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Academic Policies, Rules and Regulations
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All students are subject to the academic policies specified in the section titled “University Regulations”. In addition, students enrolled through the School of Continuing & Professional Studies must follow the policies listed below.
Academic Grievance Procedure Students who have a grievance related to a course, with a faculty member, or related to the services provided by SCPS faculty or staff should pursue the grievance as follows:
- The grievance should be filed with the appropriate academic unit head (assistant dean or senior program director), who will adjudicate the case. If the appropriate unit head is a party to the case or is otherwise unable to serve, the grievance should be filed with the school’s appropriate associate dean or other official as designated by the dean.
- The SCPS unit head will initially investigate the complaint. Investigation will include but is not limited to reviewing relevant documentation and meeting with the student and the faculty member or University official who made the decision being contested. Within thirty (30) calendar days after receiving the grievance, the SCPS academic unit head will communicate in writing her/his recommendation to the Associate Dean for Academic Programs and Services. Once reviewed, as necessary, the unit head will communicate the decision to both the student and the faculty member or official.
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities It is the policy of the University of Virginia to accommodate students with disabilities in accordance with federal and state laws. Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact the Student Disability Access Center (SDAC): 434-243-5180/Voice, 434-465-6579/Video Phone, 434-243-5188/Fax
Any School of Continuing and Professional Studies student with a disability who needs accommodation (e.g., in arrangements for seating, extended time for examinations, or note-taking, etc.), should contact the Student Disability Access Center (SDAC) and provide them with appropriate medical or psychological documentation of his/her condition. Requests for reasonable variation in degree requirements to accommodate a student’s disability should be submitted in writing for the review of the SDAC. Also see University Regulations section in this Record regarding Accommodations for Students with Disabilities.
Once accommodations are approved, it is the student’s responsibility to follow up with their instructor about logistics and implementation of accommodations. All accommodations should be discussed between student and instructor as early as possible; accommodations for test-taking should be arranged at least 14 business days in advance of the date of the test(s). SCPS is also available to assist with accommodations, particularly for temporary or emergency situations. Please email
Accuracy of Student Records Students are responsible for confirming the accuracy of their transcripts. A student must identify and seek correction of any errors by the conclusion of the term following the award of the grade in question or prior to degree conferral if they are graduating that term. Errors not noted within these time limits will not be revised. The Office of the University Registrar provides access to SIS (Student Information System) via the Internet ( Students may access their grades and their unofficial transcripts by connecting to SIS.
Add/Drop The dates by which students may add or drop a course are established each academic year by the School of Continuing and Professional Studies. Students should consult the Student Portal on the School of Continuing and Professional Studies website for information:
Admission Information about programs offered by the School of Continuing and Professional Studies is in the Record and on the School of Continuing and Professional Studies website: Students should consult with Admission Services in SCPS if they have questions on the admission process. See Admissions by Program on the SCPS website for further information:
Application of SCPS Courses to Degree Programs With the approval of the student’s school of enrollment, a course taken through the School of Continuing and Professional Studies may be counted toward degree requirements. These courses would typically be included in the computation of grade point averages. Students should seek approval in advance; otherwise such courses may not apply toward a degree.
Attendance Students are expected to attend all class sessions. Instructors establish attendance and participation requirements for each of their classes. Course requirements, regardless of delivery mode, are not waived due to a student’s absence from class. Instructors will require students to make up any missed coursework and may deny credit to any student whose absences are excessive. Poor attendance may result in the student receiving a failing grade. Instructors must keep an attendance record for each student enrolled in the class to document attendance and participation in the class.
Audit Students who wish to audit a course (enroll in credit courses without earning academic credit) may do so on a space available basis, with the permission of the instructor. Credit or audit status must be indicated at the time of registration. No change in status can be made following the drop deadline. Admission requirements are the same for auditing students as for students enrolled for credit. An AU (audit) cannot be changed to a letter grade. Auditing students are to meet the same requirements and standards of the course as those students enrolled for credit. A grade of W is recorded for any student who discontinues the audit after the drop deadline or who fails to meet the instructor’s standards. Audited courses are not applicable to degrees or certificates. Students who audit courses are responsible for full payment of all relevant tuition and fees.
Conduct Students who enroll in degrees, courses, seminars, certificate programs and other lifelong learning activities delivered by the School of Continuing and Professional Studies, whether at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville or elsewhere, agree to conduct themselves in a manner that honors the learning process and the University’s function as an educational institution. Students must agree to abide by The Honor Code and all University Regulations (as detailed in the University Regulations section of this Record).
