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Council for Exceptional Children is a professional group focusing on issues related to individuals with exceptionalities. Membership is open to both faculty and students who have an interest in working with exceptional individuals. It is sponsored by the Department of Curriculum, Instruction, and Special Education.
Education Council (EC) Education Council (EC) is the representative student organization for the Curry School of Education. The EC functions as the liaison between students and faculty of the School of Education. Elected leaders organize a number of professional and social events throughout the year to enhance the student experience. EC meetings occur monthly and are open to all Curry students.
Kinesiology Club is an undergraduate student organization that has social and service roles. The club is open to all students in the kinesiology program. Members organize professional and career presentations and help to organize open houses, orientation and information sessions for new students.
National Student Speech Language Hearing Association (NSSLHA) is open to all students in the Communication Disorders Program. It is a pre-professional, social, and philanthropic organization that sponsors student activities throughout the year. Membership in the national NSSLHA organization qualifies students for a variety of benefits, including special rates for journals and conventions, and initial ASHA membership. NSSLHA membership is required for access to members-only materials that support certain courses.
Pre-Physical Therapy Association is an organization that includes any U.Va. student who is interested in pursuing a career in physical therapy. Meetings include presentations by admissions directors from physical therapy schools, rehabilitation specialists, and more.
Student Virginia Education Association membership is open to both graduate and undergraduate students. Members participate in various professional activities, receive educational publications, participate in seminars and conferences, and receive liability/tort insurance.