Mar 10, 2025  
Undergraduate Record 2010-2011 
Undergraduate Record 2010-2011 [ARCHIVED RECORD]

School of Continuing and Professional Studies

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Thomas Jefferson envisioned that his University of Virginia would prepare the young citizens of the Commonwealth and the nation to pursue productive careers in public service, agriculture and commerce. Since its founding, the University educated students in a residential setting designed by Jefferson himself. By 1915, however, it became apparent that the Founder’s vision extended to students who were not able to study and learn in Charlottesville. Therefore a Bureau of Extension was organized to provide outstanding public service activities and continuing and professional studies programs to the citizens of Virginia and the nation. 

Today, the University of Virginia’s School of Continuing and Professional Studies annually serves more than 15,000 individuals in credit and non-credit courses of study, as well as degree programs, conferences, seminars, and training programs. The School creates opportunities for non-traditional students to study and learn with distinguished faculty across a number of academic disciplines. While some programs of study are highly applied, SCPS students are also exposed to the liberal arts which serve as the foundation for all learning and scholarship.

Students who enroll in degrees, courses, seminars, certificate programs and other lifelong learning activities delivered by the School of Continuing and Professional Studies, whether at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville or elsewhere, agree to conduct themselves in a manner that honors the learning process and the University’s function as an educational institution.  Students must agree to abide by the Honor code and all University Regulations (as detailed in the University Regulations section of this Record).

In a community of learning, willful disruption of the educational process, destruction of property, interference with the orderly process of the University and/or with the rights of the other members of the University community will not be tolerated. The Dean of the School of Continuing and Professional Studies has the authority to exclude those who are disruptive of the educational process, including those whose behavior would present a threat to the health and safety of others.


On Grounds

The administrative and primary academic programming offices of the School of Continuing and Professional Studies are housed in Zehmer Hall. Zehmer Hall also functions as a nonresidential center for conferences, seminars, workshops, and as a classroom building for degrees and courses offered in the Charlottesville area.

The School of Continuing and Professional Studies
Academic and Administrative Offices in Charlottesville

Billy K. Cannaday, Jr., B.A., M.Ed, Ed.D, Dean
Zehmer Hall
104 Midmont Lane
P.O. Box 400764
Charlottesville, VA 22904-4764
(434)982-5241/2-5206 Fax: (434) 982-5550

Lynda J. Phillips-Madson, B.A., M.F.A., Ph.D., Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
(434) 982-5207 Fax: (434) 982-5550

Cynthia C. Reed , B.S., M.B.A., Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
(434) 982-5207 Fax: (434) 982-5550

Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies Degree Program
Donna Plasket, B.M.E., M.M., M.Ed., Ed.D., Assistant Dean and Director
(434) 982-5274 Fax: (434) 982-5335

Business Office                                                                                                                                                     
William Mowry B.A., M.B.A., Assistant Dean for Finance
(434) 982-5248 Fax: (434) 982-5550

Center for Executive Development
Cynthia G. Orshek B.S., M.S., Director
(434) 982-5366 Fax: (434) 982-5369

Center for K-12 Education
Nancy R. Iverson A.B., M.Ed., Ed.D., Assistant Dean and Director
(434) 243-2560 Fax: (434) 982-5297

Educational Technologies
John Payne B.S., M.A., Director
(434) 982-5254 Fax: (434) 982-5270

Instructional Design
Gail Hunger, B.A., M.Ed., Ed.D., Director
(434) 924-1305 Fax: (434) 982-5270

Marketing Department
Jane Paluda B.A., M.P.A., Assistant Dean for Marketing
(434) 243-2449 Fax: (434) 982-5270 

Math Outreach
Vickie Inge, B.A., M.Ed., Ph.D., Director
(434) 982-4946 Fax: (434) 243-1138

Tempo Reading Program
Mary Abouzeid B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Director
(434) 924-0915 Fax: (434) 924-6339

University Center
Donna Klepper B.A., M.Ed., Ed.D., Director
(434) 982-5313 Fax: (434) 982-5324


Off Grounds

The School of Continuing and Professional Studies operates a network of regional academic program centers across the state to respond to the educational needs of Virginians and to reach adult learners throughout the nation using distance learning technologies.