In a community of learning, willful disruption of the educational process, destruction of property, interference with the orderly process of the University and/or with the rights of the other members of the University community will not be tolerated. The Dean of the School of Continuing and Professional Studies has the authority to exclude those who are disruptive of the educational process, including those whose behavior would present a threat to the health and safety of others.
Continuing Education Unit A limited number of non-credit activities are designated as Continuing Education Unit (CEU) programs. One CEU is defined as 10 contact hours of participation in an organized educational experience under responsible sponsorship, capable direction, and qualified instruction. The Office of the University Registrar (UREG) permanently records successful participation in programs that have been authorized to award CEU’s. A certificate typically is awarded at the conclusion of the program.
Duty to Report Students enrolling in School of Continuing and Professional Studies courses or programs are to follow University policy for duty to report arrests and convictions. Please see policy information at Additional information may be found on the student portal of the SCPS website at
Grades Courses carrying a School of Continuing and Professional Studies subject area (mnemonic) use the following grading system: A+, A, A-; B+, B, B-; C+, C, C-; D+, D, D-; F. S (satisfactory) and U (unsatisfactory) are used for some class offerings. For non-credit courses, the grade notation is N (no credit) which indicates successful completion of the class offering. Students who audit classes receive the designation AU (audit). The symbol W is used when a student officially drops a course before its completion or if the student withdraws from an academic program of the University.
When the School of Continuing and Professional Studies offers courses in collaboration with other schools of the University, these courses follow the grading system of their associated schools, as outlined in each school’s section of this Record.
Credit/No Credit Students enrolled in undergraduate degree programs in other schools of the University of Virginia should consult with the appropriate school before selecting the credit/no credit (CR/NC) grading option. Students enrolled in certain courses for professional development may select the CR/NC option if available. Courses taken with this grading option may not be transferred into a degree program. The use of CR/NC in certificate programs is governed by the academic policies of the individual program.
Grade Changes No grade for a course may be changed after it has been submitted to the Office of the University Registrar (UREG) without the course instructor certifying in writing that, because of an error in calculation or transcription, an incorrect grade was submitted.
Incompletes A grade of incomplete (IN) should be a rare occurrence. If late in the term, circumstances arise beyond a student’s control and all other coursework is complete, the student and instructional faculty may negotiate an extension for submission of final coursework. Prior to the final class, the student must request an IN from the instructional faculty in writing; the instructional faculty must initiate the SCPS Request for a Grade of Incomplete Form and submit the signed form to the SCPS Registrar. The student must complete all course requirements and submit the completed work to the instructional faculty by the instructional faculty’s imposed deadline, at which time the instructional faculty replaces the IN with a letter grade. Typical extensions are for no more than 30 to 60 days beyond the final class meeting. If the work is not completed by the designated agreed upon deadline and a letter grade is not entered, the IN automatically defaults to an ‘F’. Only in extreme cases will this deadline be extended; extensions require approval of the Associate Dean for Academic Programs and Services of the School of Continuing and Professional Studies. A degree or certificate will not be awarded while an Incomplete grade remains on the transcript. A student may not request an Incomplete in an attempt to raise his or her grade.
Grade Lapse Procedure An incomplete that is not removed by the assigned date will be converted to a grade of F (failure). Only the appropriate instructor may authorize removal of an Incomplete designation. Degree-seeking students who receive an In (incomplete) or an F (failure) in any course cannot enroll in another course unless the Dean of the School of Continuing and Professional Studies grants permission.
Grade Appeal Policy Students who wish to appeal a grade must first attempt to resolve the issue with the instructor of the class. Absent a satisfactory outcome, the student consults with the program’s senior program director. If this path proves unsuccessful in the resolution of the matter, the student may appeal to the Associate Dean for Academic Programs and Services. The associate dean’s decision is final. At each stage of their appeal, students should provide any supporting documentation they believe is important to their appeal. Appeals must be initiated within one month of the final date by which grades are posted for the term in question.
Honor System The Honor System is one of the University’s oldest and most venerated traditions. Based on the fundamental assumption that anyone who enrolls at the University subscribes to a code of ethics forbidding lying, cheating, and stealing, the Honor System allows students the kind of personal freedom possible only in an environment where respect and trust are assumed. For nearly 160 years, students have administered this system at the University.
While the Honor System applies to students enrolled on- and off-Grounds through the School of Continuing and Professional Studies, some procedures for administration of the system to continuing and professional studies students differ from those governing on-Grounds full time students. Off-Grounds students should consult the School of Continuing and Professional Studies website: or visit The Honor Committee website: for a copy of the By-laws under Governing Documents.
Readmission Students should consult “Returning to the University” in the University Regulations—Academic section of this Record for policies that govern their readmission to the University. Application must be made to the Office of Admissions in the School of Continuing & Professional Studies at least 60 days prior to the start of classes during the semester a student wishes to matriculate. In addition to the approvals required by University policy, applications for readmission must be approved by the school’s associate dean for academic programs and services.
