Feb 14, 2025  
Undergraduate Record 2017-2018 
Undergraduate Record 2017-2018 [ARCHIVED RECORD]

Course Descriptions


Computer Science

  • CS 4970 - Capstone Practicum I

    This course is one option in the CS fourth-year thesis track. Under the practicum track, students will take two 3-credit courses, CS 4970 and CS 4971. These courses would form a year-long group-based and project-based practicum class. There would be an actual customer, which could be either internal (the course instructor, other CS professors, etc.) or external (local companies, local non-profits, etc.). Prerequisite: CS 2150 with a grade of C- or higher

    Credits: 3
  • CS 4971 - Capstone Practicum II

    This course is one option in the CS fourth-year thesis track and is the continuation from CS 4970. Under the practicum track, students will take two 3-credit courses, CS 4970 and CS 4971. These courses would form a year-long group-based and project-based practicum class. There would be an actual customer, which could be either internal (the course instructor, other CS professors, etc.) or external (local companies, local non-profits, etc.). Prerequisite: CS 4970

    Credits: 3
  • CS 4980 - Capstone Research

    This course is one option in the CS fourth-year thesis track. Students will seek out a faculty member as an advisor, and do an independent project with said advisor. Instructors can give the 3 credits across multiple semesters, if desired. This course is designed for students who are doing research, and want to use that research for their senior thesis. Note that this track could also be an implementation project, including a group-based project. Prerequisite: CS 2150 with a grade of C- or higher

    Credits: 1 to 3
  • CS 4993 - Independent Study

    In-depth study of a computer science or computer engineering problem by an individual student in close consultation with departmental faculty. The study is often either a thorough analysis of an abstract computer science problem or the design, implementation, and analysis of a computer system (software or hardware). Prerequisite: Instructor permission.

    Credits: 1 to 3
  • CS 4998 - Distinguished BA Majors Research

    Required for Distinguished Majors completing the Bachelor of Arts degree in the College of Arts and Sciences. An introduction to computer science research and the writing of a Distinguished Majors thesis. Prerequisites: CS 2150 with a grade of C- or higher and CS BA major status.

    Credits: 3


  • CREO 1010 - Elementary Creole I

    Development of basic oral expression, listening and reading comprehension, and writing. Prerequisite: No previous formal instruction of French or Creole is required.

    Credits: 3
  • CREO 1020 - Elementary Creole II

    Development of basic oral expression, listening and reading comprehension, and writing. Prerequisite: CREO 1010.

    Credits: 3
  • CREO 2010 - Intermediate Creole I

    Develops the skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Creole. Prerequisite: Two previous semesters of Elementary Creole (I and II).

    Credits: 3
  • CREO 2020 - Intermediate Creole II

    Develops the skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Creole. Prerequisite: Three previous semesters of Creole required (1010, 1020, 2010)

    Credits: 3

Criminal Justice

  • CJ 2100 - Basics in Criminal Justice Research

    Instructs students how to use electronic and print academic resources from the Web homepage of the FBI Library, the Internet, and onsite facilities. It covers improving searching abilities and information-gathering skills needed by the law enforcement community. Offered only as an elective. 

    Credits: 1
  • CJ 2390 - International Legal Issues Impacting Law Enforcement

    Familiarizes law enforcement personnel with the diverse legal and law enforcement systems existing in the world. Focuses on how international police managers make informed decisions regarding policy issues which impact the liaison efforts and international aspects of the day-to-day operations of their departments.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 3120 - Drugs, Society and Contemporary Drug Enforcement Strategies

    Provides law enforcement supervisors an interdisciplinary analysis of contemporary drug issues and problems. Examines physiological, social, legal, and historical aspects of drug use and abuse. Analyzes the external influences that impact the decision making process, synthesizing these concepts into a comprehensive strategy for effective drug unit management.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 3130 - Counterterrorism Strategies: Understanding and Responding to the Threat

