Jan 12, 2025  
Undergraduate Record 2017-2018 
Undergraduate Record 2017-2018 [ARCHIVED RECORD]

Course Descriptions


History-African History

  • HIAF 3091 - Africa in World History

    World history from the perspective of Africa, for advanced undergraduates. The interpretive emphasis falls equally on the epistemology of thinking historically, historical processes recurring throughout the human experience, and the specific ways in which Africans experienced and elaborated them. The course develops a strong critique of conventional textbook approaches to both Africa and world history.

    Credits: 3
  • HIAF 3112 - African Environmental History

    This course explores how Africans changed their interactions with the physical environments they inhabited and how the landscapes they helped create in turn shaped human history. Topics covered include the ancient agricultural revolution, health and disease in the era of slave trading, colonial-era mining and commodity farming, 20th-century wildlife conservation, and the emergent challenges of land ownership, disease, and climate change.

    Credits: 3
  • HIAF 4501 - Seminar in African History

    The major seminar is a small class (not more than 15 students) intended primarily but not exclusively for history majors who have completed two or more courses relevant to the topic of the seminar. Seminar work results primarily in the preparation of a substantial (ca. 25 pp. in standard format) research paper. Some restrictions and prerequisites apply to enrollment. See a history advisor or the director of undergraduate studies.

    Credits: 4
  • HIAF 4511 - Colloquium in African History

    The major colloquium is a small class (not more than 15 students) intended primarily but not exclusively for history majors who have completed two or more courses relevant to the topic of the colloquium. Colloquia are most frequently offered in areas of history where access to source materials or linguistic demands make seminars especially difficult. Students in colloquia prepare about 25 pages of written work distributed among various assignments. Some restrictions and prerequisites apply to enrollment. See a history advisor or the director of undergraduate studies.

    Credits: 4
  • HIAF 4591 - Topics in African History

    Topics courses are small, discussion-oriented classes available to any student with sufficient background and interest in a particular field of historical study. Offered irregularly, they are open to majors or non-majors on an equal basis.

    Credits: 3
  • HIAF 4993 - Independent Study in African History

    In exceptional circumstances and with the permission of a faculty member, any student may undertake a rigorous program of independent study designed to explore a subject not currently being taught or to expand upon regular offerings. Independent study projects may not be used to replace regularly scheduled classes. Open to majors or non-majors.

    Credits: 1 to 3

History-East Asian History

  • HIEA 1501 - Introductory Seminar in East Asian History

    Introduces the study of history intended for first- or second-year students. Seminars involve reading, discussing, and writing about different historical topics and periods, and emphasize the enhancement of critical and communication skills. Several seminars are offered each term. Not more than two Introductory Seminars may be counted toward the major in history.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEA 2011 - History of Chinese Civilization

    An intro to the study of Chinese civilization. We shall begin with the earliest human remains found in China & conclude in the present. The goal of this coure is not merely to tell the story of Chinese history, rich and compelling though the story is. Rather, our aim will be to explore what makes Chinese civilization specifically Chinese, & how the set of values, practices, & institutions we associate with Chinese society came to exist.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEA 2031 - Modern China

    Studies the transformation of Chinese politics, society, institutions, culture and foreign relations from the Opium War. through the post-Mao Reform Era. Emphasizes the fluid relationship between tradition and transformation and the ways in which this relationship continues to shape the lives of the Chinese people.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEA 2072 - Modern Japanese Culture and Politics

    An introduction to the politics, culture, and ideologies of modern Japan from roughly 1800 to the present. We will pay special attention to the interplay between Japan’s simultaneous participation in global modernity and its assertion of a unique culture as a way to explore the rise of the nation-state as a historically specific form.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEA 2073 - Japan to 1868: An Historical Introduction

    This lecture class surveys the history of Japanese civilization from prehistory to the end of the nineteenth century. Through an assortment of historical, literary, religious and visual materials, it offers an introduction to the political, social, religious, intellectual, artistic, and cultural life of Japan in its various epochs.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEA 2081 - Korea: Antiquity through the 12th Century

    The development of Korean culture from the Three Kingdoms Period through the Silla (675-918) and Early Koryo (936-1200) dynasties.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEA 2091 - Korea 13th-19th Centuries