Reenrollment Students should consult “Returning to the University” in the University Regulations—Academic section of this Record for policies that govern their reenrollment at the University. Students who have been on an approved leave of absence may apply for reenrollment when returning to the School of Continuing and Professional Studies, as long as their return is within the agreed-upon time frame arranged through the school’s Office of Admissions.
Refunds Programs offered by the School of Continuing and Professional Studies have varying policies regarding refunds. It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of the policy associated with the program or courses in which they are enrolled. Please refer to the school’s website for detailed information:
Repeated Courses Students may repeat courses for credit only after receiving permission from their academic program director. When a course is allowed to be repeated, that course may count toward degree credit only once. The original course continues to appear on the official academic record and counts in the calculation of the grade point average. Regulations applying to repeated courses may vary by school and are detailed in each school’s section of this Record.
Student Rights and Responsibilities The University of Virginia is a community of scholars in which the ideals of freedom of inquiry, freedom of thought, freedom of expression, and freedom of the individual are sustained. The University is committed to supporting the exercise of any right guaranteed to individuals by the Constitution and the Code of Virginia and to educating students relative to their responsibilities. Please see University policy regarding rights and responsibilities of students at
Suspended Students Individuals who have been suspended from the University of Virginia or from any other college or university are not eligible to enroll through the School of Continuing and Professional Studies as long as the suspension remains in force.
Transcripts The Office of the University Registrar (UREG) records credits, grades and CEUs (Continuing Education Units) for University courses taught in the School of Continuing and Professional Studies. Transcripts are available from the office of the University Registrar Current students may view their unofficial transcripts by logging into their student center in the Student Information System (SIS):
Transfer of School of Continuing and Professional Studies Course Credits to Other Academic Programs Students wishing to transfer credit from the School of Continuing and Professional Studies to another program or educational institution should consult that program or institution as to the transferability of the courses and their credit prior to registering with the School of Continuing and Professional Studies.
Withdrawal A term which refers to the student’s decision to end his/her programmatic relationship with an SCPS program and, therefore, the University. Normally, withdrawal is associated with permanent discontinuation. Discontinued participation in a class does not constitute a withdrawal from the class or the program.
Specific information related to Class Add/Drop/Withdrawal may be found at:
Certificate Programs
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The School of Continuing and Professional Studies offers programs in specialized fields such as business, education, and other professions that lead to the award of certificates. Generally, certificate programs require 12 to 24 credits of instruction. Admission requirements for undergraduate certificate programs include an on-line application, transcripts, a resume, a letter of recommendation, a statement of purpose, an application for Virginia In-State Education Privileges, and payment of the application fee. Only courses completed with a grade of C or better will count towards meeting the requirements of a certificate.
Persons interested in specific information about certificate programs should consult the School of Continuing and Professional Studies website:
The School of Continuing and Professional Studies offers two undergraduate degree programs, Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies and Bachelor of Professional Studies in Health Sciences Management.
The Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (B.I.S.) degree program is tailored to adults who wish to pursue an undergraduate degree through part-time study. Approved in 1999 by the Board of Visitors and the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia, the B.I.S. program makes it possible for students with earned college credits to complete undergraduate degrees. The B.I.S. program offers a challenging and intellectually stimulating curriculum with evening and weekend courses drawn from those already offered at the University or approved by University faculty specifically for this degree program. The program maintains a full course schedule in the summer as well as during the fall and spring semesters; classes are available in person, in a blended format, and fully online. Please consult the Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies section of this Record or the School of Continuing and Professional Studies website for additional information:
The Bachelor of Professional Studies in Health Sciences Management (BPHM) approved by the Board of Visitors and the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia in 2014, prepares students with technical backgrounds in radiography, sonography, respiratory therapy, and physical therapy assistant to assume managerial and leadership roles in the health care system. This program gives nationally certified health professionals with the appropriate associate’s degree the opportunity to earn a bachelor’s degree from UVa on a part-time basis. All courses needed to complete the general education, major core, and elective requirements of the part-time degree are offered online, either in a synchronous or asynchronous format. Four courses have a brief in-person experience on-Grounds in Charlottesville as a component of their requirements. Please consult the Bachelor of Professional Studies in Health Sciences Management section of this Record or the School of Continuing and Professional Studies website for additional information:
Other Programs and Courses
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Credit Courses
The School of Continuing and Professional Studies offers a broad range of credit courses to help adult learners meet their educational objectives. These courses, some listed elsewhere in this catalog under the appropriate schools, and others developed by the School of Continuing and Professional Studies, carry the same credit as similar courses taught on Grounds. Most credit courses meet in the evening or on weekends.
