Undergraduate Record 2011-2012 [ARCHIVED RECORD]
College of Arts and Sciences
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General Information
The College of Arts and Sciences offers an education in the liberal arts leading to the degrees of Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science. The faculty believe a good liberal arts education must provide students with an extensive base of intellectual content and skills that enables them to explore ideas, evaluate evidence critically, draw reasoned conclusions, and communicate one’s thoughts in a clear, coherent manner. Such abilities are particularly important in a world in which knowledge and professions are changing rapidly, and the United States is increasingly part of a global social and economic network. A good liberal arts education thus demands not only rigor and depth, but also sufficient breadth to expose students to a wide range of subjects and methods of studying them.
The College’s website, http://college.artsandsciences.virginia.edu/, contains a wealth of current information pertinent to the topics covered in this section.
College Academic Calendar: http://college.artsandsciences.virginia.edu/calendar.
The College of Arts and Sciences
Monroe Hall
University of Virginia
P.O. Box 400133
Charlottesville, VA 22904-4133
(434) 924-8864
Facilities and Services
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Writing Center The Writing Center offers free individual tutoring sessions (up to 50 minutes) to students who wish to improve their academic prose. Tutors can help you focus a thesis, organize an argument, fashion a style appropriate to an assignment, and use correct punctuation and grammar.
For more information, visit the Writing Center website at http://wc.engl.virginia.edu/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
Disability Accommodation Upon the recommendation of the Learning Needs and Evaluation Center, the College of Arts and Sciences provides appropriate accommodations for students with diagnosed disabilities. Students diagnosed with a specific foreign language learning disability are referred to the policy outlined below.
Foreign Language Learning Disability Following a diagnosis from the Learning Needs and Evaluation Center and upon receipt of the coordinator’s recommendation, the student’s Dean may authorize the modification of the requirement and so notify the student in writing. Grades already earned in foreign language classes will continue to appear on the transcript. However, for students enrolled in a foreign language class in the semester during which the requirement is modified, the grading basis may convert to CR/NC if the student so requests; this change must be requested by the last day of the semester. A passing grade will be recorded as CR and a failing grade NC. If the withdrawal deadline has not passed, the student may withdraw thus receiving a W in the course.
Therefore a student experiencing exceptional difficulty in a foreign language class should:
- Consult immediately with the appropriate language course coordinator. The name of the coordinator may be obtained from the foreign language department.
- Undergo testing
- Consult the Learning Needs and Evaluation Center (LNEC), located in the Elson Student Health Center, (434) 243-5180, and present either a prior diagnosis or discuss testing to be undertaken. The center will determine if a previous diagnosis was made according to acceptable standards and within three years of admission to the University or anytime thereafter. In the absence of an acceptable prior diagnosis, the LNEC staff will counsel the student regarding undergoing neuropsychological testing for the purposes of establishing a diagnosis. The LNEC will refer the student to approved testing agencies both within the University and the community. The student bears the cost of such testing.
- If a student has received a diagnosis of a learning disability deemed acceptable to the University’s LNEC and can document unsuccessful efforts to learn a foreign language at an accredited institution, the student may confer with his or her College Association Dean regarding modification of the foreign language requirement. A petition from the student will be reviewed by the College’s Disability Accommodations Committee.
- Request accommodation If testing confirms a learning disability that adversely affects the learning of a foreign language, the LNEC will suggest possible accommodations in the foreign language classroom (e.g., extended time in class tests, de-emphasized oral or aural components, extra tutorial assistance). The student then takes the accommodation request to both the instructor and the language coordinator. The instructor and the coordinator will inform the student of the accommodations the student will receive in the class. The coordinator will notify the student’s Association Dean of the accommodations in writing. Ideally, accommodations should be in place prior to the student’s enrolling in the course.
- Enroll with accommodations. The coordinator reviews the student’s progress after six weeks.
- If the student is able to succeed, the student continues to take courses with accommodations until the foreign language sequence is completed.
- If the department finds that accommodations prove unworkable despite the student’s maximum effort, the coordinator may recommend in writing to the student’s Association Dean that the foreign language requirement be modified. Note: Modification is to be recommended only after proper accommodation procedures have failed.
- Substitute courses upon modification, the student will be required to take the appropriate number of substitute courses to fulfill the foreign language requirement. As specified in the faculty legislation, these courses are to deal (in English) with the culture or literature of a non-English speaking people, or with the history or description of language. The substitute courses should form a cohesive cluster focused on one language area, either continuing the work begun in the language class or choosing a new area. The substitute courses should be drawn primarily from foreign literature in translation courses (course mnemonic ending with TR, e.g.; CHTR, FRTR, GETR, ITTR, JPTR, PETR, POTR, RUTR etc.); classics (CLAS); those classes from anthropology, history, religion, or other departments that deal exclusively with a specific non-English speaking country or culture; or linguistics (LNGS, with the exception of LNGS 2220 Black English, since the faculty legislation calls for non-English speaking culture or literature). The student is to seek his or her dean’s prior approval for each substitute course. Substitute courses may not be applied toward the first major or toward other area requirements except the second writing requirement. They must be taken for a grade.
Academic Advising Academic advising for College undergraduates is the responsibility of the Dean of the College, the assistant deans, and the faculty of the departments within the College. Detailed information about the academic policies and programs of the College, along with links to Departmental homepages is available at http://college.artsandsciences.virginia.edu/policies.
Each department and interdepartmental program has a faculty member who is charged with organizing undergraduate advising in its major. These persons are usually designated “directors of undergraduate studies” or “undergraduate chairs,” and are thoroughly informed about every course offered for undergraduates in that field. A list of the directors of undergraduate studies appears online at the website in the preceding paragraph. Mid-way through each semester, the departments and interdepartmental programs in the College issue a complete description of courses to be offered in the following semester. These are available separately in the departmental offices and on departmental homepages.
In order to provide every entering student with individual academic counseling, the College has developed the association system. The student body of the College is partitioned into numerous associations representing first-year residences or transfer student status. Each association has an Association Dean and several faculty associates. The faculty associates serve as academic advisors to first- and second-year students. The Association Deans assist in matching students with their faculty associates and have a general responsibility for the intellectual life of the association.
These academic advisory services are coordinated with the residence life system, in which selected upper-class students reside in the dormitory as resident assistants and help first-year students with their adjustment to the University. The Association Deans are the principal links between academic advising and the more general concerns of residence life.
Students pursuing teacher education and the combined programs with the Curry School of Education have two advisors, one from their College major, and one from the parallel Teacher Education Program in the Curry School. Although B.A. students are primarily responsible for the following rules and policies of the College, there are additional regulations regarding the Teacher Education Program (similar to the rules for any major). Students should therefore consult both advisors before making any decisions regarding academic programs or course selections.
Pre-Law Advising A law school advisory program is offered by University Career Services in Bryant Hall at Scott Stadium. Available to all University students considering the study of law, the pre-law advisor provides current students and recent alumni sound advice on the admission practices and procedures of law schools throughout the country. The pre-law advisor also completes dean’s certification forms for those students applying to law schools that require them.
Pre-Health Advising While there is no pre-medical minor or concentration at the University, a student planning to apply to medical, dental, or veterinary school should bear the following in mind when planning his/her undergraduate curriculum:
1. Virtually all medical schools require one-year courses with laboratory in chemistry, biology, organic chemistry, and physics. Some schools also list requirements in English and math.
2. Prospective students in health education should major in the subject that interests them most as graduate schools in the health sciences do not require specific undergraduate majors for admission. However, non-science majors should elect one or two advanced science courses during their third year, preferably in biology or chemistry, and science majors should elect advanced courses in the humanities and social sciences. Demonstrating a broad education in liberal arts to admissions committees is most important.
Informational meetings for pre-health students are held each semester (particularly in the fall) by University Career Services in Bryant Hall at Scott Stadium.
Foreign Study Advising Both foreign languages and international studies are especially strong academic programs in the College. Many opportunities exist, some of them unique to this University, for studying abroad. About ten percent of the students graduating from the College offer some credit from study abroad toward their degrees. Plans for foreign study should be made well in advance of the intended semester of foreign study, normally during the first semester of the second year. Students contemplating foreign study should consult an advisor in the Office of International Studies in Minor Hall. A cumulative grade point average of at least 2.5, after the student’s most recent enrollment in Charlottesville, is required to receive credits from studying abroad. Students considering foreign study should bear in mind that no more than 60 credits of transfer from other universities, foreign study, advanced placement, and dual enrollment may count toward the 120 credits required for graduation. Students participating in the University’s direct study programs, however, count these hours as having been completed in Charlottesville, i.e. they do not count as transfer credits subject to the 60 hour maximum.
