Sep 10, 2024  
Graduate Record 2007-2008 
Graduate Record 2007-2008 [ARCHIVED RECORD]

How to Read Course Listings

How to Read Course Listings

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Courses listed in this catalog have been approved by the faculties of the schools in which the courses are taught. Only courses that have been approved by the faculty are eligible for academic credit. The following information introduces components of the course descriptions listed in each school’s section.

Course Numbering System




Lower level undergraduate: introductory and survey courses.

300-499   Upper level undergraduate: advanced courses that may have prerequisites or require instructor permission.
500-599   Introductory graduate level: courses for beginning graduate students and advanced undergraduates.
600-699   Professional level: courses generally reserved for the schools of Medicine and Law; exceptions exist for other professional offerings, particularly in the field of teacher education.
700-899   Graduate level: courses appropriate for masters and beginning doctoral degree programs.
900-999   Graduate level: courses reserved for offerings in doctoral programs, such as readings, research, independent study, and dissertations.

Where possible, odd numbers signify fall semester courses and even numbers signify spring semester courses. The determination of course level is the responsibility of the offering department and/or school. The academic policy committee of each school is expected to assume the necessary monitoring function.

Special Numbering The numbers 90-99 in each hundred series from 100-900 (e.g., 291, 493, 897) are designated for special usage as follows:

  • _90 Honors Courses
  • _91 Capstone Courses
  • _92 Capstone Courses
  • _93 Independent Study
  • _94 Independent Study
  • _95 Supervised or Independent Research
  • _96 Supervised or Independent Research
  • _97 Thesis/Dissertation/Non-Topical Research
  • _98 Thesis/Dissertation/Non-Topical Research
  • _99 Thesis/Dissertation/Non-Topical Research

Descriptions of courses numbered below 600 are listed in the Undergraduate Record. Undergraduates wishing to take courses numbered 600 or above must obtain permission from the dean of the school in which they want to take the course, as well as from their own school of enrollment.

Please note that not all courses listed in the Record are taught each semester.

Guide to Reading Course Descriptions



BIOL 701 - (3) (Y)
Cell Physiology

Prerequisite: BIOL 501.
Studies cell structure and function, metabolism, membranes and transport, and cellular specializations.

Explanation of example:

BIOL 701 - course mnemonic (see glossary) and number.

(3) - number of credits that will be earned upon successful completion of the course. Where courses are dually numbered (701, 702), the number of credits represents the number of credits for each section of the courses, e.g., three credits for 701 and three credits for 702.

(Y) - code for frequency with which the course is offered. Variations are:

S   offered fall and spring semesters
Y   offered at least once every academic year (fall or spring semester)
E   offered when the fall semester occurs in an even year (e.g., 2006-2007)
O   offered when the fall semester occurs in an odd year (e.g., 2005-2006).
SI   offered upon sufficient student interest
IR   offered irregularly
SS   offered during summer session
J   offered during January session

Cell Physiology - course title.

Prerequisite: BIOL 501. - Prerequisites are courses or conditions that must be successfully completed prior to enrollment in the course described. Prerequisites separated by a comma indicate a series of prerequisites, all of which are required. Variations include BIOL 501 or 503 where either course, but not both, must be taken prior to enrollment in the described course. An exception occurs when or precedes the last entry in a series, in which case the commas indicate or throughout (e.g., BIOL 501, 503, or equivalent). Corequisite means that concurrent enrollment in the course or courses designated and the course or courses described is required.

Studies cell structure and function, metabolism, membranes and transport, and cellular specializations. - course description.