Undergraduate Record 2011-2012 [ARCHIVED RECORD]
Curriculum, Instruction and Special Education
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5-year Program in Teacher Education
Students interested in earning licensure to teach complete a five-year curriculum leading to the simultaneous awarding of a bachelor’s and a master’s degree. This program, sponsored cooperatively by the College of Arts and Sciences and the Curry School of Education, provides an extensive liberal arts foundation, content area preparation, and professional study in education. Students earn a B.A. or B.S. degree from the College and an M.T. from the Curry School of Education. Students majoring in Health and Physical Education earn both a BSEd and MT through the Curry School.
Teaching Specializations
The requirements for each teaching specialization are largely determined by the kind of teaching position for which the student is preparing. The teacher education requirements are in addition to the courses required in general education and are in compliance with state licensure guidelines.
Elementary Education The elementary education program leads to licensure and endorsement for teaching in PreK-6 classrooms. Students must complete a broad liberal arts program including English, science, math, American history, and world history or western civilization. Prospective elementary teachers may complete a major from any discipline in Arts and Sciences, however, students are encouraged to seek a major in a core content area.
Secondary Education The University of Virginia offers a wide choice of academic majors, with the following majors leading directly to an endorsement to teach in a secondary school: English, mathematics, social studies or an area in science (biology, physics, chemistry, environmental science).
Foreign Language Education Endorsement programs for PreK-12 are available in French, German, Latin, and Spanish. Students majoring in a foreign language are required to spend at least six weeks abroad and take a speaking and writing proficiency test in their target language.
Health and Physical Education The five-year kinesiology program leading to endorsement in health and physical education requires that all students transfer into the Curry School of Education for a combined B.S.Ed.-M.T. degree. This health and physical education program follows the same format as the B.A.-M.T. option, but it is located entirely in the Curry School due to the specific disciplinary course offerings related to human movement sciences (e.g., anatomy, kinesiology, motor development, and sport psychology).
Special Education – General Curriculum The general special education program prepares teachers to serve students in grades K-12 with mild disabilities in a variety of settings – inclusion classrooms, modified resource rooms, and self-contained classrooms. Students must complete requirements for a second endorsement area in general education (elementary education, a secondary education content area, or ESL.
Early Childhood Special Education The Early Childhood Special Education program certifies graduates to teach children (birth to age 5) with a wide range of developmental delays in cognition, communication, social skills, adaptive behavior, and/or motor skills. Graduates are likely to be employed by public schools, Head Start programs, early intervention programs, and a wide range of service providers serving young children and their families.
Application (Permission to Enroll) Process
Arts and Sciences students should apply for permission to enroll in the Teacher Education Program by February 15 of their second year of study . They should have completed, or be enrolled in, EDIS 2010 and EDIS 2880 at the time they apply.
Transfer students from other institutions should apply to the program through the University’s Office of Undergraduate Admissions during their second year of study, If they have not taken the equivalent of EDIS 2010 (Teaching as a Profession), transfer students must attend summer school in Charlottesville to complete the course before the start of fall semester.
All applicants must provide SAT/ACT/VCLA or Praxis I scores that meet requirements specified on the Curry website.
Academic Requirements
Courses required for the B.A. or B.S. degree taken at the 4000 level or below may be successfully completed with a passing grade of D- or better unless the program requires a higher grade. Courses in the major must reflect a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or better.
Courses taken at the 5000 level or above in the major and in professional studies require a minimum grade of B- or better; 5000-level courses taken before the fourth year in which a student has performed below the level of B- may be petitioned, with advisor and dean’s office approval, to have the grade standard waived.
Professional studies courses at the 5000 level in which a student has received a failing grade (less than a B-) must be retaken, or a substitute professional course must be taken to replace the deficiency. Course substitution or retaking a course must be approved by the advisor and the Office of Teacher Education. Program deficiencies may result in the student being suspended from the program.
