Feb 14, 2025  
Undergraduate Record 2007-2008 
Undergraduate Record 2007-2008 [ARCHIVED RECORD]

School of Commerce

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The McIntire School of Commerce offers a professional program that includes the study of the fundamental disciplines underlying the management of organizations. Thomas Jefferson, founder of the University of Virginia, believed a liberal arts education was key to a successful professional career. In keeping with that tradition, students spend the first two years of undergraduate work combining liberal arts and business prerequisite courses. Students, including those from other schools, typically apply for admission to McIntire during their second year.

McIntire students tackle the School’s Integrated Core Experience (ICE), a continuously evolving third-year curriculum that updates and refines the presentation of core business knowledge and skills. The primary goal of the ICE program is to prepare McIntire students for the dynamic, changing realities of today’s business world.

Students choose one or more specialized area(s) of concentration: Accounting, Finance, Information Technology, International Business, Management, and Marketing.

Advanced courses in each area are provided to form a total program that is both integrative and comprehensive.

The McIntire School prepares students for an array of future opportunities, including graduate and professional school. Part of that preparation is the emphasis on integrative group projects and the case method of instruction in which students analyze complex business situations. The thousands of alumni who enjoy prominent positions throughout the world, as well as the national ranking evidence the success of the McIntire program and reputation the school has achieved.


The University of Virginia was one of the first institutions in the United States to introduce the subject matter of economics into its curriculum. Since the University’s first session in 1825, courses of study in this field have been available.

It was not until 1906 that the School of Economics was established as a separate unit within the College of Arts and Sciences. In 1920, a division of business administration was created in the James Wilson School of Economics. In 1921, a donation from alumnus Paul Goodloe McIntire made it possible to establish the McIntire School of Commerce and Business Administration. For the next 31 years the McIntire School operated as a distinct division of the College of Arts and Sciences, but its work was closely integrated with the James Wilson School of Economics. In 1952, the University’s Board of Visitors approved the establishment of the McIntire School as a professional school to be administered as a separate unit of the University, distinct from the College of Arts and Sciences.


The School Today

The McIntire School is a separate division of the University in the same sense as are the schools of Architecture, Graduate Business Administration, Education, Engineering, Law, and Medicine. The McIntire School confers the Bachelor of Science in Commerce and offers Master of Science degrees in Accounting and Management of Information Technology. The bachelor’s degree is conferred after a four-year program of studies in which the first two years are spent in another college or university in courses approved by the McIntire School. In the 2005-2006 session, the undergraduate student body numbered 660 and the faculty 65.

The school is located in Monroe Hall on the Central Grounds of the University. The building contains classrooms, seminar rooms, and administrative and faculty offices. Computer facilities located in the building include a computer laboratory, capital markets room and trading room complex, multimedia classrooms, and terminals linked to other University computing facilities. In addition to the facilities in Monroe Hall, the University’s extensive libraries and computing systems are available to students of the McIntire School.


McIntire School of Commerce
Monroe Hall
University of Virginia
P.O. Box 400173
Charlottesville, VA 22904-4173
(434) 924-3865


The McIntire School was elected to membership in the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business in 1925. In 1981, the school became accredited to offer programs at the graduate level as well as the undergraduate level. Accreditation is offered only to those schools that meet the strict academic standards and program requirements prescribed by the AACSB. In 1982, the school became one of the initial 13 schools in the nation to have both its undergraduate and graduate accounting programs accredited under new AACSB standards for the separate accreditation of accounting programs. All McIntire programs received accreditation by the AACSB in 1994.


Scholarships and Awards

The J. Schuyler Alland Scholarship, established by Sky Alland Research Inc. and friends of J. Schuyler Alland (COM ‘79), is awarded annually to a fourth-year student who demonstrates leadership and entrepreneurial abilities.

The Alpha Kappa Psi Scholarship Key is awarded annually by the Alpha of Virginia Chapter of Alpha Kappa Psi to the McIntire student who attains the highest scholastic average for the first three semesters of collegiate work in the school.

Andersen and Company Endowment provides support to undergraduate and graduate accounting students.

Accenture Alumni Endowment provides support at the undergraduate and graduate levels for students in all academic areas who demonstrate an interest in consulting.

The Bank of America Endowed Scholarship, established by NationsBank Virginia, provides scholarships to qualified undergraduate and graduate students in the McIntire School.

The Madhu Chopra Memorial Scholarship was created to honor the memory of Madhu Chopra (COM ‘89). It is awarded to a Madison House volunteer who exhibits qualities of personableness, enthusiasm, and dedication.

The Madhu Chopra Writing Contest was created to honor the memory of Madhu Chopra (COM ‘89) and to give McIntire students the opportunity to reflect creatively on their own lives.

The Contest in Effective Oral Presentation of Business Problems is sponsored by Beta Gamma Sigma; an alumnus donates an annual prize.

The Joseph R. Daniel Scholarship provides tuition assistance to a rising fourth-year student demonstrating financial need.

The Dean’s List of Distinguished Students includes any student who has passed at least 15 credits of graded work in the preceding semester, of which nine or more credits are Commerce courses, without failure in any course, and with a grade point average in the top 20 percent of the school. Courses taken on a CR/NC basis may not be counted toward the 15-credit minimum. Any student receiving an F, NC, or NG during the semester is not eligible to be on the Dean’s List.

Louis F. and Ruth D. DeMouy Scholarship is awarded to a student in good academic standing who has worked to pay for a portion of academic expenses and demonstrates financial need.

Diploma with Distinction Diplomas inscribed “with distinction” are awarded to Bachelor of Science in Commerce students who have a grade point average in the top 15 percent of the class based on work completed while enrolled in the school.

The Farwell Distinguished Achievement Award was established by F. Evans Farwell, a 1929 alumnus of the McIntire School, and is given to the McIntire student demonstrating the greatest academic progress while enrolled in the school.