Posthumous Degrees Upon recommendation of the department in which the student was majoring, the Faculty of Arts and Sciences may make a posthumous award of the degree the student was pursuing, if the student had earned at least 90 credits and was registered at the University within twelve months at the time of death. Eligibility for posthumous degrees extends to students enrolled in B.A. and B.S. programs.
Dean’s List Full-time students who demonstrate academic excellence while taking a minimum of 15 credits of graded course work are eligible for the Dean’s List of Distinguished Students at the end of each semester. Courses taken on a CR/NC basis are not counted toward the 12-credit minimum. A current minimum grade point average of 3.500 is necessary to be eligible for the dean’s list. Any student receiving an F, NC, or NG during the semester is not eligible to be on the dean’s list. The notation “Dean’s List” is posted normally within several weeks after the conclusion of the semester.
Intermediate Honors A certificate of Intermediate Honors is awarded to the top twenty percent of those students in the College of Arts and Sciences who enter the University directly from high school or preparatory school and earn at least 60 credits of course work in their first four regular semesters. The computation is based upon the cumulative grade point average at the end of the fourth semester. No more than twelve of the 60 required credits may be earned on a CR/NC or S/U basis. Advanced placement, transfer credits, January terms, and hours from a Summer Session do not count toward the required credits.
Theses and Commencement Honors Degrees with distinction, high distinction, and highest distinction are awarded by the Committee on Special Programs to students who have a grade point average of 3.400 or higher and have been recommended by the departments or interdepartmental programs in which they have completed a Distinguished Majors Program (DMP) or the equivalent. Distinguished majors programs require that students submit a written thesis. All degree programs in the College of Arts and Sciences offer a distinguished majors program except astronomy, drama, and medieval studies. In departments offering thesis courses, non-DMP students may have an opportunity to write a thesis; contact the specific departments for more information. The committee also awards distinction (but not high or highest distinction) to students who have not enrolled in, or who have discontinued, a DMP but who complete their degree with a grade point average of at least 3.600.
Phi Beta Kappa Students are elected to Phi Beta Kappa for their stellar academic performance. Undergraduate members of Phi Beta Kappa are chosen from the top 12 percent of the fourth-year class and the top 4 percent of the third-year class. Students chosen for Phi Beta Kappa not only have earned a high grade point average but have also consistently demonstrated scholarship in the liberal arts. As a rule, students elected will have: (1) carried a full load of courses (15 credit hours per semester; not 12, as stated in the Undergraduate Record), (2) demonstrated proficiency in challenging advanced-level courses, and (3) chosen courses that reflect a scholarly commitment to the liberal arts in general (including a balance of courses in sciences and/or mathematics and the humanities and/or social sciences). In sum, the students who are elected choose programs that have breadth, depth, and rigor. Extracurricular activities are not taken into account.
Echols Scholars Program About 170-200 unusually accomplished students are invited to join the Echols Scholars Program at the time of their admission into the University. The program combines a stimulating residential environment with special academic advising for first-year students. Echols scholars are exempt from the foreign language, first and second writing, and area requirements. First-year Echols scholars and all Echols scholars who maintain a 3.000 or higher cumulative grade point average have priority registration for courses and the option of declaring an Echols major. Students with unusually strong academic records after their first year may apply for admission to the Echols Scholars Program. William Wilson is the Dean of the Echols Scholars Association.
Rainey Academic Program The University admits each year approximately 20 students who receive a substantial amount of financial aid through the Access program. Students arrive in the third Summer Session, enroll in two courses, and participate in a series of workshops to promote a smooth transition to the College. A major emphasis of the program is to provide these students, some of whom are first-generation college students and all of whom face a variety of financial challenges, with the ongoing support and guidance to assist in their academic and non-academic success at the University.
Visiting Students Each year a very few students are admitted to non-degree, one-year enrollment as special students in the College. The purpose is to provide graduates of four-year institutions, with strong academic records, an opportunity to prepare themselves for graduate work in Arts and Sciences. This program is not meant for students who wish to apply to medical school, law school, or business school. Written requests for admission as a special student should be addressed to Assistant Dean Frank Papovich, Monroe Hall 101, University of Virginia, P.O. Box 400133, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4133, and should be submitted by August 1 for admission for the fall semester. Such requests should include a letter of endorsement from the appropriate UVa departmental graduate program director and an official copy of the student’s transcript. Special students are not accepted for the spring semester.
Admission as a visiting student does not imply or guarantee admission to a degree program in an undergraduate or graduate school of the University. Admission to undergraduate schools may be offered only by the dean of undergraduate admission. Admission to graduate programs may be made only by the deans of graduate admission of each individual graduate school.
In addition to the Bachelor of Arts, the College of Arts and Sciences offers the following degrees:
Bachelor of Science The requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Biology, the Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, the Bachelor of Science in Environmental Sciences, and the Bachelor of Science in Physics are included in the appropriate departmental descriptions (see Departments and Programs).
Bachelor of Arts with Honors The purpose of the baccalaureate degree with honors is to enable students of special ability and interest in their third and fourth years to pursue a course of independent study under the guidance of a department faculty and the supervision of the Committee on Special Programs. Honors students devote their time primarily to their chosen subjects for two years, during which they read independently in that field and participate in tutorials and seminars conducted by their departmental tutors. Honors programs vary slightly from department to department, but candidates in all departments are evaluated finally by visiting examiners from other colleges and universities. Depending upon this evaluation, they may receive degrees with “honors,” “high honors,” or “highest honors” as the only grades for two years of work. It is also possible they may be recommended for no degree, or for an ordinary Bachelor of Arts degree. The most visible honors programs are those offered by the Woodrow Wilson Department of Politics and the Department of Philosophy. Other departments that have accepted candidates for this degree are anthropology, music, and psychology. Further information may be obtained from the Directors of Undergraduate Programs in these departments.
Degree Applications To receive a degree, students must comply with the well-publicized procedures administered by the College registrar, whose office is in Monroe Hall 138. The application process for May graduation begins in October, with the final deadline to file a May degree application falling in December, before winter break. The application deadline for August graduation falls in June, and for January graduation the deadline falls in September. Students who miss a deadline may apply for the subsequent graduation and must register for the semester in which it occurs.
Degree Requirements For graduation from the College with a B.A. or B.S., the candidate must have satisfied the area requirements given below and a plan of major study. In addition, the candidate must have passed and offer for a degree a minimum of 120 credits of approved courses, of which at least 96 must be passed on a graded (A-B-C-D) basis. Among the 120 credits must be at least 102 College or College-equivalent credits. A candidate must have made a grade point average of at least 2.000 on all graded courses taken in the College or elsewhere in the University and offered for a degree.
Time frame for Degree Completion A degree program must be completed in four academic years and, under certain conditions, can be completed in three. The first two years are intended to be spent in developing the knowledge and skills associated with a broad range of basic academic disciplines, including natural science, history and social science, the humanities, foreign language, English composition, mathematics and fine arts. In the third and fourth years, students are expected to pursue courses at an increasingly advanced level in several of these fields and to concentrate in one of them (the major subject). Twelve or more credits attempted in a single semester for work at another institution, including study abroad, will constitute one of the eight semesters allotted for full-time registration in the College. In order to remain on track to graduate in four years, students must present 54 credits to register for a fifth semester of full time study and 84 credits to register for their seventh semester of full time study. Students behind in hours make them up in a summer session, as transfer credits, or by enrolling as a part time student.
To earn a B.S. or B.A. a student must present 120 credits which complete the competency requirements, area requirements, and major requirements.
Competency Requirements These requirements provide the foundation for successful study in the liberal arts, for meeting subsequent challenges in the work place, and for serving effectively as an educated member of society:
• Composition: Every liberal arts graduate is expected to have the ability to write clearly, succinctly, and in a logical manner.
• Foreign Language: Language is not simply a means to communicate, but also an avenue for insights into other cultures. Many students also discover that learning a second language improves their understanding of English and broadens their awareness of an increasingly diverse America.
• Courses for competency requirements must be taken on a graded basis.
Area Requirements The faculty established area requirements to ensure that all students have the background and breadth for further learning in a variety of disciplines. In completing these requirements, students explore a wide range of disciplines, points of view, and modes of inquiry. In addition, they investigate unfamiliar areas and thus can make more informed judgments about their major and elective courses.
The faculty encourages students to design programs of study that offer the maximum range of intellectual opportunities. The area requirements are therefore organized to provide experience with a broad array of intellectual approaches rather than prescribe a specific body of content:
1. Social Sciences allow students to explore techniques of analysis and modes of reasoning for studying a wide range of social, economic, and political relations.
