J.D.-M.B.A. Program During enrollment in this program, the student is treated as a regularly matriculated student at the school in which he or she is in residence. The student thus pays the School of Law tuition and fees while in residence at the School of Law, and the Darden Graduate School of Business Administration tuition and fees while in residence at Darden.

J.D.-M.A. Program During enrollment in this program, the student is treated as regularly matriculated at the school in which the student is in residence. The student thus pays the School of Law tuition and fees while in residence at the School of Law, and the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences tuition and fees while in residence at that school.

Registration and Payment

Fall and Spring Semester Registration Registration is completed by using ISIS each semester. Instructions for registering are available in the Course Offering Directory and online at www.virginia.edu/registrar. Upon completion of the registration process, an individual is classified as a registered student. Not attending classes does not alter the registration status or the assessment of tuition and fees. Once registered for a semester, a student may terminate registration only through official withdrawal from the University.

Payment and Late Payment The final date for payment of student account bills for University charges is printed on the bill available on-line for students. The payment due date for the fall semester is August 13, 2008; for the spring semester, it is January 5, 2009. Failure to receive a bill does not waive the requirement for payment when due. Any student who fails to pay the amount due by the specified payment due date is charged as follows:

Late fee:   $50 or 1.5% of the past-due amount (whichever is greater)  
Late fee for TAs, RAs, and Veterans: $10    

Students are billed for late fees in the next billing after registration. Requests for waivers of late fees due to extenuating circumstances must be made in writing and must be received by Student Financial Services by the late fee due date. Failure to receive a bill is not a legitimate reason for late payment, as all bills are available to students on-line through QuikPay@UVA.

Checks returned for insufficient or uncollected funds are immediately redeposited by our bank. Payment of tuition and fees by a check that is returned from the bank will incur a late fee if the repayment is not received by the published deadlines. A $20 service charge will also be assessed. Postdated checks should not be submitted; each check is immediately processed for payment regardless of its date.

The University accepts, on-line only, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover credit card payments for tuition, fees, housing, or dining charges. There is a 2.75% convenience fee charged by the payment processor.

Dropping Courses - Deadline for Financial Credit For students enrolled in variable charge graduate schools to receive full financial credit for dropped courses, the course must be dropped by the end of the sixth week of the school term and the student must remain enrolled in at least one course at the University. The definition of the sixth school week corresponds to the definition set forth in the withdrawal refund schedule. This drop date is used only for determining financial credit and does not bear any correlation to the dates set forth by the schools for dropping courses without academic penalty.

Installment Payment Plan In conjunction with a private vendor, the University has developed an installment plan. For an annual fee of $65, tuition, fees, housing, and dining charges may be paid in monthly installments. The final date to enroll in the payment plan is July 25, 2008. For complete details, contact Tuition Management Systems at 800-722-4867 or www.afford.com.

Withdrawal from the University

Tuition and Fees Students who withdraw from the University are charged a percentage of the tuition and fees based on the school week within which the withdrawal occurs. A school week is defined as the period beginning on Monday and ending on the succeeding Sunday; the first school week of a semester is defined as that week within which the University registration concludes. The effective date of withdrawal is determined by the dean of the school in which the student is enrolled and is recorded on the official withdrawal form that the student must complete as part of the withdrawal process. The schedule for allocation of tuition and fees between amounts charged and amounts credited is listed below. This schedule is subject to change.


  Percent   Percent


  Charged   Credited
1(partial week)   20   80
2   20   80
3   30   70
4   40   60
5   50   50
6   60   40
7   100   0

Any refunds owed to the student as a result of withdrawal will first be offset against any other amounts owed to the University.

Students who receive financial aid and withdraw prior to the completion of 61% of the enrollment period must repay Title IV funds (i.e., PLUS, Perkins, Subsidized, and Unsubsidized Loans; Pell, SEOG, HETAP, and CSAP Grants) to their sources. To determine what percentage of aid the student has earned, and what percentage must be returned, the financial aid office will divide the number of days the student attended by the number of days in the enrollment period. For details or examples, contact Student Financial Services.

Residence Hall Rent No refund of residence hall rent will be made in the event of withdrawal after the fifth class day of the semester. Upon vacating student housing facilities, the room key must be returned to the student accommodation office. The date the room key is returned to the student accommodation office is the effective termination date of the student housing contract.

Other Fees and Special Charges

Damage to University Property The student or students responsible are charged at the cost of repair or replacement.

I.D. Replacement Fee A fee of $15 is charged to replace a lost, stolen, or damaged student I.D. card. Payment must be made at the time of replacement.

