Undergraduate Record 2020-2021 [ARCHIVED RECORD]
Environmental Thought and Practice
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Requirements for the Major
The Environmental Thought and Practice interdisciplinary major requires five core classes and six electives. At least 12 credits (or 4 courses of at least 3 credits) must be at the 3000 level or higher.
Core courses
The following core courses are required of all majors.
A shared introductory course
ETP 2030 /PLAP 2030 - Politics, Science and Values: An Introduction to Environmental Policy (fall only)
I. Values, Culture, and History core offerings:
Either RELG 2210 - Religion, Ethics, & Global Environment , HIST 2150 - Global Environmental History or ANTH 2160 - Culture and the Environment
II. Planning, Policy and Society core offerings:
Either ECON 2010 - Principles of Economics: Microeconomics , GSVS 2150 - Global Sustainability or AAS 2559 - New Course in African and African American Studies
III. Natural Sciences core offerings:
Either EVSC 1010 - Introduction to Environmental Sciences , EVSC 1450 - An Inconvenient Truce: Climate, You and CO2 , EVSC 2200 - Plants, People and Culture , EVSC 2220 - Conservation Ecology: Biodiversity and Beyond or EVSC 1080 - Resources and the Environment
A shared final course
ETP 4010 - Environmental Decisions (majors only, taken in spring of 4th year) (spring only)
Each student must also choose six (6) classes distributed across the three areas indicated below, with the restriction that at least two (2) classes must be taken in Area III (Natural Science) and at least one (1) class must be taken in each of Areas I and II. We recommend checking SIS frequently for environmentally-themed courses, as courses often come and go. Students who wish to have classes not specified here counted against their ETP elective requirements must submit their request plus the full course syllabus to Professor Lawrence. Please give this information to Professor Lawrence by email. ETP elective courses must be upper-level or graduate three- or four-credit classes and they must have environmental concerns as the central focus. Requests to count courses that do not meet these basic requirements will not be considered.
Values, Culture, and History electives (Area I)
Students may fulfill their one-class requirement for this track by taking any one of the following specific 3-credit classes. If approved by one of the ETP Program Directors, students may count one related 3000-, 4000-, or 5000-level class in History, Anthropology, Philosophy, English, Religious Studies, Landscape Architecture, or Science, Technology, and Society to meet the overall six-course elective requirement, but not to meet the basic one-class requirement for this area. The College allows students to count 18 credits of classes in other schools toward the 120-credit graduation requirement.
Policy, Planning, and Society electives (Area II)
Students may fulfill their one-class requirement for this track by taking any one of the following specific 3-credit classes. If approved by one of the ETP Program Directors, students may take one related 3-credit 3000-, 4000-, or 5000-level course in Economics, Government and Foreign Affairs, Sociology, Statistics, McIntire School of Commerce, Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy, Engineering, the Law School, Darden, or Urban and Environmental Planning to meet the overall six-course elective requirement, but not to meet the basic one-class requirement for this area.
Natural Science electives (Area III)
Two 3000-, 4000- or 5000-level 3-credit courses in Environmental Sciences or one 3-credit course at the 3000- 4000- or 5000-level in Environmental Sciences plus a second course from the following list. If approved by one of the ETP Program Directors, students may take one related 3000-, 4000-, or 5000-level class in Biology, Chemistry, or Environmental Engineering to meet the overall six-class elective requirement, but not to meet the basic two-class requirement for this area. (Note: upper-level Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Sciences and Environmental Engineering classes can have several prerequisites.)
Distinguished Majors Project (DMP)
Majors with a minimum 3.6 GPA in the major (and 3.4 GPA overall) are eligible for a distinguished majors program (DMP) for their fourth year. DMPs take a year-long independent study with a faculty advisor, with the goal of producing a thesis that is evaluated by outside readers. To participate in the ETP distinguished majors program, set up an appointment with Professor Lawrence during the spring semester of your third year.
Credit/No Credit Grades
Please note that the ETP program adheres strictly to the College of Arts and Science’s policy regarding classes taken for CR (credit) or NC (no credit). Courses counting towards the ETP area requirements and core courses may NOT be taken on a CR/NC basis.
The College does not permit students to take courses on a CR/NC basis in interdisciplinary programs, nor does it permit students to count courses taken on a CR/NC basis towards a major, minor, or College area requirements.
Double Majors/Minors
Many ETP majors pursue double majors and minors in a variety of other subjects. Please read the requirements about double majoring and minoring set forth by the College of Arts and Sciences. Study Abroad
The ETP program does not have any official positions on overseas programs. We recommend that ETP students interested in studying abroad go to other universities’ websites for ETP-like majors and see if there are recommended programs through those universities.
In the course approval process, students must go to the UVA departments for which they seek credit. For example, if you would like credit for a civil engineering class taken abroad, you must go to the Engineering Department to file for this credit. Unless it is an ETP course, we cannot approve it for credit.
Additional Information
For more information contact:
Deborah Lawrence, Clark Hall, P.O. Box 400123, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4123, dl3c@virginia.edu
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