(1) Chosen from the approved list available in A122 Thornton Hall.
(2) Chosen from: BIOL 2010, 2020; CHEM 1620: ECE 2066; ENGR 2500; MSE 2090; and PHYS 2620.
(3) Selected from courses in the Department of Mathematics at the 2000 level or higher.
(4) Unrestricted electives may be chosen from any graded course in the University except mathematics courses below MATH 1310, including STAT 1110 and STAT 1120, and courses that substantially duplicate any others offered for the degree, including PHYS 2010, 2020; CS 1110, 1020; or any introductory programming course. Students in doubt as to what is acceptable to satisfy a degree requirement should get the approval of their advisor and the dean’s office, located in A122 Thornton Hall. APMA 1090 counts as a three-credit unrestricted elective.
(5) ECE 2330 is offered in both fall and spring semester; it could be take in the third semester.
(6) ECE 4435 and 4440 each count as one course and one lab if chosen as electives. One of the ECE electives must be the Major Design Experience Course. Electrical Engineering is a very broad discipline with applications to many areas within and without the engineering profession. As you decide how to use your EE, technical and unrestricted electives, we recommend that you meet with your faculty advisor to discuss how the suggested application areas and sample courses listed in the Electrical Engineering Undergraduate Handbook can be combined to meet your personal and professional goals.
(7) A technical elective is defined as a course in engineering (may be ECE), mathematics, or science (intended for science majors) at the 3000 level or above. Any course appearing on the approved list of HSS electives may not be used as a technical elective.
(8) ECE 3330 is offered both fall and spring semester; it could be taken in the third semester.