Undergraduate Record 2007-2008 [ARCHIVED RECORD]
School of Architecture
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Reflecting Jefferson’s interest in architecture, courses in architectural drawing and construction were taught at the University as early as 1832. Students now, as then, benefit from the proximity of Jefferson’s classical structures and the availability of his plans and drawings for the University Grounds and other buildings. At the end of World War I, a formal curriculum in architecture began, and from the mid 1950s through the early 1970s the School of Architecture continued to expand its programs. Today a student may receive a baccalaureate in architectural history, urban and environmental planning, and a baccalaureate of science in architecture.
The faculty believes that each student deserves personal attention and guidance. The School of Architecture has a small, carefully selected student body. The school seeks applicants with strong academic records and demonstrated aptitude for their chosen area of study.
A prospective student applies to one of the three undergraduate departments, but can apply to transfer from one program to another during the first or second year.
The undergraduate program in architectural history is one of the few of its kind in the country. The program is directed toward developing knowledge and an understanding of the history of the built environment: architecture, cities, and landscapes. Opportunity is also provided for an introduction to the issues and practices of historic preservation. After attaining this degree, most graduates of this program go on to advanced degrees in architectural history, art history, architecture, landscape architecture, or planning.
The undergraduate program in architecture combines a solid humanities foundation with an emphasis on the role of architecture as cultural expression, and provides three years of studio experience in the development of architectural ideas and the design of built form. Most graduates of this program go on to advanced degrees in architecture and related fields.
The undergraduate professional program in urban and environmental planning is one of the few programs in the nation accredited by the Planning Accreditation Board. The study of planning theory, processes, and methods is integrated with the contextual exploration of political and market forces, resource limitations, environmental concerns, and social needs. With the Bachelor of Urban and Environmental Planning degree, many graduates go directly into professional jobs with governmental agencies or private planning and development firms. Others go on to advanced degrees in planning, architecture, law, public administration, and business.
School of Architecture
Campbell Hall
University of Virginia
P.O. Box 400122
Charlottesville, VA 22904-4122
Campbell Hall, the School of Architecture building, was completed in 1970 and is part of a complex of buildings forming a Fine Arts Center that also includes the Department of Art, the Department of Drama, and the Fiske Kimball Fine Arts Library. Campbell Hall provides well-equipped studio work areas, exhibition areas, lecture halls, and seminar rooms. Expansion to Campbell Hall will be completed in 2008 and will add both classrooms and offices. The school has three computer-graphics and computer-aided design laboratories with high resolution graphics. These facilities support software applications in computer-aided design, GIS digital mapping and modeling, site analysis, image processing, rendering, animation, structural analysis, lighting analysis, energy analysis, statistics, word processing, spreadsheet, and other areas. They also contain, Macintosh, and Windows computers with Internet access, and maintain digital voice and video links with other research laboratories in the United States and Europe. The design studio space has network connections for student-owned laptop computers which are required of each student. Other research support facilities include digital modeling laboratories, a CNC fabrication laboratory, and a woodworking shop. Our newest facility is a virtual reality lab.
The Fiske Kimball Fine Arts Library, one of eleven libraries of the University of Virginia Library system, serves the School of Architecture, the Department of Art and Art History and the Department of Drama. The collections include 155,000 volumes, including technical reports, videos, CD-ROMs, and other electronic resources. We also have an image collection of 200,000 slides and a rapidly growing digital image collection. The collections cover all aspects related to architecture, landscape architecture, architectural history, urban and environmental planning, and the visual and performing arts. The Fine Arts Library provides patrons with access to all University Library resources, including government documents, geo-spatial data, maps, rare books and manuscripts, many other online resources, as well as a gateway to the Internet. Special emphasis is placed on teaching students and faculty to conduct research utilizing online resources. Reference services are provided to the entire University community and to practitioners throughout the Commonwealth and the nation.
Academic Information
The School of Architecture offers three undergraduate programs of instruction under Architectural History, Architecture, and Urban and Environmental Planning. Supporting course work is offered through the cooperation of departments in the College of Arts and Sciences and the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.
