The purpose of the program in educational research, statistics, and evaluation is to prepare students to plan and conduct empirical research and evaluation in order to add to the knowledge about educational practice and policy. The program prepares students to apply the quantitative and qualitative approaches in seeking solutions to educational problems by equipping them to state important educational questions, bring existing knowledge to bear on such questions, create efficient designs for collecting data that are relevant to such questions, use appropriate procedures for analyzing the data, and communicate the findings effectively.
The Educational Research, Statistics, and Evaluation Program consists of a sequence of courses in quantitative and qualitative methods ranging from elementary statistical concepts to advanced multivariate techniques, qualitative research design and methods, and evaluation. In addition, advanced seminars allow intense exploration of other topics. Students may choose to specialize in one of three areas: statistical research methods, qualitative research methods, or program evaluation. Students are also involved in ongoing research projects directed by program faculty.
Graduates at the master’s level are employed by school systems, state education departments, schools of education, nursing, medicine, etc., and other public and private organizations engaged in educational research or evaluation. Doctoral-level graduates are qualified for a wide variety of leadership positions. Some have become professors in universities, while others have found leadership positions in state and national educational agencies and organizations, in profit and non-profit private educational firms, and in industry.