2. Humanities improve students’ understanding of the achievements and potential of literature and the arts, whether verbal, visual, or musical. They may also address basic questions concerning values and ethics.
3. Natural Sciences and Mathematics improve students’ comprehension of the fundamental principles of natural phenomena and of scientific methods as a way of describing and understanding the world.
4. Non-Western Perspectives broaden students’ exposure to other cultures and to the ways those cultures perceive their environment or organize their society.
5. Historical Studies introduce students to the historical forces that have shaped and changed the nature of human societies and methods that are required to study such forces as well as encourages students to think about cause and effect and the continuity and change over time.
All courses used for area requirements must be taken on a graded basis.
The Major The faculty require each student examine one subject in depth in order to experience sustained, cumulative study of a range of related topics and issues over a period of several semesters. The declaration of a major in a single subject also allows students to focus on an area of interest where they would like to develop their intellectual capacity. The faculty does not view the major as a direct path to a particular career. However, by developing a mastery of a particular area, students advance their intellectual capabilities in ways that will be of value in a range of later endeavors.
Following matriculation, all competency and area requirements must be completed at the University of Virginia and must be taken on a graded basis. AP credits from secondary school and transfer credits awarded before U.Va. matriculation may count as area requirements, with the exception of the second writing requirement. Dual-enrollment credit may not be used to meet first writing or foreign language requirements. Test scores cited in this section are from the SAT II Subject Tests re-centered in April 1995.
First Writing Requirement Students may meet the first writing requirement in one of five ways:
- By successfully completing the two-semester Introduction to Academic Argument (ENWR 1505 + 1506).
- By successfully completing the two-semester ESL version of Introduction to Academic Argument (ENWR 1559 in the fall, followed by spring ENWR 1508).Note that this path is for students who are still developing their skills in English as a second language; students required to fulfill the first writing requirement in the ESL path will be identified by the Admissions Office, the Summer Transition Program, or the Professional and Academic Writing Program.
- By successfully completing Accelerated Introduction to Academic Argument (ENWR 110).
- By successfully completing the two-semester Pavilion Writers sequence (ENWR 2150 followed by 2160).
- By exemption.
Although instructors (especially in ENWR 1505/1506 and 1559/1508) will offer guidance on questions of mechanical correctness where needed, students are assumed to be competent in the basics of English grammar before entering U.Va. Instead of offering grammar drills, these courses help students identify and frame academic questions, support and extend conceptual arguments, and develop a range of prose styles.
Students must meet the first writing requirement during their first year at U.Va.
A note for transfer students: The goals of first-year writing courses at other universities vary widely. Therefore, although transfer course credit may be granted, exemption from UVAs first writing requirement is *not* automatically given to students who have completed a writing or composition course elsewhere.
Transfer students whose test scores do not exempt them from U.Va.’s first writing requirement may submit a portfolio to the writing program for review. The deadline for review of fall placement portfolios is usually August 1, with students missing this deadline being eligible to submit portfolios for the spring semester by the middle of October. Questions should be directed to Professor Jon D’errico in the Department of English (924-7072).
Students may earn exemption in two ways:
Automatic exemption. Students are automatically exempt from the first writing requirement if at least one of the following statements is true:
- The student is an Echols Scholar.
- The student scored 700 or above on the writing portion of the SAT exam.
- The student scored a 5 on the AP English language subject test.
- The student scored a 5 or above on the IB (higher A 1) exam.
Portfolio exemption. Students who are not automatically exempt, may be able to earn an exemption from the first writing requirement through portfolio review. A good candidate for portfolio review will have:
- Experience writing argument papers at the college level.
- A score of 660 or above on the writing portion of the SAT exam.
- A score of 4 or better on the AP English literature subject test.
- A score of 4 or better on the AP English language subject test.
Second Writing Requirement All students, except Echols Scholars, must complete a second writing requirement (typically a 3-credit course that is writing intensive) with a grade of C- or better by the end of their sixth semester. A course in a school other than the College, advanced placement credit, advanced standing, dual enrollment credit, or credit transferred from another university will not satisfy this requirement. A course must have at least two writing assignments in English totaling 4,000 words (20 pages) or more (exclusive of quizzes and final examinations) and a student/faculty ratio no greater than 30/1 to qualify as a second writing requirement course.
Although it is not advised, a student may take a course that meets the second writing requirement before or during the semester that he or she completes the first writing requirement. However, completing the second writing requirement neither exempts a student from, nor fulfills, the first writing requirement.
A course that satisfies the second writing requirement may simultaneously count toward a student’s major or minor program or toward another area requirement. One course, including cross-listed courses such as AAS 1010 and HIAF 2031, in addition to meeting area requirements (no more than two), may also satisfy the second writing requirement.
This requirement is not complete until the student files a second writing requirement completion form and has it certified by the College Registrar. The completion form is available online and in Monroe Hall.
Foreign Language Requirement Students can meet the Foreign Language Requirement by successfully completing one of the following courses of action:
- Earn exemption by placing beyond the 2020 level by examination
- Take 14 credits, or four semesters of a language in the proper sequence
- After placement, complete the remaining courses in the sequence up to the fourth semester (usually 2020)
Placement in a language sequence is by SAT II Subject Test score and departmental recommendation. Students who achieve the following SAT II Subject Test scores are exempt from this requirement: 660 or above in French; 650 or above in German, Italian, Latin, or Spanish; 640 or above in Chinese or Japanese; or 560 or above in Hebrew. Students must follow the department’s recommendations in the completion of the foreign language requirement. Once placement occurs, the foreign language requirement is fulfilled by the completion of each course in sequence (no skipping). Credit for introductory language courses is disallowed if it duplicates foreign language credits offered for admission to the College.
Students may be exempted from foreign languages not taught in the College upon certification by a faculty member or outside examiner designated by the dean of the College. Students may also meet the foreign language requirement by completing, or gaining exemption from, the fourth semester of American Sign Language.
AREA REQUIREMENTS All undergraduate students except Echols Scholars are required to fulfill Area Requirements by earning the proper number of credits from courses taken in each of five different academic subject areas. The courses must be taken on the graded basis.
Humanities: (6 credits) Student must pass at least one course worth 3 credits or more from two of the following groups of departments and programs:
- Classics (CLAS)
- Comparative Literature (CPLT)
- East Asian Language and Cultures (EALC)
- East Asian Studies (EAST)
- English (except ENWR 1505/1506, 1510, 2510, 2520, 2700, 2820, 3700, 3710, 3720, 3800, and ENSP 1600 and 1700) and Foreign Literature [East Asian Languages, Literatures and Cultures (except CHIN 1010/1020, 2060, JAPN 1010-2020, KOR 1010-2020, and TBTN 1010-2020), French, German, Middle Eastern and South Asian Languages and Cultures (except ARAB 2250, 2260, 3230/5230, and 3240/5240), Slavic Languages and Literatures, and Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese courses in translation, and all foreign language courses above the 2020 level (except PORT 2120, which satisfies the foreign language requirement)].
- Middle Eastern Studies (MESA)
- Media Studies (MDST) 3000
- South Asian Studies (SAST – EXCEPT SAST 2700)
- South Asian Literature in Translation (SATR)
Fine Arts
- Anthropology (ANTH) 2370
- Art History (ARTH)
- Studio Art (ARTS; not ARTS 2070)
- Drama (DRAM)
- Music (MUSI ONLY)
o (MUBN, MUEN AND MUPF courses do NOT fill this requirement)
- Media Studies (MDST) 2000, 3050, 3100
- Architectural History (AR H) 1000, 1010, 1020, 1700, 2400, 3102, 3701, 3201 and 3203
- Architecture (ARCH) 1010 (only 3-6 credit courses are accepted)
Moral, Philosophical, and Religious Perspectives
- Political Theory (PLPT)
- Philosophy (PHIL)
- Religious Studies (RELB, RELC, RELG, RELJ, etc.)
- Media Studies (MDST) 4000
Courses taken for this requirement may also count toward one other Area Requirement
Social Sciences: (6 credits) Students must pass at least one course worth 3 credits or more from two of the following departments and programs:
- Anthropology; except ANTH 2370; some foreign language courses offered as ANTH will not satisfy this requirement
- American Studies (AMST)
- Economics (except ECON 3710, 3720, 4720)
- Environmental Sciences (EVSC 2030 only)
- Environmental Thought and Practice (ETP) 3860,4810
- Politics (PLAP, PLCP, PLIR); no Political Theory (PLPT)
- Psychology (PSYC)
- South Asian Studies (SAST) 2700
- Sociology (SOC)
- Afro-American and African Studies (AAS); except AAS literature courses
- Linguistics (LING AND LNGS); 2000-level or above
- Studies in Women and Gender (SWAG)
Courses taken for this requirement may also count toward one other Area Requirement.