The specific degree requirements for each program depict the general structure and the number of credits necessary for each degree. Evaluation of courses and curricula modification are continuing processes in the school. Therefore, the specific degree requirements are subject to change. In each of the degree programs, students should expect that courses may require the purchase of textbooks, software materials or equipment or students may incur costs in the form of field trips upon occasion. All students are required to provide their own laptop computer and base software that meets school specifications as found on the school website.
Bachelor of Architectural History This four-year program is one of the few of its kind in the country. Students are offered a liberal arts education with an emphasis on the study of architectural history. This degree program provides an opportunity to study historic preservation, while offering ample opportunity for interaction with the three other departments in the school.
Bachelor of Science (Architecture) The undergraduate degree in architecture offers students an opportunity to combine a foundation in the liberal arts with course work in architecture. The preprofessional degree is useful for those who desire a foundation in the field of architecture as preparation for either continued education in a professional degree program or for employment options in architecturally related areas. Students who wish to continue in architecture would complete the requirements of a professional, accredited architecture degree at the graduate level.
Most states require that an individual intending to become an architect hold an accredited degree. There are two types of degrees that are accredited by the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB): the Bachelor of Architecture, which requires a minimum of five years of study; and the Master of Architecture, which requires a minimum of three years of study following an unrelated bachelor’s degree, or two years following a related preprofessional bachelor’s degree. These professional degrees are structured to educate those who aspire to registration and licensure as architects.
The four-year, preprofessional degree is not accredited by NAAB.
Bachelor of Urban and Environmental Planning The Bachelor of Urban and Environmental Planning is a professional degree recognized by the Planning Accreditation Board. The program has a strong liberal arts emphasis, and the student is expected to take a majority of the first two years of course work in the College of Arts and Sciences. During the final two years, the student has a wide range of professional seminars and application courses to choose from in the areas of environmental planning, land use planning and growth management, and urban development and housing policy. This course of study is designed to develop an integrative knowledge of environmental and community processes, professional skills, and leadership.
Study Abroad The School of Architecture encourages study abroad by offering programs in Copenhagen, Denmark, and Cottbus, Germany, as well as summer programs in Vicenza, Italy and Beijing, China. To study abroad, students must be in academic good standing. Further, to earn degree credit students must have a cumulative UVa GPA of no less than 2.500 at either the point of application or at the end of the term prior to the commencement of study abroad. These standards apply both to direct-study programs and the traditional study abroad programs under auspices of another institution or organization.
Several programs administered by the School of Architecture are competitive, and priority is given to applicants with a higher GPA. Applicants to semester and exchange programs, including Copenhagen and Cottbus, and other foreign architecture programs should have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.500. Applicants to Summer Session programs, including Beijing and Vicenza, and J-Term programs should have at least a 3.000 GPA.
For additional departmental regulations governing participation, contact the director of programs abroad representative in Campbell Hall: (434) 982-4567.
Fall Program in London, England
This program is open to graduate students in the history of architecture department for study at the Courtauld Institute of Art. Students participating in this program are on leave of absence from the University.
Summer Program in Vicenza, Italy
This program is open to all students in the School of Architecture. The program carries a three credit summer course offered through the School of Continuing and Professional Studies. Extensive field trips to explore the art, architecture, and urbanism of the region are a prominent part of the program. Instruction is provided by University of Virginia and Italian adjunct faculty members. Knowledge of Italian language is recommended.
Summer Program in Beijing, China
The UVa program in China introduces students to Chinese art, architecture, landscape architecture, and planning. The program includes field trips to sites in the city of Beijing and environs, as well as sites in other parts of China. Students may receive up to three credits through the School of Continuing and Professional Studies. A faculty member of the School of Architecture, as well as local experts, staff the program. Limited travel funds are available through the Weedon East Asian Travel Grant competition sponsored by the East Asian Center.
Summer Program in Falmouth, Jamaica
The Falmouth Field School in Historic Preservation is a three-week, three credit program in applied historic preservation held on-site in Falmouth, Jamaica. Designed for advance undergraduate and graduate students, the field school engages many aspects of the practice of presentation in the culturally diverse and economically complex context of the Caribbean.
