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Fellowships A number of small grants are available to graduate students of outstanding merit in the School of Nursing. To be eligible for consideration, students must follow applicable steps as notified by the Office of Admission and Student Services.
Financial Aid General information regarding financial aid for all students is provided in the Financial Aid section of this Record. Graduate students must be enrolled in six credits (fall and spring) or 3 credits (summer) for federal aid eligibility.
In addition, there are some sources of need-based financial aid specifically designated for graduate students in the School of Nursing. The School of Nursing Office of Admission and Student Services (OASS) provides assistance to students demonstrating federal eligibility. To demonstrate this eligibility, students must complete the FAFSA ( and have the report sent to the University of Virginia. All need-based awards are evaluated using FAFSA data.
Graduate Teaching Assistantships Teaching assistantships are available for full-time Ph.D. students. These assistantships involve working directly with faculty in teaching, research, or service activities. Assignments require 10 hours per week. Full-time Ph.D. students will receive additional information regarding GTA positions and expectations after matriculation. Priority for GTA positions is given to Ph.D. students; however, when additional GTAs are needed, DNP students may be offered a GTA assignment on a semester-at-a-time basis.
National Research Service Awards (Predoctoral) The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services sponsors a national program of individual predoctoral and postdoctoral nurse fellowships. The intent of the awards program is “to prepare biomedical, behavioral, and nurse scientists who will address continuing problems in health-related research of importance to the public.” The student’s qualifications, the advisor’s credentials, and the merit of the proposed area of research are the primary criteria upon which awards are based.
The Barbara Brodie Scholars Endowment Established in 1988 by the many friends and former students of Barbara Brodie as a permanent tribute to an outstanding teacher, mentor, and friend. The guidelines for the award are emailed to all eligible students each year. For more information, contact OASS.
The Phyllis J. Verhonick Dissertation Award This award is given annually to a graduating PhD nursing student whose dissertation is selected as most meritorious.
The Outstanding DNP Scholarly Project Award This award is given annually to a graduating DNP student whose scholarly project is selected as the most outstanding by the faculty.
The Outstanding CNL Capstone Award This award is given annually to a graduating CNL student or students whose capstone project is selected as the most outstanding by the faculty.