Mar 11, 2025  
Graduate Record 2007-2008 
Graduate Record 2007-2008 [ARCHIVED RECORD]

Master of Business Administration

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M.B.A. Academic Program

The Darden School’s two-year program leading to a degree of Master of Business Administration prepares men and women of high promise to be leaders in the world of practical affairs. Darden M.B.A.s are taught to be action-oriented, take an enterprise perspective, and lead with integrity, vision, judgment, determination, and social responsibility. The Darden curriculum is an integrated program that provides an understanding of the fundamental areas of business while it develops the capacity to analyze managerial problems and present intelligent and resourceful solutions to these problems. The M.B.A. program compresses years of experience through the study of several hundred real business situations or cases involving a breadth and depth of analysis impossible to gain in years of on-the-job training.

The educational approach employed by the Darden School places significant responsibility for self-development on the individual student. Students are admitted not only for what they can learn, but also what they can teach their classmates in a discussion oriented setting. The curriculum is carefully planned and coordinated by the faculty, but the daily discussion revolves around student preparation and participation. This shared faculty and student responsibility for the classroom learning makes the Darden classroom experience highly dynamic and stimulating.

The Darden curriculum also emphasizes the ethical nature of leadership through required course work and broad integrated discussions of the role of the corporation and its leaders in business and society in general. The school’s concern with ethical values continues the tradition of the University of Virginia evident in the Honor System.

The Student Body The Darden School admits approximately 310 highly qualified individuals yearly. New students come from around the world and virtually every profession. These students are then organized into learning teams of five to six students and sections of 65 students. Each learning team and each section are designed to have a diversity of functional skills, demographics, and international background. Darden students quickly learn that one of the most important assets of their education is the network of relationships built among classmates from all over the world. The first year sections are shuffled at the beginning of the second semester in January to provide maximum opportunity to meet, learn from, and form long-term relationships with a wide range of classmates.

The Case Method The Darden School uses business problem oriented cases in the vast majority of classes. In case method, students learn in four steps: individual case reading, preparation and analysis; learning team discussion; section discussion; and post-class reflection and integration. Each case presents students with a real business situation and related decisions to make. Most cases require the student to decide and present extemporaneously what they would do in that situation. Students are expected to define the issues they identify in the case, use sound analytical techniques in applying their knowledge to the available data, evaluate the alternatives, make a reasonable decision, and recommend measures to implement their plan. This process simulates the function of modern managers in a wide variety of different industries, products, processes, and styles of management.

Case method is demanding. Potential students should be prepared to commit 60 to 80 hours each week to their academic endeavors. Darden School students will spend 3-5 hours a day on individual preparation, 2-3 hours in learning team meetings, 4.5 hours a day in class meetings with their section of 65 classmates, and 1-2 hours a day integrating the day’s learning into their business judgment base. Classroom time is spent largely in discussion, focusing on the definition, analysis, and a wide range of feasible approaches to a problem. To attain academic and personal growth in this environment, the student is required to participate in case discussions. Students’ grades are based in large part on the quality of their in-class contributions. Classes in the second year vary in size, but case discussion is still the chief learning experience.

While the following first year schedule is intended only as an example, it does indicate the degree of commitment expected of our students:


8:00 - 9:25              First class
9:25 - 10:00            Coffee
10:00 - 11:25          Second class
11:45 - 1:10            Third Class
Afternoon                Prepare cases for next day
Evening                   Meet with learning teams

While the case-method philosophy dominates the program, other methodologies (role-playing, simulations, field trips, guest lecturers, and exercises of various sorts) are used to augment students’ understanding of modern business practice. The Darden educational experience is a careful blending of theory and current practice designed to equip students to act confidently in a complex world.

Academic Regulations

Standards for the M.B.A. Degree The Darden School requires a minimum performance standard for its M.B.A. graduates. In addition, the school has performance standards for the first year program, each semester of the M.B.A. program, and each course.