    Second of a three part sequence on the history of Korea from earliest times into the 21st century. This course covers the period bracketed by the Mongols in the 13th and 14th centuries and the opening of the Yi Dynasty in the late 19th century.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEA 2101 - Korea: Late Nineteenth through Early Twenty First Centuries

    History of Korea from 1876 into the first decade of the 21st century.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEA 3111 - China to the Tenth Century

    Surveys the social, political and economic organization of traditional Chinese society, traditional Chinese foreign policy, and major literary, artistic, and intellectual movements.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEA 3112 - Late Imperial China

    Survey of the social, political, and cultural history of China from 10th to the early 20th centuries. Topics include the philosophic basis of state and society, the formation of social elites, the influence of nomadic peoples, and patterns of popular dissent and rebellion, among others

    Credits: 3
  • HIEA 3141 - Political and Social Thought in Modern China

    Studies political and social thought from the early 20th century to the present, as reflected in written sources (including fiction), art, and films.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEA 3151 - East Asian-American Relations in the 20th Century

    A lecture and discussion course focusing on the changing relationship between East Asian Countries (China, Japan, Vietnam and Korea in particular) and the United States in the 20th century.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEA 3162 - Historical China and the World

    The course traces China’s external relations from antiquity to our own times, identifying conceptions, practices, and institutions that characterized the ancient inter-state relations of East Asia and examining the interactions between “Eastern” and “Western,” and “revolutionary” and “conventional” modes of international behavior in modern times. The student’s grade is based on participation, midterm test, final exam, and a short essay.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEA 3171 - Meiji Japan

    This course will examine the rise of the nation-state form in Japan as a new form of historical subjectivity. It will explore in depth the political, economic, social, and cultural changes in the wake of the collapse of the Tokugawa Shogunate in 1868 to the start of the Tasiho period in 1912.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEA 3172 - The Japanese Empire

    This course is an exploration of Japan’s imperial project from roughly 1890-1945. We will start by developing a critical theoretical vocabulary with which we will then focus on three recent and important books on Japanese imperialism in East Asia. At the end of the semester we will also look briefly at anti-imperial and decolonization movements as well as the status of the category of ‘empire’ for analyzing the postwar period.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEA 3211 - Japan’s Economic Miracle

    Examines the history of Japan since the early 19th century by exploring the causes and consequences of the economic and social changes that have made Japan one of the most important advanced industrial countries in the contemporary world.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEA 3221 - Japan’s Political History

    Examines Japanese history since the early 19th century, exploring changes in political ideas, institutions, and behavior among both governing elites and the mass of Japanese citizenry.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEA 3311 - Peasants, Students and Women: Social Movement in Twentieth-Century China

    Studies rural revolution, student movements, women’s liberation, and the transformation of the social order since the late 19th century.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEA 3321 - China and the Cold War

    The class examines China’s entanglement with the Cold War from 1945 to the early 1990s. The course raises China-centered questions because it is curious in retrospect that China, a quintessential Eastern state, became so deeply involved in the Cold War, a confrontation rooted in Western history. In exploring such questions, this course does not treat China as part of the Cold War but the Cold War as a period of Chinese history.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEA 3323 - China and the United States

    The course explores Chinese-American relations since the late 18th century. Starting as an encounter between a young trading state and an ageless empire on the two sides of the Pacific Ocean, the relationship has gone through stages characterized by the two countries’ changing identities. The course understands the relationship broadly and seeks insights at various levels.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEA 4501 - Seminar in East Asian History

    A small class (not more than 15 students) intended primarily but not exclusively for history majors who have completed two or more courses relevant to the topic of the seminar. The work of the seminar results primarily in the preparation of a substantial (ca. 25 pp. in standard format) research paper. Some restrictions and prerequisites apply to enrollment. See a history advisor or the director of undergraduate studies.

    Credits: 4
  • HIEA 4511 - Colloquium in East Asia

    A small class (not more than 15 students) intended primarily but not exclusively for history majors who have completed two or more courses relevant to the topic of the colloquium. Most frequently offered in areas of history where access to source materials or linguistic demands make seminars especially difficult. Students prepare about 25 pages of written work. Some restrictions and prerequisites apply to enrollment. See a history advisor or the director of undergraduate studies.