The directors of these regional academic centers organize and administer a diverse portfolio of academic programs for individuals, government agencies, the business community and K-12 school districts.

Regional Academic Centers

FBI National Academy Program
Stephen J. Pryplesh B.S., M.P.A., M.S., M.Ed., Assistant Dean and Director
Quantico, VA 22135
(703) 632-1189 Fax: (703) 632-1187

Hampton Roads Center
K. Edwin Brown B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Director
418 Pembroke Four
Virginia Beach, VA 23462
(757) 552-1890 Fax: (757) 552-1898

Northern Virginia Center
Daniel J. Driscoll, B.s., M.Ed., Ph.D., Director 
7054 Haycock Road
Falls Church, VA 22043
(703) 536-1100; Toll free in VA: (800) 678-4882 
Fax: (703) 536-1111

Robert D. Linder, B.A., J.D., M.B.A., L.L.M., Deputy Director
(703) 536-1100; Toll free in VA: (800) 678-4882
Fax: (703) 536-1111

Richmond Center
Kathy Cullen, B.A., M.A., Director
2810 N. Parham Road
Richmond, VA 23294-4434
(434) 662-7464; Toll free in VA: (800) 323-4882
Fax: (434) 662-9827

Roanoke Center
Linda Linnartz B.S., M.S., Ed.D., Director
108 N. Jefferson Street, Suite 507
Roanoke, VA 24106
(540) 767-6200; Toll free in VA: (800) 882-6753
Fax: (540) 767-6206

Southwest Center
Mary Quillen B.S., M.Ed., Ph.D., Director
1 Partnership Circle
P.O. Box 1987
Abingdon, VA 24212
(276) 469-4012; Toll free in VA: (800) 792-3683
Fax: (276) 469-4009


General Regulations

Admission Application for admission to the School of Continuing and Professional Studies’ courses and programs should be made at the center or program office where the student plans to study, or at the School of Continuing and Professional Studies’ main office in Zehmer Hall, in Charlottesville.

If a student applies for admission to a degree program offered at an SCPS regional center by another academic school of the University, such as the Curry School of Education or the School of Engineering and Applied Science, the decision regarding admission is the sole responsibility of the academic school of the University to which the student applies.

Academic Grievances Students who have a grievance related to a course, with a faculty member, or related to the services provided by SCPS faculty or staff should pursue the grievance as follows:

  1. Concerns related to a course or faculty member not resolvable between the student and faculty member, should be discussed with the appropriate School of Continuing and Professional Studies’ program director. If the concern remains, the student should contact the dean of the school or college in which the student is enrolled or the course is offered. The grievance procedure of the academic school will be followed from this point forward.
  2. If the concern is related to an SCPS course or faculty member and is not resolved by the student and the faculty member, the next step should be a discussion between the student and the regional academic director or program director. If the concern is not resolvable at this level, the grievance may be filed with the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs of the School of Continuing and Professional Studies. The Associate Dean’s decision may be appealed by the student to the Dean of the School.
  3. If the grievance is related to the Dean of the School of Continuing and Professional Studies, the student may contact the Vice President and Provost of the University.
  4. If the concern is related to the Vice President and Provost of the University, appropriate documentation should be presented in writing to the President of the University.

Add/Drop The dates by which students may add or drop a course are established each academic year by the School of Continuing and Professional Studies centers and program offices. These dates may differ by regional academic center. Students should consult their center’s catalogs and program brochures to determine the deadlines for adding or dropping courses. After the last date for dropping a course, students must officially withdraw if they want to end their enrollment in a course.

