Mar 06, 2025  
Undergraduate Record 2014-2015 
Undergraduate Record 2014-2015 [ARCHIVED RECORD]

McIntire School of Commerce: Awards, Honors, and Scholarships

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Awards are generally selected by a faculty committee and awarded to graduating students during Final Exercises.

The Center for the Management of Information Technology - Emerging Leader in IT Award is awarded to a Fourth Year student who has exhibited tremendous academic performance within the Commerce School while simultaneously demonstrating the core attributes of an emerging leader, including excellent communicator, innovator, quiet confidence, integrity, and respect for others.

The David W. Thompson Award is given in honor of a retired faculty member to a graduating accounting student judged to have the most promise for contribution to the accounting profession.

The F. Evans Farwell Distinguished Achievement Award was established by F. Evans Farwell, a 1929 alumnus of the McIntire School, and is given to the McIntire student demonstrating the greatest academic progress while enrolled in the school.

The George Wasserman Distinguished Award in Marketing and Management is given to a student who shows the most promise for a career in marketing.

The Ginny Rettig Award was established to honor Virginia “Ginny” Rettig (COM ‘00) by her family and friends. The fund supports the “Advertising Campaigns” program at the McIntire School, and each year the Ginny Rettig Award will be given to an outstanding team member in the Marketing program nominated by fourth-year class members.

The Henry R. Odell Award is presented annually to a fourth-year student in the management concentration who has shown academic excellence, unusual promise in the field of management, and significant leadership contributions to the school and University.

The John H. (Jack) Lindgren Promotions Aspects of Marketing Award is presented to an outstanding marketing student in the Promotions Aspects of Marketing course. This award is for a 4th year student who is a tenacious worker, exhibits enthusiams to his or her peers, is always willing to help a fellow student, is enrolled in the Promotions Aspects of Marketing course at UVa., and is genuinely interested in pursuing a career in the advertising and marketing industry.

The Joseph Goldsten Distinguished Award in Finance is given in honor of a University alumnus to a student who shows the most promise for a career in finance.

The Joseph Miniotas Communication Scholars Fund was established to honor the memory of Joseph Miniotas (COM ‘96). A limited number of fourth-year students are selected as scholars based upon their demonstration of outstanding communication skills; these students serve to assist other McIntire students with the development of communication skills.

The Madhu Chopra Writing Contest was created to honor the memory of Madhu Chopra (COM ‘89) and to give McIntire students the opportunity to reflect creatively on their own lives.

The McIntire Faculty Award is presented to a graduating McIntire student when, in the faculty’s judgment, the student has demonstrated truly exceptional leadership qualities and a sense of social responsibility that reflect credit upon the school, the University, and the Commonwealth.

The NAA Carman G. Blough Award honors an undergraduate selected by the accounting faculty based on total undergraduate grade point average and an evaluation of the individual’s prospects for success in the field of accounting.

The William F. O’Dell Distinguished Award honors Mr. William F. O’Dell, a former distinguished member of the McIntire School of Commerce faculty, a past president of the American Marketing Association, and founder of Market Facts Inc. The award is presented annually to the outstanding marketing student organization member (AMA, Advertising and Marketing Associaion), determined by leadership and dedication to the student organization, School and University.



Diploma with Distinction Diplomas inscribed with “distinction” are awarded to undergraduate Commerce students who have a cumulative grade point average of 3.8 or higher based on all graded coursework completed while enrolled in the school.

The Dean’s List of Distinguished Students who pass at least 15 credits of graded work in the preceding semester with a GPA of 3.75 or above will be placed on the Dean’s List of Distinguished Students. Courses taken on a CR/NC basis may not be counted toward the 15-credit minimum. Any student receiving an F, NC, or NG during the semester is not eligible to be on the Dean’s List.



There are no scholarships for which newly admitted students can apply. Students whose families qualify for financial aid are automatically considered for certain scholarships as part of their aid package through University Student Financial Services. Regardless of financial need status, enrolled students who can demonstrate satisfactory progress toward their degrees have the opportunity to apply for a number of corporate or endowed scholarships. These have specific restrictions, such as GPA, major field, academic level, intended area of employment, geographic location, and demonstrated leadership. The scholarship application process is publicized to third year students in early spring and scholarships are applied to the students tuition for the fourth year. 

Accenture Alumni Endowment provides scholarship support at the undergraduate and graduate levels for students in the information technology area.

Andersen and Company Endowment provides scholarship support to undergraduate and graduate accounting students.

Louis F. and Ruth D. DeMouy Scholarship is awarded to a student in good academic standing who has worked to pay for a portion of academic expenses and demonstrates financial need.

The 47 West Scholarship is awarded annually to an out-of-state McIntire student who is the embodiment of humility, integrity, leadership, optimism, and passion.

The Alice Toomer Parrish Oldfield and Edward Charles Oldfield, Sr., Scholarship may be awarded to a student entering his or her first year in the McIntire School of Commerce with financial need for their third and fourth year.

