Oct 06, 2024  
Graduate Record 2007-2008 
Graduate Record 2007-2008 [ARCHIVED RECORD]

Academic Regulations

Academic Regulations

The following academic regulations appear in this section:

Click on a link to be taken to the entry below.


Academic Grievance Procedure

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Students who have a grievance relating to a faculty member, department chair, or dean are invited to discuss their academic grievance in the following manner:

  1. concerns related to a faculty member that cannot be resolved between the two parties should be discussed with the department chair on a person-to-person basis;
  2. if the concern is related to the department chair (in schools with departments), the grievance should be filed with the dean of the school;
  3. if the concern is related to the dean of the school, the grievance should be filed with the Vice President and Provost;
  4. if the level of concern relates to the Vice President and Provost, appropriate written documentation should be presented to the President of the University.

Academic Probation, Warning, and Suspension

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Probation Students may be placed on academic probation or academic warning for failure to make satisfactory progress toward a degree. Failure to make satisfactory progress can mean the failure to either meet a certain grade point average in a given semester or to maintain a cumulative grade point average at a specified level. Failure to make satisfactory progress may also mean failure to earn enough academic credits in a given semester or to earn a specified number of credits at the end of each academic year, (e.g., by the end of the student’s first year, second year, etc.). Probation is in the nature of a warning that if credit or grade point deficiencies are not rectified within a specified period of time, the student is subject to academic suspension from the University. Students placed on academic probation have the notation “Academic Probation” placed on their permanent academic records following the term in which the probation action occurred.

The schools of the University have different definitions of what constitutes satisfactory academic progress. Students should consult their school’s section in this catalog to determine the definition and possible sanctions appropriate to their school.

Suspension Students who have been on probation or warning and who continue to make less than satisfactory progress toward their degrees will be suspended from the University. In most schools, a suspended student may apply for readmission to the University after one calendar year. Applications for readmission must be made in writing to the student’s dean. Students who are readmitted after being suspended are considered to be on probation and must meet specified academic objectives. Failure to meet those objectives will result in a second academic suspension. A second academic suspension is considered final.

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

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The Learning Needs and Evaluation Center (LNEC) provides a range of services to students with disabilities. It is the student’s responsibility to inform the University of the need for accommodation due to a disability. Requests for accommodations must be supported by appropriate documentation and sent for review to the LNEC. When a student has a disability and requests a reasonable accommodation, the LNEC will help identify accommodations and coordinate these with students, faculty, and other University departments. The LNEC may also facilitate access to other services within the University that may benefit a student whether or not he or she is disabled. Accommodations and/or services may include alternate text formats for course material, peer note-taking, interpreting, housing arrangements, preliminary evaluation of academic difficulties, and other interventions on an as-needed basis.

All accommodation requests should be submitted in a timely manner, preferably before the semester begins, or not later than three weeks into the semester. Specific deadlines for certain types of accommodation requests are posted on the LNEC’s web site each term; however, every request is reviewed on a case-by-case basis. For requests involving on-Grounds housing, appropriate deadlines within the Housing office should also be met. Any questions should be referred to the student’s dean’s office or the LNEC.

For more specific information about services and policies, including guidelines and forms for documentation, see the LNEC web site at www.virginia.edu/studenthealth/lnec.html. To contact LNEC, call (434) 243-5181, (434) 243-5188 (Fax) or (434) 243-5189 (V/TTY). The LNEC is located at the Elson Student Health Center, 400 Brandon Avenue, P.O. Box 800760, Charlottesville, VA 22908-0760.

Attendance in Classes

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Faculty members have the right to establish attendance and participation requirements in each of their courses. Course requirements (e.g., examinations, oral presentations, laboratory experiments, participation in discussion) are in no sense waived due to absence from class. Instructors may establish penalties when excessive absences would seriously hinder achievement in any course.