    Course is for seasoned law enforcement executives seeking to understand and identify their roles in the nation’s counterterrorism effort in order to implement valuable counterterrorism initiatives in their respective agencies and communities. While this course deals with the counterterrorism mission as it relates to U.S. geographical, social, and legal issues, international executives can still benefit from participating in the course because the conceptual and strategic nature of the course content can be applied in other environments.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 3140 - Intelligence Led Policing

    This course introduces the concepts and applications of the intelligence process of law enforcement problems, with an emphasis on requirements for the local agencies. Students will gain a solid understanding of what intelligence is and how to apply analytic methods and techniques practiced at the national level to local enforcement problems. The course also introduces best practices for implementing an intelligence structure within a bureaucracy and effectively communicating intelligence insights.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 3200 - Basic Psychology of Leadership

    Enables students to gain a better insight into their own style of leadership and the impact of their behavior on others. Analyzes the basic concepts of leadership, personality, visionary leadership, ethics, motivation, team dynamics, interpersonal communication, and conflict resolution. Evaluates how a defining life experience has impacted the development of your leadership style, tendencies, and abilities.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 3210 - Contemporary Issues in Law Enforcement

    Provides educational opportunities and experiences focused on global challenges and concerns facing law enforcement leaders today and into the future.  Exposes students to organizational and professional growth opportunities through case studies that will enhance their knowledge and education for positions of greater responsibility to build strong partnerships across the global law enforcement community.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 3240 - Interviewing Strategies through Statement Analysis

    Hands-on seminar provides a structured method of examining verbal and written statements of suspects, victims and witnesses. Provides linguistic tools to assist investigator in gaining insight to the speaker/writer and in detecting areas of deception.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 3260 - Communicating in a Changing Security Environment: Law Enforcement and Global Issues

    Focuses on post-911 police-media relations. Touches on the relationship between international security issues and utilizing the media for effective community policing. Concentrates on the development of competent media skills in a local Homeland Security context.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 3270 - Psychology of Communication

    Explores the interpersonal communication environment and its impact on communication, including communication basics, active listening, personality styles, perception, digital technology’s influence, nonverbal communication, interpersonal conflict management, & persuasion, with special emphasis on the law enf environment. Acquaints the leader with how communication exchange influences interpersonal relationships both internally and externally.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 3280 - The Design & Application of Organizational Ethics: Communication Imperative

    Provides law enforcement leaders with the materials, theories, educational foundation, and confidence necessary to implement a solid, comprehensive law enforcement ethics training program. Incorporates teaching as a part of the practical application of the course.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 3290 - Emotional Intelligence: Leadership & Context

    Provides law enforcement leaders with a basic understanding of what emotional intelligence is; how it applies to them on an individual basis; how to develop effective strategies for improvement of emotional intelligence competencies; and how to take what they have learned and apply it in their professional and personal lives. Topics include: interpersonal, interpersonal, stress management, adaptability and effective performance.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 3300 - Officer-Involved Shootings: Communication Strategies

    Explores communication issues encountered in the realm of officer-involved shootings. Examines such communications from psychosocial, legal, leadership, and technical viewpoints. Explores the impact of contemporary issues on law enforcement training, practices, and policy.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 3320 - Leadership for Law Enforcement

    Identifies and defines principles of leadership concepts and theories, and how they apply to law enforcement. Examines and evaluates theories and practices used in industry and business. Uses practical problems and exercises to illustrate avenues to achieve objectives.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 3350 - Leadership, Ethics, Decision-Making

    Explores the areas of leadership, ethics, and decision-making in the context of law enforcement using class discussion and participation, small-group dynamics, and some case studies. Includes organizational culture and history, future trends, and the impact these topics have on decision making and police management.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 3360 - Legal Issues for Command-Level Officers

    Discusses legal considerations that impact administrative and investigative decisions of command and mid-level police administrators. Reviews recent developments in federal Constitutional criminal procedure. Explores the impact of Constitutionally-based employment rights on departmental operations and the impact of Title VII and the Americans with Disabilities Act on police administrators.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 3370 - Labor Law Issues for Law Enforcement Administrators

