Feb 07, 2025  
Graduate Record 2012-2013 
Graduate Record 2012-2013 [ARCHIVED RECORD]

Graduate School of Architecture: Academic Rules, Regulations, and Information

About  Academic Rules Departments/Programs  Courses  Faculty 

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Academic Rules and Regulations


Course Load The minimum course load, in order to be classified as full-time, is 12 hours graduate students. Special written permission is required for a graduate student to register for fewer than 12 hours or more than 19 hours in any semester, from his or her departmental chair.

Candidates for a degree in one of the four graduate curricula offered in the School of Architecture must hold an approved baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university.

Applicants whose previous course work does not include the equivalent of courses listed under the “admission” paragraph for any of the described degree programs must complete those courses before enrollment or, with permission, while enrolled in their respective graduate program.

An explanation of the course numbering system is given in the How to Read Course Listings section of this Record.

Inquiries concerning degrees should be addressed directly to the Chair of each department.

Grading System The following letter grade symbols are used for grading graduate students in the Graduate School of Architecture: A, A-, B+, B, B-, C, F, S, U. Graduate School of Architecture: students may take undergraduate courses on a CR/NC basis, but those courses may not be offered toward a graduate degree.

Withdrawal Grading System After the drop deadline has passed, a grade of “W” is assigned. An appropriate withdrawal grad of “W” appears on the official academic record.

Academic Good Standing The lowest acceptable grade for a student in the Graduate School of Architecture is a B-. Students who earn three or more grades lower than a B- are required to leave the program in which they are enrolled. Students failing a studio cannot continue in the studio sequence until they have successfully passed the course. Two failing grades in the same or different studios may result in the student being asked to leave the program. 
Incomplete and Missing Grades A grade of IN (Incomplete) is not a valid final grade and converts to an F either 30 days after the last day of the examination period, or on the first day of classes of the subsequent semester, whichever comes first. Thesis credit deadlines are handled on a case-by-case basis between the student and the thesis chair. When assigning a grade of incomplete, a faculty member must complete and submit an Incomplete Grade Submission Form to the School registrar. An extension of the deadline specified above will be considered only in extreme circumstances, and requires the approval of the Associate Dean for Academics. These regulations apply to courses listed through the School of Architecture. For a course listed in another academic unit, the regulations of that unit apply.

Grade Changes No grade may be changed without the approval of the Dean’s Office after it has been submitted to the University Registrar. The Dean’s Office is not authorized by the faculty to change a grade submitted to the University Registrar except when an instructor certifies that, because of errors in calculation or transcription, an incorrect grade has been submitted. Extra work to raise a grade, once submitted, is not permitted.

The School limits the time in which a grade change is approved to the fall or spring semester following the one in which the grade was received, except when there is indication that the student violated the integrity of the course.  Incompletes are handled under the Incomplete and NG Policy.

Grade Appeals Students may appeal negative decisions about enrollment, grades, or general academic policies in the School of Architecture according to the procedures which follow. It is understood that only students may submit appeals. Appeals must be made 7 days after the end of that semester’s examination period; students should consult with the Associate Dean for Academics for details.

Grading Issues Students who wish to appeal a grade must first attempt to resolve the issue with the instructor of the course. Absent a satisfactory outcome, the student consults with the chair of the department. If this path proves unsuccessful in the resolution of the matter, the student may appeal to the Associate Dean for Academics.

Course Expectations In each of the degree programs, students should expect that courses may require the purchase of textbooks, software, materials or equipment or students may incur costs in the form of field trips upon occasion.  Students are also expected to complete on-line course evaluations at the end of each semester.

Readmission  Students who do not enroll at the University for a semester or more and who are not on an educational leave of absence must be formally readmitted, regardless of whether they were on an approved leave of absence. In order to accomplish readmission, they must be cleared by the Associate Dean for Academics, the Departmental Chair, the Department of Student Health, and the Office of the Dean of Students. Application for readmission must be made to the Associate Dean for Academics’ office 60 days in advance of the next University registration period.