Auditing Courses

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Students may audit courses with the permission of the instructor. Courses successfully taken on an audit basis have the symbol AU (audit) recorded in the grade column of the academic record. As no credits or grade points are earned in audited courses, these courses are not applicable toward a degree. Instructors have the option of deciding whether students may or may not take their courses on an audit basis. A grade of W is recorded for any student who discontinues the audit after the drop deadline or who fails to meet the instructor’s standards.

Changes in Schedules (Add/Drop/Withdrawal)

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Changes in students’ class schedules are made by using ISIS (www.virginia.edu/isis). If admission to a course requires instructor permission, a form signed by the instructor must be submitted to either the dean’s office of the school in which the student is enrolled or, if the student is enrolled in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, to the department offering the course. Students may add and drop courses through the deadlines set by their school each semester.

After the drop deadline has passed, a grade is assigned by the instructor depending upon the policies of the school in which the student is enrolled. An appropriate withdrawal grade appears on the official academic record.

No refunds are given for classes dropped after the mid-point of the semester.

Specific add, drop, and withdrawal policies and dates may vary by school and are detailed in subsequent sections.

Continuing and Professional Studies Courses

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Students enrolled in degree programs must obtain advance approval from their school in order to take courses through the School of Continuing and Professional Studies. With approval, a course taken through continuing and professional studies may be counted toward degree requirements and, for undergraduates, included in the computation of a grade point average. However, if advance approval is not obtained, the continuing and professional studies courses do not apply toward a degree program.

If a continuing and professional studies student subsequently enrolls in a degree program, grades for continuing and professional studies courses taken prior to enrollment in the degree program will be included in the student’s grade point average as approved by the school offering the degree.

Course Load

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Each school has established the minimum and maximum number of credits for which students are normally expected to register. Registration for fewer credits than the minimum or more credits than the maximum requires special permission from the dean’s office. Course load requirements and permission procedures may vary by school and are detailed in subsequent sections.

Cross-Listed Courses

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With appropriate approval, a course may be cross-listed under more than one mnemonic or level, but only one section may be taken for degree credit. Level 500 or higher cross-listed sections are normally reserved for graduate students.

Deceased Student Academic Record Policy

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Records for deceased students may be released to members of the family or to other personnel with the written approval of the family or representative of the estate. Before such release, UREG (Office of the University Registrar) may require, at its discretion, a copy of the death certificate or obituary. Absent written approval from the family or representative of the estate, only directory information will be released.

Final Examinations

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Final examinations are given in courses during designated times at the end of each semester, and only at the times designated by UREG (Office of the University Registrar). Faculty members are not authorized to change the announced times of their examinations. Such changes may be authorized only by a faculty member’s dean’s office, and then only for compelling reasons. All students must have the opportunity to take the examination at the time announced.

Students are not permitted to take a final examination before its regularly scheduled time. When genuinely serious conditions exist, students, with the consent of the course instructor, may be allowed to postpone a final examination until after the regular exam period. When the instructor concurs, the student must submit a postponement request on a form provided by the dean’s office of the school in which the student is registered. Students will then take the examination at the instructor’s convenience, usually within four weeks of the last day of the exam period. Unexcused absence from a final examination results in an automatic grade of F in the course.

Grading System

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Records of academic achievement are maintained by the University in terms of credits, grades, and grade points.

Credit The unit of credit at the University is the semester credit. Each semester credit represents one class period of a minimum of 50 minutes per week for each week in the semester. Lecture-recitation courses require a minimum of one 50-minute class period each week in the semester for every one credit earned. Laboratories and field work require a minimum of two 50-minute class periods (or the equivalent amount of time) for each week in the semester for every one credit earned.

Grades Grades and symbols used to record academic progress are listed in the following grading system table. Each school determines its own grading system. Students are graded according to the grading system of the school in which they are registered, not according to the grading system of the school through which the course is taught. Additional regulations apply to courses taught on a credit/no credit basis and are described in the section entitled Credit/No Credit Grades.

Grades and Grade Point Averages Grade points are assigned to all grades and some symbols listed in the following grading system table. Grade point averages are calculated by totaling the number of grade points earned, then dividing that total by the number of credits carried toward the GPA.