Application of SCPS Courses to Degree Programs With the approval of the student’s school of enrollment, a course taken through the School of Continuing and Professional Studies may be counted toward degree requirements. These courses would typically be included in the computation of grade point averages. Students should seek approval in advance; otherwise such courses may not apply toward a degree.

Attendance Instructors establish attendance and participation requirements for each of their courses. Course requirements such as examinations, oral presentations, laboratory experiments, participation in class discussion, etc., are not waived because of a student’s absence from class. Instructors may establish penalties when absences seriously hinder achievement in any course.

Auditors Students who wish to enroll in credit courses without earning academic course credit may do so on a space available basis, with the permission of the instructor and center or program office director, by registering as auditors and paying the same tuition and fees as are paid by credit students. Credit or audit status must be indicated at the time of registration. Admission requirements are the same for auditing students as for students enrolled for credit. An AU (audit) cannot be changed to a letter grade. Auditing a class does not relieve the student of the responsibility for meeting the standards which the instructor has established for the course.

Continuing Education Unit Many non-credit activities are designated as Continuing Education Unit (CEU) programs. One CEU is defined as 10 contact hours of participation in an organized educational experience under responsible sponsorship, capable direction, and qualified instruction.

UREG (University Registrar) permanently records successful participation in programs that have been authorized to award CEUs. A certificate typically is awarded at the conclusion of the program. 

Grades Undergraduate courses taken through the School of Continuing and Professional Studies follow the grading system listed in the University Regulations section of this Record.

Credit/No Credit Students enrolled in graduate degree programs should consult with the dean of their school before selecting the credit/no credit (CR/NC) grading option since restrictions may apply.

Students enrolled in courses for professional development may select the CR/NC option. Courses taken with this grading option may not be transferred into a degree program. The use of CR/NC in certificate programs is governed by the academic policies of the individual program.

Grade Changes No grade for a course may be changed after it has been submitted to UREG (University Registrar) without the approval of the dean of the school offering the course. That dean is authorized to change a grade submitted to UREG (University Registrar) when the course instructor certifies in writing that, because of an error in calculation or transcription, an incorrect grade was submitted.

Incompletes Occasionally circumstances beyond a student’s control necessitate that the student initiate a request for an IN (incomplete) designation from the instructor. IN indicates that the grade for the course is being withheld until the student completes all course requirements. An IN can be assigned only when a document of agreement signed by the student and instructor is filed in the appropriate SCPS Academic Center, specifying the work to be completed in order to have the IN removed and a grade assigned, as well as the date by when all work for completion of the course must be submitted. To have the IN designation removed from a transcript, a student must complete and submit all course work to the instructor within thirty (30) calendar days after the grading deadline, unless another date has been assigned by the instructor in writing. Upon completion and submission of all course work as outlined in the document of agreement, the instructor shall then replace the IN with a grade. An incomplete that is not removed by the conclusion of the time allotted will be converted to a grade of F (failure). Only instructors may authorize removal of an IN designation. Students with an IN pending are not awarded a degree or certificate. Degree seeking students who receive an IN (incomplete) or an F (failure) in any course cannot enroll in another course unless the Dean of the School of Continuing and Professional Studies grants special permission.

The Community Scholar Program policy regarding course incompletes will differ according to which school or college offers the course. These policies are outlined in the Community Scholar Handbook or available online at University students registering through the Community Scholar Program must comply with their school’s policy regarding incompletes.

No Grade On occasion, an instructor assigns a designation of NG (no grade) to a student at the conclusion of a course. Unless the student eliminates the conditions that resulted in the NG by the conclusion of the next consecutive semester, it is automatically converted to a grade of F (failure). No student with an NG pending is eligible to receive a degree or certificate.

Honor System The Honor System is one of the University’s oldest and most venerated traditions. Based on the fundamental assumption that anyone who enrolls at the University subscribes to a code of ethics forbidding lying, cheating, and stealing, the Honor System allows students the kind of personal freedom possible only in an environment where respect and trust are assumed. For nearly 160 years, students have administered this system at the University.

