Jan 20, 2025  
Undergraduate Record 2012-2013 
Undergraduate Record 2012-2013 [ARCHIVED RECORD]

Curry School of Education: Academic Rules, Regulations, and Information

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Academic Rules and Regulations


All students are subject to the academic policies specified in the section titled “University Regulations.” In addition, students must follow the policies of the Curry School of Education. Students in the five-year Teacher Education Program should consult the regulations in the College of Arts and Sciences section, as well as those of the Curry School of Education. 

Application to the Curry School Students who wish to apply for the teacher education program in the Curry School of Education must submit a Permission to Enroll form by February 15 of their second year of enrollment in the College of Arts and Sciences. Those who wish to apply to the communication disorders program must submit a full application for admission by February 15 of their second year. Students interested in the four-year kinesiology program must apply for admission through the University’s Office of Undergraduate Admission (http://www.admission.virginia.edu/) using the Common Application. Depending on space in the program, U.Va. students may seek entry to the four-year kinesiology program by the following deadlines: October 15, February 15, and June 15.  Due to program requirements, third-year students are not admissible.

Additional information can be found on the Curry website.

Residence Requirement A recipient of a B.S.Ed. degree from the Curry School must have completed at least four semesters of full-time (12 credits) study at the University of Virginia while enrolled in the Curry School of Education. Exceptions for emergency situations may only be granted with the advisor and dean’s permission. In addition, all students must be full-time (12 credits minimum) during all semesters, except the final one (9 credits minimum).

Course Load Special permission of the advisor and dean’s office is required to take fewer than 12, or more than 18, credits during a given semester.

Final Examinations Final examinations are given during a designated period of time at the end of each semester. Examinations may only be given at the University-assigned time unless authorized by the dean. Students are not authorized to take final exams before the regularly scheduled time. However, under serious conditions, and with their instructor and advisor’s permission, students may be allowed to postpone the examination to a time convenient to the instructor. Students who have three exams in one day or four in a two-day period may petition to have one examination moved using Curry’s form for policy exemption requests (http://curry.virginia.edu/resource-library/policy-exemption-request).

Attendance Students are expected to attend classes throughout the session, with the exception of University holidays, unless permission to be absent temporarily or to withdraw has been first granted by the instructor. The Department of Student Health does not furnish routine excuses for illness either to the student or to the instructor. If final examinations are missed for serious medical reasons, the Department of Student Health notifies the dean. Upon request from the dean, the Department of Student Health may evaluate the effect of any illness upon a student’s attendance and academic performance. Failure to attend classes or other prescribed activities in a course may result in enforced withdrawal from the course or other penalties as determined by the instructor.

Guidelines for Students with Significant Life Events  Administrators, faculty and staff at the Curry School of Education seek to support all students in whatever ways possible during their program of studies.  Any number of life circumstances can interrupt students’ studies, either for a short or long period of time. Life events can include family crises, major illness, or the adoption or birth of a child.  The following guidelines represent the position of the Curry School of Education when students need to request accommodations during coursework, graduate assistantships, mentorships or internships.

Whenever possible, students are expected to be proactive in making arrangements for anticipated absences from classes and other commitments.  This often entails meeting with their advisor, instructors and other individuals (e.g., clinical or internship supervisors) with whom they are working during the semester.

Each supervisor, advisor, and/or instructor will evaluate the content, schedule, workload and other elements of study within his or her own domain and work with the individual student to determine the amount of leave time needed from academic commitments. In the case of coursework, the instructor will decide if the coursework or field experience can be made up later, if an incomplete is appropriate, or if a course will need to be retaken at a different time. Typically, if a student expects to miss more than 20% of class time, it may be to that student’s benefit to take the course at a later time. Decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis and instructors may approach absences from their classes differently from one another.  When the absence will affect assistantships or internships, supervisors will work with students and determine ways in which the student can meet requirements given the specific personal circumstances, such as extensions or reorganization of a student’s commitments on a short-term basis. Decisions will be made in concert with the student, instructor, advisor, program coordinator and department chair.

Attendance During Examinations Written exams are an essential part of most courses. A final examination or culminating experience is expected in all classes. The time period assigned for final exams is considered part of the regular academic semester. Absence from exams is excused only for illness, attested to by a physician’s certificate, or for other causes that the instructor, advisor, and dean, by special action, may approve. An unexcused absence is counted as a failure and, at the discretion of the instructor, may result in failing the course.

Course Grades  All required courses must be taken for regular, graded credit (no S/U or CR/NC), including grades of A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-. C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, F. Internships, practica, and student teaching are generally graded S/U. Courses taken at or above the 5000 level must receive a grade of B- or better.

Student work may be graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory (S/U) basis in certain courses within the Curry School. The specific S/U graded courses and the maximum number of credits that may be completed under this system and applied toward a graduate degree must be approved by the student’s major program advisor and the dean’s representative.

Students in the Curry School of Graduate Education are not permitted to count courses taken on a CR/NC basis toward a degree.

Incomplete Grades for B.S.Ed. Students An IN is recorded when reasons known to the professor are judged adequate to justify an extension of time to complete course requirements. An IN may not be used to allow a student to attempt to raise a grade at the end of the term. The time line to complete course work may not exceed 30 days, unless a student enters into a written contract with an instructor, specifying remaining requirements and the expected date of completion. If the student does not meet the terms of the incomplete policy, the student’s incomplete grade will be changed to an F or U.

B.A./M.T. students should consult the policies of the College of Arts and Sciences through the second semester of the fourth year. During the fifth year, B.A./M.T. students must follow policies of the Curry School of Education, as stated above.