Grade   Grade Points   Included in GPA   Credits Earned
A+(7)   4.000   Y   Y
A   4.000   Y   Y
A-      3.700      Y      Y
B+   3.300   Y   Y
B   3.000   Y   Y
B-   2.700   Y   Y
C+   2.300   Y   Y
C   2.000   Y   Y
C-   1.700   Y   Y
D+   1.300   Y   Y
D   1.000   Y   Y
D-   0.700   Y   Y
F   0.000   Y   N
Symbol   Definition        
CR(2)   Credit   N   Y
NC(2)   No credit   N   N
W   Withdrawal   N   N
WP(3)(4)   Withdraw passing   N   N
WF(3)(4)   Withdraw failing   N   N
WD   Administrative withdrawal   N   N
S(3)   Satisfactory   N   Y
U(3)   Unsatisfactory   N   N
AU   Audit   N   N
IN   Incomplete   N   N
IV   Invalid grade   N   N
NG(6)   No grade   N   N
NR   Non-Resident   N   N
YR(1)(3)(5)   Year-long course   N   N

(1) Not valid in the School of Nursing.
(2) Commerce School courses (COMM) may not be taken on CR/NC basis.
(3) Not valid in the School of Commerce.
(4) Not valid in the College of Arts and Sciences.
(5) Not valid in the School of Architecture.
(6) Included in the GPA for undergraduate schools.
(7) In the School of Law, an A+ carries 4.300 grade points.

Incompletes The symbol IN (incomplete) is used when additional course work is required or examinations need to be taken in order to fulfill the requirements of a given course. Policies governing the use of the incomplete symbol may vary by school and are described in subsequent sections.

Grade Changes No grade may be changed after it has been submitted to UREG (Office of the University Registrar) without the approval of the dean. The dean is not authorized by the faculty to change a grade except when an instructor certifies that, because of an error in calculation or transcription, an incorrect grade has been submitted. The deans are also authorized to change incomplete or missing grades to an F or withdrawal. Instructors must submit grade change forms to the student’s dean’s office (or to the director of Summer Session for visiting and unclassified summer students) for approval. Except as noted below, grades cannot be changed more than one semester following the end of the course.

Education: The Curry School limits the time in which a grade change may be approved to one calendar year following the end of the course.

Incomplete Policies The notation IN (incomplete) indicates that a final grade for the course is being withheld by the instructor until the student completes all course requirements or examinations. A student may not request an IN grade in an attempt to raise his or her grade. Prior to the end of the course, students must initiate the request for an IN and secure the instructor’s approval. Except as noted below, grade changes from IN to a final grade cannot be made more than one semester following the end of the course, and instructors may set shorter deadlines. Except as noted below, a grade of IN becomes an F if the course is not completed by the end of the following semester.

Architecture: Incomplete and Missing Grades A grade of IN (Incomplete) is not a valid final grade and becomes an F ten days after the end of the examination period unless a student requests an extension and obtains approval using a form signed by the course instructor and approved by the Associate Dean for Students. Students with a written doctor’s medical excuse submitted to the Associate Dean for Students will receive an IN for work remaining at the end of the semester for which that excuse is applicable. A grade of IN approved for extension converts to F four weeks after the end of the examination period. Thesis credit deadlines are handled on a case-by-case basis between the student and the thesis chair. Instructors are not authorized to extend the time for completion of course work without the Associate Dean for Student’s approval. Forms for securing extensions are available in the Student Services Office, 120-A Campbell Hall.

A notation of NG (no grade reported) computes as an F and remains on the transcript unless corrected. Grades must be resolved by the first Friday in January for fall semester courses, and the last Friday in May for spring semester courses. Grades which remain IN after those times will be administratively changed to an F.

Commerce: An IN grade becomes an F ten days following the final examination unless arrangements have been made with the faculty member and the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs for work to be made up later.

