Jul 26, 2024  
Undergraduate Record 2017-2018 
Undergraduate Record 2017-2018 [ARCHIVED RECORD]

Programs and Degrees Offered

Listed below are the undergraduate programs and degrees offered by the University of Virginia. The degrees and programs listed below will appear on students’ official academic records after they have been awarded the degree. Degrees are conferred in May, August, and December. All course work must be completed before the conferral of a degree. Students who do not complete their course work by the published graduation date will be awarded their degree at the next available degree date. Degree requirements are subject to change each year by vote of the faculties of the schools in which the programs are offered. The abbreviations used in this table include the following:

B.A. Bachelor of Arts
B.Ar.H. Bachelor of Architectural History
B.I.S. Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies
B.P.S. Bachelor of Professional Studies in Health Sciences Management
B.S. Bachelor of Science, College of Arts and Sciences
B.S. Bachelor of Science, School of Architecture
B.S. Bachelor of Science, School of Engineering
B.S.C. Bachelor of Science in Commerce
B.S.Ed. Bachelor of Science in Education
B.S.N. Bachelor of Science in Nursing
B.U.E.P. Bachelor of Urban and Environmental Planning
CERT Certificate



Credits Required


College of Arts and Sciences

African-American and African Studies B.A. 120 AFRAM-BA
Anthropology B.A. 120 ANTHRO-BA
Area Studies - Latin American Studies B.A. 120 ARLAMR-BA
Art-Art History B.A. 120 ARTH-BA
Art-Studio Art B.A. 120 ARTS-BA
     - Cinematography      
     - New Media      
     - Painting      
     - Photography      
     - Printmaking      
     - Sculpture      
Astronomy B.A. 120 ASTRON-BA
Astronomy-Physics B.S. 120 ASTPHY-BS
Biology B.A., B.S. 120, 120 BIOL-BA, BIOL-BS
Chemistry B.A. 120 CHEM-BA
Chemistry B.S. 120 CHEM-BS
     - Biochemistry      
     - Chemical Education      
     - Chemical Physics      
     - Environmental      
     - Materials      
Classics B.A. 120 CLAS-BA
    - Greek      
    - Latin      
Comparative Literature B.A. 120 COMPLT-BA
Drama B.A. 120 DRAMA-BA
Economics B.A. 120 ECON-BA
     - Finance      
     - International Economics      
     - Public Policy      
English B.A. 120 ENGL-BA
     - Literature and Culture      
     - Medieval & Renaissance      
     - Poetry Writing      
Environmental Sciences B.A., B.S. 120 EVSC-BA, EVSC-BS
Foreign Affairs B.A 120 FORAFF-BA
French B.A 120 FRENCH-BA
German B.A. 120 GERMAN-BA
Government B.A. 120 GOVT-BA
Government-Foreign Affairs B.A. 120 GOVFOR-BA
History  B.A. 120 HIST-BA
Interdisciplinary B.A. 120 INIMP-BA
     - American Studies B.A. 120 INAMST-BA
           *  Popular & Visual Culture      
           *  Race & Ethnicity      
           *  Southern Studies      
           *  Student Designed      
     - Archaeology B.A. 120 INARCY-BA
     - Chinese Language & Literature B.A. 120 INCHIN-BA
     - Cognitive Science B.A. 120 INCOGS-BA
            *  Cognitive Psychology      
            *  Computer Science      
            *  Linguistics      
            *  Neuroscience      
            *  Philosophy      
     - Computer Science B.A. 120 INCOMP-BA
     - East Asian Studies B.A. 120 INEAST-BA
     - Echols Scholars Program B.A. 120 INECHL-BA
     - Environmental Thought & Practice B.A. 120 INETP-BA
     - German Studies B.A. 120 INGERM-BA
     - Global Studies B.A. 120 INGLST-BA
          *  Global Development Studies      
          *  Global Environment & Sustainability      
          *  Global Middle East and South Asia      
          *  Global Public Health      
          * Global Security & Justice      
     - Human Biology B.A. 120 INHBIO-BA
     - Japanese Language & Literature B.A. 120 INJAPN-BA
     - Jewish Studies B.A. 120 INJWST-BA
     - Linguistics B.A. 120 INLING-BA
     - Media Studies B.A. 120 INMDST-BA
            *  Media Policy & Ethics      
     - Medieval Studies B.A. 120 INMESL-BA
     - Middle Eastern Languages and Literatures B.A. 120 INMEST-BA
     - Middle Eastern Studies B.A. 120 INMSP-BA
     - Neuroscience B.A. 120 INNESC-BA
     - Political & Social Thought B.A. 120 INPPL-BA
     - Political Philosophy, Policy, & Law B.A. 120 INPST-BA
     - South Asian Languages and Literatures B.A. 120 INSASL-BA
     - South Asian Studies B.A. 120 INSAST-BA
     - Statistics B.A. 120 INSTAT-BA
           *  Actuarial Finance      
           *  Biostatistics      
           *  Econometrics      
           *  Engineering Statistics      
           *  Mathematical Statistics      
     - Women, Gender, and Sexuality B.A. 120 INSWAG-BA
           *  Gender Studies      
           *  Sexuality Studies      
Italian B.A. 120 ITAL-BA
Mathematics B.A. 120 MATH-BA
     - Financial      
     - Graduate Preparation      
     - Probability & Statistics      
     - Teacher Education      
Music B.A. 120 MUSIC-BA
Philosophy B.A. 120 PHIL-BA
Physics B.A., B.S. 120, 120 PHYS-BA, PHYS-BS
Psychology B.A. 120 PSYCH-BA
Religious Studies B.A. 120 RELIG-BA
     - African Religions      
     - Buddhism      
     - Christianity      
     - Hinduism      
     - Islam      
     - Judaism      
Slavic Languages & Literatures B.A. 120 SLAVIC-BA
     - Russian & East European Studies      
     - Russian Language      
     - Russian Literature      
Sociology B.A. 120 SOCIOL-BA
Spanish B.A. 120 SPAN-BA
     - General Spanish      
     - Linguistics & Philology      
     - Literature & Culture      
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) CERT 15 TESLUG-CRT

