Sep 08, 2024  
Graduate Record 2022-2023 
Graduate Record 2022-2023 [ARCHIVED RECORD]

Administration and Supervision

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Administration and Supervision- Master of Education

The Master of Education degree program is designed for experienced educators who wish to enhance their professional preparation or prepare for entry-level leadership positions in educational organizations. The graduate of this program is expected to possess the professional attributes and competencies needed to qualify for a position of responsible leadership. Thirty-three (33) credits are required for the master’s degree program: 30 credits of specified core coursework and a 3-credit internship. Students must also pass the School Leaders Licensure Assessment (SLLA) exam, or if not seeking endorsement must pass a comprehensive exam.

For students seeking Virginia endorsement, candidates are responsible for completion of all other Virginia requirements. In addition to completion of the School of Education and Human Development’s approved program of studies and internship, candidates are required to earn a passing score on the School Leaders Licensure Assessment (SLLA) and demonstrate a minimum of three years of successful classroom teaching experience with a Virginia teaching license. The Virginia Department of Education website provides detailed information about Virginia requirements for endorsement in PreK-12 Administration and Supervision.

Required Courses

EDLF 7140 - LEAD II: Professional Learning   (3 credits)

EDLF 7805 - Cultivating Professional Capacity   (3 credits)

EDLF 7806 - Family and Community Engagement  (3 credits)

EDLF 7807 - Leadership Experiences, Applications & Development    (3 credits)

EDLF 7808 - Strategic Alignment of Planning and Resources   (3 credits)

EDLF 7810 - Legal and Educational Policy Context   (3 credits)

EDLF 7811 - Leadership for Teaching and Learning  (3 credits)

EDLF 7812 - Leadership for Continuous Improvement  (3 credits)

EDLF 7813 - Leadership for EdTech   (3 credits)

EDLF 7815 - Leadership for Equity of Diverse Populations   (3 credits) 

EDLF 8988 - Administrative Internship    (3 credits)                                                                                                  

Culminating Experience

Students must complete an administrative internship in a local school division. Designed to wed theory and best practices, the internship provides practical application of the content knowledge acquired through the program. The internship may be started after 21 hours of coursework, including School Law, has been completed.

All students must pass a comprehensive exam to become eligible for graduation. Students anticipating applying for the PreK-12 administrative endorsement in Virginia must use the State Leadership Licensure Assessment (SLLA) given by the Educational Testing Service (ETS), required for endorsement by Virginia, as a comprehensive exam. The SLLA exam must be taken early enough to allow 15 business days for ETS to report scores to the School of Education and Human Development.  If scores do not arrive on or before the deadline date each semester (May 1, June 1, and Dec 1), the student will not be able to graduate in that semester and will be required to pay a fee to graduate in the next semester.

Students who do not anticipate applying for the PreK-12 administrative endorsement in Virginia may choose to take an alternative comprehensive exam. When nearing completion of the program of study, these students would, with the advisor’s approval, request an alternative comprehensive exam that is evaluated by two faculty readers. Satisfactory performance must be demonstrated before the student can graduate. A student who fails to perform satisfactorily on the comprehensive examination may petition for one re-examination.

Other specific program requirements

All requirements for the M.Ed. must be completed within 5 years of the time a student enrolls in the first course in his/her program following admission to the program. Only courses completed within 5 years of beginning the master’s degree program (after admission) will be counted toward completion of degree requirements.

Public Professional Licensure Disclosure

As a member of the State Authorizations Reciprocity Agreement, the University of Virginia (UVA) is authorized to provide curriculum in a distance learning environment to students located in all states in the United States except for California. (34 CFR 668.43(a)(6)& 34 CFR 668.72(n)). 

Upon completion of the Master of Education in Administration and Supervision at the UVA School of Education and Human Development, graduates may be eligible for initial professional licensure in another U.S. state by applying to the licensing board or agency in that state.

Please visit the University’s state authorization web pages to make an informed decision regarding which states’ educational requirements for initial licensure are met by this program. (668.43(a)(5) (v)(A) - (C))

Enrolled students who change their current (or mailing) address to a state other than Virginia should update this information immediately in the Student Information System as it may impact their ability to complete internship, practicum, or clinical hours, use Title IV funds, or meet licensure or certification requirements in the new state. (34 CFR 668.402).

Administration and Supervision - Doctor of Education

The Executive Studies in Educational Leadership (ExSEL) doctoral program prepares individuals who recognize that America’s future depends on imagination, creativity, disciplined inquiry, and teamwork. The program was designed as an advanced leadership preparation experience for working professionals to reflect the changing demands of educational leadership and the evolving skills required for effective practice. It is unique in its approach, facilitating a deeply engaged cohort of school leaders in a community of practice, similar to what they will create, in turn, for professionals in their own workplaces. The goal of this approach is to integrate knowledge and skills from a variety of relevant disciplines into a set of carefully designed learning experiences to transform individuals into evidence–based leaders.

Completion of the ExSEL doctoral program does not satisfy Virginia licensure requirements for an endorsement in administration and supervision.