Return Check Service Fee The University assesses a $20 service fee for all checks returned by the bank as non-negotiable. Checks are automatically redeposited by the bank once they are returned to the University.

Diploma Fees Replacement and duplicate diplomas may be obtained upon payment of a $50 fee plus a mailing fee.

Transcript Fee A fee of $5 is charged for each transcript of a student’s record. Payment must accompany the request.

Late Registration Fee Students who register within two weeks after the prescribed final registration period are assessed a $25 late fee. Students who register more than two weeks after the prescribed registration period are assessed a $50 fee.

Late Payment Fee Any student who fails to make payment by the payment due date specified on the bill is assessed a $50 or 1.5% of the past due amount. (whichever is greater).

International Services Fee All students attending the University under the F-1 or J-1 non-immigrant visa status are required to enroll for full time study in both the fall and spring semesters (9 or more credits for graduate students). Any change in visa or citizenship status must be submitted with original documentation to the International Student and Scholar Programs Office in Minor Hall. You are also required to obtain a Social Security Number if you will be receiving University-awarded financial support.

International Students may be charged a $50 International Services Fee. The revenue will offset substantial increases in technology and staff costs associated with the implementation and operation of the federally mandated Student and Exchange Visitor Program and the associated Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS). Further, the fees will ensure that the University is in compliance with federal mandates, as well as supporting the International Studies Office to have an adequate number of highly skilled professionals that can address all student legal status issues.

Non-Resident Fee Students are charged a fee of $143.50 for each semester they are on an approved leave of absence or each semester they are not enrolled for courses in a resident school but wish to maintain their matriculated status in the school. Students who are not engaged in any course work during the semester in which they expect to graduate must pay the non-resident fee.

Additional School Expenses Students in the School of Architecture have an additional expense of approximately $150 for supplies. Students in the School of Nursing should consult the School of Law General Information section for a detailed explanation of personal expenses.

General Payment Policies

Payment by Final Registration Students are expected to satisfy all outstanding obligations to the University before they are permitted to complete final registration. If outstanding obligations are not satisfied, courses are dropped after the final registration period.

Failure to Pay University Financial Obligations Enrolled students may be suspended from the University for past due financial obligations. Suspension includes dropping of courses and prevention from course enrollment for future terms. Current students have their debts offset against any credit balances and other proceeds, such as loan checks. Current and former students have a financial hold placed on their academic transcript. Past due obligations are reported to the state for offset against state income tax refunds, state vendor payments, and lottery winnings, and may be reported to credit bureaus, referred to third party collection agencies or the State Attorney General, or litigated. Debtors may be assessed collection costs up to fifty percent of their debt.

Federal Loans The University participates in the Federal Family Education Loan Program. Further information on federal loans is available in the Financial Aid section of this Record.

University Awarded Loans Proceeds from University awarded loans (e.g., Perkins, health professions, nursing, or institutional loans) are not distributed by check, but are applied directly to the student’s tuition account. Undergraduates must be registered for at least twelve credits, and graduates for the number of credits specified on the loan application, to be eligible to receive credit from these loan proceeds.

Credit Balances Credit balances resulting from a scholarship, fellowship, or University awarded loan are refunded by U.S. mail to arrive on or about October 1 in the fall and February 1 in the spring, unless direct deposit is in effect. Credit balances resulting from the installment payment plan are refunded in mid-November for the fall semester and mid-April for the spring semester.

Credit balances resulting from overpayment may first be used to offset any other past due amounts owed to the University. Credit balances of less than $5 are not refunded unless requested.

The University offers direct deposit of credit balance refunds to students’ bank accounts. Sign-up forms can be obtained from the payroll office or from the online U.Va. Forms Directory at http://uvaforms.virginia.edu. Direct deposit of credit balances is optional. If not chosen, checks are still issued; however, creation of checks is a slower process than direct deposit.

Permanent and Local Addresses Student Financial Services uses the permanent and local addresses that are recorded in ISIS. It is the student’s responsibility to maintain current addresses with UREG (Office of the University Registrar). Failure to update addresses on a timely basis may result in misdirected refund checks and bills. Prior to fall registration, graduate students’ bills are mailed to the permanent address; after registration and through the spring semester, bills are mailed to the local address.

Special Billing Addresses Because bills are available on-line, students may authorize others to view and/or pay their bills for them. Students must log into ISIS on-line, and click on the QuikPay@UVA link under Financial Services. Once logged in to QuikPay@UVA, the student may establish up to 5 authorized payers.