School Requirements
Residence Requirements and Transfer Credits Prospective students must apply to one of the three undergraduate programs. All three programs place substantial emphasis on the liberal arts and include a significant number of courses offered in the College of Arts and Sciences, most of which are taken in the first two years. All three programs also normally require four years for completion and a minimum of two years as a full-time student in the School of Architecture. In some cases, summer session study at the University is also required of transfer applicants.
The School of Architecture grants transfer credit based on an analysis of the content, level, and comparability of the courses taken, the applicability of the courses to the student’s intended major and degree program, the quality of the student’s performance in the courses, and the accreditation of the institution at which the work was completed. Credit is not granted for work completed elsewhere with a grade less than C or its equivalent. The Dean of the School of Architecture governs the awarding of transfer credit.
In no case are transfer credits in excess of 60 granted toward an undergraduate degree in the School of Architecture. The school does not accept pass/fail courses for transfer credit.
In exceptional circumstances, the School of Architecture Dean may waive an admission or performance requirement when, in the dean’s judgment, such action best serves the intent of the program.
Required Courses A student who enters the School of Architecture without transfer credits must complete, at this University in Charlottesville, all prescribed courses in the curriculum for which she or he is a degree candidate. Students transferring from another college or university must complete, at this University in Charlottesville, all required courses in those subjects not completed at the time of first admission to the School of Architecture. Exceptions may be made to these requirements provided permission is granted in advance by the Dean of the School of Architecture.
Candidates for a degree from the School of Architecture must complete the courses in the curriculum for which they are registered, as outlined in the subsequent pages. In addition, candidates must maintain a GPA of at least 2.000 in all courses taken at the school or University and offered for a degree.
The Dean of the School of Architecture may waive a specific course requirement for a degree when, in the Dean’s judgment, such action best serves the intent of the program.
Intra University Courses ARCH 101, 102; L AR 512; and all AR H courses are recognized as College equivalents. In addition, AR H 100, 101, 102, 180, and 323 count fully as College courses and meet the area requirement in the humanities/fine arts. For students in the School of Architecture the following course limits apply:
- Physical Education (PHYE) courses cannot be used for degree credit.
- A maximum of 12 degree credits will be granted for (ROTC) courses.
- A maximum of 8 degree credits will be granted for Ensemble Music or Dance.
- CR/NC grading option - 1 per semester, must be counted as Open elective.
Evaluation Because continuance in the School of Architecture depends on demonstrated ability and promise of professional and academic achievement, each student’s performance is evaluated at the end of every semester.
Program Flexibility Curricular requirements for the first two years of the Bachelor of Science in Architecture, Bachelor of Architectural History, and Bachelor of Urban and Environmental Planning degree programs are similar, enabling students to transfer from one program to another upon successful application.
Ownership of Student Work The School of Architecture reserves the right to retain student course work for exhibition and publication with appropriate credits. Teachers who wish to retain student work for their own purposes must gain student consent and provide adequate documentation of the work for the student.
Student Owned Computers Undergraduate students are required to own a personal laptop computer equipped with basic software. A list of specifications is at http://urban.arch.virginia.edu/computing/student_owned.html.
Academic Regulations
Course Load Special permission of the Dean’s office is required to register for fewer than 12 credits or more than 17 credits each semester.
Incomplete and Missing Grades A grade of IN (Incomplete) is not a valid final grade and becomes an F ten days after the end of the examination period unless a student requests an extension and obtains approval using a form signed by the course instructor and approved by the Associate Dean for Students. Students with a written doctor’s medical excuse submitted to the Associate Dean for Students will receive an IN for work remaining at the end of the semester for which that excuse is applicable. A grade of IN approved for extension converts to F four weeks after the end of the examination period. Thesis credit deadlines are handled on a case-by-case basis between the student and the thesis chair. Instructors are not authorized to extend the time for completion of course work without the Associate Dean for Student’s approval. Forms for securing extensions are available in the Student Services Office, 120-A Campbell Hall.