General Education: All students in the five-year teacher education program must complete the general education requirements specified by the College of Arts and Sciences and the Curry School of Education. Candidates for the B.A./B.S. degree must have completed a total of 102 credits from the College of Arts and Sciences.
In accordance with licensure requirements, specific courses within the general education core vary by teacher education program area. Detailed information can be obtained on the Curry website or from the Teacher Education Office (326 Bavaro Hall).
Echols Scholars: Echols scholars enrolled in the B.A./B.S. to M.T. program must meet state requirements for coursework in mathematics, natural science, social science, U.S. history, English communication, literature, and other humanities. See the Curry web site for specific requirements
Policy Exceptions: Exceptions to program policies in teacher education must be requested on the Teacher Education Policy Exception form and must be approved by an advisor, the Director of Teacher Education, and a Curry Dean.
Student Advising Handbook: Teacher Education program policies and procedures are specified in the Student Advising Handbook found on the Teacher Education website (http://curry.virginia.edu/teacher-education )
Professional Studies Description: Program guides delineating the semester-by-semester sequence for professional studies in each content endorsement area can also be found on the Teacher Education website.
Advancement to Graduate Study
By December 1 of the fourth year, students apply for advancement to graduate status. Criteria for advancement include: (1) demonstrated competence in basic skills (verbal, quantitative, and computer skills), (2) a high grade point average (2.750 overall/3.000 in academic major), (3) satisfactory performance in all field experiences, (4) demonstrated proficiency in public speaking, and (5) satisfactory performance on the GRE. During their fifth year, even though they have not yet received their undergraduate degree, the Office of Financial Aid classifies teacher education students as graduate students. Thus, they qualify for graduate scholarship and loan programs, not undergraduate grants.
Applying for Graduation and Licensure
All students must take and pass the Praxis II exam and the Virginia Communication and Literacy examinations to graduate. Elementary and special education students must also pass the Reading for Virginia Educators (RVE) assessment. Graduates must submit an Application for Graduation and licensure application materials by February 1 for May graduation, by June 1 for August graduation, or by October 1 for January graduation. For additional information, see the Curry web site: http://curry.virginia.edu/search/results-google?s=y&q=application+for+graduation
Teaching Specializations
The requirements for each teaching specialization are largely determined by the kind of teaching position for which the student is preparing. The teacher education requirements are in addition to the courses required in general education and are in compliance with state licensure guidelines. All those completing M.T. programs for initial licensure in the Commonwealth of Virginia must pass the Specialty Area Examinations (Praxis II). Students should contact their advisor in the Curry School of Education or the Office of Admissions for further information. Taking and passing the Praxis exams and appropriate specialty tests are graduation requirements. Course sequences and testing requirements for all teacher education programs may be obtained from the Office of Teacher Education (326 Bavaro Hall), or the Teacher Education website: http://curry.virginia.edu/teacher-education. Students must also pass the Virginia Communication and Literacy Assessment (can be taken at any point in the program) and elementary and special education students must complete the reading for Virginia Educators exam after their fourth year. Elementary Education
The elementary education program leads to licensure and endorsement for teaching in PreK-6 classrooms. Students must complete a broad liberal arts program including English, science, math, American history, and world history or western civilization. Prospective elementary teachers may complete a major from any discipline in the arts and sciences, however, students are encouraged to seek a major in a core content area. Secondary Education
The University of Virginia offers a wide choice of academic majors, with the following majors leading directly to an endorsement to teach in a secondary school: English, mathematics, history, Spanish, French, German, Latin, biology, physics, chemistry, environmental science. Note: The credits required for a major at the University of Virginia generally do not match the credits required for an endorsement in a particular field. Introductory courses that may not be counted for a major in the College may be counted for endorsement purposes. The following descriptions are for endorsement programs approved by the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Education: English:
The curriculum for prospective teachers of English fulfills guidelines of the National Council of Teachers of English plus all requirements of the Commonwealth of Virginia for teaching grades 6-12. In addition to teacher education core courses, minimum requirements include: - 3 credits in English composition (ENWR 1510) or equivalent