In administering these standards, the school uses five grades, defined by the faculty as follows: A, Distinguished Performance; B+, High Performance; B, Standard Performance; B-, Low Performance; and F, Unacceptable Performance. In addition, occasions arise that necessitate assigning a grade that falls outside the standard range. The symbol IN (incomplete), assigned in such cases implies that, for reasons known to the individual faculty member, an enrolled student has not completed the work of the course at the end of a specified academic period.

An important element of student performance is classroom participation. Depending on the appraisal criteria of the instructor and course, classroom participation frequently accounts for up to 50 percent of a student’s grade. This proportion reflects the central role and importance of active engagement by the student in the learning process.

While assessments about classroom participation are incorporated into grades received by students at the end of each term, the first year program expects each student to be aware of, and responsible for, her or his participation on an ongoing basis. Although individual faculty, course faculty, or section faculty may find it appropriate to provide an assessment of student participation during a term, there is no requirement that they do so on a consistent basis. The responsibility for being informed of the impact one is having on others resides with the student. Consistent with this philosophy, a student who is uncertain about the value added by participation in class is expected to initiate discussions with faculty and students who can provide an independent perspective.

A course with 30 sessions is defined as one-course unit. A course with 15 sessions constitutes a half-course unit. For the purpose of assessing academic performance, the grades categories of Distinguished Performance (A), High Performance (B+), Standard Performance (B), and Low Performance (B-) are weighted on the basis of either a one-course unit or a half-course unit depending on the number of course sessions. The Unacceptable Performance category, (F grade) is always weighted as a one-course unit grade. An interim grade given at the end of the first semester of the first year has the course-equivalent units of the entire course for purposes of academic standards.

Session and Semester Grade Requirements

Two metrics are applied in assessing a student’s academic performance against the grade requirements stated below:

1.      Unacceptable Performance metric: the number of F grades

2.      Low Performance metric: the number of B- equivalent grades calculated from B- course units grades. For the purpose of assessing minimum performance standards with this metric, a B- grade in a 30-session course will be considered 1.0 B- course equivalent unit, while a B- in a 15-session course will be considered 0.5 B- course equivalent units. For example, one B- grade in a 30-sessions course and one B- in a 15-sessions course will be translated into 1.5 B- course equivalent units (1 + 0.5)

A student will be dismissed from the M.B.A. Program if any one of the following three conditions exists in the student’s cumulative grade record:

1.   A grade of F is earned in two courses.

2.   The number of B- course equivalent units meets or exceeds the semester-specified limits set forth.

3.   The number of B- course equivalent units and F grades meets or exceeds the semester-specified limits set forth.

Unacceptable Performance Course Grade and Make-Up Requirements

Students who earn an F grade in a First-Year Program core course must successfully complete, with a minimum grade of B-, a core-content examination covering the entire course. This make-up examination requirement will be administered by the course head of the relevant course and must be completed prior to the beginning of the Second-Year Program. The course head must inform the Academic Standards Committee of the outcome. A failing F grade on the examination results in dismissal from the program with no appeal to the Academic Standards Committee.

Students who earn an F grade in a First-Year Program elective course will be required to earn a minimum B- grade in an additional make-up First-Year Program elective course. This additional, make-up elective will count as a First-Year Program elective course, and it is to be completed during the student’s second year studies at Darden. A student may chose to retake the elective course (with permission of the instructor) or select a make-up elective from (a) the First-Year Program electives offerings in Quarter 4 of the First-Year Program or (b) the First-Year Program electives offered in the Second-Year Program.

No make-up activity is required for a student earning an F grade in a second-year elective course.

An F grade remains on a student’s transcript and continues to be counted in the student’s performance record.

First Semester, First Year A student who, at the end of the first semester of work, has received an interim or final grade of F in courses that have had at least 15 meetings or has accumulated 3 to 5 B- course equivalent units from final or interim course units grades shall, in order to continue in the program, be required to submit an action plan for grade improvement to the Academic Standards Committee prior to beginning the spring semester classes.

