Graduate Record 2007-2008 [ARCHIVED RECORD]
School of Continuing and Professional Studies
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Thomas Jefferson envisioned that his University of Virginia would prepare the young citizens of the Commonwealth and the nation to pursue productive careers in public service, agriculture and commerce. Since its founding, the University educated students in a residential setting designed by Jefferson himself. By 1915, however, it became apparent that the Founder’s vision extended to students who were not able to study and learn in Charlottesville. Therefore a Bureau of Extension was organized to provide outstanding public service activities and continuing and professional studies programs to the citizens of Virginia and the nation.
Today, the University of Virginia’s School of Continuing and Professional Studies annually serves more than 15,000 individuals in credit and non-credit courses of study, as well as degree programs, conferences, seminars, and training programs. The School creates opportunities for non-traditional students to study and learn with distinguished faculty across a number of academic disciplines. While some programs of study are highly applied, SCPS students are also exposed to the liberal arts which serve as the foundation for all learning and scholarship.
Students who enroll in degrees, courses, seminars, certificate programs and other lifelong learning activities delivered by the School of Continuing and Professional Studies, whether at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville or elsewhere agree to conduct themselves in a manner that honors the learning process and the University’s function as an educational institution. Students must agree to abide by the Honor Code and all University Regulations (as detailed in the University Regulations section of this Record).
In a community of learning, willful disruption of the educational process, destruction of property, interference with the orderly process of the University and/or with the rights of the other members of the University community will not be tolerated. The Dean of the School of Continuing and Professional Studies has the authority to exclude those who are disruptive of the educational process, including those whose behavior would present a threat to the health and safety of others.
On Grounds
The administrative and primary academic programming offices of the School of Continuing and Professional Studies are housed in Zehmer Hall. Zehmer Hall also functions as a nonresidential center for conferences, seminars, workshops, and as a classroom building for degrees and courses offered in the Charlottesville region.
The School of Continuing and Professional Studies
Academic and Administrative Offices in Charlottesville
Sondra F. Stallard, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Dean
Zehmer Hall
104 Midmont Lane
P.O. Box 400764
Charlottesville, VA 22904-4764
(434) 982-5206 Fax: (434) 982-5550
Lynda J. Phillips-Madson, B.A., M.F.A., Ph.D.
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
(434) 982-5207 Fax: (434) 982-5550
Cynthia C. Reed, B.S., M.B.A.
Associate Dean for Administration
(434) 982-5207 Fax: (434) 982-5550
Academic Approvals
Robert E. Patterson, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Director
(434) 243-5385 /Fax: (434) 982-5550
Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies Degree Program
Donna Plasket, B.M.E., M.M., M.Ed., Ed.D., Assistant Dean and Director
(434) 982-5274 Fax: (434) 982-5335
Business Office
William Mowry, B.A., M.B.A., Assistant Dean for Finance
(434) 982-5248 Fax: (434) 982-5550
Center for Executive Development
Cynthia G. Orshek, B.S., M.S., Director
(434) 982-5366 Fax: (434) 982-5369
Center for K-12 Education
Nancy R. Iverson, A.B., M.Ed., Ed.D., Assistant Dean and Director
(434) 243-2560 Fax: (434) 982-5297
Development Office
Jennifer Newell, B.M., Director of Philanthropy
(434) 243-7611 Fax: (434) 982-5550
Educational Technologies
John Payne, B.S., M.A., Director
(434) 982-5254 Fax: (434) 982-5270
Instructional Design
Stephanie Scheer-Conley, B.A., M.Ed., Ph.D., Director
(434) 924-1305 Fax: (434) 982-5270
Marketing Department
Jane Paluda, B.A., M.P.A., Assistant Dean for Marketing
(434) 243-2449 Fax: (434) 982-5270
Academic Program Development
Andrea Spreter-Backman, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Director
(434) 982-5338 Fax: (434) 982-5550
Tempo Reading Program
Mary Abouzeid, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Director
(434) 924-0915 Fax: (434) 924-6339
University Center
Donna Klepper, B.A., M.Ed., Ed.D., Director
(434) 982-5313 Fax: (434) 982-5324
Off Grounds
The School of Continuing and Professional Studies operates a network of regional academic centers across the state, to respond to the educational needs of Virginians and to reach adult learners throughout the nation using distance learning technologies.