Although the Honor System applies to students enrolled off- Grounds, in courses and programs through the School of Continuing and Professional Studies, as it does to students on-Grounds, some procedures for administration of the system to continuing and professional studies students differ from those governing on-Grounds full time students. Off-Grounds students should consult with the School of Continuing and Professional Studies regional academic center in their area for a copy of the Honor Committee bylaws.

Repeated Courses Students may repeat courses for credit only after receiving the permission of their dean’s office. The grade initially earned in the course appears on the official academic record and counts in the calculation of the grade point average. Regulations applying to repeated courses may vary by school and are detailed in each school’s section of this Record.

Suspended Students Individuals who have been suspended from the University of Virginia or from any other college or university are not eligible to enroll through the School of Continuing and Professional Studies as long as the suspension remains in force.

Teacher Relicensure Teachers and school administrators who wish to take courses or professional development offerings for relicensure may register without submitting academic transcripts. Individuals seeking relicensure are responsible for determining the acceptability of such courses or professional development programs by consulting with their school/division superintendent or the Virginia Department of Education.

Transcripts UREG (University Registrar) records the credit for University courses taught in the School of Continuing and Professional Studies. Transcripts are available from UREG (Office of the University Registrar) (; courses taken since 1985 may also be reviewed by using SIS.

Transfer of Credit Students wishing to transfer credit from the School of Continuing and Professional Studies to another educational institution should consult that institution as to the transferability of their credit prior to registering with the School of Continuing and Professional Studies.

Students interested in transferring courses into an SCPS academic program are generally allowed to transfer a maximum of six credits. The School of Continuing and Professional Studies grants transfer credit based on an analysis of the content, level, and suitability of the courses taken, the applicability of the courses to the student’s intended major, the quality of the student’s performance in the courses, as well as the accreditation of the institution at which the work was complete. Courses must have been taken within the last eight years and the student must have earned a grade of “C” or better in each course. Transfer credit determinations are made by the appropriate Academic Program Director. Courses for which transfer credit has been awarded will not appear on the student’s transcript until the completion of the certificate program. No credits may be transferred into the certificate programs of Technology, Leadership, Information Technology, and E-Commerce.


Tuition, Fees, and Refunds


Tuition (per credit unless otherwise indicated)

Graduate Degree Programs
    Virginian           $320
    Non-Virginian      $700

Undergraduate Courses
    Virginian           $278
    Non-Virginian      $700

Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies

Degree Program

    Virginian $300

    Non-Virginian $1043

Distance Learning - Undergraduate
Virginian           $328
Non-Virginian      $750

Distance Learning - Graduate
Virginian           $370
Non-Virginian      $750
Community Scholar Program - High School Students

Virginian                          $278  
  Non-Virginian                      $700  Community Scholar Program - Undergraduate
Virginian $287

Non-Virginian $1022
Community Scholar Program - Graduate

Virginian $320

Non-Virginian $750

K-12 Educators
Virginian $235
Non-Virginian $700

Graduate Televised Engineering
Virginian $435
Non-Virginian $706

Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies Degree
Program Special Session fee (per semester)

Virginian $188
Non-Virginian $246

Late registration fee $25

Application fee for Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies

Application fee for Certificate and Special Programs

Off-Grounds Fee, Northern Virginia Center (per credit and per
non-credit course)$23

Off-Grounds Fee, All Other Centers (per credit) $5

Other miscellaneous fees may apply to recover expenses, such as laboratory, materials, etc., on the basis of estimated cost.


Programs offered by the School of Continuing and Professional Studies have varying policies regarding refunds. Different policies apply to the Community Scholar Program and for credit and non-credit courses taken via distance learning technology. Refer to the SCPS website, course description, special brochures, and regional academic center course catalogs for details.