A student who, at the end of the first semester of work, has received a grade of F in two or more courses or, has accumulated 5.5 or more B- course equivalent units or, has accumulated a single grade of F and has accumulated 3.5 or more B- course equivalent units shall be notified by the Academic Standards Committee, acting on behalf of the faculty, that he or she is dismissed from the M.B.A. Program. The student may petition the Academic Standards Committee for readmission.

End of First Year A student who has received a grade of F in two or more courses or, has accumulated 5.5 or more B- course equivalent units or, has received a single grade of F and has received 3.5 or more B- course equivalent units shall be notified by the Academic Standards Committee, acting on behalf of the faculty, that he or she is dismissed from the M.B.A. Program. The student may petition the Academic Standards Committee for readmission.

Second Year Course overload programs will not generally be approved for students under Academic Standards Committee jurisdiction. The chairperson of the Academic Standards Committee or his/her designee must approve the final second-year selection sheets of students under Academic Standards Committee jurisdiction to ensure compliance with the overload constraint.

At the end of the third semester, a student who has received a grade of F in two or more courses or has accumulated 6.5 or more B- course equivalent units or has received a single grade of F and has accumulated 4.5 or more B- course equivalent units shall be notified by the Academic Standards Committee, acting on behalf of the faculty, that he/she is dismissed from the M.B.A. Program but may petition the Academic Standards Committee for readmission. 

At the end of the fourth semester, a student who has received a grade of F in two courses or has accumulated 8.0 or more B- course equivalent units or has received a single grade of F and has accumulated 6.0 or more B- course equivalent units is dismissed from the MBA Program and will not be recommended for the M.B.A. degree.

In either semester of the second year, a student who receives 3.0 or more B- course equivalent units or receives 1.0 or more B- course equivalent units and a grade of F shall be notified by the Academic Standards Committee, acting on behalf of the faculty, that he/she has failed to meet the standards for continuing the M.B.A. Program but may petition the Academic Standards Committee for readmission.

Academic Regulations

Students of the University are subject to two sets of regulations, those of the University as a whole and those of the respective schools. Listed below are rules that apply within The Darden School. Appropriate excerpts from the University regulations are set forth in the next section.

Performance in the School

In addition to (1) following the University standards of conduct, (2) abiding by theobligations of the Honor System, and (3) meeting the standards of The Darden School for scholastic achievement, a Darden School student is expected to (4) perform in a manner that is consistent with the academic good order and educational processes of both the individual courses and The Darden School of Business Administration in general, and to demonstrate, by seriousness of purpose, that he or she is profiting, or likely to profit, from the instruction offered. Such behavior is referred to herein as performance.

The faculty has provided a process for the review of the performance of a student whose actions suggest he or she is not profiting, or likely to profit, from the instruction offered, whose neglect or irregular performance of duties indicates indifference, or whose character and habits are inconsistent with the academic good order or educational process of individual courses or the Darden School in general.

It is not intended that this process shall be used in cases that fall solely within the jurisdiction of the Honor Committee, the Judiciary Committee of the University, or the Academic Standards Committee of The Darden School. In such cases, proceedings brought before any of these committees shall preclude action under this review procedure.

The procedure shall not abrogate an instructor’s rights and responsibilities for maintaining an effective and orderly learning atmosphere in class.

The process, in brief, provides for the establishment of an ad hoc committee of inquiry, which may include a student member, to hear the issue and, on behalf of the faculty, impose the penalty, if any, that it considers appropriate, up to and including enforced withdrawal from the Darden School.

The committee’s decision may be appealed to the school’s faculty. Full details of the procedure will be provided by the dean to any student whose performance is being reviewed or to anyone who has a legitimate interest.

Attendance Policy 

Darden students are expected to attend class in order to contribute as well as learn.  Each course must have a written attendance policy that describes the consequences of missed classes.  The course policy must be distributed to students before the end of the first week of classes.  Wherever students miss class, they should, out of courtesy, inform their instructor as to the circumstances, in advance if possible.