Within the limits prescribed by the residential faculty of the University and stated in the policies of each academic school or college and the School of Continuing and Professional Studies, qualified persons may apply credit courses taken through the School of Continuing and Professional Studies toward degree requirements.
Community Scholar Program
Adults can enroll in regular, on-Grounds credit courses of the University of Virginia during the fall and spring semesters, as Community Scholars. This non-degree option is offered by the University’s School of Continuing and Professional Studies. Day and evening classes are open to Community Scholars on a space available basis and by permission of intructor. Community Scholars may enroll for an unlimited number of semesters, but may take no more than two courses per semester, along with any dependent laboratory or discussion sessions, for a maximum of 11.5 credits per semester. Participants have the opportunity to study with renowned University of Virginia faculty, enjoy the same intellectual challenges as students enrolled in degree programs, and earn college credit for their work.
Community Scholars bring a broad range of experiences and backgrounds to the classroom and their reasons for participating are similarly varied. Enrolling in courses as Community Scholars allows participants to meet personal and professional needs. Please refer to additional information on the School of Continuing and Professional Studies website: under Programs and Courses/Take a Class.
This non-degree option serves many purposes for the adult learner. Community Scholars pursue objectives to advance their careers by studying recent developments in their fields. Others seek to satisfy prerequisites for advanced study in medicine, engineering, or education, or explore a graduate department’s course offerings prior to applying to its formal degree program.
Enrollment as a Community Scholar does not lead to a degree. Two part-time bachelor’s degree programs, the Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (B.I.S.), and the Bachelor of Professional Studies in Health Sciences Management (BPHM) are offered by the University of Virginia’s School of Continuing and Professional Studies. Those who wish to earn a degree full-time at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville must apply to the Undergraduate Office of Admissions or the appropriate graduate school of the University.
Course Selection and Registration
Community Scholars may choose courses from departments and schools throughout the University with the exception of the schools of Education, Law, and Medicine. Faculty members reserve the right not to admit a Community Scholar to a class based on class size or lack of prerequisite education. Community Scholars must obtain permission of the instructor to enroll in each class. For students interested in enrolling in graduate level courses, proof of an undergraduate degree will be required at the time of registration.There may be additional school level requirements to enroll in courses in the Community Scholar program; interested students should consult the the School of Continuing and Professional Studies website for details. Information must be submitted in person to the School of Continuing and Professional Studies office, in Zehmer Hall, prior to the start date of classes to ensure that required prerequisite actions have been completed.
Non-credit Programs
Non-credit programs are designed for individuals interested in substantive intellectual activities, but who do not require additional credit or degree study. These offerings explore complex issues in formats suited to the distinctive educational agenda of each program of study.
The flexibility of non-credit programming permits faculty from different disciplines to share insights on subjects in a way that would not be possible in a traditional class format.
Non-credit programming fosters collaboration between University of Virginia faculty and renowned scholars from other institutions; political, cultural, and business leaders; and noted artists and authors. The School of Continuing and Professional Studies program developers work closely with other University faculty and with representatives of the client audience in designing programs to ensure that the University extends its teaching and research resources to the citizens of the Commonwealth and beyond.
Organizational representatives and individuals are encouraged to discuss their education and training needs with the SCPS directors of academic outreach, who can respond rapidly and effectively. For further information, contact one of our SCPS regional academic outreach centers or consult our website at
Responsibilities and Status
Community Scholars enrolling in University courses agree to abide by the University Honor System, the University’s rules and regulations, and the School of Continuing and Professional Studies’ policies and applicable procedures.
In addition, Community Scholars assume an obligation to conduct themselves in a manner that is civil and compatible with the University’s function as an educational institution. In a community of learning, willful disruption of the educational process, destruction of property, interference with the orderly process of the University, or with the rights of others cannot be tolerated. In order to fulfill its functions for imparting and gaining knowledge, the University has the authority and responsibility to maintain order within the University. The Dean of the School of Continuing and Professional Studies has the authority to exclude those who are disruptive of the educational process, including those whose behavior would present a threat to the health and safety of others.
Because Community Scholars do not pay the required comprehensive fees (which include such items as athletic tickets, intramural access, Student Health, University Transit, Student Legal Services, and University Union tickets) expected of full time students, they are not eligible to use the services of the Department of Student Health or purchase the University-endorsed Student Health Insurance plan, nor will they receive the above-mentioned services while taking classes through the School of Continuing and Professional Studies. Community Scholars are urged to make other healthcare arrangements.
For more information, please consult the School of Continuing and Professional Studies website:
Please consult the School of Continuing and Professional Studies website: for current tuition and fees.