Grade Changes No grade may be changed after it has been submitted to the University Registrar without the approval of the dean’s representative. The dean’s representative is not authorized by the faculty to change a grade submitted to the University Registrar except when an instructor certifies that, because of errors in calculation or transcription, an incorrect grade has been submitted. All grade changes must be entered into SIS.

Repeating Courses A student who has received a grade of D in a core undergraduate course may have to repeat the course as directed by his or her academic advisor or program faculty. Both grades for the repeated course remain on the transcript. However, course credit will counted for only one offering. If a student’s grade in a 5000- or higher-level course is below a B-, the student must repeat the course or take an approved substitute in its place to receive credit. Again, credits for only one of the offerings will count toward cumulative credits.

Students may not use an S/U course to repeat a course in which a grade has already been given. The deadline for selecting the S/U option is the same as the add deadline, and requests for exceptions to the deadline are seldom granted.

Adding a Course or Changing the Grading Option All additions to course schedules or changes in the grading option for a course must be completed by the last day to add a course. These changes are made via SIS. Any required course must be taken for a grade (not pass/fail). B.A.-M.T. students should consult the policies of the College of Arts and Sciences.

Dropping a Course With the approval of the student’s advisor, a student may drop and void registration in a course until the official drop date. Permission to take fewer than 12 credits must be petitioned to, and approved by, the advisor and the dean’s representative and can be granted only for unusual or emergency circumstances. Courses dropped after the University’s official drop date will be graded as W. This notation does not affect a student’s grade point average; nor does a course with a grade of W count toward credits earned.

Good Standing Students are considered to be in good standing at the end of a semester if, in that semester, they have completed at least 12 credits of coursework with at least a 1.8 semester average and have no more than one grade below C-.  Students in four-year Curry programs must earn at least 54 credits to enroll in a fifth semester; passing at least 84 credits is necessary to enroll in a seventh semester.  Students who fall below these criteria must make up their work during summer session or, with prior approval at another institution, as students are allowed only 8 semesters at the University of Virginia.  A minimum of 120 credits is required for the B.S.Ed. degree.  Information about specific course requirements can be found on the Curry web site.

Enforced Withdrawal See the University Regulations section.

Probation and Suspension An undergraduate student must maintain good standing each semester by completing at least 12 credits of graded work (or S/U work if engaged in practica), with at least a 1.800 semester average and no more than one grade below C- (or C/NC). A student will be placed on academic probation after any semester in which good standing is not attained.

Suspension involves enforced withdrawal from the Curry School of Education. A student placed on probation in any semester may be suspended if he or she does not regain good standing at the end of the next semester. A student who has been suspended may apply to the Office of Admissions and Student Affairs of the Curry School of Education for readmission after one regular semester has elapsed since the date of suspension. If readmitted, the student will remain on probation and will be suspended again if not in good standing. The Curry School of Education requires a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 for graduation.

Teacher education students must comply with all College rules as well as Curry School policies.

Readmission to the Curry School of Education is not automatic. After an absence of twelve months or longer, a former student must apply for readmission by submitting an application to the academic dean’s office at least sixty days before the semester begins. Failure to comply with these regulations subjects the student to suspension from the University. 

Grievance Procedure Due process is guaranteed to all students. See “Grievance Procedures” in the University Regulations section or consult the associate dean’s office, 106 Bavaro Hall. 

Licensure for Teaching The Curry School of Education affirms the distinction between degree requirements and licensure requirements in its programs. While many programs contain both kinds of requirements, and major portions of the two may be synonymous, one may meet one set of requirements and not the other (i.e., receive a degree without qualifying for recommendation for licensure). Information concerning licensure requirements is provided to students through the Office of Admissions and Student Affairs of the Curry School of Education. To be recommended by the Curry School of Education for professional licensure, a student must complete a teacher education program sequence approved by the faculty of the Curry School of Education, meet state cut-off scores on the Praxis II examinations, the Virginia Communication and Literacy Assessment, and the Virginia Reading Assessment (elementary and special education only.)

State Assessments of Teacher Education  Under the Commonwealth of Virginia’s approved program status for schools of education, all students enrolled in a teacher education program at the University of Virginia must take the appropriate licensing exams required by the Commonwealth of Virginia for the specific program area endorsement. A schedule for required tests is provided on the Teacher Education website and the Student Advising Handbook.

Applying for Graduation  All students must apply for graduation through SIS by Curry deadlines. In addition, students must complete Curry’s Application for Graduation.  Prior to submitting the form to their advisors, students must consult “Academic Requirements” in SIS to be sure they are able to meet program requirements in the term they plan to graduate. The Registrar’s Office will audit each student’s transcript; if requirements are missing, students will not be allowed to graduate.

Accelerated Study is available to students entering with AP or dual-enrollment credits.  Students who wish to finish their undergraduate studies in fewer than four years must work closely with their advisors to map a program of study.  At least 60 credits of coursework must be taken on Grounds at the University of Virginia.  Those interested in graduate study must apply for admission to the desired program at the start of their last semester of undergraduate enrollment.  All requirements (GREs, letters of recommendation, on-line application) must be submitted at that point. If admitted to the graduate program, a new advisor will be assigned. Undergraduate courses, or courses previously applied toward an undergraduate degree, are not transferable for credit toward a graduate degree.



The Teacher Education Accreditation Council (TEAC) accredits the Curry School of Education and its programs to prepare school personnel. Individual program specializations are accredited by such organizations as the American Speech, Language and Hearing Association, the National Athletic Trainers’ Association; and the American Psychological Association.