    Credits: 4
  • HIEA 4591 - Topics in East Asian History

    Topics courses are small, discussion-oriented classes available to any student with sufficient background and interest in a particular field of historical study. Offered irregularly, they are open to majors or non-majors on an equal basis.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEA 4993 - Independent Study in East Asia

    In exceptional circumstances and with the permission of a faculty member any student may undertake a rigorous program of independent study designed to explore a subject not currently being taught or to expand upon regular offerings. Independent Study projects may not be used to replace regularly scheduled classes. Open to majors or non-majors.

    Credits: 1 to 3

History-European History

  • HIEU 1501 - Introductory Seminar in Pre-1700 European History

    Intended for first- or second-year students. Seminars involve reading, discussing, and writing about different historical topics and periods, and emphasize the enhancement of critical and communication skills. Several seminars are offered each term. Not more than two Introductory Seminars may be counted toward the major in history.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 1502 - Introductory Seminar in Post-1700 European History

    Intended for first- or second-year students. Seminars involve reading, discussing, and writing about different historical topics and periods, and emphasize the enhancement of critical and communication skills. Several seminars are offered each term. Not more than two Introductory Seminars may be counted toward the major in history.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 2001 - Western Civilization I

    Surveys the fundamental institutions and ideas that have shaped the Western world. Topics include great religious and philosophical traditions, political ideas, literary forms, artistic achievements and institutional structures from the world of the ancient Hebrews to the eve of the modern world (ca. 3000 b.c. to 1600 a.d.).

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 2002 - Western Civilization II

    Surveys the political and cultural history of the Western world in modern times. Emphasizes the distinctiveness of Western civilization, on the reasons for the rise of the West to global domination, and the relative decline of the West in recent times.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 2031 - Ancient Greece

    Studies the political, military, and social history of Ancient Greece from the Homeric age to the death of Alexander the Great, emphasizing the development and interactions of Sparta and Athens.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 2041 - Roman Republic and Empire

    Surveys the political, social, and institutional growth of the Roman Republic, focusing on its downfall and replacement by an imperial form of government, the subsequent history of that government, and the social and economic life during the Roman Empire, up to its own decline and fall.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 2051 - Economic History of Europe

    Studies European economic history from the middle ages to the industrial revolution. Emphasizes the emergence of the market and the rise of capitalism in Great Britain.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 2061 - The Birth of Europe

    Studies ways of life and thought in the formation of Western Europe from the 4th century a.d. to the 15th. Includes a survey of the development of society and culture in town and countryside, the growth of economic, political, and religious institutions, and the impact of Muslim and Byzantine civilizations.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 2071 - Early Modern Europe and the World

    European history, from the Reformation to Napoleon, in global perspective.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 2072 - Modern European History Since 1815

    Analyzes the political, social, and economic developments in Europe from the age of Napoleon to the present.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 2101 - Jewish History I: The Ancient and Medieval Experience

    This course surveys the pre-modern Jewish historical experience from antiquity through the sixteenth century.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 2102 - Modern Jewish History

    Survey of Jewish history from the seventeenth century to the present, primarily in Europe, but with further treatment of Jewish life in the U.S. and Israel. Major topics include Jewish historical consciousness; patterns of emancipation; religious adjustment; the role of women; anti-Semitism; Zionism; the American Jewish experience; the Holocaust; the establishment of Israel; and Jewish life in Europe after the Holocaust.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 2111 - History of England to 1688

    Studies England and the British Isles from earliest times to the accession of William III.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 2112 - The Emergence of Modern Britain, 1688-2000

    This lecture course surveys the history of Britain from the Glorious Revolution to our own time. The making and remaking of this nation state over three hundred years will be shown in its connections with the history of Europe, and the wider story of the making of the modern world.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 2132 - The Jews of Poland from 1600 to the Present

    The Jews of Poland from 1600 to the Present

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 2152 - History of the Russian Empire 1700-1917

    Studies the history of Russia from Peter the Great to the Bolshevik Revolution and the establishment of Soviet power.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 2162 - History of Russia Since 1917

    Explores the collapse of the Russian Empire and the rise of the Communist state. Emphasizes the social revolution, Stalinism and subsequent ‘de-Stalinization,’ national minorities, and the collapse of the Soviet regime.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 2212 - Contemporary Europe