A notation of NG (no grade reported) computes as an F and remains on the transcript unless corrected.
Credit/No Credit Grades Students have the option of receiving a CR (credit) or NC (no credit) in place of the regular grades, A through F, for a given course. This option is selected when students register for courses. Instructors may deny students permission to take courses on a CR/NC basis. If this occurs, students may either change back to the regular grading option, or they may drop the courses entirely. Courses taken for CR/NC may not be used for any major or basic area requirements.
Only one three-credit course of open elective credit may be taken each semester on a CR/NC basis.
Class Standing Students are categorized by class according to the number of credits they have earned as follows: first year: 0-29 credits; second year: 30-59 credits; third year: 60-89 credits; fourth year: 90 or more credits. AP and transfer credits are included in the computation of class standing; credits not completed or completed unsuccessfully are not. Students in the design concentration are classified according to their studio level.
Grade Changes No grade may be changed without the approval of the Dean after it has been submitted to UREG (University Registrar). The Dean is not authorized by the faculty to change a grade submitted to UREG (University Registrar) except when an instructor certifies that, because of errors in calculation or transcription, an incorrect grade has been submitted. Extra work to raise a grade, once submitted, is not permitted.
The School limits the time in which a grade change is approved to the fall or spring semester following the one in which the grade was received, except when there is indication that the student violated the integrity of the course. Incompletes are handled under the policy of Incomplete and NG policy.
With Passing/With Failing Grading System Effective Fall 2007, The School of Architecture will no longer use “WP” Withdrawal Passing or “WF” Withdrawal Failing for the withdrawal grading system. We will now use “W” Withdrawal for our withdrawal grading system.
The last time that the “WP” or “WF” classifications will be recorded on the Integrated Student Information System (ISIS) is Spring 2007 semester.
Readmission Students who do not enroll at the University for a semester or more and who are not on an educational leave of absence must be formally readmitted, regardless of whether they were on an approved leave of absence. In order to accomplish readmission, students must be cleared by the Associate Dean for Students, the Department of Student Health, and the Office of the Dean of Students. Application for readmission must be made to the Associate Dean for Student’s office 60 days in advance of the next University registration period.
Readmission application forms are available in Campbell Hall 120-A. For students under academic suspension from the School of Architecture, the completed application must include a statement that (1) addresses their readiness to return to full-time study, in light of any serious difficulties during their most recent enrollment (e.g. financial, medical, or personal hardship), and (2) outlines the courses needed to fulfill their degree requirements over the remaining semesters.
Voluntary Withdrawal Students may withdraw from the University before the conclusion of a semester if they meet the conditions stated in the University Regulations section.
Students in the School of Architecture who withdraw within 10 class days immediately preceding the final examination period are not permitted, except for providential reasons, to re-enter the School of Architecture for the succeeding semester nor to present transfer credit earned during the same time.
In very unusual medical circumstances, documented by professional certification, a School of Architecture student has one semester in which to petition for a retroactive medical withdrawal. If approved, all grades convert to W’s and the student is obliged to be absent for a full semester before resuming full-time study.
Educational Leaves of Absence Students who wish to take a leave of absence to pursue educational interests at another educational institution in the United States must consult with their Associate Dean for Students and with the Director of Undergraduate Programs in the appropriate department for a leave of absence. Students who wish to study abroad in an accredited program or at an accredited foreign university must apply for a leave of absence at the International Studies Office. While on such an approved leave, a student must register at the University of Virginia as a non-resident and pay a non-resident fee; this indicates that he or she is on an approved leave of absence pursuing education interests elsewhere. Students registered for an approved leave may pre-enroll for courses and do not have to apply for readmission to the University, although they must notify their dean’s office or the International Studies Office of when they intend to return.
Enforced Withdrawal Students may be forced to withdraw from the University for habitual delinquency in class, habitual idleness, or any other fault that prevents the student from fulfilling the purpose implied by registration at the University. Students who are forced to withdraw during a given term will have the notation “enforced withdrawal (date)” entered on their permanent academic records following the semester in which the action occurred. A grade of W (withdrawal) or WD (administrative withdrawal) will be entered for each course in which the student was registered. In order to accomplish readmission, they must be cleared by the Associate Dean for Students. Application for readmission must be made to the Associate Dean for Student’s office 60 days in advance of the next University registration period.