The directors of the regional academic centers organize and administer a diverse portfolio of academic programs for individuals, government agencies, the business community and K-12 school districts.
Regional Academic Centers:
FBI National Academy Program
Stephen J. Pryplesh, B.S., M.P.A., M.S., M.Ed., Assistant Dean and Director
Quantico, VA 22135
(703) 632-1189 Fax: (703) 632-1187
Hampton Roads Center
K. Edwin Brown, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Director
418 Pembroke Four
Virginia Beach, VA 23462
(757) 552-1890 Fax: (757) 552-1898
Northern Virginia Center
Patrick Valentine, B.B.A., M.P.A., Ph.D., Director
7054 Haycock Road
Falls Church, VA 22043
(703) 536-1100; toll-free in VA: (800) 678-4882
Fax: (703) 536-1111
Richmond Center
Kathleen Marks, B.A., M.B.A., Director
2810 N. Parham Road
Richmond, VA 23294-4434
(434) 662-7464; toll-free in VA: (800) 323-4882
Fax: (434) 662-9827
Roanoke Center
Linda Linnartz, B.S., M.S., Ed.D., Director
108 N. Jefferson Street, Suite 507
Roanoke, VA 24106
(540) 767-6200; toll-free in VA: (800) 882-6753
Fax: (540) 767-6206
Southwest Center
Mary Quillen, B.S., M.Ed., Ph.D., Director
1 Partnership Circle
P.O. Box 1987
Abingdon, VA 24212
(276) 469-4012; toll-free in VA: (800) 792-3683
Fax: (276) 469-4009
Graduate Degree Programs
Graduate degree programs offered through the School of Continuing and Professional Studies address the needs of adult students at convenient locations throughout the state. Faculty at the School of Continuing and Professional Studies work with their counterparts in other schools of the University to design and deliver degree programs through on-site courses and the use of distance learning technologies. The degree-granting school or college determines its program admission criteria, course content, and degree requirements.
Degree-seeking students should consult the appropriate school’s section in this Record to determine admission requirements and other policies and regulations applicable to degree programs. Students who seek to transfer graduate credits earned through the School of Continuing and Professional Studies must get approval from the school in which enrollment is sought.
General Regulations
Admission Information about graduate certificate courses and programs offered by the School of Continuing and Professional Studies may be obtained at the regional centers where the course of study is offered or on the School’s website. Students should consult with the appropriate program director for admission and program requirements.
Academic Grievances Students who have a grievance related to a course, a faculty member, or the services provided by SCPS faculty or staff should pursue the grievance as follows:
- Concerns related to a course or faculty member not resolvable between the student and faculty member, should be discussed with the appropriate School of Continuing and Professional Studies’ program director. If the concern remains, the student may then contact the dean of the school or college in which the student is enrolled or the course is offered. The grievance procedure of the academic school will be followed from this point forward.
- If the concern is related to an SCPS course or faculty member and is not resolved by the student and the faculty member, the next step should be a discussion between the student and the regional academic director or program director. If the concern is not resolvable at this level, the grievance should be filed with the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs of the School of Continuing and Professional Studies. The Associate Dean’s decision may be appealed by the student to the Dean of the School.
- If the grievance is related to the Dean of the School of Continuing and Professional Studies, the student may contact the Vice President and Provost of the University.
- If the concern is related to the Vice President and Provost, appropriate documentation should be presented in writing to the President of the University.
Academic Progress Students should consult the policies for satisfactory progress in the school offering the degree or program in which they are enrolled.
Add/Drop The dates by which students may add or drop a course are established each academic year by the School of Continuing and Professional Studies. These dates may differ by regional academic center. Students should consult with appropriate center staff or program director for information.
Application of SCPS Courses to Degree Programs With the approval of the student’s school of enrollment, a course taken through the School of Continuing and Professional Studies may be counted toward degree requirements. These courses typically are included in the computation of grade point averages. Students should seek approval in advance; otherwise such courses may not apply toward a degree.
Attendance Instructors establish attendance and participation requirements for each of their courses. Course requirements such as examinations, oral presentations, laboratory experiments, participation in class discussion, etc., are not waived due to a student’s absence from class. Instructors may establish penalties when excessive absences seriously hinder achievement in any course.
