(1) Science elective I: Chosen from ECE 2066; BIOL 2010, 2020; MSE 2090; CHEM 1620; PHYS 2620.
(2) HSS electives are chosen from the approved list available in A122 Thornton Hall.
(3) Primary minor electives must be chosen so as to earn an approved SEAS technical minor.
Once minor requirements are satisfied, any 2xxx or higher technical SEAS course is acceptable.
(4) Engineering Science: Secondary minor electives must be chosen so as to earn an approved minor in mathematics or a natural science. Once secondary minor requirements are satisfied, any 2xxx or higher technical SEAS, mathematics, or natural science course is acceptable.
(5) Advanced math/CS elective: One 3xxx-level or higher mathematics course in SEAS or CLAS; or one 2xxx-level or higher course in computer science.
(6) Science elective II: Either CHEM 1620 with lab or PHYS 2620 with workshop is required.
(7) Area of concentration: The AOC is comprised of technical electives and advanced technical electives (i.e., math, science and engineering) which provided identity and add depth to the student’s major field.
(8) Unrestricted electives may be chosen from any graded course in the University except mathematics courses below MATH 1310, including STAT 1110 and STAT 1112, and courses that substantially duplicate others used for the student’s degree.
(9) Advanced elective: 3xxx level or higher course in the natural sciences or SEAS. The course must have science or mathematics prerequisites.
(10) Advanced projects is a graded research, independent study, or design course. Individual or group projects are possible. Engineering in Context (EIC) courses may substitute, upon advisor approval. [ENGR 3020 is a prerequisite for EIC.]