Curry School of Education

Kinesiology B.S.Ed. 120 KINES-BSED
Kinesiology-Adapted Physical Education B.S.Ed.    
Kinesiology-Exercise Physiology B.S.Ed.    
Kinesiology-Physical Education B.S.Ed.    
Kinesiology-Sports Medicine B.S.Ed.    
Speech Communication Disorders B.S.Ed. 120 SPATH-BSED
Youth & Social Innovation B.S.Ed. 120 YOUTH-BSED
Five Year Teacher Education Program      
     - Elementary Education M.T. 150 ELEM-MT
     - English Education M.T. 150 ENGLED-MT
     - Foreign Language Education M.T. 150 FORED-MT
     - Kinesiology M.T. 150 KINES-MT
     - Mathematics Education M.T. 150 MATHED-MT
     - Science Education M.T. 150 SCIED-MT
               - Biology      
               - Chemistry      
               - Earth and Space Science      
               - Physics      
     - Social Studies Education M.T. 150 SOCED-MT
     - Special Education M.T. 150 SPCED-MT
               - Early Childhood Development      
               - Elementary Education      
               - Foreign Language Education      
               - Secondary Education      

Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy

Public Policy and Leadership B.A. 120 PUBPOL-BA

McIntire School of Commerce

Commerce B.S.C. 120 COMM-BSC
      - Accounting      
      - Business Analytics      
      - Entrepreneurship Track      
      - Finance      
      - Global Commerce Track      
      - Information Technology      
      - Quantitative Finance      
      - Management      
      - Marketing      
      - Real Estate Track      

School of Architecture 

Architecture B.S. 127 ARCH-BS
     - Architectural Design Thinking      
     - Architectural Multidisciplinary      
     - Architectural Studies      
     - Pre-Professional      
Architectural History B.Ar.H. 122 ARH-BARH
Urban & Environmental Planning B.U.E.P. 122 PLAN-BUEP

School of Continuing and Professional Studies

Accounting CERT 30 ACCT-CRT
Criminal Justice Education CERT 17 CRMJUG-CRT
Federal Acquisition CERT 18 FEDACQ-CR
Human Resources Management CERT 18 HRESUG-CRT
Information Technology CERT 18 INFOTE-CRT
Interdisciplinary Studies B.I.S. 120 IDST-BIS
      - Business      
      - Individualized      
      - Liberal Arts      
National Criminal Justice Command College CERT 15 PCCUG-CRT
Post-Baccalaureate Pre-Medical Program CERT 30 PREMED-PB
Procurement and Contracts Management CERT 18 PROCUG-CRT
Health Sciences Management B.P.S. 120 HSMGT-BPS

School of Engineering and Applied Science

Aerospace Engineering B.S. 128 AERO-BS
Biomedical Engineering B.S. 126 BIOMEN-BS
Chemical Engineering B.S. 128 CHEMEN-BS
Civil Engineering B.S. 128 CIVIL-BS
Computer Engineering B.S. 128 COMPEN-BS
Computer Science B.S. 127 COMPSC-BS
Electrical Engineering B.S. 128 ELECT-BS
Engineering Science B.S. 128 ENGSCI-BS
     - Materials Science & Engineering      
     - Nanomedicine Engineering      
Mechanical Engineering B.S. 128 MECH-BS
Systems Engineering B.S. 128 SYSTEM-BS

School of Nursing 

Nursing B.S.N. 120 NURS-BSN
Nursing RN to BSN B.S.N. 120 NURS-RNBSN