Auditors Students who wish to enroll in credit courses without earning academic course credit may do so on a space available basis, with the permission of the instructor and program director. Credit or audit status must be indicated at the time of registration. Admission requirements are the same for auditing students as for students enrolled for credit. An AU (audit) cannot be changed to a letter grade. Auditing a class does not relieve the student of the responsibility for meeting the standards established for the course.
Continuing Education Unit Many non-credit activities are designated as Continuing Education Unit (CEU) programs. One CEU is defined as 10 contact hours of participation in an organized educational experience under responsible sponsorship, capable direction, and qualified instruction.
UREG (The University Registrar) permanently records successful participation in programs that have been authorized to award CEUs. A certificate typically is given at the conclusion of the course or program.
Grades In addition to its own graduate-level professional development and certificate program courses, the School of Continuing and Professional Studies offers graduate courses in collaboration with other schools. These courses follow the grading system of their associated schools, as outlined in each school’s section of this Record. Courses carrying a School of Continuing and Professional Studies mnemonic use the following grading system: A+, A, A-; B+, B, B-; C+, C, C-; D+, D, D-; F. For non-credit courses, grade notations are S/U (satisfactory/unsatisfactory). Students who audit courses receive the designation AU (audit). The symbol W is used when a student officially withdraws from a course before its completion.
Credit/No Credit Students enrolled in graduate degree programs should consult with the appropriate school before selecting the credit/no credit (CR/NC) grading option. Students enrolled in certain courses for professional development may select the CR/NC option. Courses taken with this grading option may not be transferred into a degree program. The use of CR/NC in certificate programs is governed by the academic policies of the individual program.
Grade Changes No grade for a course may be changed after it has been submitted to the University Registrar without the course instructor certifying in writing that, because of an error in calculation or transcription, an incorrect grade was submitted.
Incompletes Occasionally circumstances beyond a student’s control make it necessary for the student to request an IN (incomplete) designation instead of a grade from the instructor. IN indicates that the grade for the course is withheld until the student completes all course requirements. An IN can be assigned only when a document of agreement signed by the student and instructor is filed in the appropriate SCPS Regional Academic Center, specifying the work to be completed in order to have the IN removed and a grade assigned, as well as the date by when all work for completion of the course must be submitted. To have the IN removed from a transcript, a student must complete and submit all course work to the instructor by the end of the semester following the term in which the IN was received unless an earlier due date has been stipulated in writing by the course instructor. Upon completion and submission of all course work as outlined in the document of agreement, the instructor shall then replace the IN designation with a grade. An incomplete that is not removed by the conclusion of the next semester will be converted to a grade of F (failure). Only the appropriate instructors may authorize removal of an IN designation. Non-degree seeking students with an incomplete pending are not awarded a degree or certificate. Degree-seeking students who receive an IN (incomplete) or an F (failure) in any course cannot enroll in another course unless the Dean of the School of Continuing and Professional Studies grants permission.
No Grade On occasion, an instructor assigns a designation of NG (no grade) to a student at the conclusion of a course. Unless the student eliminates the conditions that resulted in the NG by the conclusion of the next consecutive semester, it is automatically converted to a grade of F (failure). No student with an NG pending is eligible to receive a degree or certificate.
Honor System The Honor System is one of the University’s oldest and most venerated traditions. Based on the fundamental assumption that anyone who enrolls at the University subscribes to a code of ethics forbidding lying, cheating, and stealing, the Honor System allows students the kind of personal freedom possible only in an environment where respect and trust are assumed. For nearly 160 years, students have administered this system at the University.
Although the Honor System applies to students enrolled off-Grounds, in courses and programs through the School of Continuing and Professional Studies, as it does to students on-Grounds, some procedures for administration of the system to continuing and professional studies students differ from those governing on-Grounds full time students. Off-Grounds students should consult with the School of Continuing and Professional Studies regional academic center in their area for a copy of the Honor Committee bylaws.
Leave of Absence Graduate students enrolled in professional development or certificate programs offered by the School of Continuing and Professional Studies may request a leave of absence from the University at the end of any semester. Students who seek a leave of absence for more than three semesters must provide written notification to the director of the academic program in which they are enrolled. If students do not notify the director in writing and do not re-enroll for three semesters, they will be required to reapply for admission to the program.
Repeated Courses Students may repeat courses for credit only after receiving the permission of their dean’s office. When a course is allowed to be repeated, that course may count toward degree credit only once. When a course is repeated, typically the initial grade earned in a course is entered into the computation of the grade point average. For further details, please check the polices on Repeating Courses and grades with the appropriate program director. The grade initially earned in the course appears on the official academic record and counts in the calculation of the grade point average. Regulations applying to repeated courses may vary by school and are detailed in each school’s chapter of this Record.
