Mar 02, 2025  
Undergraduate Record 2020-2021 
Undergraduate Record 2020-2021 [ARCHIVED RECORD]

McIntire School of Commerce: Centers

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Center for Business Analytics  (CBA)


The Center for Business Analytics (CBA), launched in spring 2014 with funding and sponsorship from various advisory board firms, the CBA’s mission is to establish McIntire as a leader in Business Analytic education, research, and professional innovation. Specific goals of the CBA are:

  • Support the school’s efforts to provide a high quality, differentiated business analytics curriculum in the undergraduate, M.S. in Commerce, M.S. MIT, and M.S. in Business Analytics programs
  • Offer through leadership in an AI-enabled world by conducting cutting-edge research that is relevant to academic and practitioner audiences
  • Sponsor course projects, panels, workshops, and colloquia
  • Provide analytics-related experiential learning and research opportunities for students through scholars programs and independent studies
  • Support local businesses and non-profits through outreach initiatives
  • Connect students and industry partners for recruiting purposes

Current CBA corporate partners are: * Amazon Web Services * Analytic Partners * Capital One * Cap Tech * comScore *Deloitte * EY * Hilton Worldwide * IBM * Ipsos * Kate Spade *McKinsey & Company * MLB * The Great Courses

Center for Investors and Financial Markets


The Center for Investors and Financial Markets strives to promote understanding about the investor community and the performance and structure of financial markets through collaborative relationships among faculty, students, finance professionals, and policymakers. The result is a dynamic and rigorous research center that is generating new knowledge and understanding across disciplines to benefit scholarship and education at the McIntire School. The Center for Investors and Financial Markets is committed to:

  • Facilitating the output of high-quality, relevant research in areas related to the study of investors and financial markets,
  • Developing forward-thinking curriculum and programs that educate students and the McIntire community on issues pertaining to investors and financial markets,
  • Building a robust network of finance professionals and poicymakers–including McIntire alumni and employers–to leverage across scholarship and education efforts.

Center for the Management of Information Technology


The Center for the Management of Information Technology promotes research and education on topics related to the management and application of information technology within organizations. To this end, the center functions as the nexus for an interdisciplinary network of practitioners and academicians.  CMIT objectives include:

  • To research the development, implementation, and utilization of information systems and technology in organizations;
  • To promote interaction between practitioners and the academic community;
  • To facilitate the continuing education and development of faculty;
  • To provide training, development, and continuing education for practitioners engaged in the management of IT; and
  • To create an effective link between the business community and the resources of the University of Virginia, including practitioner access to students, faculty, special programs, and research publications.

Galant Center for Entrepreneurship


The Galant Center was founded in 2008, through the initial funding of Mark E. Galant (McIntire ‘80).  Our mission is to encourage, educate, and empower students–past and present–to take on crucial roles in the new venture and intrapreneurship community, thereby impacting the world in which we live and creating value of all kinds. We develop and support courses, degree programs such as the Entrepreneurship Minor, competitions such as the Galant Challenge and the E-Cup, research, speakers, workshops, and student-directed initiatives in an effort to catalyze an innovative and entrepreneurial mindset and associated activities not only within the McIntire School, but also across and beyond the Grounds of the University of Virginia.

Center for Global Commerce                                             


The Center for Global Commerce leads the planning and implementation of a sustained, integrative, and comprehensive global strategy for the School. The Center focuses on the following:

  • Strengthening global curriculum and academic programs - the Center supports faculty in the development of essential new global curricula and teaching materials as well as the School’s study abroad programs. The Center also administers a financial aid program for students requiring assistance to study abroad.
  • Fostering global scholarship and research – the Center actively encourages and funds globally oriented scholarship on such crucial topics as global financial markets and cross-cultural consumer research. The Center plays a primary role in facilitating relationships with global business enterprises and global academic institutions. 
  • Broadening community engagement – the Center actively promotes the School’s global perspective and capabilities, reaching out to students, academics, professionals, and other key members of the global business community.

PricewaterhouseCoopers Center for Innovation in Professional Services


The PricewaterhouseCoopers Center for Innovation in Professional Services seeks to advance the collective knowledge of professional services in three integrated ways: by sponsoring small, faculty-driven, student centric programs throughout the academic year, which are integrated into the McIntire curriculum, required for students, and open to all University members; by actively engaging students, faculty, and targeted practitioners interested in sharing ideas on best practices within professional services through these student-centric programs; and by disseminating program outcomes and other relevant content to a broader audience.