Natural Science and Mathematics: (12 credits) Students must pass 12 hours of natural science and/or mathematics courses from at least two departments. Courses that count toward this requirement may be chosen from:
- The Departments of Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Sciences Mathematics, Physics and Statistics
- Economics (ECON) 3710, 3720 and 4720
- Psychology (PSYC) 2220 3210 and 4200 (as of fall 2008)
Students are strongly encouraged to include courses in mathematics, the physical sciences and the biological sciences. For this requirement, statistics, mathematics and the above three economics courses are considered to come from one department. This means you cannot satisfy this requirement with just these courses.
Exceptions include:
- Astronomy (ASTR) 1000T
- Biology (BIOL) 1000T
- Chemistry (CHEM) 1000T
- Environmental Science (EVSC) 1000T and 2030
- Mathematics (MATH) 1000T and 1030
- Physics (PHYS) 1000T
Courses designated as 1000T are equivalencies as determined by the College of Arts & Sciences. These courses are considered elective credit and do not satisfy this requirement.
Historical Studies: (3 credits) You must pass at least one course worth 3 credits or more either from the History Department or from a class determined by the faculty to be substantially historical. Classes that meet this requirement change each semester. Qualifying courses can be found in the SIS Course Catalog.
Courses taken to fulfill the Historical Studies Area Requirement may also count toward fulfilling one other Area Requirement.
Non-Western Perspectives (3 Credits) Students must pass at least one course worth 3 or more credits which the faculty recognizes as dealing substantially with a culture other than Western culture. Classes that meet this requirement change each semester. Classes that meet this requirement change each semester. Qualifying courses can be found in the SIS Course Catalog.
Courses taken to fulfill the Non-Western Perspectives Area Requirement may count also toward fulfilling one other Area Requirement.
Curricular requirements for students resuming their educations The above curriculum applies to all incoming first-year students who registered for the fall of 1994 or subsequent semesters. Students who entered prior to 1994 and wish to resume their undergraduate education are subject either to the curriculum in place when they matriculated or the current one. In this instance, the Dean of the College determines year level and informs the student before matriculation.
Accuracy of Students’ Records and Use of E-mail Students are responsible for verifying the accuracy of their academic records by the drop deadline, the withdrawal deadline and each time they make a change in their schedule. Students who fail to do so are subject to various penalties as determined by the dean. Changes to the transcript are permitted only during the current and immediately subsequent semesters. Upon payment of a nominal fee, transcripts may be requested from UREG (Office of the University Registrar) in Carruthers Hall. Academic Requirements reports and final semester grades are available through SIS. Errors must be reported to the dean’s office within the stated deadlines; after one semester has lapsed, a student’s record is considered permanent.
Use of Email and Access to IT Services: The College of Arts and Sciences sends much of its official correspondence via e-mail and password protected websites. Students are expected to open and maintain an active U.Va. e-mail account and are held responsible for all materials sent via electronic mail. Examples include end of the semester academic status letters, notice of failure to declare a major, various official newsletters, and requests to schedule an appointment with your Association Dean, etc. When students use non virginia.edu mail accounts, it is their responsibility to make sure their U.Va. mail is forwarded to that account. ITS does not delete accounts for students who are suspended, but it does limit the access to only email for these students within a few weeks of the suspension. Once suspended students return and are properly registered at the University, ITS restores their access to other computing resources. Students with questions about their e-mail accounts are directed to the ITS Help Desk in 235 Wilson Hall (924-3731) or to ITS’s web site: www.its.virginia.edu/helpdesk. Students who object to the use of email for the transfer of information regarding their academic standing should notify their Association Deans in writing and anticipate that the processing of information about them is likely to be slower.
Compliance with College Regulations Students are held responsible for selecting their courses in accordance with the course restrictions and policies printed in this Record, in the College of Arts and Sciences Student Handbook, and in advising material distributed by departments. Only after the approval of the dean’s office has been obtained in the form of a petition may a student enroll in a course that does not comply with the College’s regulations.
Appeals Students whose petitions for exemption from College rules have been denied by the Association Deans may appeal to the Committee on Faculty Rules (c/o associate dean for academic programs, Monroe Hall 101). The Committee consists of faculty members who are not association deans. If the negative decision is upheld by the Committee on Faculty Rules, the student’s route of appeal is to the associate dean for academic programs (Monroe Hall 101). The Associate Dean for academic programs, who is in the line of appeals, does not vote in the periodic meetings held by the Association Deans to address the academic standing of students in the College
Residence Requirement The minimum residence requirement for a degree is two academic years. The last year of candidacy must be spent in this University, and courses offered in the major for the degree must be completed at the University unless written permission is obtained from the department or interdepartmental program concerned.
Transfers to the College Intra-University transfer [IUT] into the College is not assured. With very limited space in the College, students seeking to transfer into the College compete for openings by applying during the spring semester for the following academic year. IUT applications are not accepted after the first Friday in June. Thus, all students must complete at least two semesters at the University in the school in which they initially enroll. Information and application forms are available at http://artsandsciences.virginia.edu/college/iut/index.html.
Prospective transfers are encouraged to visit the College’s website for current and accurate information about academic policies: http://college.artsandsciences.virginia.edu/transfer.
Transfer Back to the College Students who have transferred from the College to another school at the University but wish to reverse the process and return to the College in the same semester, before beginning classes in the other school, must apply to transfer by the Friday after final registration or the second Friday of the semester. The application is available in Monroe 138. A student who completes one or more semesters in another school of the University and then wishes to return to the College must apply as an Intra-University Transfer. See above.
Graduate-Level Courses Undergraduates may not enroll in courses numbered 6000 and higher without the prior written approval of the Department, the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, and the College of Arts and Sciences. Students use the “6000 Form”, available in the lobby of Monroe Hall, to make a request for enrollment in these upper-level courses.
Simultaneous Counting of Courses and Cross-listed Courses One course (including cross-listed courses such as AAS 1010 and HIAF 2031) may simultaneously meet no more than two area requirements; it may also satisfy the second writing requirement. Courses taken to fulfill the area and second writing requirements, with the exception of foreign language courses through the 2020 level, may be counted toward a first or second major or toward a minor.
Intra-University Courses Students are subject to the course enrollment deadlines of the School in which the course is being offered. As such, College students taking courses in other schools of the University must follow that School’s deadlines for dropping, adding, and withdrawing from a class. Similarly, non-College students must abide by the College’s enrollment deadlines when taking College courses.
For students offering the minimum 120 credits for the B.A. or B.S., at least 102 must be College (or College-equivalent) courses; thus, no more than 18 credits from other schools of the University may apply. Elective courses in the schools of Commerce, Engineering, Education, Architecture, Leadership and Public Policy, and Nursing can count towards the 18 outside credits. College students may not take any courses in the School of Continuing and Professional Studies. By faculty approval, the following courses are considered College-equivalent and may be applied to the area requirement in humanities/fine arts: AR H 1000, 1010, 1020, 1700, 2401, 3101 3102, and 3701; ARCH 1010. By faculty approval, MSE 2010 is considered College-equivalent and may be applied to the Natural Science and Mathematics area requirement.
The following courses may not count as area requirements, but are considered College-equivalent: AR H courses (other than those noted above); ARCH 1020, 5680; CS courses; EDLF 5450, 5460, 5640; EDHS 4600; L AR 5120; 5130; MSE 2010; PLAN courses under 5000 only if the minor in planning is completed; and STS 3500.
Students in the special education part of the B.A.-M.T. Program are permitted to count the following additional six credits of Curry School courses as College-equivalent: EDIS 3020 (or EDIS 5000) and one of EDIS 5100, 5110, 5120, or 5150.
The following are considered non-College courses: EDHS (other than 3410, 3440, 3600, and 3610 [College students entering the College after the 1998-1999 term may offer no more than six credits of EDHS courses toward the 120 required]), LASE and INST (limited to two courses; total of three credits maximum; only offered on a CR/NC grading option), ROTC (12 credits maximum), SEMS, USEM (limited to one per semester), and all other courses from all other schools at the University. Up to 18 credits of these courses may count toward the 120 required for a College degree. Each semester the Dean’s Office determines, by their content and methodology, if some USEMs may count as College courses.