The Charles A. Ferguson Scholarship is awarded by Ferguson Enterprises in memory of company founder and University alumnus Charles Ferguson. Selection for the award is based upon character, industry, scholastic achievement, and demonstrated financial need.

Peggy Goldsmith Scholarship is awarded to a rising fourth-year student with a concentration in finance that shows promise for a financial services career.

The Mark Boice Germain Scholarships are given in memory of Mark Boice Germain, an alumnus of the McIntire School. The scholarships recognize academic merit, character, and leadership.

The Joseph Goldsten Distinguished Award in Finance is given in honor of a University alumnus to a student who shows the most promise for a career in finance.

The HSBC Scholarship is awarded to a rising fourth year student(s) with concentrations in Management or Marketing by HSBC, one of the largest banking and financial services organizations in the world.

The Hantzmon Wiebel McIntire Scholarship is given to a rising third and fourth-year student(s) who transferred from a Virginia Community College and who is concentrating in accounting and has ties to the local area.

The C.L.H. Howard Scholarship is given annually to a deserving McIntire student who is a member of the Sigma Phi Society. The award is made on the basis of merit and need.

The Henry C. Hurt Scholarship, given in memory of a University of Virginia alumnus, is presented to a rising fourth-year finance student who has exhibited excellence in leadership and scholarship.

Thomas Jefferson Chapter of the Virginia Society of CPAs Scholarship is awarded annually to a student chosen from those who have completed the associate degree program at a Virginia community college and are currently enrolled in the accounting program at the McIntire School.

The Warwick D. Johnston Scholarship is given by Mr. Johnston (COM ‘49) and is awarded annually to an outstanding Commerce student.

The Harold G. Leggett Scholarship is awarded to a marketing student on the basis of character, industry, ability, and demonstrated financial need. The recipient must be a U.S. citizen from a trading area where Belk (formerly Leggett) stores are operated.

The Mary and Daniel Loughran Scholarship is awarded annually to McIntire students on the basis of financial need and achievement.

The Edmund and Catherine Wade MacDonald Scholarships are awarded to McIntire students in good academic standing who demonstrate financial need.

The McIntire Faculty Award is presented to a graduating McIntire student when, in the faculty’s judgment, the student has demonstrated truly exceptional leadership qualities and a sense of social responsibility that reflect credit upon the school, the University, and the Commonwealth.

The Joseph Miniotas Communication Scholars Fund was established to honor the memory of Joseph Miniotas (COM ‘96). A limited number of fourth-year students are selected as scholars based upon their demonstration of outstanding communication skills; these students serve to assist other McIntire students with the development of communication skills.

The Modell Family Scholarship is awarded to fourth-year student(s) on the basis of leadership and a demonstrated interest in entrepreneurial activities.

The NAA Carman G. Blough Award honors an undergraduate selected by the accounting faculty based on total undergraduate grade point average and an evaluation of the individual’s prospects for success in the field of accounting.

The Henry R. Odell Award is presented annually to a fourth-year student in the management concentration who has shown academic excellence, unusual promise in the field of management, and significant leadership contributions to the school and University.

The William F. O’Dell Distinguished Award in Marketing honors Mr. William F. O’Dell, a former distinguished member of the McIntire School of Commerce faculty, a past president of the American Marketing Association, and founder of Market Facts Inc. The award is presented annually to an outstanding marketing student, as determined by grade point average, extracurricular activities, leadership, and dedication to the school and the University.

The Alice Toomer Parrish Oldfield and Edward Charles Oldfield, Sr., Scholarship may be awarded to a student entering his or her first year in the McIntire School of Commerce for their third and fourth year.

The Ginny Rettig Award was established to honor Virginia “Ginny” Rettig (COM ‘00) by her family and friends. The fund supports the “Advertising Campaigns” program at the McIntire School, and each year the Ginny Rettig Award will be given to an outstanding team member in the Marketing program nominated by fourth-year class members.

The Walter B. Salley Scholarship is given to an outstanding accounting student in memory of a distinguished faculty member.

The Schade Family Scholarship is awarded to an outstanding student based upon financial need and scholastic merit. The Schade Family Endowment funds the scholarship.

The William G. and Leila S. Shenkir Scholarship is awarded to a fourth-year student on the basis of merit and need. The Raymond Moskow family established it in honor of the Shenkirs.

The William M. Shermet Scholarship is given in memory of William M. Shermet, an alumnus of the McIntire School. The scholarship recognizes a truly outstanding fourth-year student and is awarded on the basis of merit.

The Shrier Family Scholarship is awarded to rising fourth-year commerce students with financial need. The Shrier Family Scholarship Fund provides the scholarship.

The Thomas I. Storrs Scholarship is given by NCNB in honor of their chairman, Thomas I. Storrs, to a McIntire student who exhibits qualities of scholarship and leadership that will make him or her an effective businessperson and humanitarian.

The David W. Thompson Award is given in honor of a retired faculty member to a graduating accounting student judged to have the most promise for contribution to the accounting profession.

The David W. Thompson Scholarship is awarded to an outstanding accounting student during the fourth year.

The Virginia Society of CPAs Award honors a student in accounting. The recipient is selected by the accounting faculty based on the student’s total undergraduate grade point average and an evaluation of the individual’s prospects for success in the accounting profession.

The Wachovia Bank, Inc. Scholarship is awarded to a rising fourth-year finance or marketing student on the basis of academic excellence.

The Wall Street Journal Student Achievement Award, established by the Educational Service Bureau to honor students demonstrating overall academic excellence, is given annually to an outstanding fourth-year student.

The George Wasserman Distinguished Award in Marketing and Management is given to a student who shows the most promise for a career in marketing management or sales management.


Student Organizations and Activities

The following organizations are affiliated with the McIntire School of Commerce. Commerce students are also eligible to participate in the University activities and the service and government organizations described in The Colonnades.