Education: The timeline to complete an IN may be negotiated with the instructor, but may not extend beyond one year of the semester in which the course was taken. Students are expected to enter into a written contract with the instructor specifying the remaining requirements and agreed-upon timeline. It is the student’s responsibility to file the incomplete agreement in the Curry Admissions Office. After one year, if the student has not met the terms of the incomplete agreement, the faculty member may submit a grade of NC, F, U, WP, WF, or W; if no action is taken, the incomplete is administratively changed to a W. In order to change a grade which is older than three years, the course instructor may require that the student take the course again.

Engineering: A grade of IN becomes and F ten days following the final examination. A maximum extension to the end of the subsequent fall or spring semester may be granted upon special request to the dean’s office.

Nursing: An IN grade remaining at the time of graduation is converted to an F. For graduate students, a grade of IN becomes an F at the end of the following semester of enrollment or within one calendar year, whichever comes first. Graduate students with two or more IN grades may not enroll in courses in subsequent terms.

No Grade The notation NG (no grade) is used when a grade is not indicated by the instructor or when course grades are not submitted to UREG (Office of the University Registrar) within two weeks following the end of the semester (four weeks for Continuing and Professional Studies courses). The NG notation is changed to a final grade upon receipt of the grade from the instructor by UREG (Office of the University Registrar). No student with an outstanding NG is eligible to receive a degree or certificate.

Credit/No Credit Grades Students have the option of receiving the grades CR (credit) or NC (no credit) in place of A-F grades. This option is selected when a student registers for the course. Instructors have the right to deny students permission to take courses on a CR/NC basis. If this occurs, students may either change back to the regular grading option or drop the courses entirely. Courses taken for CR/NC may not be used for any major or basic area requirements without departmental approval. Specific CR/NC policies for each school are detailed in subsequent sections.

Graduation and Diplomas

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Students who have completed all degree requirements in both their major and their school, and who have observed the rules and regulations of the University, including the Honor Code, and who are otherwise in good standing, will be recommended to the faculty of their school for a conferral a degree by the University of Virginia. A list of the degrees conferred by the University and the minimum number of credits required for each degree is included in Part II. To receive a degree from the University, students must achieve a minimum grade point average of 2.000 in the courses required for graduation.

Students must be enrolled in a degree-granting school in the semester in which they expect to be graduated. Degree candidates who do not enroll for credits must enroll for the non-resident status.

The University reserves the right to withhold the degrees of financially delinquent students or when students have engaged in Standards of Conduct violations at or prior to graduation ceremonies. The University also reserves the right to revoke degrees previously conferred when the student has not satisfied the rules and regulations of the University or is found to be in breach of the Honor System.

No student with an outstanding NG is eligible to receive a degree or certificate.

Ceremony The University conducts a graduation ceremony each May to recognize and honor those students who have completed all degree requirements during the previous academic year. Students who graduate at the end of the summer or fall semesters are invited to attend the ceremony following their graduation. Summer and fall graduates may not participate in a ceremony conducted prior to the actual awarding of their degree.

Diplomas Students who graduate in May can receive their diplomas at the commencement exercises held on the Lawn, or may pay a fee to have the diploma mailed to them. Students who graduate in August or December may either pick up their diploma in UREG (Office of the University Registrar) or pay a fee to have the diploma mailed to them.

Replacement/Duplicate Diplomas Lost or damaged diplomas may be replaced upon written request and payment of $50 plus a mailing fee. An original replacement will be issued. If the original diploma is lost, a notarized statement verifying the loss is required and the replacement diploma will have the word ‘replacement’ inscribed at the bottom.

In cases of legitimate professional reason, a one-time request can be made for a ‘duplicate’ diploma upon payment of $50 plus a mailing fee. A duplicate diploma will have the word ‘copy’ inscribed at the bottom.

Replacement and duplicate diplomas are printed in diploma format in use at the time of the request. When possible, the degree title and signatures of president, dean, and University Registrar in use at the time the original diploma was awarded will be used, but the title and/or signatures currently in use will be substituted if necessary.

Diploma replicas will conform to the format and signatures in use at the time of request.

Additional information about replacement and duplicate diplomas can be obtained at www.virginia.edu/registrar.