Medical Withdrawal Students who withdraw for reasons of health must obtain permission from the Department of Student Health. A grade of W (withdrawal) will be entered for each course in which the student was registered. Subsequent medical clearance from the Department of Student Health is required for readmission.
Academic Performance, Probation, and Suspension
Academic Performance Student performance in the undergraduate architecture program’s professional subjects is reviewed by the faculty at the end of every term. Students are expected to achieve at least a C- in ARCH 201, 202, 301, 302, 312, 323, 326, 324, 401, and 541. Grades of D or F in any of these professional courses results in repeating the course. A grade of C in a studio course is grounds for reconsideration of continuing in the studio sequence. If, in the judgment of the faculty, a student has not achieved an appropriate standard of performance in a professional subject, he or she may be required to repeat one or both terms of the course before proceeding with the next level of work in this subject. There is an approved student grievance procedure relative to grades.
Participation in formal reviews is an integral part of a student’s training in architecture. There are few tenable reasons for missing a review, and the professor must be notified of the reason for an absence. An unexcused absence from a review may be deemed by faculty as grounds for failure.
Students majoring in Urban and Environmental Planning or Architectural History must pass their required departmental courses with a minimum grade of C-.
Probation Students are placed on probation if they do not pass at least 12 credits of work in any semester following the first semester, or if their cumulative GPA falls below 2.000 after the completion of the first semester. Enrollment in advanced professional course work is allowed only for students with GPAs of 2.000 or better. A third probation, or probation following suspension, results in a final suspension.
Suspension Students are suspended if they do not pass at least ten credits of work in any semester following their first semester. Students who have been suspended once may appeal to the school’s faculty for readmission. However, this appeal will be considered only after the student has passed a minimum of six credits in this University’s summer session with a grade of at least C in each course. In addition, these courses must be approved by the Dean of the School of Architecture. Courses taken in the School of Continuing and Professional Studies or any other institution are not accepted for degree credit or as a basis for application for readmission. No student suspended a second time will be readmitted.
Awards and Honors
Dean’s List To be eligible for the Dean’s List of Distinguished Students at the end of each semester, students must pass at least 15 credits of graded work, with a GPA in the top 20 percent of the school, will be placed on the Dean’s List. Courses taken on a CR/NC basis may not be counted toward the 15-credit minimum. Any student receiving an F, NC, IN or NG during the semester is not eligible to be on the Dean’s List.
Intermediate Honors A certificate of Intermediate Honors is awarded to the top twenty percent of those students in the School of Architecture who enter the University directly from high school or preparatory school and earn at least 60 credits of course work in their first four regular semesters. The computation is based upon the cumulative grade point average at the end of the fourth semester. No more than twelve of the 60 required credits may be earned on a CR/NC or S/U basis. Advanced placement and transfer credits do not count toward the required credits.
Theses and Commencement Honors Students who have demonstrated high academic achievement in pursuit of the bachelor’s degree are eligible for commencement honors.
Diplomas inscribed “with honors” are awarded to graduates who have earned a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.600.
Diplomas inscribed “with high honors” are awarded to graduates who have earned a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.750.
Diplomas inscribed “with highest honors” are awarded to graduates who have earned a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.900.
Student Honors and Awards Both the school and professional organizations from the fields of architecture, architectural history, and urban and environmental planning recognize outstanding achievements with the following honors and awards.
The Virginia American Planning Association Award is presented annually to the graduate and undergraduate students exhibiting outstanding achievement in urban and environmental planning.
The American Institute of Certified Planner Award is presented annually to a graduate and undergraduate student demonstrating outstanding promise as a professional planner.
The Virginia Citizens Planners Association Award is presented annually to a graduate and undergraduate student exhibiting the ideal of service to the public interest through planning.