The Bank of America Endowed Scholarship, established by NationsBank Virginia, provides scholarships to qualified undergraduate and graduate students in the McIntire School.

The Charles A. Ferguson Scholarship is awarded by Ferguson Enterprises in memory of company founder and University alumnus Charles Ferguson. Selection for the award is based upon character, industry, scholastic achievement, and demonstrated financial need.

The C.L.H. Howard Scholarship is given annually to a deserving McIntire student who is a member of the Sigma Phi Society. The award is made on the basis of merit and need.

The Colonel Richard A. and Kathryn A. Raichlen Scholarship was established with a bequest from the Raichlens to benefit students with financial need in the McIntire School of Commerce.

The David W. Thompson Scholarship is awarded to an outstanding accounting student during the fourth year.

The Edmund and Catherine Wade MacDonald Scholarships are awarded to McIntire students in good academic standing who demonstrate financial need.

The Gordon J. Bernhardt Scholarship is awarded to a rising third-year student who transferred to the McIntire School of Commerce.

The Hantzmon Wiebel McIntire Scholarship is given to a rising third and fourth-year student(s) who transferred from a Virginia Community College and who is concentrating in accounting and has ties to the local area.

The Harold G. Leggett Scholarship is awarded to a marketing student on the basis of character, industry, ability, and demonstrated financial need. The recipient must be a U.S. citizen from a trading area where Belk (formerly Leggett) stores are operated.

The Harold N. Armstrong Scholarship was established by Mrs. Mary Armstrong to honor the memory of her husband and is distributed on the basis of financial need.

The Henry C. Hurt Scholarship, given in memory of a University of Virginia alumnus, is presented to a rising fourth-year finance student who has exhibited excellence in leadership and scholarship.

The Henry R. Odell Scholarship is presented annually to a rising fourth year McIntire student for achievement in the Management area.

The Joseph R. Daniel Scholarship provides tuition assistance to a rising fourth-year student demonstrating financial need.

The Kevin Owen Ferrish Scholarship was established to honor the memory of Comm Alum Kevin Ferrish to benefit Commerce students demonstrating financial need.

The Madhu Chopra Memorial Scholarship was created to honor the memory of Madhu Chopra (COM ‘89). It is awarded to a Madison House volunteer who exhibits qualities of personableness, enthusiasm, and dedication.

The Major (USMC) Calvin C. Crum Scholarship provides assistance to in-state undergraduate or graduate students on the basis of need, with preference to students from Augusta County, Virginia.

The Mark Boice Germain Scholarships are given in memory of Mark Boice Germain, an alumnus of the McIntire School. The scholarships recognize academic merit, character, and need.

The Mary and Daniel Loughran Scholarship is awarded annually to McIntire students on the basis of financial need and achievement.

The Modell Family Scholarship is awarded to fourth-year management student(s) on the basis of leadership and a demonstrated interest in entrepreneurial activities.

The Peggy Goldsmith Scholarship is awarded to a rising fourth-year student with a concentration in finance that shows promise for a financial services career.

The Schade Family Scholarship is awarded to an outstanding student based upon financial need and scholastic merit. The Schade Family Endowment funds the scholarship.

The Shrier Family Scholarship is awarded to rising fourth-year commerce students with financial need. The Shrier Family Scholarship Fund provides the scholarship.

The S. Pierce Walmsley IV and Elizabeth A. Walmsley Scholarship is awarded to a rising Fourth Year in-state student at the McIntire School of Commerce.

The Thomas and Dorothy DeShazo Scholarship is awarded to a McIntire student for good character, high moral value, and integrity.

The Thomas I. Storrs Scholarship is given by NCNB in honor of their chairman, Thomas I. Storrs, to a McIntire student who exhibits qualities of scholarship and leadership that will make him or her an effective businessperson and humanitarian.

The Thomas P. Duke Scholarship was established to honor the memory of Thomas Duke to benefit third and fourth year finance students.

The Thomasson Scholarship is awarded annually to McIntire students on the basis of financial need and achievement.

The Wachovia Bank, Inc. Scholarship is awarded to a rising fourth-year finance or marketing student on the basis of academic excellence.

The Walter B. Salley Scholarship is given to an outstanding accounting student in memory of a distinguished faculty member.

The Walter Hill, Jr., Scholarship was established to honor Walter Hill, Jr., and is awarded on the basis of financial need, scholastic merit and entrepreneurial qualities.

The Warwick D. Johnston Endowment was given by Mr. Johnston (COM ‘49) and is awarded annually to support outstanding Commerce student and McIntire’s global programs.

The William G. and Leila S. Shenkir Scholarship is awarded to a fourth-year student on the basis of merit and need. The Raymond Moskow family established the scholarship in honor of the Shenkirs.

The William M. Shermet Scholarship is given in memory of William M. Shermet, an alumnus of the McIntire School. The scholarship recognizes a truly outstanding fourth-year student and is awarded on the basis of merit.

The Young Endowed Scholarship is awarded annually to a McIntire student who is a resident of Accomack or Northampton County, Virginia