Courses Taken at Other Institutions Students who wish to take academic courses at another institution after matriculation at the University must have the prior written permission of the dean and the undergraduate advisor or chair of the department that offers corresponding work at the University. Permission is not granted unless students have at least a 2.000 cumulative grade point average (2.500 for courses taken abroad). After matriculation at the University, students may not fulfill College area requirements with transfer course work, the only exceptions being a foreign language course taught in the target country and courses taught at the University of Virginia extension in Northern Virginia and the U.Va. direct credit study abroad programs. Subject to the above, work completed elsewhere with a grade of C or better is transferred in credits only. For all College students entering in the fall of 2000 and after, 60 of the 120 credits required for graduation must be taken at the University of Virginia. Twelve or more credits attempted in a single semester for work at another institution, including at a foreign institution, will constitute one of the eight semesters allotted for full-time registration in the College. Please note that the credits transfer to the University, but the letter grades do not appear on the University’s official records. Students will receive no more, and may receive fewer, than the number of credits earned at the host institution.
Course Absence Regulations Regular attendance in classes is a vital part of the educational process. At the University of Virginia each student is expected to accept the responsibility of attending classes regularly and promptly. Instructors are encouraged to state their policy on attendance to their classes; they may refer any student whose attendance record they consider unsatisfactory to the dean.
The dean of the College will follow faculty requests to confer with students who are absent from classes too often and, when necessary, will impose academic discipline upon these students, either when recommended by instructors or deemed necessary by his or her office. Absences traditionally excused are those that occur because of hospitalization, serious illness, death in a student’s family, important religious holidays, or authorized University activities (field trips, University-sponsored athletic events, or the like). Students anticipating the need to be absent are expected to consult with the instructor in a timely manner. The instructor is not obligated to allow students to make up missed work; it is the instructor’s decision, not the dean’s, whether students may be allowed such a privilege. Neither the Department of Student Health nor the dean’s office issues excuses for class absence or for missed quizzes. Only when students are unable to contact instructors themselves (e.g., debilitating illness, leaving town suddenly for family emergencies, protracted absences) do the Association Deans send notification to instructors; otherwise it is the student’s responsibility to consult directly with the instructor regarding absence from class. Excuses for absences from final examinations must come only from the dean’s office.
Repeated Courses Two essentially different courses offered under the same course number may both be counted for degree credit upon the written recommendation of the director of undergraduate studies in the department concerned. Two essentially identical courses, whether under the same course number or not, may not both be counted for degree credit. If a course is passed and repeated, only the first grade received is entered in the computation of grade point average. However, only the repeated course counts toward the 120 credits required for graduation. Both the original and repeated course, and their grades, appear on the student’s transcript. If a course is failed and repeated, both courses and grades appear on the transcript, the repeated course with a passing grade counts toward the 120 credits, and both courses are computed in the grade point average.
All Fs are calculated into the student’s grade point average. Students with a blank grade should immediately meet with their instructor to determine the permanent grade; the instructor must then submit a Grade Change Form. All blank grades and unauthorized imcompletes convert to F if not resolved.
Simultaneous Enrollments Students may not enroll in two courses that meet at the same time. In the rare case where this is necessary, students must obtain the written approval of both instructors and the Dean of the College. The faculty have the authority to require 100 percent attendance and participation in the scheduled courses and that the dean’s office, upon request from a faculty member, may disenroll a student, with a grade of W, from one of the courses.
Transfer Credit If a course taken elsewhere and transferred to the University is repeated and passed at the University, only the credits awarded for the transferred course count toward the 120 credits required for graduation. The course repeated at the University does appear on the student’s transcript, but the grade earned does not enter into computation of the grade point average, nor do the credits earned count toward the 120 required for graduation.
AP Credit If a course for which AP credits have been awarded is repeated at the University, the AP credits are disallowed. The repeated course is posted, with its credits counting toward graduation and its grade included in the computation of the grade point average.
Dual Enrollment If a course for which dual enrollment credits have been awarded is repeated, the dual enrollment credits are disallowed. The repeated course is posted, with its credits counting toward graduation and its grade included in the computation of the grade point average. Dual enrollment credit may not be used to fulfill competency requirements.
Discontinuing a Course Students may not be removed from a course due to lack of skills or knowledge unless these requirements are identified in the course prerequisites. Students who decide to discontinue a course in which they have enrolled must use SIS to drop the course within the well publicized deadlines. Students who fail to revise their list of current courses by using SIS within the deadlines become subject to penalties determined by the dean. Students who fail to appear for a first class meeting and who have not made arrangements with the instructor are subject to disenrollment from the course. However, it is the student’s responsibility to drop the course via SIS by the drop deadline.
Students in the College may withdraw from a course in SIS with a grade of W for a period of eight weeks from the semester’s (not the course’s) first day of instruction. After this cutoff, students must either complete the course or, with the instructor’s endorsement, submit a request for an incomplete to the dean’s office. Students who discontinue a course at any point without complying with the proper procedure receive a failing grade.
For year-long College courses, the deadlines to add and drop are those for the first semester, and the withdrawal deadline is that of the second semester.
Changes in Schedule Changes in students’ class schedules are made via SIS. If admission to a course requires the instructor’s permission, students should add their name to the instructor’s permission list and wait for an invitation to join the class. Note that being on a permission list does not guarantee that a student will be offered a space in a class. Students may add and drop courses through the deadlines stated in the current Schedule of Classes.
Adds, Drops and Course Enrollment Deadlines Students who wish to appeal penalties attached to missed deadlines must see their association deans. Further appeals may be directed, in writing, to the associate dean for undergraduate studies, Monroe Hall 101.
Course Load Special permission is required to register for fewer than 12 credits or more than 17 credits each semester. Any student who completes fewer than 12 credits receives an academic warning (see below). Students with superior records and/or extenuating circumstances may petition their association deans to enroll in more than 17 credits per semester; the maximum enrollment for any student in the College during the semester is 21.
Students who register but enroll in no courses have their registration terminated. Students in their final semester prior to graduation whose petition for a reduced course load has been approved do not receive an academic warning.
Full time students enroll with the expectation of completing their degrees in no more than eight semesters, proportionally fewer if they enter as transfer students. In serious medical or extenuating personal circumstances and upon approval of a petition to the Dean of the College, a student may be permitted to enroll as a full time student in a ninth semester. The College does not grant extra semesters for students who seek to complete a second major, nor may student athletes enroll for an extra semester because an injury caused an interruption of their eligibility (“red shirt” situations). Students who fail to finish their degree programs in the allotted number of semesters may complete their course work in the Summer Session, through part time enrollment, or, with prior permission, at another accredited institution.
Independent Study and Interdisciplinary Courses (INST) Students who wish to do independent study must do so under the auspices of a Departmental or interdisciplinary degree program in the College. Interdisciplinary courses taught under the INST subject area must be approved by the Committee on Educational Policy and the Faculty of Arts and Sciences in order to count toward the B.A. and B.S. degrees in the College. Once approved, they count among the 18 non-College credits students may include in the 120 total credits required for a College degree. College students may count no more than two INST courses for a total of 3.0 credits. INST courses must be taken on the CR/NC basis.
General In accordance with the Report of the 2020 Commission on International Activities, the University is expanding the number and kinds of its study abroad programs. Students participate in study abroad according to the guidelines below; students interested in study abroad should consult the information available in the International Studies Office in Minor Hall and posted on its website: www.virginia.edu/iso. Students should confer with their major advisor early in the process of selecting a Study Abroad program. Students may also consult with their Association Dean and with the Director of Undergraduate Programs in their major department.
Students study abroad either in U.Va. direct-credit programs in which they enroll in U.Va. courses, receive grades, and meet area requirements (and to a limited degree, major requirements) or in the usual non-graded transfer credit programs sponsored by other institutions. Courses in U.Va. direct-credit programs are recorded on the U.Va. transcript with a specific identifier in the course’s subject area. Other credits may transfer only from accredited degree-granting colleges and universities. Any exceptions require special endorsement by the Committee on Educational Policy and the Curriculum. Students are encouraged to enroll in the University’s direct credit programs because of the collaboration between the University and the host institution; students may also choose from a select list of accredited programs, approved by the Office of the International Studies, the Dean’s Office, and the department. Students in the College may transfer elective credits from these select programs without the need to seek approval for each course from departments. Students may transfer specific courses from other programs, however, only with the prior consent of the corresponding U.Va. department, the Office of International Studies, and the Dean’s Office.
Eligibility Students must enroll for their first semester and at least one additional semester at the University in Charlottesville and complete here no fewer than thirty credits. Thus new students, either first-year or transfer, may apply for study abroad only after they have matriculated in a regular fall or spring semester at U.Va. A maximum of 60 non-U.Va. credits from other universities, foreign study (the University’s direct-study programs exempted), advanced placement, or dual enrollment may count toward the 120 credits needed for the B.A. or B.S. degree in the College.