Taxability of Scholarships and Fellowships The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) tax code permits the exclusion of scholarships or fellowships from income up to the amount used for the payment of course-related expenses (i.e., tuition, fees, books, supplies, and equipment). The IRS does not consider the cost of room and board to be course-related. Stipends or living allowances paid as part of a scholarship or fellowship are considered taxable income. The University is required to withhold taxes on such payments only to nonresident alien recipients not claiming treaty benefits. However, all recipients are required to report their scholarships and fellowships to the IRS by filing a yearly tax return and to pay the requisite taxes. These provisions apply to all scholarship and fellowship recipients of domestic source grants, regardless of whether the recipient is an undergraduate, graduate student, citizen, or nonresident alien. Students should retain receipts for tax deductible items. The University cannot provide tax counsel.

Auditing Courses Students currently enrolled for regular or non-topical research courses are not charged for audited courses. However, individuals not currently enrolled who wish to audit courses at the University must do so through the School of Continuing and Professional Studies and are subject to their rate schedule.

Senior Citizens In compliance with the Senior Citizens Higher Education Act, the University waives tuition and required fees for courses on a space-available basis. To be eligible, a person must be at least 60 years old, have been legally domiciled in Virginia at least one year before the semester begins, and must gain admission to the University.

To qualify as a full-time or part-time student for credit, the senior citizen’s taxable income (for federal income tax purposes) the year prior to enrollment must not have exceeded $15,000.

There is no income requirement if the senior citizen wants to audit a course offered for credit or to enroll in a non-credit course. No more than three courses per semester may be taken on this basis, but there is no limit to the number of semesters a senior citizen may be enrolled. Instructors have the option of determining whether students may or may not take their courses on an audit basis. Those who have completed 75 percent of their degree requirements may enroll for courses at the same time as tuition-paying students, rather than waiting until regular registration is completed.

Veterans’ Benefits UREG (Office of the University Registrar) is the University liaison with the Veterans Administration in matters concerning educational benefits available to veterans under the provisions of Chapters 30, 31, 32, 34, 35 and 1606. (War Orphans’ benefits are handled through the scholarships/fellowships office in Student Financial Services, P.O. Box 400204, Charlottesville VA, 22904-4204; (434) 982-6000.)

Benefit information and application forms can be found on the VA Website: www.gibill.va.gov. Inquiries regarding how to start up VA benefits during enrollment at the University and certification procedures should be directed to: UREG (Office of the University Registrar), P.O. Box 400203, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4203; (434) 924-4122; or e-mail certify@virginia.edu.

Estimated Personal Expenses

Students should prepare and keep within a budget in order to develop the ability to utilize their resources effectively while living within their means. Instruction in the handling of checks and checking accounts is recommended prior to enrollment.

While the amount of money spent in meeting personal expenses at the University depends largely upon the resources and tastes of the student, the estimates given in the Financial Aid section are a helpful guide in the preparation of a budget. These estimates do not include expenses for clothing, travel, memberships in organizations, or recreation and entertainment. A reasonable allowance should be made for these items.

The University requires that all students carry year-round hospitalization insurance. This cost should also be included in a student’s estimate of expenses.

Classification as an In-State Student

Eligibility for in-state educational privileges, including in-state tuition rates, is governed by Section 23-7.4 et. seq. of the Code of Virginia.

Applicants for admission apply for in-state status by completing the Application for Virginia In-State Educational Privileges, and returning it with the admission application.

Currently enrolled students apply for changes in residency status through the Committee on Virginia Status, University of Virginia, P.O. Box 400160, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4203. Applications must be received prior to the first day of class of the semester for which in-state privileges are sought.

Students classified as non-residents in current degree programs should contact the Committee on Virginia Status if they are considering applying for admission to other degree programs.

As of August 2006, students attending Virginia Public Colleges and Universities who have established Virginia Domicile and eligibility for in-state tuition will be subject to a surcharge if they exceed 125% of the credit hours required to complete a degree.

At this time, the information available states that if a student who is classified as in-state exceeds 125% of the required course hours to complete their degree, they will be subject to a surcharge each semester thereafter, the surcharge to be determined by the State Council for Higher Education in Virginia (SCHEV).

More details and the administrative regulations are available on the University’s Financial Aid web site at www.virginia.edu/financialaid and SCHEV’s web site www.schev.edu.

University Housing


The housing of students has been a prime consideration of the University since its founding. The University has two main goals in providing students with housing accommodations on Grounds. The first is to furnish students with a variety of housing arrangements at a reasonable cost. The second is to provide an environment in which each student may achieve the maximum realization of his or her potential-intellectually, socially, and physically. Attributes such as self-discipline, concern for the rights of others, mental and social maturity, and respect for public and private property are expected to be fostered in group residence situations.

