The interdisciplinary program in Historic Preservation offers master’s degree candidates in architecture, architectural history, landscape architecture and urban and environmental planning the opportunity to expand their professional studies through specialized training in the ethics and practice of historic preservation. Preservation has grown increasingly important in defining a civic sense of place, buttressing sustainable communities, conserving urban neighborhoods, protecting rural and scenic areas, and enriching public understanding of social, cultural, and architectural history. The program provides the opportunities for graduate students to develop the skills and expertise of the preservation practitioner within their own discipline, while at the same time studying the breadth of preservation work in related fields. Faculty from all four disciplines in the School of Architecture and distinguished visiting practitioners teach the preservation courses.
Admission Students wishing to enter the Historic Preservation program must first be admitted to one of the graduate departments in the School of Architecture. In order to ensure proper academic advising and program coordination, students interested in the Historic Preservation program should attend the program meeting at the start of the fall semester. Upon arriving at the Architecture School they should also file a program application form with the Architecture School’s Registrar. Students who complete the required 21 credits of preservation course work receive a Certificate in Historic Preservation, in addition to their department’s master degree. There are individual courses that fulfill the requirements of the historic preservation certificate curriculum that also fulfill requirements within a student’s departmental curriculum. Thus, students normally complete the course work for the historic preservation certificate during the same period in which they complete their degree program.
Historic Preservation Certificate Curriculum Work in the Historic Preservation Program is grouped into four general areas: Theory, History, Practice, and Community History, Design, and Planning Core.
Inquiries should be addressed to Director, Historic Preservation Program, School of Architecture, P.O. Box 400122, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4122.
Foundations of Preservation Core This is made up of six courses divided into three thematic groups that provide an ethical and conceptual overview of preservation. Certificate candidates take four courses in this core that are divided as follows: they take the one course in Theory, one in History, and two in Practice. (12 credits total):