    This class surveys the major developments in Europe from 1945 up to the present day. Topics that we examine include the legacy of World War II, the division of Europe during the cold war, the economic and political progress of the continent, the crises triggered by decolonization and imigration, and the continuing struggles of Europeans to build a united, peaceful and stable union.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 2721 - Supernatural Europe, 1500-1800

    Surveys the intellectual, religious, and social history of Europe c.1500-1800 through the lens of changing beliefs about the supernatural. Selected topics include the rise and decline of witch-hunting, changing understandings of the universe, the impact of religious reform on traditional belief, and the “disenchantment” of European society as beliefs in the supernatural declined in the 18th century.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 3000 - Modern Imperialism: 19th and 20th Centuries

    A history of Modern Imperialism from the beginning of the nineteenth century to post-Second World War decolonisation: with particular reference to the British Empire.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 3021 - Greek and Roman Warfare

    Surveys the history of ancient warfare from the Homeric era until the fall of Rome.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 3041 - The Fall of the Roman Republic

    Surveys the history and culture of the last century of the Roman Republic (133-30 b.c.), emphasizing the political and social reasons for the destruction of the Republican form of government and its replacement by a monarchy.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 3051 - History and Civilization of France: Revolution to 1945

    The social, political, economic, philosophical, and artistic developments in France from the Revolution to 1945. Taught in French.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 3091 - Ancient Law and Society

    Study of the interrationships between law, politics and society in ancient Greece (chiefly Athenian) culture, the Hellenistic kingdoms and Rome (from the XII Tables to the Justinianic Code). Focuses particularly on the development of the idea of law; on the construction of law’s authority and legitimacy; on the use of law as one method of social control; and on the development, at Rome, of juristic independence and legal codification. Prerequisite: HIEU 2031 or HIEU 2041, or permission of the instructor.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 3101 - Early Medieval Civilization

    Studies early medieval civilization from late antiquity to the 11th century. Emphasizes selected themes in cultural history.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 3111 - Later Medieval Civilization

    Discusses intellectual and cultural history, political and social theories, and religious movements from the 11th to the 16th centuries.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 3121 - Medieval Society: Ways of Life and Thought in Western Europe

    An introduction to the social and intellectual history from the tenth century to the sixteenth.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 3131 - The World of Charlemagne

    Explores the Byzantine, Muslim, and European worlds in the 8th and 9th centuries. Compares political, institutional, and social history, and the Catholic, Orthodox, and Islamic faiths.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 3141 - Anglo-Saxon England

    Surveys England and its Celtic neighbors in Wales, Scotland, and Ireland from the departure of the Romans in the early 5th century to the Scandinavian conquest in 1016. Emphasizes the human diversity and cultural and institutional creativity of the Anglo-Saxons.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 3151 - Medieval Iberia, 411-1469

    This course offers an introduction to Islam and a cultural history of Al Andalus from 711 until the expulsion of the Moriscos from early modern Spain in 1609.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 3152 - History of the British Empire

    This course will focus primarily on the ‘second’ empire in Asia and Africa, although the first empire in the Americas will be our first topic. Topics covered include the slave plantations in the West Indies, the American Revolution, the rise of the British East India Company and its control of India, and the Scramble for Africa. Special emphasis will be placed on the environmental history of our points of debarkation.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 3161 - The Medieval Church

    The history of the western church from the time of Constantine through the sixteenth century, based on a study of selected texts.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 3171 - Eastern Christianity

    Surveys the history of Christianity in the Byzantine world and the Middle East from late antiquity (age of emperor Justinian) until the fall of Constantinople. Emphasizes developments in theology, spirituality and art, and the relation of Christianity to Islam. Considers Eastern Christianity in modern times.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 3181 - Medieval Christianity

    Detailed study of the development of Christianity in the Middle Ages and of how it reflected upon itself in terms of theology, piety, and politics. Cross-listed as RELC 3181.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 3211 - Medieval and Renaissance Italy

    Surveys the development of the Italian city-state between 1050 and 1550, emphasizing the social and political context of Italian culture.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 3215 - Dante’s Italy