Honorary Degrees

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The University of Virginia does not award honorary degrees. In conjunction with the Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation, the University presents the Thomas Jefferson Medal in Architecture and the Thomas Jefferson Medal in Law each spring. These awards, recognizing excellence in two fields of interest to Jefferson, constitute the University’s highest recognition of scholars outside the University.

International Student Admission

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Since 1826, as principal to its core mission, when the first international student was enrolled, the University of Virginia has accepted a commitment to providing opportunities to citizens from all areas of the world to study, teach, and share the atmosphere of Jeffersonian freedom. The University considers the admission of qualified students from every country an integral part of its educational program. International students enhance the life of the University and contribute to the education and personal growth of American students and faculty.

Language Requirement In addition to meeting the admission requirements outlined in previous sections, international students must have an outstanding command of the English language in order to enroll at the University. In general, UVa does not conduct classes and exams in languages other than English; and it does not accept papers submitted in a non-English language. Notwithstanding any other section of this record, applicants whose first language is not English are required to take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) exam unless they are specifically exempted by the graduate school to which they apply. Exemptions are generally only granted if the applicant has graduated from an accredited university where English is the language of instruction.

A TOEFL or IELTS score should not be more than two years old. Most admitted students attain a total score of at least 600 on the PBT TOEFL, 250 on the CBT TOEFL, or 7.0 on the IELTS. The University anticipates that individuals who provide a score on the iBT TOEFL will likely earn a score of at least 22 in writing, 22 in speaking, 23 in reading, and 23 in listening for a total score of 90.

Some schools and departments may require higher scores for admission and/or set other, more restrictive rules regarding TOEFL/IELTS exemptions. Potential applicants should consult individual schools early in the admissions process for their TOEFL/IELTS requirements.

All incoming (new) graduate students whose first language is one other than English are required to take the University of Virginia English Language Proficiency Exam unless they have been exempted from TOEFL or IELTS.

All prospective graduate teaching assistants whose first language is one other than English are required to take the SPEAK Test. A score of at least 55 is required for permission to begin teaching without completion of oral language training. The SPEAK Test is administered in August, December, and May. Candidates for the test are identified by their department. Information about the SPEAK Test is available at www.virginia.edu/provost/caelc.

Visa Information The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has authorized the University of Virginia to issue visa documents appropriate for the F-1 (student) and J-1 (exchange visitor) non-immigrant status. Following academic admission to a University degree program, the International Studies Office reviews the language, financial and visa qualifications of the applicant. If all documentation is in order, a “Certificate of Eligibility” (Form I-20 or Form DS-2019) may be issued to the prospective student upon request. In order to apply for a visa and to apply for entry into the United States as a student, Form I-20 or Form DS-2019 must be submitted to a U.S. Consulate, along with a passport and other indications of purpose while in the United States. The University does not issue a Certificate of Eligibility for part-time study, or continuing and professional studies courses. Admitted students may email the International Studies Office at issp@virginia.edu.

Most students enter the United States using an F-1 visa. The J-1 visa is appropriate for exchange students or students receiving a significant portion of their financial support from a government agency or international foundation. Students in the United States on F-1 and J-1 status must maintain full-time student status during the fall and spring semesters. Only those international students who are maintaining valid and lawful status in the U.S. which permits full-time study at a college or university will be permitted to enroll full-time at the University of Virginia.

All non-immigrant visas carry restrictions about employment and length of stay in the United States. Students are advised to carefully understand their particular status. Students must be willing and able to abide by the regulations for the visa status they are given. U.S. visa regulations are subject to frequent change and re-interpretation. It is the foreign national’s duty to keep him or herself informed of all current visa regulations and to maintain valid status according to all U.S. immigration laws and regulations.

Tuition/Fees All F-1 and J-1 non-immigrant students pay the out-of-state full tuition rate.

Living Expenses The estimated cost for housing, food, books and supplies, and health and personal items is approximately $1,000 per month for a single student. This does not include travel expenses to and from the United States, tourist excursions, furniture, or luxury items, such as automobiles and computer equipment. Basic expenses for the support of dependents (husband/wife/children) living in Charlottesville are additional.

