Graduate Record 2012-2013 [ARCHIVED RECORD]
GBUS 8438 - The Experience Economy
This course provides an in-depth look at the emergence of experiences as a distinct form of economic commerce, using the book, The Experience Economy. Students will examine the ways marketing experiences are altering the methods with which companies create demand, the role of mass customization in shifting from goods and services to experiences, and how the staging of experiences requires fundamentally different human performance technologies. Students also will participate in a comprehensive review of nine analytical models. Each model is designed to foster robust thinking about experiential innovation and will be accompanied by a handful of typical examples, followed by open discussion and an interactive exercise aimed at making application to specific businesses and industries. At the conclusion of this review, teams will be formed with each team tasked with developing a case study or research report that utilizes a particular model to provide further exploration about creating value through new or enhanced experiences.
Credits: 3