Grading System

The following letter symbols are used to grade student in the Darden School:  A, B+, B, B-, and F.

Credit/No Credit Grades Darden School students may not take courses on CR/NC basis.

Auditing Courses M.B.A. students and students enrolled in other schools of the University may audit elective courses with the permission of the instructor.

Withdrawals The dean’s office may ask a student at any time to withdraw from a particular course or from the school because of unsatisfactory academic work or for other adequate reasons.



The first three quarters of the first year of the M.B.A. program consist of a set of core courses required of all students. In addition, students must take three core electives during the fourth quarter (March and April). The second year program consists of 30 credits and has one required leadership course to be selected from a menu of options. The remainder of the second year program is comprised of electives. M.B.A. students may not opt out of courses they have previously taken. No courses may be waived. First year courses are fully coordinated into a single program that is more than the sum of its parts. While the courses are formally distinct, each one contributes more than the basic knowledge of a narrow specialty and provides an opportunity to use and expand on knowledge gained in each of the other courses. For example, quantitative analysis concepts are used in marketing, accounting, finance, operations, and country analysis. Leadership concepts introduced in Organizational Behavior are employed in all of the courses. First year faculty course heads plan the introduction of overlapping concepts so that all courses may benefit. The result is a comprehensive, integrated view of business.

As a result of this curriculum design, Darden graduates are well informed and conversant with current thinking in the traditional functional areas of business; they are able to use the quantitative methods of the modern business environment, they understand business applications of the behavioral sciences, they understand the ethical nature of all their decisions, and they have a command of oral and written communication skills essential to being an effective leader. Darden graduates repeatedly report that they are qualified to assume leadership in the world of practical affairs at a more rapid pace than many of their counterparts. Because they understand both the modern techniques and broad environment of business, nationally and internationally, Darden graduates are equipped to think analytically and imaginatively, to solve problems, and to make things happen.

The First Year

The emphasis during the first year program is on the fundamentals of managing a global business. The pedagogical focus during the first year is on integrated program. First year students learn about the essential business management issues in accounting, finance, marketing, operations, ethics, management communications, leadership and organizational behavior, strategy and business in a global political environment. This integrated program design gives students an experience that encompasses a knowledge of analytical techniques, an understanding of the functional demands of a global business and their interrelationships, and an appreciation of the environment in which business functions. The different courses are so integrated that the many skills and attributes of business management are developed simultaneously.

The course of study assumes little background in formal business education but does require baseline competency in foundational skills.

Grading at Darden is based on classroom contributions and written work, primarily course end exams.

M.B.A. Requirements

The first year program consists of 30 credits:

  • Accounting for Managers (3.0)
  • Business Ethics (1.5)
  • Decision Analysis (3.0)
  • Financial Management and Policies (3.0)
  • Global Economies and Markets (3.0)
  • Leading Organizations (3.0)
  • Management Communication (1.5)
  • Marketing (3.0)
  • Operations Management (3.0)
  • Strategic Thinking and Action (1.5)
  • Plus three electives of 1.5 credits each

Second year students must take one course on leadership from among a group of approved courses. The rest of the second year is elective, adding up to a total of 30 credits.

The Second Year

The overarching objective of the second year is to strengthen students’ skills in their chosen career paths, specifically:

  • To build on the general management foundation of the first year by providing students with opportunities to pursue their chosen areas of interest in greater depth
  • To stimulate the design and offering of innovative and relevant leading-edge M.B.A.. courses
  • To develop leadership capabilities in students
  • To prepare students for lifelong learning and continued professional development
  • To support and facilitate the transition of students into the business community
  • To support and encourage activities outside the classroom that serve to enhance the Darden community, develop individual relationships, and foster a sense of social responsibility
While the second year curriculum is an extension and elaboration of the structurally integrated first year, it allows flexibility in the selection of elective courses. That flexibility can be used to develop depth in functional expertise or breadth in general management perspective.

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