Alpha Kappa Psi, the first professional fraternity in commerce, has the following objectives: to foster scientific research in the fields of commerce, accounting, and finance; to educate the public to appreciate and demand higher ideals therein; and to promote and advance in institutions of collegiate rank courses leading to degrees in business administration. Members are selected from the McIntire School on the basis of scholastic standing and promise of achievement in business.

American Advertising Federation (AAF) is a national professional organization committed to the study and practice of advertising. Each year AAF participates in a nationwide intercollegiate case competition that offers the opportunity to apply classroom theory in the development of an actual ad campaign. Preparation entails oral and written presentation, including research, total media plan, and creative planning and execution. All interested students are welcome to participate.

Beta Alpha Psi, a national professional honorary organization, recognizes the scholastic excellence of outstanding students of accounting, finance, and information technology. Invitations to membership are extended to master’s students and highly qualified third- and fourth-year bachelor’s students.

Beta Gamma Sigma is a national honorary society, the purposes of which are to encourage and reward scholarship and accomplishment among students of commerce and business administration; to promote the advancement of education in the art and science of business; and to foster integrity in the conduct of business operations. Chapters of Beta Gamma Sigma are chartered only in schools holding membership in the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business. Third- and fourth-year Commerce students ranking in the highest seven and ten percent of their class, respectively, are eligible.

The Business Ethics Group is dedicated to discussing and encouraging ethical and socially responsible business to the UVA student body and local community. The Group seeks to enhance business ethics awareness and knowledge, develop ethical leaders, and affect an immediate social impact through discussion forums, speaker events, and volunteer work.

The Commerce Council is the student government body within the McIntire School. Its primary functions are to provide student representation to the dean and coordinate school-wide student activities.

McIntire Consulting Group educates students about various careers in consulting by working in real-life consulting situations and offering workshops to help students learn and refine case interview techniques.

The McIntire Information Technology Group is involved in activities that respond to members’ interests in information technology.

McIntire Investment Institute started in 1994 with a $100,000 gift from John Griffin (COM ‘85), is one of the few student-run investment institutes in the nation. Its purpose is to teach students about investing by using real money; students handle all investment decisions. Participation in the institute is open to any student at the University.

The McIntire Marketing Association provides opportunities for students to exchange ideas with executives in advertising, sales management, product management, retailing, financial institutions marketing, and industrial marketing, as well as with executives from non-profit organizations. Membership is open to all University students.

McIntire Women’s Business Forum provides an open forum to discuss issues that are unique to gender and to explore the challenges faced in work and family relationships. The group is open to all interested students.

National Association of Black Accountants (NABA) is a professional organization for minorities in accounting, auditing, finance, consulting, and information technology. This association provides a direct link to today and tomorrow’s business leaders.

Net Impact seeks to develop services and social activities that foster cooperation between business and society while creating a hub dedicated to promoting the research and teaching of socially responsible business practices at the University.

Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) is the world’s largest student business organization and the collegiate division of the Future Business Leaders of America. PBL helps members acquire unique business and technology skills through participation in various programs.

Society of Non-Traditional Students (SNS) provides non-traditional McIntire students with extracurricular activities and a network of peers who can help with the transition into the McIntire School. Activities include student and family social events, community service and fundraising, and information presentations.

The Virginia Entrepreneur Organization (VEO) serves to provide educational and professional resources for undergraduate students at UVa with interests in entrepreneurship.

Career Opportunities and Resources

McIntire graduates pursue a variety of challenging and rewarding career opportunities throughout the United States. McIntire alumni enter such fields as accounting, finance, human resource management, information technology, and marketing. They are employed in roles in such diverse work settings as investment and corporate banking, public accounting, manufacturing, advertising, retailing, consulting, government, and real estate. The salaries and responsibilities commanded by graduating McIntire students consistently rank at the top for the nation’s leading undergraduate schools of business. The Commerce Career Services Office provides a variety of services and assists students in identifying and achieving their career goals.

Available to Commerce students is an extensive on-Grounds recruiting program. Each year over 200 organizations visit the University of Virginia to interview McIntire students for full-time employment. In addition, more than 100 organizations either recruit on-Grounds or list summer internships for third-year students. Approximately 10 percent of each class chooses to attend graduate school immediately after graduation. Students pursue such graduate and professional degrees as law, accounting, medicine, human resource management, and theology.

The McIntire School is justifiably proud of its academic program, and the career success of its 10,000 alumni represents a good measure of that pride. The entering third-year student and the finishing fourth-year student both have ample opportunities for direct assistance in plotting their own successful career futures after graduation.

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Endowed Chairs

The endowed chair or professorship is the highest honor and rank that can be obtained in academic life. The accomplishment of a distinguished academician is recognized when he or she is named to an endowed professorship. The availability of the following endowed chairs and professorships makes it possible for the McIntire School to attract and retain eminent teachers and scholars in the disciplines of commerce:

The Andersen Alumni Professorship of Commerce was established with a commitment from the Arthur Andersen Foundation and alumni employed with that firm.

The Bank of America Eminent Scholar Endowment Fund was established with the generous commitment of NationsBank Virginia. The income is to be used to attract and retain an eminent scholar at the McIntire School of Commerce and/or the Darden Graduate School of Business Administration.

The Ralph A. Beeton Professor of Free Enterprise honors an outstanding alumnus of the University of Virginia, Ralph A. Beeton, former chair of the board and chief executive officer of First Virginia Banks Inc.

The Carman G. Blough Professorship of Accounting honors a long-time resident of Virginia and outstanding leader in the field of accounting. Mr. Blough served as the first chief accountant of the Securities and Exchange Commission and from 1944 to 1961 was director of research for the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

The Carman G. Blough Professorship of Commerce honors a long-time resident of Virginia and outstanding leader in the field of accounting. Mr. Blough served as the first chief accountant of the Securities and Exchange Commission and from 1944 to 1961 was director of research for the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

The Ramon W. Breeden, Sr., Research Professorship was established in memory of his father by Ramon W. Breeden, Jr. (COM ‘56).