Graduate student housing is available in residence halls and apartments and these spaces are awarded through the room selection process. On-Grounds housing is readily available.

Room Reservations Room Reservations On-grounds housing applications for incoming graduate students can be found online at www.virginia.edu/housing/applications. Applications are due before June 1, 2008.

Room rent is charged by the semester and is due and payable upon receipt of a bill from Student Financial Services. All rental charges are subject to change.

All correspondence regarding University-owned accommodations for single students should be addressed to Accommodations, P.O. Box 400735, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4735; (434) 924-6873, Fax: (434) 924-3758; housing@virginia.edu.

Accommodations for Single Students

Gooch and Dillard Houses (Stadium Road) The nine structures comprising this complex accommodate approximately 650 undergraduate and graduate residents in suite arrangements. One and one-half buildings are reserved for graduate and Medical students. Each suite consists of a central living room, shared bath area, a microwave/refrigerator freezer unit, and, in most cases, six single bedrooms. A laundry, postal box room, and two large lounges with kitchens are provided in the complex. Bedrooms are wired for voice, data, and cable television.

Copeley III & IV Located on the North Grounds, these complexes contain 74 two-bedroom apartments. One building is reserved for graduate students. The apartments accommodate four students, with double occupancy in each bedroom. Each apartment is furnished with a sofa, chairs, a dining table and chairs, refrigerator, stove, single beds, wardrobes (each with a built-in chest), desks, and chairs. Laundry rooms and postal boxes are also available. Bedrooms are wired for voice and data connection, and common rooms are wired for cable television.

The Range and Crackerbox Consists of rooms located on the flanks of the Lawn. Each room is a single bedroom equipped with single bed, wardrobe, desk, and chair, and is wired for voice, data, and cable television. There is a special application process for the Range and Crackerbox that can be found at www.virginia.edu/residencelife/range.

Family Housing Accommodations

University Gardens This eight-building apartment complex north of Central Grounds on Emmet Street (U.S. Route 29) contains 41 one-bedroom apartments and 28 two-bedroom apartments. Furnished and unfurnished apartments are available.

Copeley Hill Apartments These accommodations of masonry construction, located northwest of Central Grounds, consist of 112 one-bedroom apartments, 112 two-bedroom apartments, and 30 three-bedroom apartments. Furnished and unfurnished apartments are available.

The Family Housing Association The association is governed by a council elected by residents from the various neighborhoods of the family housing communities. The FHA coordinates programmatic functions for the residents and serves as residents’ liaison with the Housing Division and other agencies.

Requests for information regarding student family housing should be addressed to Family Housing, University of Virginia, P.O. Box 400735, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4735; (434) 924-7030, Fax: (434) 924-3758: housing@virginia.edu.

Privately Owned Accommodations

Students wishing to obtain housing off Grounds should consult the local apartment locator services: www.brac.com or www.uvastudentcouncil.com/offgrounds.

Housing Regulations

Graduate students may live in University accommodations on Grounds, in fraternity or sorority houses, or in privately owned accommodations.

All rooms in University facilities are rented subject to the University Housing Terms and Conditions of Residence. This includes billing students for facility damages. When specific responsibility for damage cannot be determined, all costs are divided equally among the residents of that unit.

Students are strongly encouraged to obtain personal property insurance as the University is not responsible for damage to residents’ property.

Rental Rates

The following University housing rental charges are for the 2007-2008 session and are subject to change. For current rate information, go to www.virginia.edu/housing.

Single Student Rental Rates
Per Occupant for Nine Month Session
Stadium Road Houses - Gooch, Dillard
  Single Room  
  Single Room (12 months)  
  Double Room  
Copeley III & IV - Boyd, Glenn, Snavely, Abbott, Ribble
The Range and Crackerbox
  Single Room  
  Single Room (12 months)  
Family Housing Rental Rates
Per Month
Including utilities, except telephone.
Copeley Hill:
One Bedroom
Two Bedroom
Three Bedroom
University Gardens:
One Bedroom
Two Bedroom

Dining at U.Va.


Dining provides students numerous opportunities for meals and snacks from dining rooms, food courts, coffee shops, and convenience stores around Grounds. The residential dining rooms serve three meals on weekdays, as well as brunch and dinner on weekends, while the food court locations are open until late at night to offer a wide variety of dining options. Dining locations are accessible to students with disabilities.

The University student identification card is the student’s entry into the residential dining rooms. It allows students to use the meals and Plus Dollars in their dining plans, and tells them the current balances. If the card is lost or stolen, the card office must be notified immediately at 924-4508 to deactivate the card. A separate card is issued to students in the School of Continuing and Professional Studies.