    This course investigates Italy’s history and culture at the end of the Middle Ages through the life and writings of Dante Alighieri, Italy’s greatest author of the medieval and early modern period. Through lectures and discussions on Dante’s most important writings, students will be introduced to the culture of Italian city-states as well as to the most important literary and philosophical ideas of the late Middle Ages.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 3221 - The Culture of the Renaissance

    Surveys the growth and diffusion of educational, literary, and artistic innovations in Europe between 1300 and 1600.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 3231 - Reformation Europe

    Surveys the development of religious reform movements in continental Europe from c. 1450 to c. 1650 and their impact on politics, social life, science, and conceptions of the self. Cross-listed as RELC 3231.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 3241 - Later Medieval England

    A documentary history of English society from the Conquest to the death of Richard II.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 3251 - Imperial Spain and Portugal, 1469-1808

    General survey of the Iberian peninsula from Ferdinand and Isabella to Napoleon, including the development of absolutism, the enforcement of religious orthodoxy, the conquest of the New World and the Iberian imperial systems, the price revolution, the ‘decline’ of Spain and the Bourbon reforms, and the arts and literature of the Golden Age.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 3261 - History of Russia to 1700

    Topics include the history of the formation of the Kievan State, the Appanage period, Mongol domination and the emergence of the Muscovite state; foundations of the first Russian state, evolution of its institutions, cultural influences from the origin to the decline; and the rise of successor states and particularly the multi-national state of Moscow.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 3271 - Three Faiths, One Sea: The Early Modern Mediterranean

    The course will provide students with an overview of the Mediterranean world from the conquest of Constantinople (1453) to the displacement of the sea in a globalizing economy. The main purpose of this course is to demonstrate the cultural, political, and religious diversity of the Mediterranean region. Special emphasis is placed on Christian, Jews, and Muslim interaction.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 3291 - Stuart England

    Studies the history of England (and its foreign relations) from 1603 to 1714, with commentary on some major themes of early Hanoverian England to the end of Sir Robert Walpole’s ministry. Includes newer interpretations on Stuart monarchy, the background and consequences of the Civil War, restoration ideology and politics in relation to the Cromwellian Interregnum, the Revolution of 1688, social and local history, and the creation of the first British Empire.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 3311 - Social History of Early Modern Europe

    Surveys social, economic, and demographic structure and change in pre-industrial Europe, focusing on social unrest and rebellions.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 3321 - The Scientific Revolution, 1450-1700

    Studies the history of modern science in its formative period against the backdrop of classical Greek science and in the context of evolving scientific institutions and changing views of religion, politics, magic, alchemy, and ancient authorities.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 3322 - Science in the Modern Age: 1789-1950

    This course covers major developments in modern science from the 18th through the 20th centuries in the fields of chemistry, biology, geology, and physics. Three scientists, Antone Lavosier, Charles Darwin, and Albert Einstein, will be discussed.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 3331 - Intellectual History of Early Modern Europe

    Analyzes the main currents of European thought in the 17th and 18th centuries. Emphasizes major social movements and cultural changes.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 3341 - Society and the Sexes in Europe from Late Antiquity to the Reformation

    Explores the changing constructions of gender roles and their concrete consequences for women and men in society; uses primary texts and secondary studies from late antiquity through the Reformation.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 3342 - Society and the Sexes in Europe from the Seventeenth Century to the Present

    Explores the changing constructions of gender roles and their concrete consequences for women and men in society; uses primary texts and secondary studies from the 17th century to the present.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 3352 - Modern German History

    Introduces the political, social and cultural history of modern Germany from the French Revolution to the present. Cross-listed in the German department. Taught in English.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 3372 - German Jewish Culture and History

    This course provides a wide-ranging exploration of the culture and history of German Jewry from 1750 to 1939. It focuses on the Jewish response to modernity in Central Europe and the lasting transformations in Jewish life in Europe and later North America. Readings of such figures as: Moses Mendelssohn, Heinrich Heine, Rahel Varnhagen, Franz Kafka, Gershom Scholem, Martin Buber, Karl Marx, Rosa Luxembourg, Walter Benjamin, and Sigmund Freud.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 3382 - Revolutionary France, 1770-1815