    Focuses on the basics of Labor Law for police administrators. Contents of the course include forming the employment relationship; constitutional employment rights; conducting internal investigations; the role of personnel information in criminal discovery; employment discrimination law; wage and hour statues; fitness for duty; departmental civil liability to employees; and workers compensation fees.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 3380 - Behavioral Dynamics for Firearms and Arson Investigations

    Examines firearms & arson investigations from a behavioral perspective. Exposes law enforcement managers to theoretical an operational strategies of offenders in firearms & arson investigations. Provides an overview of the behaviors associated with the global firearms industry & how firearms move from the legal to illicit markets. Covers offender behaviors associated with firearms violence & strategies designed to reduce firearms accessibility.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 3400 - Fitness in Law Enforcement

    This course is designed to help law enforcement officers adopt and maintain behaviors associated with a healthy lifestyle. Major emphasis is place on the relationship between physical activity, exercise and wellness. Additional topics covered include balanced nutrition, stress management. and prevention of chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease and low-back pain.

    Credits: 2
  • CJ 3490 - Legal Issues Impacting Law Enforcement Operations

    Addresses legal issues arising under federal law that are commonly confronted by command level police supervisors during policy implementation and operational decision-making. Emphasizes recent decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court impacting the rights of criminal defendants under the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Amendments. Employs a ‘case-progression’ method of instruction.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 3610 - Behavioral Science for Law Enforcement Leadership

    Provides an overview of behavioral science in law enforcement. Exposes law enforcement managers and executives to methodologies and operational strategies that incorporate applied psychology, criminology and sociology with the management of police operations. Explores how they may use these applications within their respective agencies.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 3650 - Basic Intelligence Theory and Application for Law Enforcement Managers

    Covers the basic definitions for State, Local, & Tribal (SLT) Intelligence development & capacity building as defined in the National Criminal intelligence Sharing Plan (NCISP). Reviews the development of law enforcement intelligence, its history & philosophy, the intelligence cycle, types of law enforcement analysis, best practices in the development & mgment of law enforcement intelligence units, & current innovations in law enf intelligence.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 3660 - Leadership: Spirituality, Wellness and Vitality

    Introduces law enforcement executives to contemporary issues in maintaining law enforcement wellness. Aims to enhance their long-term career performance by nurturing spirituality.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 3670 - Effective Writing

    Explores writing as a process comprising at least five steps. Students learn methods for getting started and sound guidelines for developing a clear, organized writing style. Course is designed to help the student become a more confident and effective writer.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 3680 - The Cyber Threat Landscape for Law Enforcement

    Identify the components of the global cyber threat landscape, a strategic threat to the United States impacting all of its citizens; consider the current cyber security threats and cyber trends, and assess the cyber security challenges for law enforcement leaders. Students will also appraise the value of developing public and private partnerships and networks in order to mitigate such threats.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 3690 - Public Speaking

    An introduction to effective communication techniques with emphasis on oral communication. Frequent researched and rehearsed oral presentations in a variety of settings, from formal to informal, help prepare the law enforcement official to become a more articulate, confident, and fluent public communicator.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 3710 - Conflict Resolution for Law Enforcement

    Designed to allow law enforcement executives the opportunity to learn more about the theories of conflict and how to identify and apply appropriate conflict resolution techniques. Students will learn to identify their personal conflict resolution style, effectively utilize different conflict resolution techniques, and implement an effective departmental conflict resolution program.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 3720 - Contemporary Issues in Police and Media Relations

    This course is designed for the police executive interested in exploring the relationship between law enforcement and today’s mass media and/or those interested in improving their media interview sills. The focus ison police/media relations issues with specific emphasis on a practical ‘hands on’ approach to dealing with the news media. This course also presents a systematic approach to the process of preparing a news media interview. Class discussion centers on the nature and function of the news media in modern society, contemporary issues affecting police/media relations, and crisis planning for dealing with the news media during high visibility events. Students recently assigned to media relations positions are strongly encouraged to enroll.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 3730 - Interviewing and Interrogation