Financial Certification Eligibility for a student or exchange visitor visa requires that the admitted applicant demonstrate sufficient financial resources for a full course of study. The International Studies Office requires an acceptable financial guarantee prior to issuing the “Certificate of Eligibility.” While the established minimum is considered sufficient for a basic, comfortable existence, it may not be adequate to maintain the lifestyle to which a student is accustomed.

Transfer of Funds The transfer of funds from the student’s home country to the United States may be governed by restrictions. The applicant must be fully informed of the local regulations and process for transfer. Since there may be a considerable delay in the process of transfer, early planning is vital. University expenses must be paid at the beginning of each semester. To avoid unnecessary problems, students are advised to bring sufficient funds with them to pay for tuition, housing, and medical insurance on arrival. This may amount to several thousand dollars and should be in the form of traveler’s or cashier’s checks in U.S. currency. Students must also open an account with a U.S. bank in order to accept transferred funds from home.

Employment The University of Virginia cannot enroll an international student who is unable to show evidence of adequate financial support. The U.S. government restricts the employment of non-immigrant students and scholars. In general, work without prior authorization is prohibited and may carry severe penalties. F-2 dependents are neither eligible to request permission to work nor to accept employment of any kind.

Family Considerations Due to the high cost of living in Charlottesville, students wishing to bring their dependent families must give thorough consideration to the added expense. Because dependents are not generally permitted to accept employment, students may find that they cannot support a family while studying at the University. In many cases, students must be prepared to leave their families at home.

Health Care and Insurance Medical care in the United States is very expensive and paid for privately. To protect against a possible medical debt arising from the need for emergency or sustained medical treatment, international students are required to purchase a health insurance plan that meets specific guidelines.

Leaves of Absence and Withdrawals

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Voluntary Leaves of Absence Students who wish to take a voluntary leave of absence for either a semester or a year must apply for such leave at their dean’s office. Most schools require students on leave to apply for readmission at least 60 days prior to final registration for the semester in which they intend to enroll. See specific school sections for deadlines. Students on an approved leave of absence have the notation “on academic leave” entered on their permanent academic record following the semester during which they last registered at the University. Policies governing leaves and readmission may vary by school and are detailed in subsequent sections.

Educational Leaves of Absence Students who wish to take a leave of absence to pursue educational interests at another educational institution in the United States must apply for a leave of absence at their dean’s office. Students who wish to study abroad in an accredited program or at an accredited foreign university must apply for a leave of absence at the International Studies Office. While on such an approved leave, a student must register at the University of Virginia as a non-resident and pay a non-resident fee; this indicates that he or she is on an approved leave of absence pursuing educational interests elsewhere. Students registered for an approved leave may pre-enroll for courses and do not have to apply for readmission to the University, although they must notify their dean’s office or the International Studies Office of when they intend to return.

Exclusion From Courses A student who is making no real progress in a course, or whose behavior is detracting from the course, may be excluded from that course by the dean with a grade of W or F. Students have five calendar days following written notification of this exclusion in which to appeal. Until the final disposition of the appeal, the student is considered enrolled in the course.

Enforced Withdrawal Students may be forced to withdraw from the University for habitual delinquency in class, habitual idleness, or any other fault that prevents the student from fulfilling the purpose implied by registration at the University. Students who are forced to withdraw during a given term will have the notation “enforced withdrawal (date) entered on their permanent academic records following the semester in which the action occurred. A grade of W (withdrawal) or WD (administrative withdrawal) will be entered for each course in which the student was registered. Students who have been forced to withdraw must apply for readmission to their dean’s office in the same manner as suspended students.

Medical Withdrawal Students who withdraw for reasons of health must obtain permission from the Department of Student Health. A grade of W (withdrawal) will be entered for each course in which the student was registered. Subsequent medical clearance from the Department of Student Health is required for readmission.