The Robert Hill Carter Professor of Marketing honors an outstanding alumnus of the University of Virginia, Robert Hill Carter, founder of the Virginia Tractor Company of Richmond, Virginia.

The Consumer Bankers Association Professor of Retail Banking was established with a commitment from the Consumer Bankers Association.

The F. S. Cornell Professor of Free Enterprise was established through the generous support of Figgie International to honor Shep Cornell, a Figgie director for many years and mentor to Mr. Harry E. Figgie, Jr.

The William Stamps Farish Professorship in Free Enterprise William Stamps Farish III established the William Stamps Farish Professorship in Free Enterprise in 1982 in honor of his grandfather, who was co-founder and president of Humble Oil and Standard Oil of New Jersey (predecessor of Exxon).

The Frank S. Kaulback, Jr., Professor of Commerce honors the first dean of the McIntire School, Frank S. Kaulback, Jr., who served as dean from 1955 to 1977.

The C. Coleman McGehee Professorship in Banking in Commerce was established with support from Sovran Bank (now Bank of America) in honor of its retired board chair, C. Coleman McGehee.

The Arthur J. Morris Plan Professor of Consumer Banking memorializes the consumer credit plan developed by an outstanding University of Virginia alumnus, Mr. Arthur J. Morris.

The Murray Research Professorship was endowed by the Murray Foundations to support a faculty member in the area of finance or information technology.

The William F. O’Dell Professor of Commerce honors the founder of Market Facts, Inc., and a former distinguished member of the marketing faculty at the McIntire School.

The Martin J. Patsel, Jr., Research Professorship was established by alumnus Martin J. Patsel, Jr., the late president of Roanoke Distributing Company.

The KPMG Peat Marwick Professor of Professional Accounting was endowed by the KPMG Peat Marwick Foundation and alumni members of the firm.

The William G. Shenkir Professorship in Commerce was established in honor of William G. Shenkir, the second dean of the McIntire School of Commerce, who served as dean from 1977 to 1992.

The Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company Professor of Commerce was established with a commitment from C&P Telephone Company.

The Virginia Bankers Association endowed the Virginia Bankers Association Professor of Bank Management and the Virginia Bankers Professorship of Bank Management.

The Walker Professorship in Growth Enterprises was established by Jeffrey C. Walker (COM ‘77) president of the McIntire Board of Trustees.

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Research Programs

Ongoing research is an important way for faculty members to keep abreast of the latest developments in their disciplines and contribute to the advancement of knowledge. Faculty research is supported through the funding of summer research grants and periodic leaves. Other forms of support include the establishment of research professorships, available to faculty members at all ranks, and research opportunities through the Center for the Management of Information Technology, the McIntire Center for Financial Innovation, the Center for Growth Enterprises, and the PricewaterhouseCoopers Center for Innovation in Professional Services.

The Ramon W. Breeden, Sr., Faculty Research Professorship was established in memory of his father by Ramon W. Breeden, Jr. (COM ‘56).

The Carter Machinery Research Fellowship was established with the generous support of Carter Machinery Company Inc. and Beirne Carter, a distinguished alumnus of the McIntire School.

The Coopers & Lybrand Research Fellowship was established with a commitment from the Coopers & Lybrand Foundation.

The Paul Tudor Jones II Eminent Scholars Research Professorship was established by Paul Tudor Jones and is shared jointly with the Darden School. The endowment is used to expose undergraduate and graduate students to the concepts of technical analysis.

The Marriott Research Fellowship is funded annually by the Marriott Foundation.

The C. Coleman McGehee Faculty Research Professorship was established with support from Bank of America.

The Martin J. Patsel, Jr., Research Professorship was established by alumnus Martin J. Patsel, Jr., the late President of Roanoke Distributing Company.

The Peterson & Co. Summer Research Fellowship is funded annually by Peterson & Co. Consulting.

The Price Waterhouse Research Fellowship was established with a commitment from the Price Waterhouse Foundation and alumni members of the firm.

The Deloitte-Touche Research Fellowship was established with a contribution from Touche, Ross & Company.

The William G. Shenkir Eminent Scholar Professorship was established to honor the school’s second dean.

The William Stamps Farish Faculty Research Professorships of Entrepreneurial Studies were established with support from the William Stamps Farish Fund.

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The McIntire Center for Financial Innovation provides a focus on the schools many educational and research services for the financial services industry. The center also funds McIntire faculty members who conduct special studies concerning problems and issues in the industry.

The PricewaterhouseCoopers Center for Innovation in Professional Services seeks to advance the collective knowledge of professional services in three integrated ways: by sponsoring small, faculty-driven, student centric programs throughout the academic year, which are integrated into the McIntire curriculum, required for students, and open to all University members; by actively engaging students, faculty, and targeted practitioners interested in sharing ideas on best practices within professional services through these student-centric programs; and by creating a Web infrastructure that disseminates program outcomes and other relevant content to a broader professional services audience.

The Center for Growth Enterprises serves to advance the understanding of growth companies and to create a world-class program focused on the strategic, finance, and management issues associated with growth enterprises and the factors that drive wealth-creating organizations and economic expansion. Current interest areas include closely held firms; venture capital/private equity, mature industries, real estate/asset-intensive firms, and non-financial performance measures.

The Center for the Management of Information Technology promotes research and education on topics related to the management and application of information technology within organizations. To this end, the center functions as the nexus for an interdisciplinary network of practitioners and academicians.

Specialized Programs

McIntire Business Institute (MBI) was founded in 1982. This program gives holders of non-business degrees a working knowledge of business practices. This intensive summer program provides a sound preparation for entry into the world of business and industry. It is an attractive way for persons considering a graduate business degree to take a firsthand look at business studies before committing to a two-year program. All participants must complete their undergraduate degree prior to the first day of the institute.