    Examines the fundamentals of interviewing for both the investigator and the trainer and deals with the physiological and cognitive aspects of interviewing and interrogation. Topics include interviewing techniques, detection of deception, including statement analysis, and interrogation. Emphasizes practical application.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 3740 - Computer Crimes for Police Supervisors

    This is a hands-on class for police managers. The course is divided into four parts. Part one is the intermediate to advanced use of Microsoft Office XP software and web mail communications. Part two is the examination of policies and procedures related to the use of department-owned digital equipment, such as laptops, desktops, MDTs, web & cell phones, PDAs and other storage devices. Part three consists of hands-on practical exercises associated to digital investigations and evidence. Part four is a hands-on introduction to EnCase and Forensic Tool Kit which includes the RCFL’s C.A.I.R. and Image Scan training.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 3750 - Evidentiary Photography

    Provides photographic concepts and techniques for crime scene and latent fingerprint photography. Students learn about the essential processing equipment, techniques, and legal aspects of laboratory photography. Includes practical application of classroom instruction.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 3770 - Seminar in Investigative Interviewing

    Examines psychosocial, technical and legal aspects related to investigative interviewing in the police environment.  The impact of contemporary issues in the filed, including false confessions, detection of deception research, media portrayals of police-citizen encounters and the electronic recording of interrogations will be explored.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 3810 - Ethics in Law Enforcement

    This course focuses on the current, ubiquitous ethical dilemmas faced by law enforcement leaders, and uses known best practices, student experiences and case studies to form the basis of a continuous quest to raise the bar for the most professional and highest ethical standard for the modern police agency. Dilemmas uniquely inherent to law enforcement are explored. Truth vs. justice, due process vs. crime control, and honesty vs. loyalty are examined. Topical presentations include vehicle pursuits, use of force, racial vs. criminal profiling, and police corruption. Also reviewed are the ethical policies and legal decisions that affect public privacy vs. intrusion, regulating police off-duty activities, and weighing public right/need to know vs. legitimate LEO investigative needs.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 3850 - Latent Fingerprint Photography

    This course explores traditional silver halide photography (analog photography) and parallels it with digital imaging technology (photography). The course introduces the student to the capture technology for latent impressions from physical evidence found at crime scenes and in crime laboratories.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 3870 - Community Policing Issues

    Community Policing Issues

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 3890 - Essentials for Law Enforcement Leaders

    Examine leadership issues with participants evaluating themselves, others, and their communities; students apply theories and strategies that identify law enforcement leadership challenges based upon the findings of “The President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing”, in conjunction with other scholarly articles and books. The goal is to formulate considered solutions that lead to positive changes in law enforcement leadership.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 3910 - Informed Leadership Combat Terror

    Provides a foundation for police executives to exercise visionary leadership and subject matter competency to assess counterterrorism issues within their respective jurisdictions. Includes class discussion, case studies, individual student presentations and group research projects.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 3920 - Educational Leadership

    Provides an overview of the administration and supervision of the training function, and the role and responsibilities of the law enforcement instructor from a leadership perspective. Focuses on the role and responsibility of the training executive as a change agent and leader in the law enforcement community. Includes the topics of adult learning, technologies, leadership and accreditation.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 3930 - Leading At-Risk Employees

    Educates current and upcoming police executives on the latest information regarding alcohol/drug abuse, PTSD, stress/anxiety, depression, suicide, and domestic violence within the law enforcement community. Enables police executives to create and improve current policies and programs that encourage officers in crisis to seek help so that they may remain productive and contributing members of their police department or agency.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 4030 - Managing Death Investigations

    Equips law enforcement managers with the forensic and behavioral knowledge necessary for overseeing and monitoring death investigations. Provides the necessary tools for analyzing all aspects of the death case, in order to determine the true cause and manner of death (homicide, suicide, accidental, or natural.) Emphasizes the importance of the role of the investigators at the death scene, and of correctly interpreting the elements of a case.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 4040 - Introduction to Counterterrorism