    This course will examine the social, cultural, intellectual and political history of France from the end of the Old Regime through the Napoleonic Empire. The origins, development, and outcome of the French Revolution will be the main focus. Attention will also be paid to the international legacy of various French revolutionary concepts and to the history of the interpretation of this critical period of upheaval.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 3390 - Nazi Germany

    Detailed survey of the historical origins, political structures, cultural dynamics, and every-day practices of the Nazi Third Reich. Cross-listed in the German department. Taught in English.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 3392 - Women, Men, and Politics in the Age of Democratic Revolutions, 1760-1848

    Surveys the origins, development, and consequences of key revolutionary struggles of the late 18th and early 19th centuries, emphasizing changes in gender relations. Prerequisite: A course in history or gender studies.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 3402 - Nineteenth-Century Europe

    Surveys the major social, economic, and political trends between the defeat of the Napoleonic Empire and the First World War. Stresses the developments in Western Europe as industrialization, democracy, nationalism, and representative institutions took root.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 3412 - Twentieth-Century Europe

    Studies the main developments in European history from the turn of the century to the eve of the Second World War.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 3422 - Twentieth-Century Europe

    Studies the main developments in European history from the outbreak of the Second World War to the present.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 3432 - France Since 1815

    Studies French politics and society from the defeat of Napoleon to De Gaulle’s republic.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 3442 - European History: Industrial Revolution to the Welfare State 1848-1963

    Surveys Continent’s troubled history from the Victorian Age to the welfare state. Addresses features of modernization and industrialization, nationalism and imperialism, causes and consequences of both world wars, Communist and Fascist challenges, Weimar and Nazi Germany, the Great Depression and crisis of capitalism, the Holocaust and decline of old Europe, and Social Democratic transformation.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 3452 - Jewish Culture and History in Eastern Europe

    This course is a comprehensive examination of the culture and history of East European Jewry from 1750 to 1935. Course cross-listed with YITR 3452.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 3462 - Neighbors and Enemies in Germany

    Explores the friend/foe nexus in Germany history, literature and culture, with an emphasis on the 19th and 20th centuries.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 3471 - English Legal History to 1776

    The development of legal institutions, legal ideas, and legal principles from the medieval period to the 18th century. Emphasizes the impact of transformations in politics, society, and thought on the major categories of English law: property, torts and contracts, corporations, family law, constitutional and administrative law, and crime.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 3472 - Nineteenth Century Britain

    A history of Britain and the British Empire from the Union with Ireland in 1801 to the death of Queen Victoria in 1901.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 3482 - Twentieth Century Britain

    A history of Britain and the British Empire from the death of Queen Victoria in 1901 to the re-election of Tony Blair in 1001.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 3492 - The British Empire

    Surveys the rise, rule, and demise of the British Empire from the Seven Years War (1756-63) to decolonization after World War II.  Topics include the expansion and consolidation of empire, opposition, and resistance, and the cultural consequences of imperialism. 

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 3502 - History of Central Europe

    This lecture course will explore the 19th- and 20th-century history of Central Europe as both region and idea, tracing two stories in parallel: 1) the entangled history of Austrians, Czechs, Germans, Hungarians, Jews, Lithuanians, Poles, Slovaks, and Ukrainians; and 2) attempts by writers and scholars belonging to these groups (from Sigmund Freud to Milan Kundera) to ‘imagine’ their own versions of a Europe caught between ‘East’ and ‘West.’

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 3505 - History and Fiction, Topics

    Explores the relationship between facts and fiction in the representation of the past. Course materials range from archival sources and scholarly articles to novels, films, paintings, sculptures, poems and other creative articulations of the historical imagination. The role of the new media and media analysis in the representation of history will also be examined. Topics vary annually.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 3602 - Twentieth Century Spain

    Twentieth Century Spain

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 3612 - Age of Reform and Revolution in Russia, 1855-1917

    Studies the changes resulting from the wake of reforms following the Crimean War. Explores the social and political effects of efforts to modernize and industrialize Russia, which led to the growth of political and revolutionary opposition and the overthrow of the monarchy.

    Credits: 3
  • HIEU 3622 - Russian Intellectual History in the 19th Century

    Studies the background of Westernization, rise of intelligentsia, development of radical and conservative trends, and the impact of intellectual ferment on Russian culture and politics to 1917.

    Credits: 3

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