Executive Education Programs An important aspect of the McIntire School’s mission is serving the continuing education needs of the private and public sectors. The area of executive business education has been growing rapidly in recent years; businesses have realized the importance of keeping their managers exposed to the latest management concepts and developments. The McIntire School of Commerce seeks to address these education needs through four basic types of programs:

Affiliated Programs The school offers several educational programs in affiliation with major trade associations. Examples include the Virginia Bankers Association and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

Customized Executive Education Programs The McIntire School works closely with individual firms and organizations in custom designing and presenting programs to meet their unique needs.

Sponsored Lectures and Seminars This program encourages an exchange of ideas among business, banking, and government leaders through a continuing series of lectures, seminars, conferences, and workshops.

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External Boards

McIntire School of Commerce Advisory Board The Advisory Board, founded in 1981, is an important link between the McIntire School of Commerce and the business community that it serves. The Board advises the school leadership regarding the dynamic and complex needs of business and assists the dean and faculty in areas such as career services, curriculum and resource development.

McIntire School of Commerce Foundation Board of Trustees The McIntire Foundation Board of Trustees promotes the school’s goals by assisting and advising the school leadership with respect to the management of Foundation resources and fundraising, both capital and annual.

The McIntire Cornerstone Society Board The McIntire Cornerstone Society Board promotes the planned giving efforts of the school by assisting in educational programs, helping to identify prospects, and advising staff regarding the marketing of various gift vehicles to help ensure the future funding of the McIntire School through estate and financial plans of alumni, parents, and friends.

McIntire School of Commerce Master of Science in Management Information Technology Advisory Board The M.S. in MIT Advisory Board acts as liaison between the McIntire M.S. in MIT faculty, graduate program alumni, and the IT business community.  The M.S. in MIT Advisory Board promotes strategic initiatives of the McIntire School such as M.S. in MIT alumni engagement and networking, professional development and continuing education, graduate program admissions, corporate relations, career management, and fundraising.

McIntire Young Alumni Council The McIntire Young Alumni Council, founded in 2002, was established to serve and support recent McIntire graduates with activities, programs, and communications that are uniquely tailored to the needs of young alumni of the School. The Council members assist Annual Programs with alumni outreach and serve as mentors to current Commerce students through Career Services.

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Academic Requirements

Add/Drop Rules Courses may be added only during the two weeks and two days (16 calendar days) after final registration.

Required courses cannot be dropped. Other courses may be dropped only during the McIntire School’s drop period, not to exceed two weeks (14 calendar days) after final registration. After the two-week period, students may withdraw from a non-Commerce course with a grade of W for a period of 8 weeks from the semesters (not courses) first day of instruction. After the two-week period, students are not allowed to drop or withdraw from Commerce courses.

Changes in students’ class schedules are made via ISIS. If admission to a course requires the instructor’s permission, a course action form signed by the instructor must be submitted to the Student Services Office in Monroe Hall.

Attendance Students are expected to attend all lectures and other prescribed activities of the courses for which they are registered. Although the course instructor sets course attendance requirements, any student who is absent from more than 50 percent of the lectures may automatically receive a grade of F in that course.

Concentrations Students may concentrate in two disciplines, in which case the requirements for both must be satisfied.  Generally, a single course may not be counted simultaneously for credit in dual concentrations.  However, students concentrating in finance and accounting may count COMM 311 toward satisfying requirements for both concentrations.  However, the credits may not be double counted toward the 120 credit degree requirement.  The McIntire School of Commerce, due to resources, can guarantee the fulfillment of only one concentration, but will work to assist students wishing to pursue dual concentrations.  There is no triple concentration.

Course Completion No 400-level Commerce courses may be taken prior to satisfactory completion of all required third-year core courses except with instructor permission (except COMM 420 is recommended for third year students but may be taken in the fourth year).

Course Restrictions Commerce students may take no more than one credit of physical education or one credit of EDHS physical education-related courses as part of their 120-credit course of study. See Credit/No Credit Courses.

Course Credit Requirements (Semester) Students in the third-year curriculum are required to register for 15 credits. A student may register for three more credits than were passed the preceding semester, up to 21 total credits.

A degree candidate needing 27 or fewer credits to meet degree requirements may, in either of the last two semesters of candidacy, carry as few as 12 credits (one semester) or 13.5 credits (both semesters). However, any student carrying fewer than 15 credits is not eligible for the Dean’s List.

Credit/No Credit Courses CR/NC courses cannot be used to satisfy any McIntire School requirement (except 1 credit of PHYE can be used towards the 120-credit requirement). Courses taken on a CR/NC basis before entering the McIntire School may be applied toward a student’s degree requirements. After enrollment in the school, students may take non-Commerce courses on a CR/NC basis as part of the 120-credit requirement for graduation. CR/NC courses may be taken only on an overload basis (i.e., above the minimum 15 credit graded course load) and may not be used to satisfy any McIntire requirements. Except labs offered only CR/NC, Commerce courses may not be taken on a CR/NC basis.

Dean’s List Students who pass at least 15 credits of graded work in the preceding semester, of which nine or more credits are Commerce courses, with a GPA in the top 20 percent of the school, will be placed on the Dean’s List of Distinguished Students. Courses taken on a CR/NC basis may not be counted toward the 15-credit minimum. Any student receiving an F, NC, or NG during the semester is not eligible to be on the Dean’s List.


Residency Requirement

It is the philosophy of the McIntire School of Commerce that students should be broadly educated to deal with the complex issues of the business community and society at large. The school’s program is designed to increase students’ skills and build upon previous knowledge. In order to effectively achieve program goals, the school requires that students be enrolled full-time for two academic years and complete a minimum of 57 credits. Students are also required to complete all core, concentration, and elective Commerce courses at the McIntire School of Commerce (see Study Abroad section). In addition, students must earn a minimum of 60 credits at the University of Virginia. Exceptions to this policy must be submitted to, and approved by, the McIntire Rules Committee.