Total Number of Credits Required

The EdD program requires a minimum of 72 credit hours for graduation. A maximum of 18 credits from a master’s program may be applied to the total credit hours if they meet criteria of fit with the program and are determined to be of equivalent level.

List of Required Core Courses

The EdD program includes 21 credits in core leadership classes, 18 credits in research, 18 elective credits (including transfer credit), and 12 credits in the capstone dissertation research.

Core Sequence

Research Sequence

Capstone Dissertation Research

Culminating Experience

Subsequent to the successful completion of a written comprehensive exam, students undertake a capstone dissertation. Successful completion of all capstone dissertation requirements, include (a) defending a dissertation proposal as determined by the doctoral committee; (b) planning the dissertation, obtaining Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval, and carrying out a research study appropriate to the problem of practice and (c) passing an oral examination on the conduct and conclusions of the dissertation. (All other requirements must be completed before this defense.)

All requirements must be completed within four years after passing comprehensive examinations and within seven years of admission to the Ed.D. program. In special cases, upon approval of the doctoral committee, department chair, and Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, out-of-date work may be revalidated by examination.

Public Professional Licensure Disclosure

As a member of the State Authorizations Reciprocity Agreement, the University of Virginia (UVA) is authorized to provide curriculum in a distance learning environment to students located in all states in the United States except for California. (34 CFR 668.43(a)(6)& 34 CFR 668.72(n)). 

Upon completion of the Doctor of Education in Administration and Supervision at the UVA School of Education and Human Development, graduates may be eligible for initial professional licensure in another U.S. state by applying to the licensing board or agency in that state.

Please visit the University’s state authorization web pages to make an informed decision regarding which states’ educational requirements for initial licensure are met by this program. (668.43(a)(5) (v)(A) - (C))

Enrolled students who change their current (or mailing) address to a state other than Virginia should update this information immediately in the Student Information System as it may impact their ability to complete internship, practicum, or clinical hours, use Title IV funds, or meet licensure or certification requirements in the new state. (34 CFR 668.402).

Administration and Supervision - Doctor of Philosophy

The Ph.D. program in Educational Leadership is designed to prepare graduates for college or university positions in educational leadership. This full-time residential doctoral experience immerses students in the culture of academia and provides mentoring in the traditional activities of paper presentations, publications, and grant writing associated with higher education positions. The program includes coursework, a research apprenticeship, and other experiences to prepare graduates to: (1) analyze school and school system performance, (2) conduct research in educational leadership, and (3) educate professors of educational leadership.

Total Number of Credits Required

The PhD program requires 72 credits beyond the Bachelor’s degree, including at least 54 credits for courses other than non-topical research or dissertation credit, and at least 12 dissertation credits. This includes research methodology courses and 3 credits of research apprenticeship per semester for 3 years. Students can apply up to 12 dissertation credits towards the total of 72 credits. A maximum of 24 credits from previous graduate work may be applied to the program. A minimum of 36 credits (not including internships, independent study, practical and dissertation credit) must be earned on grounds.

List of Required Core Courses

A student’s doctoral committee determines the successful completion of a program of study. At a minimum, the program must include EDLF 7300 Research Foundations, a minimum of 15 credits in educational research methodology and six semesters of a research apprenticeship.

Culminating Experience

Subsequent to the successful completion of all program requirements including a written comprehensive exam, students undertake a dissertation. Comprehensive exams must be completed before the dissertation committee is appointed, the doctoral seminar taken and the dissertation proposal is defended.

Successful completion of all dissertation requirements includes defending a dissertation proposal as determined by the student’s doctoral committee; gaining approval from the University’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) for the protection of human subjects; planning and carrying out a research study (dissertation) appropriate to the field of specialization; and passing an oral final examination on the dissertation.

Other specific program requirements

All students are expected to complete a pre-dissertation research project that results in a manuscript submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal or other scholarly publication. The manuscript must be submitted before the student undertakes dissertation work. Papers that are co-authored with an advisor are acceptable.

All requirements must be completed within four years after passing comprehensive examinations and within seven years of admission to the Ph.D. program.  In special cases, upon approval of the doctoral committee, department chair, and Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, out-of-date work may be revalidated by examination.

Public Professional Licensure Disclosure

As a member of the State Authorizations Reciprocity Agreement, the University of Virginia (UVA) is authorized to provide curriculum in a distance learning environment to students located in all states in the United States except for California. (34 CFR 668.43(a)(6)& 34 CFR 668.72(n)). 

Upon completion of the Doctor of Philosophy in Administration and Supervision at the UVA School of Education and Human Development, graduates may be eligible for initial professional licensure in another U.S. state by applying to the licensing board or agency in that state.

Please visit the University’s state authorization web pages to make an informed decision regarding which states’ educational requirements for initial licensure are met by this program. (668.43(a)(5) (v)(A) - (C))

Enrolled students who change their current (or mailing) address to a state other than Virginia should update this information immediately in the Student Information System as it may impact their ability to complete internship, practicum, or clinical hours, use Title IV funds, or meet licensure or certification requirements in the new state. (34 CFR 668.402).