Certificate Programs

The School of Continuing and Professional Studies offers programs in specialized fields such as business, education, and other professions that lead to the award of certificates. Admission requirements for certificate programs vary, but typically include a written application, an interview with the program’s director, and an evaluation of the applicant’s work experience, educational goals, and potential for performing satisfactorily in relevant courses. Applicants may be required to provide transcripts of previous academic activity. Students in credit certificate programs must maintain an average grade of C or better to continue in the program. Persons enrolled in non-credit or CEU certificate programs must progress satisfactorily in their courses to be eligible to receive a certificate.

Persons interested in specific information about certificate programs should contact the UVA Academic Center in their area.

Transfer Credit Students interested in transferring courses into a credit certificate program are generally allowed to transfer a maximum of six credits. The School of Continuing and Professional Studies grants transfer credit based on an analysis of the content, level, and suitability of the courses taken, the applicability of the courses to the student’s intended major and degree program, the quality of the student’s performance in the courses, and the accreditation of the institution at which the work was completed. Course work must not be older than eight years and the student must have earned at least a “C” in the courses. Transfer credit determinations are made by the appropriate academic program directors. Courses for which transfer credit has been awarded will not appear on the student’s transcript until the completion of the certificate program. No credits may be transferred into the certificates of Technology Leadership, Information Technology, E-Commerce, Web Content Development, and Project Management.

 Other Programs and Courses

Credit Courses

The School of Continuing and Professional Studies offers a broad range of credit courses to help adult learners meet their educational objectives. These courses, some listed elsewhere in this catalog under the appropriate schools, and others developed by the School of Continuing and Professional Studies, carry the same credit as similar courses taught on Grounds. Most credit courses meet in the evening or on weekends.

Within the limits prescribed by the residential faculty of the University and stated in the policies of each academic school or college and the School of Continuing and Professional Studies, qualified persons may apply credit courses taken at regional centers toward degree requirements.

Non-credit Programs

Non-credit programs are designed for individuals interested in substantive intellectual activities, but who do not need additional credit or degree study. These offerings explore complex issues in formats suited to the distinctive educational agenda of each program of study.

The flexibility of non-credit programming permits faculty from different disciplines to share insights on subjects in a way that would not be possible in a traditional class format.

Non-credit programming fosters collaboration between University of Virginia faculty and renowned scholars from other institutions; political, cultural, and business leaders; and noted artists and authors. The School of Continuing and Professional Studies program developers work closely with other University faculty and with representatives of the client audience in designing programs to ensure that the University extends its teaching and research resources to the citizens of the Commonwealth and beyond.

Organizational representatives and individuals are encouraged to discuss their education and training needs with the program developers, who can respond rapidly and effectively. For further information, telephone any UVA regional academic center or program office, or view offerings online at

Community Scholar Program

The Community Scholar Program is a non-degree program offered by the University of Virginia’s School of Continuing and Professional Studies. Through this program, adults can enroll in the regular, on-Grounds credit courses of the University during the fall and spring semesters. Community Scholars may enroll for an unlimited number of semesters, but may take no more than two courses per semester, along with any dependent laboratory or discussion sessions, for a maximum of 11.5 credits. Program participants have the opportunity to study with renowned University of Virginia faculty, enjoy the same intellectual challenges as students enrolled in degree programs, and earn college credit for their work.

Community Scholars bring a broad range of experiences and backgrounds to the classroom and their reasons for participating are similarly varied. Enrolling in courses through the Community Scholar Program allows participants to meet personal and professional needs whether or not a college degree has been previously earned. Interested participants who hold a college degree may enroll in either undergraduate or graduate level courses.

The program serves many purposes for the adult learner. Community Scholars pursue objectives to advance their careers by studying recent developments in their fields. Others seek to satisfy prerequisites for advanced study in medicine, engineering, or education, or exploring a graduate department’s course offerings prior to applying to its formal degree program.

