Oct 18, 2024  
Graduate Record 2022-2023 
Graduate Record 2022-2023 [ARCHIVED RECORD]

School of Education and Human Development: Academic Rules, Regulations, and Information

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Academic Policies, Rules, and Regulations

All students are subject to the academic policies specified in the section titled “University Regulations .” In addition, students must follow the policies of the School of Education and Human Development (EHD).

Academic Standing 

A student is considered to be in good academic standing if course grades earned are B- or higher. A student may incur academic probation during any semester in which he/she fails to meet the minimum academic standards. A student on probation is expected to meet with his or her advisor and program coordinator to determine a plan for academic improvement. If the student does not regain good standing by the end of the next semester, the student may be suspended or forced to withdraw. A student may also be required to withdraw if the academic advisor, departmental faculty and the associate dean determine that the student is making unsatisfactory progress toward a degree or fails to comply with all applicable University, School, and departmental policies, including but not limited to, those governing student conduct, academics, and the Code of Honor. Students who have been forced to withdraw must reapply to their program and admission is not guaranteed. For information about returning to the university after suspension, please see the Returning to the University section of this record.


Ph.D. and Ed.D. students are expected to maintain continuous enrollment each fall and spring semester. All other graduate degree-seeking and non-degree students must register for at least one course every two years before a new application for admission will be required. Some programs may require continuous enrollment.  Students must meet required time limit for their degree program.

Adding a Course or Changing the Grading Option

All additions to course schedules or changes in the grading option for a course must be completed by the last day to add a course. These changes are made via SIS. Any required course must be taken for a grade.

Independent Study/Research Courses

These courses require an independent study contract be submitted and approved by the instructor. A copy of this contract should be kept on file in the departmental administrative office that the course is associated with.

Applying for Graduation

All students must apply for graduation through SIS by EHD deadlines (Feb 1 for spring, June 1 for summer, Oct 1 for fall). In addition, students must complete EHD’s Application for Graduation. The School of Education and Human Development and the Registrar’s Office will audit each student’s academic requirements; if requirements are missing, students will not be allowed to graduate.  Students may not graduate if they have an incomplete grade on their record.


Students are expected to attend classes throughout the session, with the exception of University holidays, unless permission to be absent temporarily or to withdraw has been first granted by the instructor. The Department of Student Health does not furnish routine excuses for illness either to the student or to the instructor. If final examinations are missed for serious medical reasons, the Department of Student Health notifies the dean. Upon request from the dean, the Department of Student Health may evaluate the effect of any illness upon a student’s attendance and academic performance. Failure to attend classes or other prescribed activities in a course may result in enforced withdrawal from the course or other penalties as determined by the instructor.

Changing Degree Level and/or Program of Study

A student may move to a lower level of academic study within the current program, as long as they obtain signatures of approval from their advisor and department chair on EHD’s Change of Status Form.  To move from certificate level to degree status, from M.Ed to Ed.S. status, from Ed.S. to Ed.D. status, Ed.D. to Ph.D. status, or to move to a different program area of study, a student must submit a new application for admission by the deadline specified on the program area website.

Course Grades

All required courses must be taken for regular, graded credit (no S/U or CR/NC), including grades of A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-. C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, F. Internships, practica, and student teaching are generally graded S/U. Courses taken for graduate credit should be at or above the 5000 level and must receive a grade of B- or better in order to earn credit for the course.

Student work may be graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory (S/U) basis in certain courses within the School of Education and Human Development. The specific S/U graded courses and the maximum number of credits that may be completed under this system and applied toward a graduate degree must be approved by the student’s major program advisor and the dean.

Course Load

Full-time enrollment for a graduate student is a 12-credit load. Special permission from the advisor and dean’s office is required to take more than 18 credits during a given semester.

Dropping a Course

A student may drop and void registration in a course until the official drop date. Courses dropped after the University’s official drop date will be graded as W. This notation does not affect a student’s grade point average; nor does a course with a grade of W count toward credits earned. Off-grounds and online campus students are subject to different timelines for adding/dropping courses without penalty. These off-grounds and online timelines are posted on the EHD website. Students who do not attend classes may be administratively withdrawn and be responsible for full tuition charges.