The Sarah McArthur Nix Traveling Fellowship is awarded to a third-year undergraduate or graduate student from Architecture for a summer of study/travel in France.
The Duncan T. McCrea Memorial Fund awards a prize to an undergraduate student who has demonstrated academic achievement and concern for spiritual values.
The Frederick Doveton Nichols Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement is made each year for outstanding academic achievement to a graduate and an undergraduate student in the Department of Architectural History.
The Carlo Pelliccia Traveling Fellowship for study in Italy is awarded each year.
The Sean Steele-Nicholson Memorial Award, in memory of Sean Steele-Nicholson (BS Arch ‘91), is presented each year at graduation to a student who has exhibited overall excellence in design and scholarship and an enthusiasm, joy, and wonder for architecture, coupled with the ability to instill these qualities in others.
Graduate Programs
The School of Architecture offers graduate programs leading to the degrees of Master of Architecture, Master of Landscape Architecture, Master of Architectural History, and Master of Urban and Environmental Planning.
The Admission’s Office of the School of Architecture has provided information describing each of these programs on the school’s web site. The M.A. and Ph.D. in History of Art and Architectural History are administered through the Graduate School of Architecture.
Office of the Dean of the School of Architecture
Karen Van Lengen, B.A., M.Arch., Edward E. Elson Professor of Architecture, Dean
A. Bruce Dotson, B.A., Ph.D., Associate Dean for Academics
Ellen Cathey, B.A., M.Arch., Associate Dean of Students
Elizabeth Fortune, B.S., M.B.A., Associate Dean for Finance and Administration
Susan Ketron, B.A., M.A., Director of Development
Department of Architectural History
Dell Upton, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Chair
Richard Guy Wilson, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Commonwealth Professor of Architectural History
Associate Professors
Daniel Bluestone, B.A., Ph.D.
Lisa A. Reilly, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.
Assistant Professors
Cammy Brothers, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.
Shelia Crane, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.
Louis Nelson, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.
Yunsheng Huang, Dipl., M.S., M.A., Ph.D.
Fraser Niemann, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.
Department of Architecture and Landscape Architecture
Warren C. Boeschenstein, B.A., B.Arch., M.Arch/U.D., Merrill D. Peterson Professor of Architecture
W. G. Clark, Jr., B.Arch., Edmund S. Campbell Professor of Architecture
Robin D. Dripps, B.A., M.Arch., T. David Fitz-Gibbon Professor of Architecture
Edward R. Ford, B.S., M.Arch., Vincent and Eleanor Shea Professor of Architecture
Willam R. Morrish, B.Arch, M.Arch./U.D., Elwood R. Quesada Professor of Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Urban and Environmental Planning
Kenneth A. Schwartz, B.Arch., M.Arch
Karen Van Lengen, B.A., M.Arch., Edward E. Elson Professor of Architecture, Dean
Peter D. Waldman, B.A., M.F.A., William R. Kenan, Jr., Professor of Architecture
Associate Professors
Craig E. Barton, A.B., B.F.A., M.Arch., Chair
Michael J. Bednar, B.Arch., M.Arch.
Maurice D. Cox, B.Arch.
Phoebe Crisman, B.Arch., M.Arch./U.D.
Sandra D. Iliescu, B.S.E., M.Arch.
Judith A. Kinnard, B.Arch.
Earl J. Mark, B.A., M.Arch., M.S., Ph.D.
Kirk Martini, B.A., M.S., M.Arch., Ph.D.
Charles Menefee III, B. Arch., Director of Architecture
William H. Sherman, A.B., M.Arch., Mario di Valmarana Associate Professor of Architecture
William D. Williams, B.Arch., M.Arch.
Assistant Professors
Dean Abernathy, B.Arch., M.Arch, Ph.D.
Anselmo G. Canfora, B.S.A.S., M.Arch.
Nataly Gattegno, B.A., M.A., M.Arch.
Jason K. Johnson, B.S. Arch., M.Arch.
Jenny V. Lovell, B.A., Dipl. in Arch.
John D. Quale, B.A., M.Arch.