    An overview of terrorism and law enforcement’s counterterrorism efforts in the United States. This course will be taught, in part, by subject matter experts from the Institute for Intergovernmental Research (IIR) and State and Local Anti-Terrorism Training (SLATT) staff. Students will learn the role of law enforcement agencies and officers in detecting and preventing terrorist acts. This course includes studies of recent FBI terrorism investigations and how the FBI interacts with state and local police with respect to JTTFs, the Terrorism Screening Center, and other information sharing mechanisms.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 4060 - Leadership in Counterterrorism

    Educates law enforcement leaders concerning strategic leadership practices in law enforcement counterterrorism efforts. Emphasizes the prevention of terrorism attacks and the role of law enforcement leaders in that mission.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 4070 - Chemical Agents in Law Enforcement

    Develops a basic knowledge in the area of chemical agents including the history and modern use of chemical agents, decontamination, dissemination and delivery systems, policy and procedures, toxicity calculations, gas mask care and use, as well as criteria and situations for selecting and deploying chemical agents.

    Credits: 1
  • CJ 4160 - Crime Analysis, Futuristics, and Law Enforcement: The 21st Century

    Seminar conducted at both the undergraduate and graduate level in which law enforcement managers are introduced to the study of crime analysis and futures research and the utility that each has for law enforcement managers. Students will learn to utilize databases and mapping techniques to analyze criminal activity and will be shown how to forecast, manage, and create the future.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 4200 - Youth Violence: Victims and Perpetrators

    Provides law enforcement with current practices, procedures and protocols for responding to crimes against children. Provides an overview of youth violence focusing on victims and perpetrators. Focuses on law enforcement methods and strategies for dealing with the unique challenges of working with violent youth. Includes discussions on active shooters, radicalization, and juvenile sex offenders.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 4210 - Behavioral Science in Cyberspace

    Provides an overview on how behavioral science and behavioral analysis can be applied to cyberspace, specifically, deviant behavior in cyberspace. Uses current research conducted both within and outside of the FBI to cover offenders ranging from the network intruder to cyber-stalkers and cyber-bullies.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 4420 - Juvenile Crime and Behavior

    Provides Police Administrators with a basic understanding of the applicability of behavior science to the investigation of juvenile violence and behavior. Includes an overview of causation/adolescent development, contributing factors, school violence and threat assessment, various juvenile offenders, and solvability factors.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 4454 - Management Planning and Budget

    Management Planning and Budget

    Credits: 5
  • CJ 4490 - Critical Incident Leadership: Crisis Negotiation

    Provides essential concepts and insight into the principles and strategies of Crisis Negotiation for Senior Law Enforcement Executives responsible for managing a Crisis Negotiation Team (CNT) during hostage, barricade or kidnapping incidents, including an exploration of the strategic interaction and interdependence of the negotiation, tactical, and investigative elements.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 4610 - Crime Analysis: Theory and Application

    Covers techniques and methods commonly employed in the analysis of criminal activity and criminal offenders. Uses a variety of techniques and principles to analyze complex crime problems. Exposes students to methodologies used to develop analytical sources of info, adapt data collection strategies to fit available source data and devise methods to resolve collection, collation, query and assessment issues relating to multifaceted crime info.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 4650 - Psychopathological Behavior in Violent Offenders

    Provides law enforcement with an overview of the dynamics of violent offenders. Discusses the role risk and protective factors play in the motivation and behavior of violent offenders. Focuses on psychopathology and how it contributes to violent criminal acts. Includes discussions on criminal investigative analysis, serial killers, sexual predators, psychopaths, personality disorders, and active shooters.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 4670 - Law Enforcement Approaches to Counterterrorism

    Increases appreciation of the complex nature of terrorism and counterterrorism. Provides students a solid understanding of the implications of terrorism, while developing their own thoughts about this subject as leaders in law enforcement. Consists of four blocks: 1. The Foundations of Terrorism; 2. The Mechanisms of Contemporary Terrorism; 3. International and Domestic Terrorists Groups and Organizations; and 4. Countering Terrorism.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 4700 - Gangs, Developmental Issues, and Criminal Behavior

