The streamlining of many routine functions in human resources has created a growing need for highly trained professional managers with the skills to plan for, hire, train, manage, retain, and develop tomorrow’s workforce. Professionals in human resources management must be involved in the strategic planning process, handle legal and ethical issues, manage complex finances, serve as in-house consultants on organizational behavior act as change managers.
The 10-course Certificate in Human Resources Management provides a core of courses addressing the functional areas of human resources. The program also offers a selection of elective courses that provides the opportunity to delve deeper into specialized areas, polish communication skills, and explore “hot topics”. Each course carries three semester hours of undergraduate course credit. Students may enroll in individual courses without applying for the certificate.
The certificate provides evidence of specialized educational achievement and is appropriate for those who already have an undergraduate (and/or graduate) degree as well as those who do not.
All required and elective courses are offered online. For more information please visit the program online at