The Community Scholar Program does not grant degrees. A part-time bachelor’s degree program, the Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (B.I.S.), is offered by the University of Virginia’s School of Continuing and Professional Studies. Those who wish to earn a degree full-time at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville must apply to the Undergraduate Office of Admissions or the appropriate graduate school of the University.

Course Selection and Registration

Community Scholars may choose courses from departments and schools throughout the University with the exception of the schools of Education, Law, and Medicine. Faculty members reserve the right not to admit a Community Scholar to a class based on class size or lack of prerequisite education. While this is an unusual occurrence, special circumstance may lead to such a decision.

Community Scholars must obtain permission of the instructor to enroll in each class. Instructor contact information may be obtained from the Course Offering Directory at Permission forms can be obtained online at or by visiting the University Center in Zehmer Hall. For students interested in enrolling in graduate level courses, proof of an undergraduate degree will be required at the time of registration. Participants who wish to enroll in the McIntire School of Commerce, 3000-level and above Engineering courses, 7000-level and above English courses, or Nursing courses with course mnemonics beginning with NUIP, will need to provide actual transcripts of all previously completed college credits. The information must be submitted to the University Center several weeks prior to the start date of classes to ensure that required prerequisites have been completed.

 The Community Scholar Program maintains its own registration calendar specific to add/drops, refunds, withdrawals and grade changes. These dates are updated for each semester and can be found online at the Community Scholar website

Responsibilities and Status

Community Scholars enrolling in University courses agree to abide by the University Honor System, the University’s rules and regulations, and the School of Continuing and Professional Studies’ policy on appropriate conduct.

In addition, Community Scholars assume an obligation to conduct themselves in a manner that is civil and compatible with the University’s function as an educational institution. In a community of learning, willful disruption of the educational process, destruction of property, interference with the orderly process of the University, or with the rights of others cannot be tolerated. In order to fulfill its functions for imparting and gaining knowledge, the University has the authority and responsibility to maintain order within the University. The Dean of the School of Continuing and Professional Studies has the authority to exclude those who are disruptive of the educational process, including those whose behavior would present a threat to the health and safety of others.

Community Scholars do not pay the required fees (which include such items as athletic tickets, intramural access, Student Health, University Transit, Student Legal Services, and University Union tickets) expected of full time students. As such, they are not eligible to use the services of the Department of Student Health or purchase the University-endorsed Student Health Insurance plan, nor will they receive the above-mentioned services while taking classes through the School of Continuing and Professional Studies. Community Scholars are urged to make other healthcare arrangements.

Contact the Community Scholar office at (434) 982-4789 or by e-mail at for additional information. A comprehensive Community Scholar Program website can be found at

Part-Time U.Va. CLAS, M.A.T., and SEAS Students

Degree-seeking students may be able to complete their degree requirements by enrolling in the Community Scholar Program. College of Arts and Sciences students may take up to two courses each semester in the School of Continuing and Professional Studies; there are no exceptions to this rule. Credit-bearing laboratories or discussions are not counted as separate courses. Students are normally limited to eight semesters of full-time study in the College. Transfer students have proportionally fewer semesters. Enrollment in the School of Continuing and Professional Studies does not count against the number of full-time semesters allotted. A maximum of 16 credits from the School of Continuing and Professional Studies may apply to the B.A. from the College. All grades become part of the student’s permanent record and factor into College GPA. Courses in the School of Continuing and Professional Studies are not included in the determination of Intermediate Honors.

Contact the Community Scholar office at (434) 982-4789 or by e-mail at for additional information. A comprehensive Community Scholar Program website can be found at

Special Students

College of Arts and Sciences students, for purposes of advising and academic oversight, remain in their association and are referred to their Dean in Monroe Hall for questions relating to their academic programs. Questions concerning degree applications should be directed to the College Registrar (Monroe Hall 138, 924-8867,

Fifth-year B.A.-M.T. students should direct inquiries about enrollment to the Assistant Dean of the Curry School of Education (Ruffner Hall 102, 924-0757,


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