Minor in APMA
A minor in applied mathematics consists of five courses at the 3000 level or above, selected with the approval of the Director of Applied Mathematics. These courses must include at least two courses from APMA 3080 , 3100 , and 3140 . At least three of the five courses must be selected from APMA offerings. Courses selected from offerings in MATH and/or STAT in the College of Arts and Sciences which are not substantial duplicates of SEAS courses taken will be considered. Minor in Engineering Business
Open to all SEAS undergraduates, this minor offers students the opportunity to study how technology and business interact. Through coursework in commerce, economics, and other disciplines, students gain an overview of business enterprise and study the ways in which firms use technology to gain competitive advantage. In contrast to the University’s entrepreneurship minor which explores how individuals and startups innovate, the engineering business minor focuses on decision-making within a company or organization. Overall, the minor serves to develop the student’s potential as a leader and decision-maker in technology-driven industries. Requirements
The six-course minor requires COMM 2010 , ECON 2010 , and STS 4810 . Three other courses are selected from a list of electives available from the course coordinator or in A122 Thornton Hall. The program is administered by a coordinator and committee appointed by the dean of the school. For further information, contact the EB Minor Coordinator, Department of Engineering and Society, Thornton Hall, P.O. Box 400744, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4744; (434) 924-6113. Minor in the History of Science and Technology
In conjunction with the History Department, the Engineering & Society Department offers a minor in the history of technology and science. Open to all undergraduates, this minor provides students with an opportunity to become familiar with humanistic perspectives of technology and science. For the engineering student, the minor offers an occasion for placing his or her professional education in a larger social and intellectual context; likewise, it provides the liberal arts student with a better understanding of science and technology as key components in human culture. Requirements
The minor consists of 18 credits. College students may include the non-College courses as general electives in order to satisfy the requirements for the minor. The list of eligible courses and requirements can be obtained from the HST Minor Coordinator, Science, Engineering & Society Department, Thornton Hall, P.O. Box 400744, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4744; (434) 924-6113. Minor in Science and Technology Policy
Science, technology, engineering, and government are intertwined. Federal, state, local, and foreign governments shape science and technology in a variety of ways, including through grants, contracts, regulations, and foreign policy. Science and engineering reshape governments in turn by supplying tools and expertise and, indirectly, by transforming social and economic structures. This minor equips students with the basic skills to understand those interactions. It requires 18 credits. Along with two courses in politics and economics, all students take a course in science and technology policy designed for this minor. Three electives—from fields such as history, philosophy, and planning as well as politics and economics—deepen and broaden students’ education. Students completing this minor will gain a deeper understanding of the interdependence of science, technology, engineering, and policy. They will also prepare themselves to lead organizations inside and outside of government, including those in industry, consulting, law, and medicine. Students interested in this minor should contact David Slutzky at slutzky@virginia.edu. |