(1) Chosen from: BIOL 2010, 2020; CHEM 1620; ECE 2066; MSE 2090; and PHYS 2620.
(2) Chosen from the approved list available in A122 Thornton Hall.
(3) Chosen from APMA 2130, 3080, 3100, or 3120
(4) Technical electives can be at the 2xxx level. The other electives must be at level 3xxx or above.
(5) Unrestricted electives may be chosen from any graded course in the University except mathematics courses below MATH 1310 and courses that substantially duplicate any others offered for the degree, including PHYS 2010, 2020; CS 1100, 1200; or any introductory programming course. Students in doubt as to what is acceptable to satisfy a degree requirement should get the approval of their advisor and the dean’s office, located in A122 Thornton Hall. APMA 1090 counts as a three-credit unrestricted elective.
(6) Gen. Ed. Electives include all those allowed for HSS electives and other non-technical courses that broaden’s one education. See list of approved courses at