To study abroad, students must be in academic good standing and have a cumulative GPA at U.Va. of no less than 2.500 at the point of application to study abroad. Any student who does not meet either criterion must submit a petition to his or her Association Dean to be considered for an exception to College rules. These standards apply both to direct-study programs and the traditional study abroad programs under auspices of another institution or organization. Participation in the University’s direct-study programs is on a competitive basis; Program Directors may establish additional criteria beyond minimum cumulative GPA for admission.
With approval of the student’s Association Dean and the major advisor, students may study abroad in their seventh or even eighth semester. Students who do so accept the risk of not graduating on time if their grades, for any reason, are not received by the deadline set by the College Registrar.
Satisfactory Academic Progress Students enrolled in U.Va. direct-credit programs are expected to meet the College’s longstanding criteria for good standing. Failure to do so will result in the academic sanctions of Academic Warning or Suspension. Students participating in semester- or year-long U.Va. direct-credit Study Abroad programs (not summer programs) are, like their full time counterparts in Charlottesville, expected to complete at least 12 credits each semester in some combination of program and host-institution course work. At least 9 credits must be from the direct-credit program. The remainder of the credits may be transfer credits from the affiliated foreign institution. Whether on direct-study programs or other approved programs, students who enroll in 12 or more credits in a semester use one of the eight full-time semesters of full time study they are allotted (transfer students proportionally fewer than eight, as determined upon matriculation).
Semester at Sea Credits earned by U.Va. students count toward the B.A. or B.S. from the College of Arts and Sciences, in one of three ways. First, following review by an academic department, a course can receive a department mnemonic and be counted as if it were a transfer course, e.g. ECON 2000T. Second, a department may identify a course as a regular College course, in which case it would have the same mnemonic and number as its counterpart in the College (direct study). Both types of courses are considered “inside the College” and may count as major courses or be offered in fulfillment of area requirements. Third, courses without the department mnemonic carry the mnemonic SEMS. These credits are posted with grades and count in a student’s gpa, but are not included among the 102 credits in the liberal arts required for the B.A. or B.S. degree; further, they do not meet major or area requirements. SEMS credits may be included in the 18 credits outside of the liberal arts that may be applied to the 120 credits required for the B.A. or B.S. degree. Students with questions in regard to fulfilling major or area requirements with courses taken during a Semester at Sea should see the Director of Undergraduate Programs in their major or their Association Dean before committing to participate in this program.
International College-Level Examinations The College of Arts and Sciences offers advanced standing credit and/or advanced placement for many international college-level examinations. What follows describes the College’s policy regarding these examinations. We encourage students to contact us and the appropriate Departmental Undergraduate Director if they have questions about receiving advanced standing credit or advanced placement for any of these examinations. A list of the names of the Directors of Undergraduate Programs and their telephone numbers is located on the College of Arts and Sciences website.
International College-Level Examinations The College of Arts and Sciences grants advanced standing credit and advanced placement for qualifying examination scores in the Higher-Level International Baccalaureate, the French Baccalaureate, the British A-Level, the German Abitur, and select other examinations. We award advanced standing credit or placement based upon qualifying examination scores (and, where applicable, subject coefficients) and the recommendation of the appropriate Arts and Sciences department(s).
Credit and advanced placement are generally determined on a case-by-case basis, on the student’s initiative, by the Dean’s Office in the College of Arts and Sciences and by the Director of Undergraduate Programs in the appropriate department(s). We do not award credit based upon the length of study of a particular program. Since approved credit is advanced standing credit, not transfer credit, we base the award of credit solely upon examination results and not upon completed courses.
Advanced standing credit is included among non-U.Va. credits on the student’s transcript and, along with transfer credit, is limited to a total of 60 credits. The College of Arts and Sciences and individual departments may limit the number of advanced standing credits awarded to an individual. Students may receive at least one, and not more than two, semesters of introductory-level credit per qualifying examination score. Departments have their own policies on the use of advanced standing credit for their major or minor requirements.
The College does not award credit for foreign language subject examinations of English language or literature.
The College does not automatically award credit for international college-level examinations. To receive credit, students must provide an official copy of their examination certificate, including an official English translation if requested. The certificate should be sent directly to the College of Arts and Sciences, P.O. Box 400133, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4133, or delivered in-person in a sealed envelope. Students must be prepared to provide to the departmental undergraduate directors official course descriptions, syllabi, and copies of examinations. No special form is required from the department to verify the award of credit. Recommendations, however, should be made on departmental letterhead stationery. Undergraduate directors may call Dean Frank Papovich at 924-3350 with any questions.
The College is pleased to assist students with the review of international college-level examinations. Questions may be directed to Dean Frank Papovich or to Mrs. Gloria Gates at (434) 924-8880. Readers are referred to the credits awarded for scores on the IB and British Advanced Levels printed at the end of Admission to the University section of this Record.
Transfer Credit
The College grants transfer credit based on an analysis of the content, level, and comparability of the courses taken, the applicability of the courses to the student’s intended major and degree program, the quality of the student’s performance in the courses, and the accreditation of the institution at which the work was completed.
Transfer credit taken before matriculation may be used for fulfilling area requirements, or for fulfilling major requirements with special permission of the department. Dual enrollment credit, however, may not be used to fulfill competency requirements. Students in the College must take the second writing requirement in the College and earn a grade of at least C-.
Students must submit a request for transfer of credit form prior to enrolling in courses for transfer. Transfer credit is allowed only for those courses in which a grade of C or better has been earned. Courses in which a grade of CR is received must be certified to be the equivalent of a grade of C or higher to be accepted. Only credits are accepted in transfer. Grades do not transfer and do not affect the student’s cumulative grade point average at the University of Virginia, the only exception being courses taken at the University of Virginia’s Northern Virginia Center and U.Va. direct-credit study abroad programs: grades from these courses are figured into the student’s cumulative grade point average.
Transfer credit is evaluated only for the degree program to which students are admitted, and the amount of credit awarded is subject to change if students change degree programs. In the College, the amount of transfer credit awarded and the number of full-time semesters previously completed determines class standing. Only 60 credits of transfer from other universities, foreign study, advanced placement, or dual enrollment may count toward the 120 credits needed for the B.A. or B.S. degree in the College. For more information, see the Transfer Credit section of the University Regulations.
Final Examinations
Final examinations are given in regularly scheduled courses during a designated period of time at the end of each semester. Final exams in courses may be given only at the times listed on the UREG (Office of the University Registrar) website. Examinations in courses not fitting the regular class times are scheduled by the instructor to avoid conflicts as best as possible and allowing for individual arrangements.
Faculty members are not authorized to change the announced times of their examinations. Such changes may be authorized only by the dean’s office, and then only for compelling reasons. All students must have the opportunity to take the exam at the time announced on the UREG website. Further, the Association Deans authorize requests, when endorsed by a faculty member, to reschedule a final examination to avoid congestion according to the rules of the College up to one week prior to the first day of the examination period.
Students are not permitted to take a final exam before its regularly scheduled time. When genuinely serious conditions exist, students, with the consent of the course instructor, may be allowed to postpone the final examination. When the instructor concurs, a student must submit either an exam postponement form to take the exam later in the exam period or an extension of time form to take the exam within four weeks after the exam period. These forms are available in the Office of the Dean of the College (Monroe Hall).
Unexcused absence from a final examination results in an automatic grade of F in the course.
Incomplete A grade of IN becomes an F 30 days after the end of the examination period. The faculty has adopted a policy that, unless authorized by the dean’s office, students must complete all course work before taking the final examination. While faculty may offer an extension of time for the completion of requirements, with the dean’s permission, they may not offer additional work to raise a grade. Forms for securing extensions are available in Monroe Hall.
Credit/No Credit Grades Students have the option of receiving the grades CR (credit) or NC (no credit) in place of the regular grades A through F for a given course. This option is taken at the time the student registers for the course and no later than the add deadline. Instructors have the right to deny students permission to take courses on a CR/NC basis. If this occurs, students may either change back to the regular grading option or they may drop the courses entirely. Courses taken for CR/NC may not be used for any major, minor, or basic area requirements. It is the student’s responsibility to confirm with the instructor the minimum academic level of achievement for the grade of CR.
