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Darden’s Global MBA for Executives (GEMBA) is designed for experienced managers who seek to further their international careers while continuing to work full time. The 21-month program is taught by the same top-ranked faculty that teach in the other Darden MBA formats and focuses on preparing students to thrive in global firms, operating across markets, across cultures and in emerging regions.
Program Design Curriculum & Residencies
The GEMBA curriculum is made up of six terms, each anchored by a two-week international residency in a location selected to create the optimal learning experience for the courses being delivered. Each time classmates meet in person, they will attend classes, visit influential firms, gain cultural knowledge and contacts and learn to work across international borders. In each term, apart from the residency, approximately one-third of the course work is delivered through distance learning as live classes, virtual learning team meetings and integrated work projects.
Leading the Global Enterprise: In Term 1, students will learn the fundamentals of leading a global enterprise, explore perspectives required for success in multinational environments and be challenged to formulate and recommend actions. They will also be introduced to the global market fundamentals of capital, products, currency, commodities and leadership.
International Residency: Charlottesville, Virginia, at The Darden School, University of Virginia.
Global Capabilities and Opportunities: In Term 2, students will explore global business environments, opportunities facing organizations globally and prerequisites for global success. The term will emphasize the fundamentals of the language of business, including global economies and markets, corporate finance, accounting and leadership.
International Residency: Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Managing and Sustaining Organizations Aacross Different Cultures and Contexts I: Term 3 will develop students’ ability to lead and execute strategy, operations and processes in a global enterprise. They will focus on activities and factors that drive costs and revenues and learn to successfully manage processes and supply chains.
International Residency: Shanghai and Beijing, China.
Managing and Sustaining Organizations Aacross Different Cultures and Contexts II: Term 4 will deepen students’ ability to lead a successful global enterprise by focusing on the creation, development and management of its value proposition to different stakeholders; the marketing and selling of its products and services;the way that firms deal with currency risks and expand via mergers and acquisitions; finally to study how business operates within society.
International Residency: Paris, France and Berlin, Germany.
Entering New Cultures and Contexts: Term 5 focuses on taking the strategic perspective, entering and succeeding in new markets and innovating in a global context. Students will gain a more in-depth understanding of new market entry and new product development; management of uncertainty and risk; management of joint ventures and collaborative enterprises; and the role of R&D. They will also complete a professional development course with a career coach and complete an independent study, begun in Term 4 on a current business or start-up of interest.
International Residency: Mumbai and Delhi, India.
What’s Next and Creating the Future: Term 6 is about putting it all together and reflecting upon the entire course of study. Faculty and classmates will guide the integratione, synthesis and commitment to ongoing individual and organizational changes. Students will also participate in integrated curriculum advanced seminars which will explore more deeply key topics covered in previous terms such as accounting, finance, and leadership, as well as new topics such as innovation and entrepreneurship.
International Residency: Charlottesville, Virginia., at The Darden School, University of Virginia.