Voluntary Withdrawal Students may withdraw from the University before the conclusion of a semester with the following conditions:

  1. Students under the age of 18 must give notice to their parents or legal guardians of their intention to withdraw. Evidence of this notice must be provided at the time of withdrawal.
  2. Applications for withdrawal must be made in writing to the student’s academic dean’s office and must be approved by the dean.
  3. Failure to comply with the above regulations will subject a student to suspension from the University by the Vice President for Student Affairs. Any student who withdraws without having obtained permission is recorded as having been suspended with a grade of F recorded for each course.
  4. Students who withdraw from the University voluntarily will have the notation “withdrew (date)” recorded on their permanent academic record. Students who withdraw will receive grades of W, WP, or WF in their courses, depending upon the school in which they are enrolled.

Specific voluntary withdrawal and readmission policies may vary by school and are detailed in subsequent sections.

Appeals Students have the right to appeal the imposition of sanctions. During the pendency of his or her appeal, a student’s standing remains status quo.

Non-Resident Status

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The non-resident status is reserved for students who are not taking courses or pursuing research, but who need to be enrolled at the University for certain administrative reasons, including finishing incompletes, awaiting graduation, or while simultaneously enrolled through the School of Continuing and Professional Studies. This status is for students who are not in residence in one of the degree-granting schools of the University and bears no relation to the student’s in- or out-of-state tuition status. Non-resident students are considered to be enrolled less than half-time and receive no student I.D. card privileges.


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Exceptions to academic regulations may be requested by petitioning the appropriate faculty committee or dean’s office in the student’s school of enrollment. Petition forms and information concerning the proper procedures for requesting exceptions to academic regulations may be requested in the deans’ offices.

Posthumous Degrees

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Upon the recommendation of the faculty of the appropriate school, the general faculty of the University may make a posthumous award of the degree or degrees a student had been pursuing if all requirements were likely to have been completed during the final year for which the student was registered had it not been for the intervention of death or debilitating illness.

The vice president for student affairs is responsible for ensuring that appropriate procedures to implement this policy are established in the various schools of the University. The policy is retroactive.


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Students who have not enrolled at the University for a semester or more, and who are not on an educational leave of absence, must be formally readmitted, regardless of whether they are on an approved leave of absence. For readmission, a student must be cleared by his or her academic dean, the Department of Student Health, and the Office of the Dean of Students. Application for readmission must be made to the academic dean’s office of the student’s school at least sixty days in advance of the next university registration period. The School of Commerce and the College of Arts and Sciences have slightly different policies regarding readmission procedures and deadlines. Additional information about school readmission policies can be found in subsequent sections.


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Students must complete final registration by using ISIS in order to be considered duly enrolled students. Specific instructions are available each semester at www.virginia.edu/registrar. The late registration period begins the day after the end of regular registration. Students who pre-enroll in courses but do not complete the registration process by the deadline will be dropped from all courses. The final deadline for registration is seven weeks after the first day of classes. Students who have not completed registration by that date are not allowed to register for the semester, receive credit for the semester, or receive a degree during the semester. No student will be permitted to register after the final deadline unless the delay in registration was a result of University actions. Inability to pay tuition and fees by the deadlines imposed by the university bursar does not constitute an acceptable reason for registering late.

A late fee of $25 is charged to students who register after regular registration through the end of the second full week of the semester. After the second week, a $50 fee is charged.

Payment of tuition and fees is considered part of the registration process. Failure to pay tuition and fees by the dates established by the university will result in suspension from the University (see the section on tuition and fees). By registering, the student assumes an obligation to pay for that semester’s tuition and fees.

All suspensions—financial, disciplinary, or academic—must be cleared before a student is permitted to register at the University. Students who are terminated for non-academic reasons during the semester, and who seek reinstatement in the same semester, are readmitted and reregistered by UREG (Office of the University Registrar) in coordination with their dean’s office. Students seeking reinstatement must obtain a termination clearance form approved by the terminating authority. This form must be presented to UREG (Office of the University Registrar) prior to the tenth class day before the last day of scheduled classes. Students are not allowed to be readmitted or reregistered after this deadline, and they are not permitted to receive credit for that semester or to receive a degree in that semester.