No more than two courses may be taken on a CR/NC basis in any semester or in summer session exclusive of physical education courses. A maximum of 24 credits of CR/NC courses may be used toward a degree. Second-year transfer students are permitted to submit up to 18 credits of CR/NC work toward a degree; for third-year transfer students, a maximum 12 credits of CR/NC work are allowed. Courses in interdisciplinary programs cannot be taken on a CR/NC basis. Students may not use a CR/NC course to repeat a course in which a grade has already been given. If this should occur, the credits in the CR/NC course would not count toward graduation. The deadline for selecting the CR/NC option is the same as the add deadline, and requests for exceptions to the deadline are seldom granted.
Grade Changes No grade may be changed without the approval of the dean after it has been submitted to UREG (University Registrar). The dean is not authorized by the faculty to change a grade submitted to UREG (University Registrar) except when an instructor certifies that, because of errors in calculation or transcription, an incorrect grade has been submitted. Extra work to raise a grade, once submitted, is not permitted.
The College limits the time in which a grade change is approved to the fall or spring semester following the one in which the grade was received, except when there is indication that the student violated the integrity of the course.
Requests for Exceptions and Appeals Students who believe there is a valid reason for requesting an exception to any of the rules should file a petition to their Association Dean. In most cases, the recommendation of a course instructor or advisor is required on the petition before it is filed. An unfavorable response from the dean may be appealed to the Committee on Faculty Rules. The College has established procedures to deal with requests for exceptions to rules in cases involving psychological issues. College students should contact their Association Dean for information about such procedures.
Eligibility and Completion of Degree Requirements Students in the College of Arts and Sciences, who, while studying elsewhere, declare a major there, are considered to have transferred from the University. If they seek to return to the College, they must apply as transfer students via the Office of Admission. Students who have completed the requirements for a baccalaureate degree elsewhere may not enroll in a degree program in the College. A student who has received a baccalaureate degree cannot submit any courses offered for that degree toward another degree in the University. Students are subject to the area requirements in effect during the academic year when they first enter the University. Students are subject to the requirements for the major in effect during the semester in which they declare the major.
Changing Registration Type from Full-Time to Part-Time College students registered full time at the University have until the drop deadline (two weeks) to request conversion of their registration status. These students do not withdraw, but have their status changed by the Dean’s Office from full-time to part-time. Students are limited to two courses/no more than 8 credits; students may not count more than 16 credits taken on a part-time basis toward the degree.
After every semester, the Office of the Dean of the College reviews each student’s academic standing and progress toward the degree. If a problem arises, a student’s Association Dean notifies the student by e-mail of important information to be accessed at a secure website. Students are responsible for obtaining this information and are subject to the imposition of academic sanctions in any event. A duplicate notice is sent by U.S. mail in the event of academic suspension.
Good Standing Students are considered to be in good standing at the end of a semester if, in that semester, they have completed at least 12 credits of course work with at least a 1.800 semester average and have no more than one grade below C-. In order to enroll in a fifth semester, students are required to have passed at least 54 credits; passing at least 84 credits is necessary to enroll in a seventh semester. Students who fall behind in the number of credits required are obliged to make up their work in the summer session or, with prior approval, at another accredited institution. To remain in good standing by the end of the fourth semester, students must either be in a major or have received permission from the dean’s office to defer the declaration for one semester.
Academic Warning Students who fail to remain in good standing are placed on academic warning. The notations “less than 1.800 GPA,” “low grades below C-,” and “reduced course load” are placed on the students’ permanent academic records following the term in which they were placed on warning. A student on warning is expected to meet with his or her Association Dean no later than the add period of the ensuing semester. These students are strongly urged to devote more time to their academic work and are referred to academic support service. Students on academic warning who withdraw or take a leave of absence are eligible to return upon application, but do so on academic warning and are subject to suspension if they do not attain good standing. Students who repeat a course must carry 12.0 additional credits or incur Academic Warning for taking fewer than the minimum course load.
The satisfactory progress of part time students is assessed on an individual basis; they will receive an academic warning q and may be subject to the College’s standard rules regarding academic suspension if their GPA falls below 1.8 or if they earn more than one grade below C- in a given semester.
Suspension Students are subject to suspension after two consecutive semesters on warning. Students who fail to earn at least nine grade points in a semester are also subject to suspension. One full fall term and one full spring term must elapse before they may return to the College. Application for readmission is considered upon presentation of evidence that the difficulties that led to suspension have been overcome (see below). Students under suspension may not apply transfer credits from other institutions toward their degree from the College. Two semesters must pass before a suspended student may enroll in the University’s Summer Session.
Academic suspension becomes effective upon the Dean’s notification to UREG (University Registrar). That date is determined according to the schedule below or upon notification to UREG (University Registrar) that the suspension has not been overturned on appeal. Students to whom notice of suspension has been sent have three business days in which to notify their Association Dean of an intention to appeal.
• Following fall semester: Upon notification to UREG (University Registrar) and no later than two days prior to the start of final registration for the spring semester
• Following spring semester: Upon notification to UREG (University Registrar) and no later than one week prior to the start of Summer Session II
• Following Summer Session: Upon notification to UREG (University Registrar) and no later than two days prior to the start of final registration for the fall semester
Entering Students Whose Medical Circumstances Preclude Enrollment Students who for significant medical reasons choose to discontinue their enrollment in the College by the first Friday of the semester must return to the University via the Admission Office, either as a deferred admission or as a transfer student. Students deferred by the Admission Office may enroll in courses elsewhere with the permission of the Admission Office. Transfer students must complete at least 24 semester credits of college work prior to matriculation.
Tuition and fees will be determined by Student Financial Services.
Students who for significant medical reasons choose to discontinue their enrollment in the College after the first day of the semester must withdraw from the University. They may return in accordance with College policy on re-admission. Students who withdraw from the semester may take courses elsewhere with the prior permission of the Office of the Dean of the College, and in accordance with College policy on transfer credit. All such course work will be as elective credit only.
Readmission following a medical withdrawal follows the steps outlined by Student Health: http://www.virginia.edu/studenthealth/CapsWithdrawalForms.html The College discourages matriculation in January because of the absence of orientation and academic support services tailored for new students. Further, numerous courses taken by first-years are taught in sequence (e.g. chemistry and biology).
Voluntary Leave of Absence/Continuous Enrollment Absent notice to the contrary, the College expects students to register each semester and proceed to the completion of their degree programs. Students may request to take a leave of absence and the conditions by which they return is available under “Leaves of Absence and Withdrawals” in the University Regulations section of this Record. Students who pay the $158.00 Continuous Enrollment Fee do not apply for readmission. All others must apply for readmission at least 30 days prior to final registration for the semester in which they intend to enroll. Students who enter a degree program at another institution, however, must reapply to the University as transfer students and are not guaranteed acceptance.
Voluntary Withdrawal Students may withdraw from the University before the conclusion of a semester, specifically up to the last day of the final examination period, if they meet the conditions stated in the University Regulations section of this Record.
Students in the College of Arts & Sciences who withdraw within 10 class days immediately preceding the final examination period are not permitted, except for providential reasons, to re-enter the College for the succeeding semester nor to present transfer credit earned during the same time.
In very unusual medical circumstances, documented by professional certification, a College student has one semester in which to petition for a retroactive medical withdrawal. If approved, all grades convert to W’s and the student is obliged to be absent for a full semester before resuming full-time study.
For information about educational leaves of absence, enforced withdrawal, and medical withdrawal, please see the University Regulations section of this Record. Students on financial aid should consult www.virginia.edu/financialaid/withdrawal.html for additional information.
Readmission Students who do not enroll at the University for a semester or more and who are not on an educational leave of absence, must be formally readmitted, regardless of whether they were on an approved leave of absence. In order to accomplish readmission, they must be cleared by their academic dean, the Department of Student Health, and the Office of the Dean of Students. Application for readmission must be made to the dean’s office 30 days in advance of the next University registration period.
Readmission application forms are available in Monroe Hall and at www.virginia.edu/artsandsciences/forundergrads.html . For students under academic suspension from the College, the completed application must include a statement that (1) addresses their readiness to return to full-time study, in light of any serious difficulties during their most recent enrollment (e.g. financial, medical, personal hardship), and (2) outlines the courses needed to fulfill their degree requirements over the remaining semesters.
Appeals from Students in the College Students may appeal negative decisions about enrollment, grades, or general academic policies in the College according to the procedures which follow. It is understood that only students may submit appeals. Appeals must be made in a timely manner; students should consult with their association dean for details.
Grading and Classroom Issues Students who wish to appeal a grade must first attempt to resolve the issue with the instructor of the course. Absent a satisfactory outcome, the student consults with the chair of the department. If this path proves unsuccessful in the resolution of the matter, the student may appeal to the associate dean for academic programs, Monroe Hall 101.