Readmission application forms are available in the Student Records and Registration office. For students under academic suspension from the School of Architecture, the completed application must include a statement that (1) addresses their readiness to return to full-time study, in light of any serious difficulties during their most recent enrollment (e.g. financial, medical, personal hardship), and (2) outlines the courses needed to fulfill their degree requirements over the remaining semesters.

Time Limitation  All work for the Master’s degree must be completed within 5 years.  Students who have not been enrolled for more than a year or longer must follow the procedures for admission by applying to the Graduate School of Architecture.  For more information about the admissions process, please visit www.arch.virginia.edu/admissions/graduate/.

Voluntary Withdrawal Students may withdraw from the University before the conclusion of a semester if they meet the conditions stated in the University Regulations section.

Students in the School of Architecture who withdraw within 10 class days immediately proceeding the final examination period are not permitted, except for providential reasons, to re-enter the School of Architecture for the succeeding semester nor to present transfer credit earned during the same time.

In extreme medical circumstances, documented by professional certification, a School of Architecture student has one semester in which to petition for a retroactive medical withdrawal. If approved, all grades convert to W’s and the student is obliged to be absent for a full semester before resuming full-time study.

Educational Leaves of Absence Students who wish to take a leave of absence to pursue educational interests at another educational institution in the United States must consult with the Associate Dean for Academics and with the Chair in the appropriate department for a leave of absence. Students who wish to study abroad in an accredited program or at an accredited foreign university must apply for a leave of absence at the International Studies Office. While on such an approved leave, a student must register at the University of Virginia as a non-resident and pay a non-resident fee; this indicates that he or she is on an approved leave of absence pursuing educational interests elsewhere. Students registered for an approved leave may pre-enroll for courses and do not have to apply for readmission to the University, although they must notify the Student Records and Registration office or the International Studies Office of when they intend to return.

Enforced Withdrawal Students may be forced to withdraw from the University for habitual delinquency in class, habitual idleness, or any other fault that prevents the student from fulfilling the purpose implied by registration at the University. Students who are forced to withdraw during a given term will have the notation “withdrawal date: mm/dd/yyyy ” entered on their permanent academic records following the semester in which the action occurred. A grade of W (withdrawal) or WD (administrative withdrawal) will be entered for each course in which the student was registered. In order to accomplish readmission, they must be cleared by the Associate Dean for Students.  Application for readmission must be made to the Associate Dean for Student’s office 60 days in advance of the next University registration period.

Medical Withdrawal Students who withdraw for reasons of health must obtain permission from the Department of Student Health. A grade of W (withdrawal) will be entered for each course in which the student was registered. Subsequent medical clearance from the Department of Student Health is required for readmission.

Ownership of Student Work The School of Architecture reserves the right to retain student course work for purposes of exhibition and/or publication with appropriate credits. Professors who wish to retain student work for their own purposes must gain the student’s consent and provide adequate documentation of the work for the student.

Student Owned Computers Graduate students are required to own a personal laptop computer with specified base software. A list of specification is at http://www.arch.virginia.edu/computing/requirement/.

Course Descriptions


Courses are subject to change; certain courses are offered in alternate years or are temporarily suspended when the instructor is on leave or for other reasons. 5000 level elective courses are open to students in undergraduate and graduate programs.

Degree Information


The School of Architecture offers four graduate programs leading to the Master of Architectural History, Master of Architecture, the Master of Landscape Architecture, and the Master of Urban and Environmental Planning. The programs are accredited by the National Architectural Accrediting Board, the Landscape Architecture Accreditation Board, and the Planning Accreditation Board; and the school holds memberships in the Collegiate Schools of Architecture, the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture, the National Council for Preservation Education, the Society of Architectural Historians, and the National Trust for Historic Preservation. In addition to the graduate degree programs, the school offers an interdisciplinary program leading to the Certificate in Historic Preservation.