Students may not use this process to drop all courses for the semester, or if enrolled in only one course for the semester. Doctoral students may not use this process if they are enrolled in only 4 credits (a 3-credit research course and a paired 1-credit lab). For these situations, students should use the Voluntary Withdrawal process.

Leave of Absence

Students who wish to take a leave of absence for either a semester or a year must apply for such leave through the Office of Admissions and Student Affairs. . Requests must be initiated no later than the day before the beginning of the semester in which the student plans to be on leave. A student must consult with their program coordinator and Director of Student Affairs/Dean of Academic Programs and Student Services before completing the request. A student on leave must file a reinstatement request by May 1 to return in the fall term and by December 1 to return in the spring term. Students complete the process using the appropriate eForm in their SIS Student Center.

Exclusion From Classes

A student who is making no real progress in a class, or whose behavior is detracting from the class, may be excluded from that class by the dean with a grade of W or F. Students have five calendar days following written notification of this exclusion in which to appeal. Until the final disposition of the appeal, the student is considered enrolled in the class.

Enforced Withdrawal

Students may be forced to withdraw from the University for habitual delinquency in class, habitual idleness, or any other fault that prevents the student from fulfilling the purpose implied by enrollment at the University. Students who are forced to withdraw during a given term will have the notation “Withdrawal Date: MM/DD/YYYY” entered on their permanent academic records following the semester in which the action occurred. A grade of W (withdrawal) will be entered for each course in which the student was registered. Students who have been forced to withdraw must apply for readmission with their dean’s office in the same manner as suspended students. A grade of W cannot be changed.

Medical Withdrawal

Applications for withdrawal for medical reasons can be made through the student’s SIS profile. These withdrawals must be approved by the Associate Dean for Academic Programs and Student Affairs. A grade of W (withdrawal) will be entered for each course in which the student was registered. Subsequent medical clearance from the Department of Student Health is required for readmission when returning:https://www.studenthealth.virginia.edu/re-enrollment. After cleared by Student Health, a student must be cleared by the Dean of Students and EHD’s Office of Admissions and Student Affairs. A grade of W cannot be changed.

Voluntary Withdrawal

Students may withdraw from the University before the conclusion of a semester, specifically up to the last day of the final examination period, if they meet the conditions stated in the University Regulations section of this Record.  A grade of W will be entered for each course in which the student was registered.  However, students in the School of Education and Human Development who withdraw within 10 class days immediately preceding the final examination period are not permitted to re-enter the University for the succeeding semester nor to present transfer credit earned during the same time. Summer semester cannot be used to fulfill this mandatory waiting period. Students that withdraw for two consecutive semesters must meet with their advisor and program director to discuss their plan of study

  1. Students under the age of 18 must give notice to their parents or legal guardians of their intention to withdraw. Evidence of this notice must be provided at the time of withdrawal.
  2. Applications for withdrawal must be made to the Office of Admissions and Student Affairs and approved by the Associate Dean of Academic Programs and Student Affairs.
  3. Students may withdraw from the University before the conclusion of a semester, specifically up to the last day of the final examination period.
  4. Students who voluntarily withdraw from the University will have the notation “Withdrew: DATE” recorded on their permanent academic record and their official transcript. 

Returning to the University

In order to initiate the return to the university process, a student’s account must be cleared of any holds. Undergraduate students wishing to return to the University after a period of fewer than twenty-four continuous months should reach out to the EHD Office of Admissions and Student Services, as well as the coordinator for their degree program to discuss their plan of study. Students then complete the Returning to the University eForm in SIS. Medical clearance documentation will be required for students returning from a medical withdrawal.

Students wishing to return to the University following an absence of twenty-four continuous months or longer or returning from suspension must prepare an application composed of the following materials to present to EHD Senior Associate Dean of Academic Programs and Student Affairs: 1) a personal statement that addresses the student’s readiness to return to the University in light of any serious difficulties or extenuating circumstances related to his/her absence; 2) the student’s academic plan for his/her remaining semesters; 3) completion of the Returning to the University eForm in SIS; and 4) medical clearance documentation, if applicable. Students must also meet with the Office of Admissions and Student Services and their degree program coordinator to create a plan of study. There is no guarantee that a petition to return to the university will be approved.