Suspended Students Individuals who have been suspended from the University of Virginia or from any other college or university are not eligible to enroll through the School of Continuing and Professional Studies as long as the suspension remains in force.
Teacher Relicensure Teachers and school administrators who wish to take courses or professional development offerings for relicensure may register without submitting academic transcripts. Individuals seeking relicensure are responsible for determining the acceptability of such courses or professional development programs by consulting with their school/division superintendent or the Virginia Department of Education.
Transcripts UREG, (The office of the University Registrar) records the credit for University courses taught in the School of Continuing and Professional Studies. Transcripts are available from the Office of the University Registrar ( Courses taken since 1985 may also be reviewed by using ISIS Online (
Transfer of Credit Students wishing to transfer credit from the School of Continuing and Professional Studies to another educational institution should consult that institution as to the acceptability of the courses and their credit prior to registering with the School of Continuing and Professional Studies.
Students interested in transferring courses into an SCPS academic program generally may transfer a maximum of six credits. The School grants transfer credit based on an analysis of the content, level, and suitability of the courses taken, the applicability of the courses to the student’s intended major, the quality of the student’s performance in the courses, and the accreditation of the institution at which the work was completed. Course work must not be older than eight years and the student must have earned a grade of “C” or better in the courses. Transfer credit determinations are made by the appropriate academic program director. Courses for which transfer credit has been awarded will not appear on the student’s transcript until the completion of the certificate program. No courses may be transferred into the certificate programs of Technology, Leadership, Information Technology, and E-Commerce.
Withdrawal Students enrolled in a graduate degree program should refer to the withdrawal policy of the school awarding the degree.
Students enrolled in the School of Continuing and Professional Studies’ graduate courses for professional development, certificate programs, or the community scholar program, may withdraw under the following conditions:
- Students make written application to withdraw to the academic program director in the regional center in which they are enrolled at least three class sessions before the last scheduled meeting of the course.
- Withdrawal from a course without the proper approval of a written application to withdraw results in students receiving a grade of F.
- Students receive the notation of “W” for any course from which they withdraw. A notation of “W” cannot be changed to a letter grade or an incomplete.
Tuition, Fees, and Refunds
Tuition (per credit unless otherwise indicated)
Graduate Degree Programs Virginian $260 Non-Virginian $400
Undergraduate Courses Virginian $218 Non-Virginian $371
Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies
Degree Program
Virginian 1-3 credits $1,035 4-8 credits $2,090 9 or more credits $3,118
1-3 credits $3,700 4-8 credits $7,400 9 or more credits $11,100
Distance Learning - Undergraduate Virginian $267 Non-Virginian $337
Distance Learning - Graduate Virginian $285 Non-Virginian $337
Study Abroad (per semester, including in summer) Virginian
3-7 credits $2,520
8-15 credits $4,420 Non-Virginian 3-7 credits $2,613 8-15 credits $4,450
Community Scholar Programs Virginian High School Students $218 Non-High School Students $272 Non-Virginian High School Students $371 Non-High School Students $1,000
K-12 Educators Virginian $215 Non-Virginian $325
Graduate Televised Engineering Virginian $380 Non-Virginian $645
Music Lessons
(13 one-hour sessions) $676
Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies Degree
Program Special Session fee (per semester) Virginian $133 Non-Virginian $145
Late registration fee $25
Application fee for Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies $60
Application fee for Certificate and Special Programs $25
Change course fee $12
Facilities fee, Northern Virginia Center (per credit and per non-credit course)$17
Transcript fee $5
Late exam fee $10
Technology fee (per credit) $4
Other miscellaneous fees may apply to recover expenses, such as laboratory, materials, etc., on the basis of estimated cost.
Refunds Programs offered by the School of Continuing and Professional Studies have varying policies regarding refunds. Different policies apply to the Community Scholar Program and for credit and non-credit courses taken via distance learning technology. Refer to the SCPS website, course description, special brochures, and regional academic center course catalogs for details.
Certificate Programs
The School of Continuing and Professional Studies offers programs in specialized fields such as business, education, and other professions that lead to the award of certificates. Most certificate programs require 10-30 credits of instruction. Admission requirements for certificate programs vary. Applicants may be required to provide transcripts of previous academic activity. Persons interested in a certificate program should consult with the program director to obtain specific admission requirements.