Major Subject
Students must enroll in a either a major program offered by one of the departments or an interdepartmental program before the last day of classes in the fourth semester; the program must be approved by an official major advisor. In addition, the student must present to the College of Arts & Sciences, as part of their plan of study, a program that counts no more than two courses toward two majors. This double counting of courses requires the permission of both major departments or programs. A major may not be less than 24 credits nor more than 34 credits. Students may major in two subjects, in which case the application for a degree must be approved by both departments or interdepartmental programs. There is no triple major. Students receive one diploma, but the double major status is reflected on their transcript.
The major program will have no fewer than 21 credits; it may also require up to 12 credits in related courses. Students who double major must submit at least 18 credits in each major; credits applied toward one major may not be included in the core 18 hours of the other major, unless one or both majors is interdisciplinary (see below). There is no triple major. Students receive one diploma, but the double major status is reflected on their transcript. Credits applied toward a major may not also be applied toward a minor, unless the major and/or minor is interdisciplinary.Courses used to meet area requirements in the College and the Second Writing Requirement may be offered in fulfillment of a first or second major or toward a minor, except that foreign language courses numbered 1010- 2020, 2120 for Portuguese, 2320 for French and 2060 for Chinese, may not be included as part of a minor.Courses applied toward the major may not be transferred from another institution to the University except with special permission of the department.
The credit/no credit option may not be elected for the courses offered in the major program. Beyond the courses required for the major, however, a student may register for other courses in their major field on a credit/no credit basis.
For a listing of majors and minors offered in the College see:
Concentrations Some departments and interdisciplinary programs offer concentrations along with the major. Students in these departments or programs may concentrate in designated areas of study that also meet the requirements of the major. Concentrations typically involve special topics, applications, or disciplines, and may include courses taken in other departments or schools of the University. A student’s concentration appears, along with the major, on his or her transcript.
Interdisciplinary Majors and Minors A number of degree programs are administered by committees rather than by departments. These include African-American & African Studies; American Studies; Archeology; Asian Pacific American Studies; Bioethics; Cognitive Science; Computer Science; East Asian Studies; Echols-Interdisciplinary; Environmental Thought and Practice; German Studies; Human Biology; Jewish Studies; Global Development Studies; Latin American Studies; Linguistics; Medieval Studies; Middle Eastern and South Asian Studies; Neuroscience; Political and Social Thought; Political Philosophy, Policy and Law; Studies of Women and Gender; Media Studies; and self-designed interdisciplinary major.
Students completing an interdisciplinary major may submit up to three courses toward the completion of another major. Students completing an interdisciplinary minor may submit up to three courses toward the completion of a major.
Students wishing to focus on an area for which there is no departmental or interdepartmental major program may apply to the chair for acceptance in the Interdisciplinary Major Program. Such a plan of study must include at least 30 credits of courses, in addition to a 6-credit thesis. The program must also be approved by three faculty sponsors, who will serve as the student’s major committee. Details are available in Monroe Hall.
Distinguished Major Students who show exceptional promise in their major field of study may be eligible for admission to the Distinguished Majors Program (DMP) within their department. This program consists of at least twelve credits of advanced work and a thesis, special project, experiment, or exhibit based on at least six credits of supervised research, advanced laboratory work, or advanced study, as determined by the department. Successful completion of the program with a University cumulative grade point average of at least 3.400 will qualify a student for graduation with distinction, high distinction, or highest distinction.
Teacher Education Students in the College may also apply to the five-year Education Program sponsored jointly with the Curry School of Education, which leads to the simultaneous receipt of both a B.A. degree from the College and a Master of Teaching degree from the Curry School of Education. Students will also be certified to teach on the elementary or secondary levels. Students wishing to pursue careers as teachers will major in an academic discipline in the College and simultaneously begin professional courses leading to teacher certification.
Students may select a major in any area of the College and combine it with a teaching specialization in one of the following areas:
• Elementary Education (grades K-8)
• Secondary Education (high school)
• English
• Foreign Languages (French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish)
• Health and Physical Education
• Mathematics
• Science (Biology, Chemistry, Earth/Space Science, Physics)
• Social Studies (History, Economics, Government [political science], Psychology, Sociology and Cultural Anthropology)
• Physical Education and Health (see B.S.Ed. in Curry School)
• Special Education (Behavioral Disorders, Learning Disabilities, Mental Retardation)
Students wishing to pursue programs leading to teacher certification should contact the Office of Admissions in the Curry School of Education, 104 Ruffner Hall, (434) 924-0740. Additional information is also listed in the Curry School of Education section of this Record. Students in the B.A.-M.T. Program are responsible, each semester, for confirming their compliance with both College and Curry School certification requirements. In particular, students in the B.A.-M.T. Program must carefully plan their courses from the start so as to earn no fewer than 102 College or College-equivalent credits.
Minor Subject
A minor consists of no fewer than 15 and no more than 24 credits of graded work in a program of studies approved by the sponsoring department. Credits applied toward a minor may not also count toward completion of a major, unless one or both of the programs is interdisciplinary (see below). Students may not declare two minors, but they may declare two majors and a minor. As with the major, courses taken credit/no credit may not be included in the minor program.
Students intending to minor must complete the appropriate forms in the department no later than the add period of their next to last semester in the College (normally the seventh semester). Courses used to meet area requirements in the College and the second writing requirement may simultaneously be offered in fulfillment of a minor, except that foreign language courses through level 2020, and 2120 for Portuguese, may not be included as part of a minor. These restrictions apply to students in all the undergraduate Schools of the University.
The School of Architecture offers minors in architecture, architectural history, urban and environmental planning, landscape architecture, and historic preservation that are open to students in the College. The courses required for these five minors are exempt from the limitations on electives stated in the paragraph below (Electives) only if requirements for the minor are completed. Requirements for these minors are described in the School of Architecture section.
The School of Engineering and Applied Science offers a minor in computer science for College students consisting of 18 credits. These courses include CS 1010, CS 2110, CS 2102, CS 2150, and CS 3240. Additional details are available at the Department of Computer Science on-line site, www.cs.virginia.edu , and in Thornton Hall, A122. Space in the CS minor is limited, therefore admission to the minor is competitive. Students who complete approved minor programs outside the College may, once they have completed the program, count these credits as inside the College. For approval by the Committee on Special Programs, such minors must have a primarily liberal arts focus and be consistent with the academic objectives and standards of the College. They are supervised by committees that combine members from the College and the other schools involved. At present, the following minor programs are approved: the minor in planning and the minor in architectural history (both in the School of Architecture).
College students may also minor in any of the other areas offered by the School of Engineering (in addition to Computer Science), but must keep in mind that these minors have not been approved as college-equivalent hours, so the courses taken for the minor will remain as outside of the College hours for graduation purposes (with the same 18-credit limit applying).
The remaining courses needed to make up the 120 credits required for the degree are considered electives and may be taken in the College or, with the restrictions noted below, in other schools of the University. Because each College degree must contain no fewer than 102 credits in College or College-equivalent courses, a degree program may also include up to 18 credits of courses offered in the Schools of Commerce, Education, Engineering, Architecture, Nursing, or selected from the following: liberal arts seminars (LASE); university seminars (USEM—limited to one per semester); personal skills (PLSK—no more than 2 credits); physical education (PHYE—nor more than 2 credits); interdisciplinary studies (INST—limited to two courses; total of 3 credits maximum) or the Departments of Naval, Air, and Military Science (NASC, AIRS, and MISC—no more than 12 credits). Students are encouraged to plan their electives carefully as they meet requirements for the major, for the different areas, and for a possible minor. Students may apply up to 16 performance credits in music, of which 8 credits must be drawn from 3000-level courses and above. In addition, students completing Distinguished Major Projects in Music may earn an additional 4 performance credits. Music majors performing a DMP recital could potentially earn a total of 20 performance credits in Music. Students may also include a limit of eight credits for dance performance. Neither performance credits in Music or dance may fulfill the humanities area requirement. A limit of 6 credits of EDHS courses may count toward a degree. Additional restrictions placed on electives include a limit of eight credits of music performance and eight credits for dance performance (they may not count toward the humanities area requirement) and a limit of 6 credits of EDHS courses counting toward a degree. Certain liberal arts courses taken outside the College are considered College equivalent and count toward the 102 College credits needed for graduation. These include all computer science courses (CS) in the School of Engineering and Applied Science and architectural history courses (AR H) in the School of Architecture (for additional courses in this category, see Intra-University Courses). Language House courses will be offered for 1 credit maximum per semester; with a 2-credit maximum limit in the 120-credit total required for graduation.
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