Feb 05, 2025  
Undergraduate Record 2017-2018 
Undergraduate Record 2017-2018 [ARCHIVED RECORD]


Requirements for Major

Sociology majors are required to complete thirty credits in the program approved by a member of the Sociology Faculty. These thirty credits may include courses taken before declaring the major.

Before declaring a sociology major students must complete SOC 1010-Introductory Sociology and one other sociology course for a total of six credits with at least a “C” or better in each course. Prospective majors are also urged to take SOC 3020-Introduction to Social Theory and/or SOC 3120- Sociology Research Workshop before declaring.

Four core courses are required of all sociology majors as part of the thirty credit program and are expected to be completed by the end of the third year. They are:

  • SOC 1010-Introductory Sociology
  • SOC 3020-Introduction to Social Theory
  • SOC 3120-Sociology Research Workshop
  • SOC 3130-Introduction to Social Statistics

In addition, all majors must also complete twelve credits (4 courses) at the 3000 level or above, including 6 credits (two courses) at the 4000 or 5000 level. The remaining minimum four credits (normally 2 courses) can be taken at any level; however, only 3 credits of SOC 4970-Special Studies in Sociology and only 3 credits of SOC 4800, 4801, 4820 Undergraduate Internship Program may be included in the thirty-hour major requirements.  Undergraduate Internship Program courses do not count towards the upper level requirements, including courses 3000 or above.

A grade of “C” or better is required in every course counted toward the major. Students receiving grades of “C-“ or lower in three courses, or falling below a 2.000 GPA in the department will not be permitted to continue as a major. Students receiving less than a “C” in a required course must retake the course and receive a grade of “C” or better.

With approval of the Undergraduate Studies Committee, up to six credits (2 courses) of course work in related fields may be used to fulfill the thirty credit requirement as elective credit (any level). These two courses should fulfill a concentration or study objective and should be completed with a “C” or better. Only sociology courses can be used to satisfy the course requirements at the 4000 or 5000 levels.

Exceptions to any of these requirements will be made only upon a written petition to the Director of Undergraduate Studies.

Requirements for Minor

Students wishing to minor in sociology are required to complete eighteen credits (6 courses) in the program. No more than three credits of SOC 4970 (Special Studies in Sociology) and three credits of SOC 4800, 4810, 4820 (Undergraduate Internship Program) may be included in the eighteen credits requirement for the sociology minor. Undergraduate Internship Program courses do not count towards the upper level requirements, including courses 3000 or above. No courses taken outside of the Department of Sociology are accepted towards the sociology minor. As a part of the eighteen credits for the minor students should complete SOC 1010 (Introductory Sociology) and six credits (2 courses) at the 4000 or 5000 level. The remaining nine credits (3 courses) can be taken at any level.

The Distinguished Majors Programs and Prizes

In order to provide an enriched academic experience for highly motivated students, the Department of Sociology participates in the College’s Distinguished Majors Program (DMP). Students wishing to join the Program should be Sociology majors and have a cumulative GPA of 3.4 or higher. Students are strongly urged to have completed (or be taking) SOC 3120, Sociology Research Workshop, by the time they apply to the Program. Applicants to the DMP must secure the agreement of a faculty member that he or she will take on the responsibility of supervising the thesis. Application materials (an application form, a statement of research interests signed by a faculty adviser, and a copy of the most recent transcript) should be submitted to the Sociology Office in the semester prior to entering the DMP (usually in the fifth semester).

The DMP should be completed over two consecutive semesters. The recommended sequence is Spring of the 3rd year/Fall of the 4th year. Alternatively, the DMP can be completed during the student’s fourth year (Fall and Spring of the 4th year). The choice of the timeframe should be discussed with a faculty adviser.

In addition to the general requirements for the sociology major, students in the DMP are required to write a thesis, earning 6 credits over the course of two semesters. In the first semester of the DMP students should register for SOC 4980, Distinguished Majors Thesis Research. In this course, students design and conduct their research under the supervision of a faculty adviser. In the second semester, students register for SOC 4981, Distinguished Majors Thesis Writing, and produce a finished thesis under the supervision of a faculty adviser. The thesis must be submitted to the thesis adviser and a second reader no later than two weeks before the end of the second semester in the Program.

Students who successfully complete the requirements of the DMP can graduate with distinction, high distinction, or highest distinction depending on the following: (1) grade for the thesis, (2) overall performance in the sociology major, (3) overall College record.

The Department annually awards two prizes: the Commonwealth  Prize for the Best Undergraduate Paper in a sociology course, and the Prize for the Outstanding Distinguished Majors Thesis.
For more information, or to petition for any exceptions to the requirements of the DMP, contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies.

Undergraduate Internship Program

The Undergraduate Internship Program is a joint project of the sociology department and the Center for Public Service, which grants course credit for supervised fieldwork in a wide range of local government, voluntary, and business organizations. Regular class meetings, in which interns analyze their experiences under faculty supervision, are required.


The department is located at Randall Hall 101, 130 Ruppel Drive, Charlottesville VA 22904.


In addition to encouraging independent student projects, the department has occasional opportunities for students to work as paid assistants on faculty research projects. Inquiries should be addressed to the Director of Undergraduate Studies.

Additional Information

For more information, contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department of Sociology, 130 Ruppel Drive, P.O. Box 400766, Charlottesville, VA 22904; (434) 924-7293.
soc-undergraduatestudies@virginia.edu, www.virginia.edu/sociology.

Course Descriptions