Distinguished Lecturer
Lucia B. Phinney, B.A., M.Arch., M.L.A.
Jose Atienza, B.S.Arch., M.Arch.
Pam Black, B.F.A., M.F.A.
Robert E. Crowell, B.S.
Cecilia M. Hernandez Villalon, B.A., M.Arch.
Joseph G. Howe, Jr., B.S.C.E., M.C.E.
Richard Price, B.S., MDeSS.
Jeana Ripple, B.S., M.Arch.
Elizabeth Roettger, B.S., M.Arch.
Landscape Architecture
Willam R. Morrish, B.Arch, M.Arch./U.D., Elwood R. Quesada Professor of Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Urban and Environmental Planning
Associate Professors
Julie Bargmann, B.F.A., M.L.A.
Ethan Carr, B.A., M.A.
Kristina Hill, B.S., M.L.A., Ph.D., Director of Landscape Architecture
Elizabeth K. Meyer, B.S.L.A., M.L.A., M.A.
Elissa B. Rosenberg, B.A., M.L.A.
Distinguished Lecturer
Nancy Takahashi, B.S.L.A., M.L.A., M.Arch.
Cole Burrell, B.S., M.L.A., M.S.
Christopher Fannin, B.A., B.F.A., B.L.A.
Jack Douglas, B.L.A., M.L.A.
Christopher Fannin, B.A., B.F.A., B.L.A., M.L.A.
Thomas Woltz, B.S. Arch, M.Arch., M.L.A.
Department of Urban and Environmental Planning
Timothy Beatley, B.C.P., M.U.P., M.A., Ph.D., Teresa Heinz Professor of Sustainable Communities
William Lucy, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Lawrence Lewis Jr. Professor of Architecture
Willam R. Morrish, B.Arch, M.Arch./U.D., Elwood R. Quesada Professor of Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Urban and Environmental Planning
Daphne G. Spain, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., James M. Page Professor of Architecture, Chair
Associate Professors
A. Bruce Dotson, B.A., Ph.D., Associate Dean for Academics
David L. Phillips, B.S.C.E., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Nisha Botchwey, B.A., M.C.P., Ph.D.
Frank Cox, B.S., M.U.P., P.E., AICP
Tanya Denckla Cobb, B.A.
E. Franklin Dukes, B.A., M.S., Ph.D.
Karen Firehock, B.S., M.U.E.P.
Satyendra Huja, B.A., M.U.P.
Gary Okerlund, Jr., B.Arch., M.L.A.
Richard Price, B.S., B.Arch, M.D.S.
Katherine Slaughter, B.A., J.D.
David Slutzky, B.A., J.D.
Retired Faculty
Warren T. Byrd, Jr., B.S., M.L.A., Professor Emeritus
Richard C. Collins, B.A., Ph.D., Professor Emeritus
James A.D. Cox, Dipl. Arch., Professor Emeritus
Roger C. Davis, B.S.Arch., Professor Emeritus
Mario di Valmarana, Dott.Arch., Professor Emeritus
Donald E. Dougald, B.A.E., M.S.A.E., Associate Professor Emeritus
Matthias Kayhoe, B.S.Arch., M.Arch., Professor Emeritus
K. Edward Lay, B.Arch., M.Arch., Professor Emeritus
William A. McDonough, B.A., M.Arch., Professor Emeritus
Harry W. Porter, Jr., B.S.L.A., M.L.A., Professor Emeritus
Yale Rabin, B.F.A., B.S.Ed., B.Arch., Professor Emeritus
Reuben M. Rainey, B.A., M.Div., Ph.D., M.L.A., Professor Emeritus
Jacquelin T. Robertson, B.A., B.A., M.Arch., Professor Emeritus
John L. Ruseau, B.Arch., Professor Emeritus
Theo van Groll, B.A., M.R.P., Associate Professor Emeritus
Robert L. Vickery, Jr., B.Jour., B.Arch., Professor Emeritus
H. Kenneth White, Dipl. Arch.
Dora Wiebenson, B.A., M.Arch., M.A., Ph.D., Professor Emeritus
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