Feb 15, 2025  
Graduate Record 2023-2024 
Graduate Record 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED RECORD]

J.D.-M.U.E.P. (Urban and Environmental Planning)

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The School of Law offers a program with the School of Architecture, Department of Urban and Environmental Planning in which a student may earn both the Juris Doctor (J.D.) and the Master of Urban and Environmental Planning (M.U.E.P.) in four years instead of the five years that would be required if each were completed separately.

Admission to the Program

A student must be independently admitted both to the School of Law and to the School of Architecture, Department of Urban and Environmental Planning through the normal admissions processes of the two schools. The applicant will be held to the same standards as any other applicant, and the fact that s/he is a candidate for the Program will not be considered in the admissions process. Once admitted to the two schools, the student may apply for admission to the Program. Students may seek admission to the School of Architecture and initiate the Program after matriculating in the School of Law.


The J.D.-M.U.E.P. Program normally takes four years to complete. The Program consists of two semesters in the Architecture School program and six semesters at the School of Law. Students are required to meet all of the requirements set by the respective departments for the award of both the J.D. and the M.U.E.P. degrees. In the School of Law this means that the student must complete the required curriculum, meet minimum academic standards, and earn a minimum of 86 credits and six residency semesters in the School of Law.

With the approval of the School of Law faculty advisor, students may receive 12 of the 86 credits required for the J.D. degree in appropriate graduate-level work in the Department of Urban and Environmental Planning and, when appropriate, from other graduate offerings at the University. In all cases, the School of Law representative must approve credit for any course taken outside the School of Law to be applied towards the J.D. degree before the student enrolls in the course. NOTE: Credit towards the J.D. degree cannot be granted for course work completed prior to matriculation at the School of Law. Similarly, with the approval of the Department of Urban and Environmental Planning representative, 20 credits earned in School of Law courses may be counted toward the M.U.E.P. NOTE: In accordance with ABA standards, J.D. degree candidates may not enroll in more than 17 credits total in any semester.

Change of Status

At any point in the Program, the student may terminate plans for the Program and continue towards a single degree at either school. The student then must satisfy the normal requirements of the school elected, which may include credits completed in the other school, as determined by the appropriate officials.

Financial Aid

Financial aid will be provided by the school to which the student is paying tuition in a given semester. Financial aid is not guaranteed and is subject to individual school and University regulations and availability. Students must meet the satisfactory academic progress standards of the school providing the financial aid in a given semester.

Tuition and Fees

J.D. degree candidates must complete six residency semesters in the School of Law and pay School of Law tuition and fees. For the two semesters in which the student is enrolled in the Department of Urban and Environmental Planning, the student must pay tuition and fees as a regular student in that department.

Extracurricular Activities

Students are eligible to participate in the extracurricular activities of both schools to the extent that time permits, but should be alert to the possibility of over-commitment.

Grading Standards

Students are required to meet the grading standards of both schools independently to remain in good standing. Each school retains the right to drop students from its degree program following its usual academic standards and procedures. Grades will be recorded on the student’s transcript in accordance with the grading system in effect at the school in which the course is offered.

For More Information

Contact the School of Law faculty advisor, Professor Rich Schragger.