Information about Dining is included in the myUVA book that is mailed to students in early summer, after having received notification of admission to the University. If additional information is needed, please Visit the Dining website at www.virginia.edu/dining or contact Dining Plan Coordinator, U.Va. Dining, P.O. Box 400312, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4312; (434) 982-5140, Fax: (434) 982-4995; dining@virginia.edu.

Dining Plan Options

Please note that the following descriptions of the dining plans do not include all relevant terms and conditions of the contract. Please refer to the dining brochure and the Annual Dining Plan Contract for complete details regarding dining plans, as well as nutrition counseling, Hoos in a Hurry, and other options.

Believing that a well-balanced diet is essential for good health, the University requires that all first-year undergraduate students participate in either the Unlimited, the Plus 15, or the Plus 13 dining plans during the first semester. Second-semester first-year students may choose to participate in the Plus 10 plan.

Weekly Meal Allowance The meal allowance is designed especially for first year students and students living on Grounds during the year. The meal allowance lets students enjoy all-you-care-to-eat dining for breakfast, lunch, and dinner in the residential dining rooms. Students receive a set number of meals per week based on the selected plan. Each time students eat in a residential dining room, one meal is subtracted from the semester’s meal allowance.

Semester Meal Allowance The semester meal allowance lets students enjoy all-you-care-to-eat dining for breakfast, lunch and dinner in the residential dining rooms. Students receive a varying number of guaranteed meals per semester. Each time students eat in a residential dining room, one meal is subtracted from the semester’s meal allowance.

Plus Dollars Each dining plan includes Plus Dollars, which can be used in all dining locations. They work like an ATM or debit card, and students can use Plus Dollars for beverages, snacks, or full meals. The total purchase price is subtracted from the Plus Dollar dining plan balance. Students may increase the flexibility of their meal plan by purchasing additional Plus Dollars at any time. All charges are billed by Student Financial Services, and funds are available within one business day of sign-up.

The Unlimited Plan provides complete access to the dining rooms for meals or snacks during regular hours of operation. There are no limits to the number of meals that may be eaten during the day or week. This program permits the student to fit his or her meals into the most demanding schedule. This plan also comes with 5 guest meals each semester.

The Plus 15, Plus 13, Plus 10, and Upperclass 10 dining plans allow the student any 15, 13, or 10 all-you-care-to-eat meals each week. Each of these plans is supplemented with Plus Dollars and five guest meals each semester.

The Semester 100, Semester 80, and Semester 50 dining plans are available to upperclass students, and they provide either 100, 80, or 50 meals per semester. These plans are especially convenient for students who live off Grounds . Each of these plans is supplemented with Plus Dollars and any of the meals may be used for a guest at the residential dining rooms.

Residential Colleges and Language Houses Students enrolled in either the Hereford, Brown, Shea, French, or Spanish houses must choose a residential dining plan. These plans include banquets and special events which are part of the residential college experience. First-year students must select either the Unlimited, Plus 15, or Plus 13 dining plan.

Required Meals

Brown College requires that all residents eat Sunday brunch and dinner, and dinners Monday through Thursday in the designated residential dining facility. Friday lunch may also be used as a Brown College residential meal at Newcomb Hall.

Hereford College requires that all residents eat at Runk Dining for Sunday brunch or dinner and two additional dinners between Monday and Thursday evening.

Language Houses The French and Spanish language houses require that all residents participate in a Language House Dining Plan. Students are required to eat dinner Monday through Thursday at their respective language house.

Athletic Dining Plans Varsity student athletes are required to participate in an Athletic dining plan. These plans include dinners at the John Paul Jones athletic dining room, featuring recipes designed to meet the special nutritional needs of student-athletes.

Dining Plan Changes

Dining plans are purchased for the entire academic year. All changes must be made by letter, on the Dining website (www.virginia.edu/dining) by completing the Dining Plan Change Request Form, or by filling out an Intent to Change Form at the Dining Services Administrative Office at Observatory Hill.

Students may change up to a dining plan with more weekly or semester meals at any time during the academic year. Students may reduce or cancel their dining plan by September 2, 2008 for fall semester, or between December 8, 2008 and January 20, 2009 for spring semester. Spring semester dining plan changes are not reflected on the Student Financial Services bill until after final registration in January.

There is no fee for changing meal plans; however a $50 administrative fee is applied to all cancellations except for students graduating in December or studying abroad.

Dining plan contracts are annual contracts, 2008-2009 dining plan rates are available on U.Va. Dining website at www.virginia.edu/dining.