International students must consult with the International Studies Office (ISO) upon seeking readmission. Qualified members of the United States armed forces have certain rights under state and federal law when their education is interrupted for a service connected reason and should consult the Undergraduate Record, Graduate Record, and/or Virginia’s Office of the Attorney General for additional information. Students who are subject to the Contributory Mental/Medical Disorder (CMD) review process should consult the Office of the Dean of Students on the process of returning to the University.

The deadline for completing the Returning to the University process is May 1 to return for the fall semester, and December 1 to return for the spring semester

Information regarding the medical clearance documentation process through Student Health and Wellness: https://www.studenthealth.virginia.edu/re-enrollment

See the University Regulations—Academic: Leaving and Returning section of this Record for additional policies that govern a student’s return.

Final Examinations

Final examinations are given during a designated period of time at the end of each semester. Examinations may only be given at the University-assigned time unless authorized by the dean. Students are not authorized to take final exams before the regularly scheduled time. However, under serious conditions, and with their instructor and advisor’s permission, students may be allowed to postpone the examination to a time convenient to the instructor. Students who have three exams in one day or four in a two-day period may petition to have one examination moved using EHD’s Request for Exam Postponement.

Grade Appeal Policy

Students who wish to appeal a grade must first attempt to resolve the issue with the instructor of the course.  Absent a satisfactory outcome, the student consults with the chair of the department. Students may consult with EHD’s Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs to confirm which department chair should be contacted. If this path proves unsuccessful in the resolution of the matter, the student may appeal to the dean of the School of Education and Human Development.  The dean’s decision is final. At each stage of their appeal, students should provide any supporting documentation they believe is important to their appeal. Appeals must be initiated within one month of the final date by which grades are posted for the term in question.

Grade Changes

No grade may be changed after it has been submitted to the University Registrar without the approval of the dean. The dean is not authorized by the faculty to change a grade submitted to the University Registrar except when an instructor certifies that, because of errors in calculation or transcription, an incorrect grade has been submitted. All grade changes must be entered into SIS.

Incomplete Grades

Students may only request an incomplete grade if the instructor indicates that the student has successfully completed at least 75% of the work for the class.  Students must complete the petition for an incomplete grade request form and have it signed by their instructor and submitted to their academic dean for final approval. The deadline to submit a completed form is the final day of the examination period. An IN may not be used to allow a student to attempt to raise a grade at the end of the term. If the student does not meet the terms of the incomplete policy, the student’s incomplete grade will be changed to an F or U.

Grievance Procedure

Due process is guaranteed to all students. See “Grievance Procedures ” in the University Regulations section or consult the associate dean for Academic and Student Affairs office, 102 Ridley Hall.


The School of Education and Human Development affirms the distinction between degree requirements and licensure requirements in its programs. While many programs contain both kinds of requirements, and major portions of the two may be synonymous, one may meet one set of requirements and not the other (i.e., receive a degree without qualifying for recommendation for licensure). Information concerning licensure requirements is provided to students through their program of study. Licensure applications are processed through the Office of Admissions and Student Services of the School of Education and Human Development and the Office of Teacher Education.

Rescinding an Offer of Admission

It is the School of Education and Human Development’s expectation that all applicants uphold the intellectual, ethical, and professional standards of the School and the University of Virginia.  By applying to the School, students agree to abide by the principles of the UVA Honor Code and the Standards of Conduct.  The School may rescind an offer of admission up until the date of matriculation for, but not limited to, the following reasons:

  1. An applicant fails to successfully complete any program prerequisites.
  2. An admitted applicant fails to show satisfactory academic progress in any courses completed after receiving their offer of admission.
  3. An applicant is found to have presented misleading or fraudulent information during the application process.
  4. An applicant fails to follow the principles the Honor Code and the Standards of Conduct described above.

Repeating Courses

If a student’s grade in a 5000- or higher-level course is below a B-, the student must repeat the course or take an approved substitute in its place to receive credit. (See also Academic Standing, above) Credits for only one of the offerings will count toward cumulative credits.

State Assessments

Under the Commonwealth of Virginia’s approved program status for schools of education, all students enrolled in administration and supervision, reading education and teacher education programs must take the appropriate licensing exams required by the Commonwealth of Virginia. Information is available on program area websites.