    Provides police administrator with a basic understanding of the applicability of behavioral science to the investigation of juvenile violence and gang behavior. This course will examine gang dynamics, causation, various types of gangs and juvenile offenders, violence in schools, crime patterns and trends, and solvability factors. Other areas to be discussed include risk predictors, and contributing factors.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 4730 - Overview of Forensic Science for Police Administrators and Managers

    Addresses forensic science issues, such as managing a crime scene, the role and value of different types of physical evidence, and current trends and issues. Provides a basic overview of forensic science.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 4750 - Stress Management in Law Enforcement

    This course introduces a holistic approach to stress management and wellness involving aspects of the mind, body, and spirit. Intended to make law enforcement officers more cognizant of the stressors encountered on the job and in their personal lives, this course addresses stress management for the law enforcement executive from a two pronged approach: identification of one’s own individual strengths and weaknesses and the ability to recognize stressors and subsequent detrimental behaviors of subordinates.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 4770 - Administrative Advanced Latent Fingerprints

    An advanced course providing concentrated studies in all phases of latent print work, including related administrative matters and how to effectively identify, develop, process, and preserve latent print evidence both at the crime scenes and in the laboratory. Emphasis is placed on identifying latent prints with inked prints and the presentation of expert fingerprint testimony.

    Credits: 5
  • CJ 4790 - Laboratory Resources for Planning and Managing Major Special Events

    Focuses on scientifically efficient & effective planning strategies and their impact on maintaining a safe environment including digital technology capabilities, venue protection from hazardous materials, infrastructure/utilities vulnerabilities & cyber security. Emphasis is on roles of law enforcement oversight of personnel & equipment during response & protective actions. Introduces site survey concepts & crime scene management methodology.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 4800 - Psychosocial Behavior Trends of Violent Street and Prison Gangs

    Provides a general understanding of the criminal mind set, and the social behavior theory of how various criminal groups and gangs globally integrate to promote criminal expansion. Focuses on history, future trends in criminal intelligence, infrastructure security threats, and investigative techniques used to combat the gang subculture.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 4820 - Leadership in Investigative Strategies for Violent Crime

    Reviews literature and applies findings to information from investigative case files to determine strategies utilized and possible new or additional measures that can be incorporated into the investigation. Identifies methods for both investigative and managerial application in cases of violent crime.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 4840 - Applied Criminology

    This course covers the theories, principles, techniques, materials, and methods commonly employed in the disciplines of criminology and criminal justice. The particular emphasis is on examining empirical bases for decision-making through examination of existing research and contributions of criminology and other social sciences to identifying ‘best practices’ for law enforcement operations. Students are expected to complete a class project based on the course material, applying this material to issues they confront in their own departments. Both oral and written products reflecting these projects are required.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 4993 - Directed Study

    This undergraduate experience permits students to work under close faculty guidance on individual research projects when particular needs cannot be met by regularly scheduled courses. The student, under the guidance of an instructor, in a formally written contractual agreement, will select a research project, the methodology and proposed resources for the research, a planned schedule for the project, and a format for the formal written report. An oral defense is required.

    Credits: 1 to 3


  • DANC 1400 - The Art of Dance

    This course is an introduction to dance as an art form and examines the different roles of primarily Western forms of dance from the end of the 19th century to present. Students will investigate how concert dance shapes and is shaped by Western culture. Through practical dance experiences students will deepen their understanding of the creative process and their appreciation of dance as a medium for social commentary and artistic expression.

    Credits: 3
  • DANC 2210 - Ballet I

    In this studio course, students will learn Ballet terminology, placement and dynamic alignment through an anatomical approach to Ballet technique. Students will work at barre and center while increasing strength, flexibility and body awareness.