Academic Regulations

Diploma with Distinction Diplomas inscribed “with distinction are awarded to undergraduate Commerce students who have a grade point average in the top 15 percent of the class based on all graded coursework completed while enrolled in the school.

Examinations Absence from exams will not be excused except for sickness on the day of examination attested by a physician’s certificate or for another cause approved by the faculty. An unexcused absence is counted as a failure.

Special examinations may be taken by a student with an excused absence on a date to be arranged with the course instructor.

Exclusion from Courses Any student who is making no real progress in a course may, at any time during the semester, be excluded from the course (with a grade of F) by the dean upon recommendation of the course instructor.

Grade Changes No grade may be changed after it has been submitted to UREG (University Registrar) without the approval of the dean. The dean is not authorized by the faculty to change a grade submitted to UREG (University Registrar) except when an instructor certifies that, because of errors in calculation or transcription, an incorrect grade has been submitted.

Students who wish to appeal a Commerce grade must first attempt to resolve the issue with the instructor of the course. The appeal must be in writing and filed within 30 days of the first class day of the following semester. Absent a satisfactory outcome, the student should submit a written appeal to the associate dean of the B.S. in Commerce Degree Program, who will review the matter and consult with the Undergraduate Program Committee. The final level of appeal is to the dean of the McIntire School.

Incompletes The symbol IN (incomplete) is used when additional course work is required or examinations need to be taken in order to fulfill the requirements of the course. An IN automatically becomes an F ten days after the final examination date, unless work in the course is completed satisfactorily within that time or arrangements have been made with both the assistant dean for student services and the instructor for work to be made up later.

Independent Study COMM 499 (Independent Study in Commerce) may be taken only by fourth-year Commerce students who have obtained permission from the supervising faculty member, area coordinator, and associate dean by the School of Commerce add date. Commerce students may take COMM 499 only once.

Leave of Absence Upon successful completion of any semester in the McIntire School, a Commerce student may take a leave of absence for a year or more by meeting with the assistant dean for student services and filing a leave of absence form in Room 136, Monroe Hall. Students taking such leave may normally return only in the academic semester that follows the completed semester (e.g., a student who takes a leave after the fall semester, third year, must enroll in third-year courses in a subsequent spring semester). Students must complete a Leave of Absence form. There are two options from which to choose: LDN (leave, domestic, not for credit) or LDC (leave, domestic, for credit). Students who pay the Leave of Absence fee have “on academic leave” entered on their permanent academic record. Students who do not complete the form are classified as “failed to return”.

Readmission depends upon a student’s status at the time of leaving the McIntire School. Students having at least a 2.000 average in the McIntire School, who are making satisfactory progress toward their degree, may return in the appropriate semester as stated above. Students with less than a 2.000 average or who have not been making satisfactory progress toward their degree (e.g., they have not completed or passed courses required at the level attained when they requested the leave of absence) may be required by the assistant dean for student services of the McIntire School to attend the University’s summer session to take prescribed courses before readmission.

Any student who wishes to be readmitted after a leave of absence must submit a readmission request to the assistant dean for student services of the McIntire School by March 1 for the fall semester and November 1 for the spring semester.

Major/Minor Outside McIntire Commerce students may pursue one major and/or one minor in the College of Arts and Sciences or other UVa school outside of Commerce. Students may not declare two minors, but they may declare a major and a minor. Courses may not be double counted toward the fulfillment of a major or minor. Prior permission must be obtained from the chair or director of undergraduate programs of the department in which the student is seeking the major or minor.

In pursuing the above, students do not receive two degrees from the University. They receive a B.S. in Commerce.  Concentration, major and/or minor status is reflected on student transcripts.

Students are responsible for completing the major or minor form from the appropriate department and for obtaining the signature of the chair or director of that program. Forms must be submitted to the registrar of the McIntire School, who monitors the satisfactory completion of requirements.

Physical Education See Course Restrictions.

Probation Probation is a state of warning involving the withdrawal of certain privileges from the student. No student on probation may be a member of any organization that publicly represents the University. Probation is incurred when a student:

  1. passes fewer than 12 credits or earns less than a 2.000 grade point average in any one semester; or
  2. carries fewer than 15 credits of graded work per semester without permission; or
  3. after two or more semesters in the McIntire School, has a grade point deficiency exceeding nine grade points, either in all Commerce courses attempted or in all courses attempted at the University.

Probation shall last for one semester under (1) above and for so long as the grade point deficiency exceeds nine grade points under (3). Students are not usually removed from probation by attending summer school. However, if summer school work completely eliminates a grade point deficiency, the Rules Committee of the McIntire School will consider a petition for removal from probation.

Students placed on probation for work completed in the semester preceding graduation will not be allowed to graduate.

Repeating Courses No course, once passed (D- or better), can be repeated to improve the recorded grade.

Required Courses See Degree Requirements.

Study Abroad Participation in study abroad enhances the academic program and provides a unique opportunity to experience another culture and function professionally in an international business environment. Students wishing to study abroad should visit the International Studies Office in Minor Hall, the McIntire Student Services Office and the McIntire Director of International Affairs to explore the various opportunities available. Several spring semester programs exist that allow students to study abroad with other Commerce students and faculty members and complete the third-year core requirements. Students should also consider the summer between the third and fourth year and the fall semester of the fourth year as other good periods to study abroad.

For students who are studying abroad on a McIntire-approved program, the credits transferred from one study abroad semester will be included in the McIntire 57-credit residency requirement. However, students must fulfill the University’s residency requiremnet - students must earn a minimum of 60 credits at the University of Virginia.

Suspension Suspension involves enforced withdrawal from the University and may be issued whenever a student:

  1. passes fewer than nine credits or earns less than a 1.800 grade point average in one semester; or
  2. after two or more semesters in the McIntire School, has a cumulative grade point deficiency in excess of 12 grade points, either in all Commerce courses attempted or in all courses attempted at the University; or
  3. incurs probation for the third time; or
  4. incurs probation after a suspension.