The University of Virginia is currently working to comply with federal regulations that require it (and all other higher education institutions) to receive official state authorization to offer courses to students physically located outside of Virginia. Due to these state authorization regulations, out-of-state students wishing to enroll in online courses or degree offerings must reside in a state which is a member of the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA). The School of Education and Human Development can only accept online course and degree applications from students in approved states.

Transfer Credits 

Students may be eligible to transfer credits from other academic institutions (or other programs at UVA prior to admission) if the following criteria are met: courses are listed on the transcript from the transferring institution as “graduate level”; the student earns a final grade of B- or higher; the courses are deemed aligned with the rigor and content of the student’s program of study; and the course credits are no older than 5 years at the time of matriculation. All transfer credit must be evaluated and approved by the student’s advisor and program coordinator.

Master’s degree credit requirements vary by department and program. As a minimum, all maste’rs degree and Ed.S. students must complete 30 credits of graduate work (additional credits are required in selected programs) and students may apply no more than 6 graduate credits taken either at another institution towards the total number of required credits, or from UVA prior to admission. 

Doctoral degree credit requirements vary by department and program. As a minimum, all doctoral students must successfully complete 72 credit hours (60 course credits plus 12 or more research/practicum credits). A maximum of 24 credits from a current master’s degree may be applied toward the doctoral degree providing the above criteria is met. The decision for transfer approval is made in concert with the student’s program committee and department chair. A minimum of 36 credits must be earned on grounds excluding dissertation credit.

External Credit for New Students in Response to COVID-19 Pandemic Spring 2020. To review the criteria that will be used to evaluate courses taken during Spring 2020 please Click Here .

Policies Specific to Doctoral Students

Quality Teaching Experience for Full-time Doctoral Students

All full-time doctoral students will be provided with quality teaching and supervision experiences, consistent with students’ career aspirations and expected program competencies. Such experiences could include, but are not limited to:

  • Co-planning a course with a mentor
  • Co-teaching a course with a mentor (e.g., teaching several course sessions)
  • Teaching an undergraduate course, under the supervision of a mentor
  • Assisting in the delivery of a graduate course, after having taken relevant coursework or possessing a relevant master’s degree or the equivalent, under the supervision of a mentor. While they may assist an instructor in various ways, graduate students may not serve as the instructor of record or assign grades in graduate-level courses.
  • Supervising student teaching interns
  • Conducting an intern support seminar
  • Co-planning assessment and grading of assignments. This means participating in a full assessment process, which includes for example, considering criteria for success, creating rubrics, providing feedback to improve student performance. 

Program area faculty will work to afford any doctoral student the opportunity to teach prior to graduation. The number of courses a doctoral student may teach per semester will be determined by program area faculty with the approval of the student’s mentor and the Dean. The program director in conjunction with the Department Chair will make all formal graduate teaching assignments. No teaching assignments should be assumed by students, as these appointments are made at the discretion of the program director and Department Chair.

All full-time doctoral students teaching a course shall be evaluated in a way consistent with typical course evaluations (e.g., course participants will fill out Canvas course evaluations of the doctoral student, or mentors will add questions to the Canvas course evaluations to elicit feedback on the quality of the doctoral student’s teaching).


The School of Education and Human Development MT initial licensure program is awarded TEAC accreditation by the Inquiry Brief Commission of the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) for a period of seven years, from April, 2015 and April, 2022.  The accreditation does not include individual education courses that EHD offers to P-12 educators for professional development, re-licensure, or other purposes.

Public Professional Licensure Disclosure

As a member of the State Authorizations Reciprocity Agreement, the University of Virginia (UVA) is authorized to provide curriculum in a distance learning environment to students located in all states in the United States except for California. (34 CFR 668.43(a)(6)& 34 CFR 668.72(n)).

Upon completion of the Master of Teaching program at the School of Education and Human Development at UVA, graduates may be eligible for initial professional licensure in another U.S. state by applying to the licensing board or agency in that state.

Please visit the University’s state authorization web pages to make an informed decision regarding which states’ educational requirements for initial licensure are met by this program. (668.43(a)(5) (v)(A) - (C))

Enrolled students who change their current (or mailing) address to a state other than Virginia should update this information immediately in the Student Information System as it may impact their ability to complete internship, practicum, or clinical hours, use Title IV funds, or meet licensure or certification requirements in the new state. (34 CFR 668.402).