    Credits: 1
  • DANC 2220 - Modern/Contemporary I

    This studio course explores various styles of modern and contemporary dance. Students will work on dynamic alignment and movement retention as they increase their body awareness, range of motion, strength, flexibility, and expressivity. Styles explored include but are not limited to Horton, Graham, Contact Improvisation and Release Techniques.

    Credits: 1
  • DANC 2230 - Jazz Dance I

    This studio course explores various styles of jazz dance. Combinations will focus on isolation, coordination, juxtaposition and musicality. Styles include but are not limited to contemporary, Broadway/musical theatre and lyrical.

    Credits: 1
  • DANC 2300 - Dance Improvisation

    Allows students to explore the creative practice of dance improvisation for beginning to intermediate students. Through improvisational methods and structures students will develop their skills as improvisers and begin to appreciate its role in composition (choreography) as well as a form of performance.

    Credits: 2
  • DANC 2430 - Production Laboratory: Dance

    This course provides students with firsthand experience in the creative practice of choreography and performance while providing exposure to basic production skills. In addition to gaining insight into choreography and performance as modes of critical inquiry, students will also be involved in various aspects of the production and will gain an appreciation of the skills that are required to produce a dance concert.

    Credits: 1
  • DANC 3210 - Ballet II

    Exploration of Ballet technique for intermediate to advanced students. Students will deepen their knowledge through continued study of terminology, placement and dynamic alignment while expanding upon their ability to make qualitative choices and enhancing their artistry.

    Credits: 1
  • DANC 3220 - Modern/Contemporary II

    This studio course explores various styles of modern and contemporary dance through a movement class for intermediate to advanced students. Students will deepen their knowledge and understanding of modern and contemporary dance as a practice. Students will continue to increase their range of motion, strength, flexibility and body awareness as they begin to expand upon their embodiment, self-awareness, expressivity and artistry.

    Credits: 1
  • DANC 3230 - Jazz Dance II

    This studio course explores various styles of jazz dance for intermediate to advanced students. Students will continue to deepen their appreciation of jazz dance forms as they increase movement articulation and specificity. Combinations will focus on isolation, coordination, juxtaposition and musicality while also challenging the students to enhance their expressivity and qualitative choices.

    Credits: 1
  • DANC 3300 - Dance Composition

    Explores the creative process through the investigation of various approaches to composition. Through in-class movement explorations and collaborative exercises, students will practice the art of making dances in order to heighten their understanding and appreciation of the creative process. Through showings and feedback sessions, students will hone their abilities to make dances and analyze and discuss the art of choreography.

    Credits: 2
  • DANC 3400 - Dance and Culture

    This course aims to deepen students’ understanding of dance as a field of artistic and intellectual study. Students will be challenged to examine human movement as a historically situated cultural expression and to explore the relation between dance and various socio-cultural developments. The course will highlight the connection of dance and critical theory, focusing on notions of identity, subjectivity and embodiment.

    Credits: 3
  • DANC 3590 - Special Topics in Dance

    In-depth investigation of a specific area in the field of dance; topic or content may vary according to instructor. May be repeated for credit with different content areas. Possible topics include: advanced study of Bartenieff Fundamentals or Laban Movement Analysis, dance and community exchange, urban or world dance forms, dance and music collaboration, dance and technology, etc.

    Credits: 1 to 3
  • DANC 3610 - Contact Improvisation

    This course serves as an introduction to the principles and skills involved in the practice of Contact Improvisation. Students will explore and learn improvisational strategies for moving individually, in duets, and groups. With attention focused on responsiveness in the moment, students learn to think quickly and creatively and are encouraged to investigate the territory between familiarity and risk.

    Credits: 1
  • DANC 3620 - Dance Repertory

    This course is designed for students to have the opportunity to learn repertory, experience multiple methods of choreography and gain deeper insight into the practice of dance performance through working with faculty and professional guest artists via the choreographic process.

    Credits: 1 to 3
  • DANC 3630 - Dance Theater

    Studies the integration of dance with other media - text, dramatic action, digital media, sets, props, etc. to provide students with insight into dance theatre as an art form.

