Doctor of Philosophy
The following requirements pertain generally to all Ph.D. programs in the department: students admitted to the M.A./Ph.D. (i.e., students without prior graduate work in religious studies or related fields) must complete a minimum of 54 credits in courses at the 5000 level and above, plus 18 credits in other courses (may be non-topical research) for a total of 72 credits.
Students admitted directly to the Ph.D. program (i.e., who already hold a graduate degree in religious studies, such as the M.A., M.Div., or some equivalent) may petition the Graduate Committee for advanced standing at the end of their first year of residence and may be allowed to waive up to 24 credits of the course work requirement. These students will need 30 credits of course work plus 18 other credits (e.g., non-topical research) for a total of 48 credits. All doctoral students must spend at least two consecutive semesters during the academic year in full-time residential study.
Students must demonstrate, by examination, a reading knowledge of both French and German, although other languages may also be required. Another language may be substituted if it is appropriate to the field of specialization. Language competencies must be certified before a student may proceed to comprehensive examinations.
Students must successfully complete a series of comprehensive examinations in the field of specialization within six months of the completion of required courses and language examinations. Then, within six months of the completion of these examinations, students must submit and defend, before the relevant faculty committee, a dissertation proposal.
Students are expected to complete all pre-dissertation requirements (but not necessarily the dissertation proposal), including coursework, language proficiency examinations and comprehensive examinations, by the conclusion of their eighth term of study.
When the dissertation proposal is approved, students proceed to the writing of a dissertation that demonstrates a high level of research skills, sophistication of method, originality of insight, and specialized knowledge. Dissertations must be defended in oral examination before the faculty.
The time required for successful completion of doctoral studies varies. Programs such as the History of Religions, which require substantial language training and/or periods of fieldwork inevitably take longer to complete. Students should anticipate a period of three to six years of study.