Suspension normally lasts for one academic year. Suspended students may normally return only in the academic semester that follows the last successfully completed semester (e.g., a student suspended after the spring semester, third year, must enroll in third-year courses in a subsequent spring semester).

Additionally, a student who has been suspended only once must normally attend a full-time program at the University of Virginia summer session to make up grade point deficiencies. Upon completion of this program, the student may apply to the McIntire Rules Committee for readmission. The application for readmission is to be submitted to the Rules Committee through the assistant dean for student services of the McIntire School. Readmission is not automatic. A student who is readmitted after suspension is placed on a probationary status for a period of one semester. No student who is suspended a second time will be readmitted.

Transfer Credit Credit toward a degree is allowed for approved work completed in another college or university, or in other schools of this University upon presentation of a satisfactory transcript of record. The School of Commerce grants transfer credit based on an analysis of the content, level, and comparability of the courses taken, the applicability of the courses to the student’s intended major and degree program, the quality of the student’s performance in the course, and the accreditation of the institution at which the course work was completed. However, no credit will be given for a required upper-level Commerce course unless the course is taken in the McIntire School or an approved McIntire study-abroad program. In no case will the total transfer credit granted toward a degree in the McIntire School of Commerce be more than 63 credits. Students must earn a minimum of 60 credits at the University of Virginia. No adjustment of transfer credit for prior course work will be made after the first semester in the school. (See Transfer Credit in the University Regulations section.) Students wishing to transfer credit for course work taken after enrollment in the school must receive prior approval from the assistant dean for student services. In general, credit will not be granted for:

  1. work completed with grade lower than C;
  2. business courses beyond the elementary courses in accounting and principles of economics; or
  3. more than one credit of physical or health education courses.

Voluntary Withdrawal An official application to withdraw from the University must be submitted to the assistant dean for student services of the McIntire School. The application must state the reason for withdrawal and must be approved in writing by the dean of the McIntire School or a designated representative.

The application must be endorsed by the dean of students (second floor, Peabody Hall). The completed withdrawal form, along with student I.D. cards, must be deposited with the dean of students at the time of withdrawal.

A student who withdraws for reasons of ill health must obtain medical clearance from the Department of Student Health prior to readmission.

Failure to comply with these regulations will subject a student to suspension from the University by the vice president for student affairs.

Any student who withdraws without having obtained permission is recorded as having been suspended.

A Commerce student who withdraws during the first semester in the McIntire School (fall semester, third year) will not be guaranteed readmission to the school. Students who withdraw after the drop date will receive grades of WP or WF in their courses.

Any Commerce student who subsequently wishes to re-enroll must submit a written request for readmission to the assistant dean for student services of the McIntire School by March 1 for the fall semester and November 1 for the spring semester. Commerce students may return only in the academic semester that follows the student’s last successfully completed academic semester. For example, a student who withdraws during the spring semester, third year, must re-enroll in third-year courses in a subsequent spring semester. Readmission is not automatic and depends upon the student’s performance at the time of withdrawal.

Enforced Withdrawal The faculty of the McIntire School may impose enforced withdrawal when a student exhibits habitual delinquency in class or any other fault that prevents the student from fulfilling the purposes implied by registration at the University.

Enforced withdrawal may also be imposed for failure to comply with University pre-entrance health requirements or for failure to obtain medical leave or medical withdrawal in the case of repeated or prolonged absence from class as a result of illness.

^ TOP 


Office of the Dean of the McIntire School of Commerce

Carl P. Zeithaml, B.A., M.B.A., D.B.A., Dean
Michael D Atchison, B.S., M.B.A., Ph.D., Associate Dean, B.S. in Commerce Program
Thomas Fitch, B.A., M.Ed., Assistant Dean, Commerce Career Services
Cynthia N. Huddleston, B.S., M.Ed., Associate Dean, Corporate Relations and Programs
Adelaide W. King, B.A., M.B.A., Ph.D., Senior Associate Dean
Michael L. Koenig, B.A., M.A., Assistant Dean for Graduate Operations
Rebecca L. Leonard, B.S., M.B.A., Assistant Dean for Student Services
Eric E. Meier, B.S., M.S., Assistant Dean of Technology/Chief Technology Officer
Michael G. Morris, B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Associate Dean for Graduate Programs
George A. Overstreet, Jr., B.B.A., M.A., M.B.A., Ph.D., Associate Dean for Research and Center Development
Wayne L. Smith, B.S., Associate Dean for Development
Gerald D. Starsia, B.A., M.B.A., Associate Dean for Administration



Michael D Atchison, B.S., M.B.A., Ph.D., C.P.A.
Thomas S. Bateman, B.A., M.B.A., D.B.A., Bank of America Eminent Professor
O. Whitfield Broome, Jr., A.B., M.S., Ph.D., C.P.A, Frank S. Kaulback, Jr., Professor of Commerce
Richard F. DeMong, B.A., M.B.A., Ph.D., C.F.A., C.C.A., Virginia Bankers Professor of Bank Management
William J. Kehoe, A.B., M.B.A., M.A., D.B.A., William F. O’Dell Professor of Commerce Robert S. Kemp, B.A., M.B.A., D.B.A., C.P.A., Ramon W. Breeden, Sr., Research Professor
John H. Lindgren, Jr., B.A., M.B.A., D.B.A., Consumer Bankers Association Professor of Retail Banking
David M. Maloney, B.S., B.A, M.A.S., Ph.D., C.P.A., Carman G. Blough Professor of Accounting
Felicia C. Marston, B.S., Ph.D.
David G. Mick, B.A., M.A., M.H.A., M.B.A., Ph.D., Robert Hill Carter Professor in Marketing
R. Ryan Nelson, B.S., M.P.A., Ph.D.
Richard G. Netemeyer, B.S., M.B.A., Ph.D., Ralph A. Beeton Professor of Free Enterprise
George A. Overstreet, Jr., B.B.A., M.A., M.B.A., Ph.D., Jeffrey Walker Professor of Growth Enterprises
David G. Smith, B.S., D.B.A.
Robert I. Webb, B.B.A., M.B.A., Ph.D., Martin J. Patsel, Jr., Research Professor
William J. Wilhelm, Jr., B.B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Murray Research Professor
Susan Perry Williams, B.S., M.B.A., Ph.D., C.P.A., C.M.A., KPMG Peat Marwick Professor of Professional Accounting
Carl P. Zeithaml, B.A., M.B.A., D.B.A., F.S. Cornell Professor of Free Enterprise