- 32 credits in upper-division English courses, including:
- 6 credits in history of English literature
- 6 credits in literature before 1800
- 1 course in Shakespeare
- 1 course in American literature (pre-1900)
- 1 course in American literature (post 1900)
- 1 course in the novel
- 1 course in poetry
- 1 course in creative or non-fiction writing
- 1 course in teaching composition
- 1 course in language, literacy, and culture
- 1 course in literature for adolescents
- 2 courses in American/English literature at the graduate level
Course work should include the history of the English language. Courses dealing with women and minority American writers and those providing a working knowledge of theatrical and cinematic aesthetics are recommended. Foreign Language Education:
Endorsement programs for PreK-12 are available in French, German, Latin, and Spanish. Students must complete a 30-credit major at the 300 level and above, plus two graduate-level courses in the appropriate foreign language department. Course work must be related to advanced grammar and composition, advanced conversation, culture and civilization, literature, and applied linguistics, with a minimum of the following credits in the specific language. - French: 36 credits at the 3000 level and above
- German: 30 credits at the 3000 level and above
- Spanish: 36 credits at the 3000 level and above
Students majoring in a foreign language are required to spend at least six weeks abroad and take a speaking and writing proficiency test in their target language. Advancement to graduate status and student teaching placement are contingent upon the results of these tests. For graduation, the satisfactory proficiency score is Advanced Low (American Council of Teachers of Foreign Language Scale). Students who score below this rating on the diagnostic test must improve their language skills and retake the test. An exit proficiency test in both oral and written skills will be required for licensure as a teacher of foreign languages. Latin:
Students seeking endorsement as a Latin teacher must complete 18 credits (above LATI 1030) and 12 credits in related subjects. Course experiences should include reading and comprehension of Latin; Latin phonology, morphology, and syntax; the culture and civilization of the Roman people; and literary masterpieces. Teachers who have completed requirements for endorsement in other modern languages may be additionally endorsed by completing 12 credits above LATI 1030 and CLAS 2020. Students who have completed a major (including all endorsement requirements) in one modern foreign language or Latin may be endorsed in a second language by completing 18 credits above the 3000 level. Course experiences must include advanced grammar and composition, conversation, culture and civilization, literature, and applied linguistics. English as a Second Language:
An endorsement in English as a Second Language is available to students enrolled in any of the teacher education programs, as ESL is considered a second endorsement only. Students interested in earning the ESL endorsement must seek permission from their Curry advisor and the Director of Teacher Education. Mathematics:
Requires a major in mathematics or its equivalent, including at least 9 courses in mathematics above the calculus sequence. The math major must include calculus, 6 credits of mathematical analysis with differential equations, 6 credits of linear and modern algebra, 6 credits of probability and statistics and 3 credits of geometry. At least 6 of these credits must be taken at the 5000 level or above. In addition, at least 3 credits of computer science and 3 credits of educational computing must be presented. Algebra Add-on Endorsement:
A student who is completing requirements for an endorsement in another area may also be endorsed to teach general mathematics and Algebra I by completing a concentration of 20 credits of computer science and math, including two courses in differential and integral calculus, one course in linear or modern algebra, two courses selected from mathematical analysis, discrete mathematics, geometry, probability, statistics, and at least one course in computer science. Science:
Teacher education students interested in science participate in programs designed to meet or exceed the standards of the National Science Teachers Association. Science education majors can teach in grades 6-12 and must complete 52 credits in science, mathematics (at least to introductory calculus), statistics, and computer applications in order to demonstrate depth and breadth of scientific background. Science teacher education students are also required to take at least 1 course in the history of science. Areas of concentration include: Biology: 32 credits in biology, with at least one course from each of the following areas: botany, cell biology/biochemistry, ecology, genetics, physiology, zoology; plus 20 credits in a related field, including chemistry, earth/space science, mathematics (above introductory calculus) and physics. At least 6 of the science credits must be taken at the 5000 level or above. Chemistry: 32 credits in chemistry, with at least one course from each of the following areas: analytical chemistry, biochemistry, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry; plus 20 credits in a related field, including biology, earth/space science, mathematics (at or above calculus), and physics. At least 6 of the science credits must be taken at the 5000 level or above. Earth and Space Science: 32 credits in earth and space science, with at least one course from each of the following areas: astronomy, geology, meteorology, oceanography; plus 20 credits of supporting courses in biology, chemistry, mathematics and physics. At least 6 of the science credits must be taken at the 5000 level or above. Physics: 32 credits in physics including the following areas: classical mechanics, electricity and magnetism, optics, waves; plus 20 credits of supporting courses in biology, chemistry, earth/space science, and mathematics through introduction to differential equations. At least 6 of the science credits must be taken at the 5000 level or above. Social Studies:
The Social Studies program is designed for teachers of grades 6-12 who wish to be prepared to teach United States history, world history, government, economics, political science, or geography. Students are required to successfully complete the following courses and are encouraged to major in history or government: Special Education Options
Special Education Programs meet the guidelines of the Council for Exceptional Children and prepare teachers to work with students identified with mild to moderate disabilities within inclusion and self-contained settings. Students may also elect to meet the highly qualified designation by passing a Praxis II exam in a content area. Professional preparation for special education must include credits in the characteristics of disabilities (behavioral disabilities, intellectual disabilities and delay or learning disabilities), credits in reading and reading diagnostics, instructional methodology and collaboration for special education, classroom management and psycho-educational assessment of exceptional individuals, math and technology, and field experiences in teaching exceptional individuals. Endorsements in these programs are K-12. Special Education – General Curriculum: The general special education program prepares teachers to serve students across the whole range of mild disabilities in a variety of settings (e.g., inclusion classrooms, modified resource rooms, self-contained programs). Emphasis is placed on collaboration, instructional accommodations, behavior management, and assessment strategies. Students in the Special Education – General Curriculum program must also complete all requirements for a second endorsement area in general education (elementary education, a secondary education content area, or ESL). Early Childhood – Special Education: (Birth-5 years) The Early Childhood Special Education teacher preparation program integrates psychology, early childhood education, and early childhood education, and early childhood education. The primary mission of the program is to produce high quality graduates to staff and lead educational programs that serve young children birth through age five with a range of risk and disability conditions. Graduates of the program will be certified to teach children with a wide range of developmental delays including cognitive, communication, social, adaptive behavior, and/or motor skills. Graduates are likely to be employed by public schools, head start programs, early intervention programs, and a wide range of service providers serving young children and their families. Kinesiology
The five-year kinesiology program leading to endorsement in health and physical education requires students to transfer into the Curry School of Education for a combined B.S.Ed./M.T. degree. This health and physical education program follows the same format as the B.A./M.T. option, but it is located entirely in the Curry School due to the specific disciplinary course offerings related to human movement sciences (e.g., anatomy, kinesiology, motor development, and sport psychology). Health and physical education majors must take BIOL 2010-2020 and a lab as part of the natural science requirements. Students must take a variety of performance courses and are therefore not required to complete the foreign language courses within the humanities area (although 12 credits of humanities are required, and those may include foreign languages). The content major for health and physical education focuses on human movement sciences such as anatomy, health topics, kinesiology, exercise physiology, motor development, etc. This program qualifies individuals to meet endorsement requirements to teach physical education and health PK-12. The program is designed to meet all State of Virginia certification requirements. Individuals complete 42 credits in the College of Arts and Sciences plus 33 credits in kinesiology including motor development, anatomy, kinesiology, exercise physiology, 10 credits in teaching motor skills; 15 credits in health; 45 in education, pedagogy and field experiences; and 5 hours in electives. All students are required to attend at least one state or national convention within the profession of physical education and to fulfill an experience in outdoor education. |
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