Individuals who fail to register are not considered University of Virginia students and are not certified as being enrolled at the University for any purpose. Registered students must enroll in at least the minimum number of credits required by their school, or they must cancel their registration.

Repeated Courses

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Courses may be repeated for credit only with the permission of the student’s dean’s office. However, the original course continues to appear on the official academic record and counts in the calculation of the grade point average. Regulations concerning repeated courses may vary by school and are detailed in subsequent sections.

Student Status

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Students must have completed the registration process at the beginning of the fall and spring semesters and be current in all financial obligations to the University in order to be considered enrolled at the University. Satisfaction of one of the following criteria confers full-time or part-time status on a graduate student during a given semester for the purpose of enrollment certification and deferment of student loans. Separate criteria may apply for tuition, fees, and financial aid.

Full-Time Students Registration for nine or more credits in a semester constitutes full-time status for the purpose of loan deferments and enrollment certification.

Part-Time Students Any student carrying fewer than nine credits is considered to be enrolled part-time. Registration for fewer than nine credits requires permission of the dean’s office.


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Transcripts of courses taken, grades given, and degrees received at the University of Virginia are maintained in UREG (Office of the University Registrar) in accordance with the policies of the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers. As the transcript is a record of all academic work attempted at the University, it is not possible to segregate individual courses or semesters or to print only undergraduate or graduate work. Current students may view their records in their dean’s office or in UREG (Office of the University Registrar) upon proof of identification. Students may obtain copies of transcripts from UREG (Office of the University Registrar) by making a written or on-line request authorizing the release of the transcript. A $5 fee is charged for each copy. The University of Virginia reserves the right to withhold the transcripts of students who have unfulfilled financial or administrative obligations with the University.

Access to student records is protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Any student attempting to gain access to, or possession of, another student’s record will be subject to disciplinary proceedings and suspension from the University.

Transfer Credit

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General Policies The University of Virginia grants transfer credit based on an analysis of the content, level, and comparability of the courses taken, the applicability of the courses to the student’s intended major and degree program, the quality of the student’s performance in the courses, and the accreditation of the institution at which the work was completed.

Credit is allowed only for those courses in which a grade of C or better has been earned. Some programs may require a grade of B or better. Only credits are accepted in transfer; grades are not transferred and do not affect the student’s cumulative grade point average at the University of Virginia. Credit from institutions on a system other than the semester hour system is converted to semester hours. Students receive no more, and may receive fewer, than the number of credits earned at the host institutions.

Policies governing transfer credit may vary by school, and are detailed in subsequent sections.

Credit From Foreign Institutions The University of Virginia grants credit for courses taken at recognized foreign tertiary-level educational institutions. Foreign educational institutions that are chartered and authorized by their respective national governments (generally through the Ministries of Education) are considered “recognized.” Credit is awarded for courses judged to have been completed at a C level or above. The amount of credit granted does not exceed that given for the comparable University course. The University of Virginia applies the general guidelines for awarding credit given by the National Council on the Evaluation of Foreign Student Credentials and the National Association for Foreign Student Affairs.

Credit By Examination The University of Virginia participates in the Advanced Placement Examinations Program of the Educational Testing Service and the International Baccalaureate Examination Program. Students who receive grades deemed satisfactory by the academic unit to which they seek admission may receive academic credit. The University does not participate in the College Level Examination Program, the College Proficiency Exam, or the USAFI and DANTES programs of the United States Military Forces.

Enrolled Students Taking Course Work at Other Institutions University of Virginia students must secure the permission of their dean’s office prior to enrolling in courses at another institution and transferring academic credit back to the University to apply toward their degree program. After completing such work, students must have official transcripts from the institution in which the courses were taken sent to the appropriate dean’s office at the University. Approval to take courses on a pass/fail basis must also be obtained prior to taking the courses. Courses in which “pass” or “credit” grades are received must be certified as equivalent to a grade of C or higher to be accepted. Courses applied toward the major may not be transferred to the University from another institution without special permission of the department.


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