Feb 25, 2025  
Undergraduate Record 2024-2025 
Undergraduate Record 2024-2025

Biology, B.A.

Universal Curriculum Requirements

To be awarded a degree from the College of Arts and Sciences, students are required to complete universal curriculum requirements in addition to the program requirements provided below. The school universal curriculum requirements can be found on the school Degree Programs page .

Requirements for Bachelor of Arts in Biology

Prerequisites for Declaring the Major

Before taking upper level courses, students selecting the B.A. major must complete the following introductory courses:

Core Requirements

The core requirements for the B.A. in Biology include:

Additional Requirements

A minimum of 18 of the required 24 major credits of upper-level Biology courses must be courses offered by the Biology Department at the University of Virginia. No more than 6 credits from outside the Biology Department may contribute toward the Biology major. Courses from outside teh Biology Department can include the following:

Transfer Information

Transfer credits for courses taken at another institution after matriculation at the University of Virginia may be considered for outside elective credit toward the biology major; however, required core (BIOL 3000,3010, and 3020) and lab courses must be taken at the University of Virginia (transfer students exempted). After matriculation, transfer students must also complete required core courses and lab courses at the University of Virginia, unless credit was given for these courses at time of matriculation.

Grade Standards

The overall grade point average for courses at the 3000 level and above presented in the major must be a 2.000 (C) or better. Biology B.A. majors who receive a failing grade in any one of the required core courses (BIOL 3000, 3010, 3020) must meet with a major advisor to devise a plan for successful completion of the requirement. Biology B.A. majors who receive two failing grades in the required core courses will be “undeclared” from the Biology major; they are subsequently ineligible to re-declare a Biology major.

Specialization in Environmental and Biological Conservation

The Biology Department, in conjunction with the Department of Environmental Sciences, offers an opportunity for students to obtain the Bachelor of Arts or Science in Biology with a Specialization in Environmental and Biological Conservation. Candidates for the Specialization must fulfill all the requirements for the biology major. Many of the courses in this Specialization also count towards the major.

The requirements for the Specialization are as follows: two introductory courses in conservation biology (EVSC 2220, BIOL 3450), an upper level course (BIOL 4130) and a 3-credit seminar in conservation (EVSC 4991). In addition the Specialization requires at least one course in each of the following areas:

  1. Biological diversity: a course focused on a particular group of organisms.
  2. Environmental diversity: a course focused on a particular habitat.
  3. Techniques in conservation: a course focused on policy, statistics modeling, field methods or geo-spatial analysis.
  4. Experience in field studies: this can be fulfilled by independent study, or a summer field course at one of the University’s biological stations (Mountain Lake Biological Station, Blandy Experimental Farm), by involvement with the Africa research program in the Environmental Sciences Department, or by an internship with a conservation agency.

Students who are interested in this Specialization should consult with an advisor who is a faculty of the Program in Environmental and Biological Conservation, when declaring their major. EVSC 3200 may be substituted for EVSC 2220 for students that have already taken advanced classes.

Distinguished Majors Program in Biology


Applicants should have a serious commitment to research, with completion of at least one semester of Biology Independent Research (BIOL 4910/4920) and an overall grade point average of 3.400 after completion of at least three semesters of 3000-level or above Biology courses, including at least one core course (BIOL 3000, 3010 or 3020). Application to the Biology Distinguished Majors Program is made at the end of the 2nd or 3rd year. Although an overall GPA of 3.400 is required by UVA for graduation with distinction, research potential will also be a major consideration for admission to the Biology Distinguished Majors Program.

Course Requirements

All DMP students must complete at least two semesters of Independent Research, as well as the two semesters of the DMP Seminar in Biological Research (BIOL 4810 and 4820). B.A. students are required to complete 24 credits in upper-level Biology courses; B.S. students are required to complete 35 credit hours in upper-level Biology courses. DMP Students must attain a minimum GPA of 3.400 in all biology courses and overall in the University.

Research Requirements

The research project is intended to foster independent thought and to develop the student’s critical ability to formulate and conduct scientific research. DMP students are required to complete a written DMP Thesis, describing their Independent Research studies (pursued through BIOL 4910/4920/4930). In addition, they are required to deliver an oral presentation of their research at the Richard D. Katz Biology Undergraduate Research Symposium, which is held at the end of the spring semester each year.


DMP theses and Katz Symposium presentations will be evaluated by the Undergraduate Committee, together with the Distinguished Major Program Advisory Committee. On the basis of that evaluation, the Undergraduate Committee will recommend to the chair and faculty of the biology department that each degree be awarded with one of the following levels of distinction:

  1. with no distinction
  2. with distinction
  3. with high distinction
  4. with highest distinction

The decision of the biology faculty regarding each candidate will be forwarded to the Committee on Special Programs and the university registrar prior to commencement.

Additional Information

Biology courses numbered from 1000 to 1990 are intended to satisfy the College Area Requirements for non-science majors. These courses have no prerequisites.

Students selecting the Biology major must complete the introductory courses, BIOL 2100 and BIOL 2200, before taking upper level courses. Students who score  a 5 on the AP Biology exam, or at least a 6 on upper-level examinations in the International Baccalaureate program, will receive eight credit hours for BIOL 2100 and BIOL 2200.

All 3000 level classes require BIOL 2100 and/or 2200. All 3000 level classes count towards upper level course requirements for Biology majors. All lecture and laboratory courses at the 4000 level and above have at least one 3000-level course as a prerequisite.


For more information, contact the Department of Biology, 326 Gilmer Hall, P.O. Box 400328, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4328; (434) 982-5474; www.virginia.edu/biology.