Students in credit certificate programs must maintain an average grade of C or better to continue in the program. To be eligible to receive a certificate, persons enrolled in noncredit and/or CEU certificate programs must progress satisfactorily in their courses according to the opinion of the program’s director.
Certificate Program in Criminal Justice Education
A program in Criminal Justice Education is offered at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia, to students enrolled in the National Academy Program. All students in this 10-week program are required to complete a minimum of 17 credits of academic work (undergraduate and/or graduate) with courses taken in the following subject areas: behavioral science; forensic science; law enforcement communication; law; leadership development and physical fitness. Each student may elect to take an additional one to three credits of course work. Some of these courses are offered to students sponsored by the FBI who are not enrolled in the National Academy Program. A graduate certificate in criminal justice education is awarded for four or more graduate courses.
Faculty members resident at the University as well as distinguished adjunct faculty members teach courses for the School of Continuing and Professional Studies. Adjunct faculty members are selected with careful attention to their academic credentials and level of distinction in their discipline or field of practice. Faculty members from the University of Virginia’s peer institutions, University alumni, national and international political, corporate, educational, and civic leaders, renowned authors, artists, and distinguished scholars also join SCPS faculty in the delivery of educational offerings.
Sondra F. Stallard, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Dean
Cynthia C. Reed, B.S., M.B.A., Associate Dean for Administration
Lynda Phillips-Madson, B.A., M.F.A., Ph.D., Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Nancy Iverson, A.B., M.Ed., Ed.D., Assistant Dean, K-12 Education
William Mowry, B.A., M.B.A., Assistant Dean of Finance
Jennifer Newell, B.M., Director of Philanthropy
Jane Paluda, B.A., MPA, Assistant Dean for Marketing
Robert E. Patterson, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Director, Academic Approvals
Stephen J. Pryplesh, B.S., M.P.A., M.S., M.Ed., Assistant Dean and Director of Academic Programs, UVa/FBI National Academy Program
Stephanie Scheer-Conley, B.A., M.Ed., Ph.D., Director, Instructional Design
Andrea Spreter-Backman, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Director, Academic Program Development
Mary P. Abouzeid, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Tempo Reading Outreach Program
K. Edwin Brown, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Hampton Roads Center
Nancy R. Iverson, A.B., M.Ed., Ed.D., K-12 Education
Donna F. Klepper, B.A., M.Ed., Ed.D., University Center
Linda K. Linnartz, B.S., M.S., Ed.D., Roanoke Center
Kathleen Marks, B.A., M.B.A., Richmond Center
Cynthia G. Orshek, B.S., B.S., M.S., Executive Development
John H. Payne, B.S., M.A., Educational Technologies
Donna J. Plasket, B.M.E., M.M., M.Ed., Ed.D., Assistant Dean and Director, Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies Degree Program
Stephen J. Pryplesh, B.S., M.P.A., M.S., M.Ed., Assistant Dean and Director of Academic Programs
Mary A. Quillen, B.S., M.Ed., Ph.D., Southwest Center
Patrick Valentine, B.B.A., M.P.A., Ph.D., Northern Virginia Center
Nancy R. Iverson, A.B., M.Ed., Ed.D., Assistant Dean and Director
Stewart D. Roberson, B.S., M.Ed., Ed.D.
Pamela B. Roland, B.A., M.Ed., Ed.D.
Stephen J. Pryplesh, B.S., M.P.A., M.S., M.Ed., Assistant Dean and Director of Academic Programs, UVa/FBI National Academy Program
Behavioral Science
Faculty Coordinators
Harry Kern, B.A., M.Ed., Chief, Behavioral Science Unit, UVA/FBI National Academy Program
Janet I. Warren, B.S.W., M.S.W., D.S.W., Associate Professor of Clinical Psychiatric Medicine, Institute of Law, Psychiatry, and Public Policy
Adjunct Faculty
Paula Barrows, B.S., M.S.
Andrew Bringuel, B.A., M.Ed.
Edward Davis, B.S., M.S.
D. Darell Dones, B.S., M.Ed., M.Ed
Samuel Feemster, B.A., M.Div., J.D.
John Jarvis, B.S., B.A., M.A., Ph.D.
