Admission Requirements This program of graduate study is designed primarily for graduates of foreign law schools wishing to study one or more aspects of U.S. law and legal methods, and for foreign and U.S. law graduates seeking careers in legal education or government service. Admission is limited to specially qualified students and depends upon proven ability in the study of law.
A law graduate desiring to enter the School of Law and become a candidate for a graduate degree must prepare an application including, among other things, his or her objectives in pursuing graduate study and a proposed program of study or research. Application forms may be obtained on request from the Director of Graduate Studies, School of Law, P.O. Box 400405, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4405.
Foreign students whose native language is other than English are required to demonstrate satisfactory proficiency in the English language. Such students are required to submit results on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) as part of their complete application.
All graduate students are normally admitted at the outset as candidates for the LL.M. LL.M. graduates and others are admitted to candidacy for the Doctor of Juridical Science (S.J.D.) degree only after the candidate is in residence and the graduate committee is satisfied as to his or her qualifications. To be considered for S.J.D. candidacy, one normally must hold the LL.M. or have taught or practiced for some time. Admission to candidacy for the S.J.D. degree does not follow automatically from admission to the graduate program, but depends upon the judgment of the candidate’s qualifications by the graduate committee.
Application Deadline Applications must be received by February 1. However, candidates are strongly advised to submit their applications earlier in the fall semester.
Financial Aid Financial Aid is based on merit and need. Foreign students may compete for financial aid funds on the same basis as Americans. Financial aid awards are normally granted for one year and are limited in number.