Associate Professors

Robert B. Brown, B.S., M.B.A., Ph.D.
Glenn J. Browne, A.B., M.A., J.D., Ph.D.         
James E. Burroughs, B.B.A., M.B.A., Ph.D.
William K. Carter, B.S., M.S., Ph.D., C.P.A.
Robert L. Cross, B.S., M.B.A., D.B.A.
Patrick J. Dennis, B.S., M.B.A., Ph.D.
Gayle R. Erwin, B.S., M.S., Ph.D.
Carrie M. Heilman, B.A., Ph.D.
Adelaide W. King, B.A., M.B.A., Ph.D.
David W. LaRue, B.B.A., M.S., Ph.D.
Malcolm H. Lathan, Jr., B.S., M.B.A., Ph.D., C.P.A.
Roger D. Martin, B.S., Ph.D.
James G. Maxham III, B.S., M.B.A., Ph.D.
Michael G. Morris, B.S., M.S., Ph.D.
David C. Smith, B.S., Ph.D.
Paul L. Walker, B.B.A., Ph.D., C.P.A.
Mark A. White, B.A., M.S., M.B.A., Ph.D.
William R. Wilkerson, B.A., M.A., Ph. D.
Patrick J. Wilkie, B.B.A., M.B.A., Ph.D.
Barbara Wixom, B.A., Ph.D.

Assistant Professors

Anthony J. Baglioni, A.A., B.A., M.A.
Gary A. Ballinger, B.A., M.B.A.
Matthew J. Clayton, B.S., M.S., Ph.D.
Amanda Cowen, A.B., M.B.A., D.B.A.
Cynthia F. Gasman, B.A., Ph.D.
Peter H. Gray, B.Comm., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Stefano Grazioli, M.I.S., Ph.D.
Lynn A. Hamilton, B.A., M.B.A., M.F.A.
Ira C. Harris, B.B.A., M.B.A., Ph.D.
Karen J. Jansen, B.S., Ed.M., Ph.D.  
Gigi G. Kelly, B.B.A., M.B.A., Ph.D.
Adam S. Koch, B.A., Ph.D.
Craig E. Lefanowicz, B.A., Ph.D.
Jeremy J. Marcel, B.S., M.B.A., Ph.D.
Janette Martin, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.
Patrik Sandas, B.S., M.S., Ph.D.
Carola Schenone, B.A., Ph.D.
Elizabeth K. Thurston, B.A., M.B.A., Ph.D.
John O. Wheeler, B.A., J.D.


Lucien L. Bass III, B.S., M.B.A.
Michael D. Bills, B.A., M.B.A.
Karin B. Bonding, C.F.A.
Mary K. Erickson, B.S., M.B.A.
John A. Griffin, B.S., M.B.A.
Rebecca L. Leonard, B.S., M.B.A.
Peter A. Maillet, B.A., M.S.
Eric E. Meier, B.S., M.S.
Thomas A. Package, B.S., Ph.D.
Marsha L. Pentz-Harris, B.A., M.Ed., M.A.
Randall R. Smith, B.A., M.S.

Retired Faculty

Gib Akin, B.A., Ph.D.
Elias M. Awad, B.S., M.B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Commerce
David B. Croll, B.B.A., M.B.A., M.S., Ph. D., Professor Emeritus of Commerce
Joseph E. Gibson, B.A., J.D., C.P.A., Peat, Marwick, Mitchell Professor Emeritus of Professional Accounting
John M. Gwin, B.S., M.B.A., Ph.D., Associate Professor Emeritus
Raymond M. Haas, B.S., M.B.A., D.B.A., Professor Emeritus of Commerce
Mary Jo Hatch, B.A., M.B.A., Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Commerce
Sally M. Jones, B.B.A., M.P.A., Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Commerce
George W. McKinney, Jr., A.B., M.A., Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Bank Management
Stewart C. Malone, B.B.A., M.B.A., Ph.D., Associate Professor Emeritus
Bernard A. Morin, B.S., M.B.A., Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Commerce
Henry R. Odell, A.B., M.B.A., D.B.A., C.P.A., Associate Professor Emeritus of Commerce
William F. O’Dell, B.S., Lecturer Emeritus in Commerce
Laurence C. Pettit, Jr., B.S., M.S., D.B.A., Professor Emeritus of Commerce
Andrew C. Ruppel, B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Commerce
Sandra Schmidt, B.S., M.B.A., Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Commerce
Charlotte H. Scott, A.B., M.B.A., LL.D., Professor Emeritus
Richard A. Scott, B.B.A., M.B.A., M.S., Ph.D., C.P.A., Arthur Andersen and Company Alumni Professor Emeritus of Commerce
William G. Shenkir, B.B.A., M.B.A., Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Commerce
Neil H. Snyder, B.B.A., M.B.A., Ph.D., Ralph A. Beeton Professor Emeritus of Free Enterprise
David W. Thompson, B.S., M.S., C.P.A., Professor Emeritus of Commerce
Robert H. Trent, B.S., Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Commerce
Thomas H. Williams, B.B.A., M.S., Ph.D., C.P.A., Carman A. Blough Professor Emeritus of Accounting

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