    Credits: 3
  • DANC 3640 - Dance for the Camera

    This course serves as an introduction to creating films based on dance and movement. Through the viewing of dance-related films, readings and group projects, students will be given the opportunity to plan, shoot and edit several short dances for the camera with a focus on motion and movement editing.

    Credits: 3
  • DANC 3650 - Dance Production

    Introduction to and practical experience in the production of dance. Students will explore technical theatre aspects such as lighting, sound, stage management, costumes, props, digital media, as well as what goes into producing work - locating traditional and non-traditional venues, grant writing, publicity and other areas applicable to producing dance.

    Credits: 3
  • DANC 4220 - Modern/Contemporary III

    This studio course for advanced students explores various styles of modern and contemporary dance, including both improvisational and compositional elements. Students will be challenged to continue to increase their range of motion, strength, flexibility and body awareness as they learn movement at an accelerated pace while focusing on embodiment, dynamic alignment, technical specificity, qualitative choices and artistry.

    Credits: 1
  • DANC 4640 - Laban/Bartenieff Movement Analysis

    This course explores the somatic practices of LMA and BF. We will investigate body-patterning and aspects of Body, Effort, Shape and Space (BESS), to gain an appreciation for both the expressive and functional potential of the body. Through movement exercises, guided explorations, reading/writing, and movement studies students will enhance connectivity and expressivity while also improving upon their ability to analyze movement.

    Credits: 3
  • DANC 4993 - Independent Study: Dance

    Allows upper level students to pursue dance as an independent project. Students can select their area of focus in dance including Production, Performance, Artistic Direction, Choreography, and/or Research.

    Credits: 1 to 3


  • DRAM 1010 - How Theatre Works

    Investigates theatre arts and their relation to contemporary culture through the practical and experiential study of plays, production style and the role of theatre artists in creative interpretation.

    Credits: 3
  • DRAM 1020 - Speaking in Public

    For non-majors. Acquire and practice voice and speech techniques to build oral communication skills, confidence and enjoyment in public speaking, presentation or performance.

    Credits: 3
  • DRAM 1210 - Making Places

    This is a making class. Making Places explores the basic elements of spatial design in environmental and theatrical contexts through model making, drawing, collaging, and constructing. How do the principles of design and their application endow Places with an identity? Projects created in manual and digital media.

    Credits: 3
  • DRAM 2010 - Theatre Art: Image to Form

    Examines the translation of dramatic image into theatrical form as explored through elements of storytelling, script analysis, 2- and 3-D design, and the experience of performance.

    Credits: 3
  • DRAM 2020 - Acting I

    Explores basic theories and techniques of acting through exercises, improvisations and scenes from contemporary dramatic literature.

    Credits: 3
  • DRAM 2040 - The Alexander Technique for the Actor

    A studio course introducing students to a basic and practical understanding of the Alexander technique movement system.

    Credits: 3
  • DRAM 2070 - Public Speaking

    The purpose of this course is to put principles of speech into practice; students will learn to communicate effectively primarily through practical experience. Students will (1) learn the basic principles of speech preparation and delivery, including invention of topics and arguments, organization, and style; (2) apply these principles to your speech preparation and delivery; and (3) develop and use listening skills in the analysis of speeches.

    Credits: 3
  • DRAM 2080 - Circus in America

    Introduces the circus as a form of American entertainment. Focuses on its development, growth, decline, and cultural influences.

    Credits: 3
  • DRAM 2110 - Lighting Technology

    Studies the basic techniques for moving the lighting design from drafted plot through finished design, including equipment, dimming and control systems, and color theory. Prerequisite: DRAM 2010 and 2020, or instructor permission; corequisite: DRAM 2130.

    Credits: 3
  • DRAM 2130 - Production Laboratory: Lighting

    Application of lighting and sound technology in laboratory production projects. May be repeated up to four credits. Prerequisite: DRAM 2010 and 2020, or instructor permission; corequisite: DRAM 2110.

    Credits: 1

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