1. CHEM 1620 (3 credits) and CHEM 1621 (1 credit) are required for ChE majors and should be taken in the second semester as Science Elective 1. If another course, selected from BIOL 2010, 2020, ECE 2066; MSE 2090, or PHYS 2610, 2620, is taken then CHEM 1620/1621 will satisfy the CHEM/SCI elective. See note 7.
2. Humanities and the Social Science Electives: chosen from the approved list available in A122 Thornton Hall or from the SEAS website.
3. Chosen from engineering science courses, such as BIOM 2104*, CHE 2246*, CE 2100, 2300, 2310; CS 2300; ECE 2630, ECE 2330; MAE 2300, 2310, 2320; and MSE 2090. (CHE 2246 is recommended for bio-concentration, MSE 2090 is recommended for other ChE majors.) * Student will not get credit for both BIOM 2104 and CHE 2246 in overall program.
4. MAE 2100 will also satisfy this course requirement.
5. Unrestricted electives may be chosen from any graded course in the University except mathematics courses below MATH 1310 and courses that substantially duplicate any others offered for the degree, including PHYS 2010, 2020; CS 1110; or any introductory programming course. Students in doubt as to what is acceptable to satisfy a degree requirement should get the approval of their advisor and the dean’s office, located in Thornton Hall, Room A122. If APMA 1090 is taken as part of mathematics sequence, it counts as an unrestricted elective.
6. Any 2000-5999 course in: APMA, MATH, CHEM, PHYS, BIOL, BIOM, CHE (other than required courses), ENGR, CE, CS, ECE, MSE (excluding MSE 2010), MAE, SYS plus TMP 3051 and EVSC 2050, 2800, 3200, 3600, 3860, 4280, 4640, 4660, 4090. Courses that substantially duplicate any others taken for the degree, including PHYS 2010, 2020, cannot be used to satisfy this requirement.
7. CHEM/SCI elective is satisfied by CHEM 1621 plus a 3-credit course chosen from BIOL 2000-5999, BIOM 2101, BIOM 2104*, CHE 2246*, CHE 3347, CHE 4442, CHE 4448, CHE 4449, CHEM 1620, CHEM 2000-5999, PHYS 2000-5999, EVSC 2800. *Student will not get credit for both BIOM 2104 and CHE 2246 in the overall program. Courses that substantially duplicate any others taken for the degree, including PHYS 2010, 2020, cannot be used to satisfy this requirement.
8. Chosen from a list of chemical engineering electives: CHE 3347, CHE 4442, CHE 4448, CHE 4449.