Mar 03, 2025
Undergraduate Record 2021-2022 [ARCHIVED RECORD]
SPAN 4715 - Cuban Culture Through Cinema Effective Start Date: 08/01/2012 The aim of this course is to study Cuban films in the context of Cuba’s history and culture. The course will include the viewing of films outside the classroom (roughly one a week), readings about the films, history, and culture. Please note that out-of-class preparation and the reading load will be significant. The format of the class will be lecture/discussion with a strong emphasis on class participation.
Prerequisite: SPAN 3010, 3300, and 3 credits of 3400-3430, or departmental placement.
Requisites: Must have completed SPAN 3010 and 3300 and one of the following: SPAN 3400, 3410, 3420 or 3430 or departmental consent.
Credits: 3