Harry A. Kern, B.A., M.Ed.
William McCormack, B.A., J.D.
Anthony Pinizzotto, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.
Terri Royster, B.S., M.A.
Gregory Vecchi, B.S., M.S., Ph.D.
Forensic Science
Faculty Coordinators
Ralph O. Allen, B.A., Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry, Department of Chemistry
Charles A. McGinnis, B.S., M.F.S., Forensic Science, UVA/FBI National Academy Program
Adjunct Faculty
Alice Isenberg, B.A., M.S., Ph.D.
Charles A. McGinnis, B.S., M.F.S.
Law Enforcement Communication
Faculty Coordinators
Vacant, Chief, Law Enforcement Communication Unit, UVA/FBI National Academy Program
John A. Sanderson, B.S., M.Ed., Ed.D., Associate Professor of Educational Psychology, Curry School of Education
Adjunct Faculty
Molly Amman, B.A., J.D.
Ann Atanasio, A.A., B.A., J.D.
Arnold Bellmer, B.A., M.A.
Stanley Burke, B.S., M.A.
Marian E. Coleman, A.A., B.A., M.Ed.
Cynthia Lewis, B.A., M.Ed.
Julie Linkins, B.A., M.A., M.S.
Kelly McEniry, B.A., J.D.
Penelope Parrish, A.A.S., B.A., M.Ed.
Vincent A. Sandoval, B.S.,M.A.
Lisa Skinner, B.S., J.D.
Richard Stephenson, A.S.,B.S.,M.A.
James L. Vance, B.A., M.S., M.S.
Faculty Coordinators
Lisa Baker, B.S., J.D., Chief, Legal Unit, UVA/FBI National Academy Program
Stephen F. Smith, B.A., J.D., Associate Professor, School of Law
Adjunct Faculty
Lisa Baker, B.S., J.D.
Carl Benoit, B.S., J.D.
Michael J. Bulzomi, A.A., B.S., J.D.
Martin King, B.A., J.D.
Jonathan Rudd, B.A., J.D.
Richard G. Schott, B.A., J.D.
Leadership and Development
Faculty Coordinators
Jeffrey Green, B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Chief, Leadership Development Institute, UVA/FBI National Academy Program
Charles Robb, B.S., M.Ed., Chief, Community Leadership Development Unit, UVA/FBI National Academy Program
William J. Kehoe, A.B., M.B.A., M.A., D.B.A., O’Dell Professor of Commerce, McIntire School of Commerce
Adjunct Faculty
John Bingham, B.A., M.Ed.
John Cantalupo, B.S., M.P.A.
Kevin Crawford, B.A., M.A.
Jeffrey Green, B.S., M.S., Ph.D.
Jeffrey Lindsey, B.A., Masters/Military Studies
Michael McAuliffe, A.S., B.S., M.A.
Kathleen Mitchell, B.A., M.S., M.Ed.
Stephen Moore, B.A., M.P.A.
Richard Plunkett, B.A., M.A.L.S.
Charles Robb, B.S., M.Ed.
Stephen Smith, A.A., B.A., M.Ed.
Walter Williams, B.S., M.S.
Physical Fitness
Glenn A. Gaesser, A.B., M.A., Ph.D., Professor, Curry School of Education
John Kerr, B.S., Chief, Operational Support, UVA/FBI National Academy Program
Adjunct Faculty
Kevin Chimento, B.S., M.Ed.
Steven Mellor, A.S., B.A., Th.M., M.Min., D.M.
Edward O’Malley, B.S., M.S.
John Van Vorst, B.S., M.A.
Patrick Valentine, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Director
Carol Beechler, B.A., M.S., Associate Director for Programs
Robert D. Linder, B.A., J.D., M.B.A., L.L.M., Deputy Director
Vacant, Special Education
Vacant, Reading Education
Bernadette Black, B.A., M.S., Ed.D., Assistant Professor and Director of the Social Foundations Program
Mary P. Abouzeid, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Professor and Director
Ottilie Austin, B.A., M.Ed., Ed.D., Assistant Professor
Anna Baynum, B.A., M.Ed., Adjunct Faculty
Mary Fowler, B.S., M.Ed., Ph.D., Assistant Professor
Joan S. Kindig, B.A., Ed.D., Assistant Professor
Susan Morelli, B.S., M.Ed., Ed.D., Adjunct Faculty
Sandra White, B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Professor
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