Undergraduate Record 2019-2020 [ARCHIVED RECORD]
Electrical and Computer Engineering
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The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering offers BS degrees in both Computer Engineering and Electrical Engineering. The BS degree in Computer Engineering is an interdisciplinary degree offered jointly with the Department of Computer Science. These academic programs of study span a wide range of disciplines. Graduates of the two programs utilize their academic preparation to become successful practitioners and innovators. They analyze, design and implement creative solutions to problems with electrical and electronic devices and systems. They contribute effectively as team members, communicate clearly and interact responsibly with colleagues, clients, employers and society. Computer Engineering spans topics in both electrical engineering and computer science including computer hardware, software, robotics, embedded and cyberphysical systems, and their applications. Electrical Engineering includes such areas as communications, microelectronics, and control systems. Both program is accredited by the EAC of ABET, Inc