Jul 02, 2024  
Graduate Record 2012-2013 
Graduate Record 2012-2013 [ARCHIVED RECORD]

Course Descriptions



  • PHIL 8270 - The Philosophy of Wittgenstein

    For more details on this class, please visit the department website at http://www.virginia.edu/philosophy/.

    Credits: 3
  • PHIL 8290 - Topics in Contemporary Philosophy

    Topics in Contemporary Philosophy. For more details on this class, please visit the department website at http://www.virginia.edu/philosophy/.

    Credits: 3

  • PHIL 8310 - Metaphysics

    For more details on this class, please visit the department website at http://www.virginia.edu/philosophy/.

    Credits: 3
  • PHIL 8320 - Contemporary Epistemology

    For more details on this class, please visit the department website at http://www.virginia.edu/philosophy/.

    Credits: 3
  • PHIL 8330 - Philosophy of Mind

    Philosophy of Mind. For more details on this class, please visit the department website at http://www.virginia.edu/philosophy/.

    Credits: 3

  • PHIL 8340 - Philosophy of Mind

    Philosophy of Mind. For more details on this class, please visit the department website at http://www.virginia.edu/philosophy/.

    Credits: 3

  • PHIL 8350 - Seminar on Free Will

    For more details on this class, please visit the department website at http://www.virginia.edu/philosophy/.

    Credits: 3
  • PHIL 8360 - Experience

    The course addresses recent literature on the following questions: (1) what is the ontological nature of experience? (sense-data theories vs. state theories vs. disjunctivism); (2) is the phenomenal character of experience exhausted by its representational content? (representationalism vs. qualia realism); (3) does experience contain any nonconceptual representational content? (4) are the intrinsic features of experience introspectible?

    Credits: 3

  • PHIL 8370 - Possible Worlds

    This seminar focuses on the metaphysics of possibility and necessity, along with other related topics. It’s central texts are Alvin Plantinga’s “The Nature of Necessity” and David Lewis’s “On the Plurality of Worlds”.

    Credits: 3

  • PHIL 8420 - Advanced Logic and Foundations of Mathematics

    Advanced Logic and Foundations of Mathematics. For more details on this class, please visit the department website at http://www.virginia.edu/philosophy/.

    Credits: 3

  • PHIL 8460 - Philosophy of Science

    For more details on this class, please visit the department website at http://www.virginia.edu/philosophy/.

    Credits: 3
  • PHIL 8510 - Seminar on a Philosophical Topic

    Seminar on a Philosophical Topic. For more details on this class, please visit the department website at http://www.virginia.edu/philosophy/.

    Credits: 3

  • PHIL 8630 - Legal and Philosophical Concepts

    For more details on this class, please visit the department website at http://www.virginia.edu/philosophy/.

    Credits: 3
  • PHIL 8640 - Law and Morality

    For more details on this class, please visit the department website at http://www.virginia.edu/philosophy/.

    Credits: 3
  • PHIL 8650 - Freedom and Responsibility

    For more details on this class, please visit the department website at http://www.virginia.edu/philosophy/.

    Credits: 3
  • PHIL 8710 - Problems in Ethics and Metaethics

    For more details on this class, please visit the department website at http://www.virginia.edu/philosophy/.

    Credits: 3
  • PHIL 8770 - Problems in Political Philosophy

    For more details on this class, please visit the department website at http://www.virginia.edu/philosophy/.

    Credits: 3
  • PHIL 8780 - Theories of Justice

    For more details on this class, please visit the department website at http://www.virginia.edu/philosophy/.

    Credits: 3
  • PHIL 8995 - Supervised Research

    For more details on this class, please visit the department website at http://www.virginia.edu/philosophy/.

    Credits: 3
  • PHIL 8998 - Non-Topical Research, Preparation for Research

    For more details on this class, please visit the department website at http://www.virginia.edu/philosophy/.For master’s research, taken before a thesis director has been selected.

    Credits: 3 to 12

  • PHIL 8999 - Non-Topical Research

    For master’s thesis, taken under the supervision of a thesis director. For more details on this class, please visit the department website at http://www.virginia.edu/philosophy/.

    Credits: 3 to 12

  • PHIL 9998 - Non-Topical Research, Preparation for Doctoral Research

    For doctoral research, taken before a dissertation director has been selected. For more details on this class, please visit the department website at http://www.virginia.edu/philosophy/.

    Credits: 3 to 12

  • PHIL 9999 - Non-Topical Research

    For doctoral dissertation, taken under the supervision of a dissertation director. For more details on this class, please visit the department website at http://www.virginia.edu/philosophy/.

    Credits: 3 to 12


  • PHYS 5110 - Special Topics in Classical and Modern Physics

    Lectures on topics of current interest in physics research and pedagogy. May be repeated for credit.
    Prerequisite: PHYS 3420 or instructor permission.

    Credits: 3

  • PHYS 5120 - Special Topics in Ultracold Gases

    Lectures on topics of current interest in physics research and pedagogy. May be repeated for credit.
    Prerequisite: PHYS 3420 or instructor permission.

    Credits: 3
  • PHYS 5160 - Introduction to String Theory

    This course introduces a modern topic in theoretical high energy physics to an advanced undergraduate / beginner graduate student audience. Among the directions which are being explored are the physics of extra dimensions, and a unified treatment of gravity and electromagnetism in the context of string theory.
    Prerequisite: Physics 3210 (Classical Mechanics), 3430 (Electricity & Magnetism II) and 3660 (Quantum Mechanics II), or permission of the instructor.

    Credits: 3

  • PHYS 5190 - Electronics Lab

    Practical electronics for scientists, from resistors to microprocessors.
    Prerequisite: Instructor permission.

    Credits: 3
  • PHYS 5210 - Theoretical Mechanics I

    The statics and dynamics of particles and rigid bodies. Discusses the methods of generalized coordinates, the Langrangian, Hamilton-Jacobi equations, action-angle variables, and the relation to quantum theory.
    Prerequisite: PHYS 3210 and MATH 5220, or instructor permission.

    Credits: 3

  • PHYS 5240 - Introduction to the Theory of General Relativity

    Reviews special relativity and coordinate transformations. Includes the principle of equivalence; effects of gravitation on other systems and fields; general tensor analysis in curved spaces and gravitational field equations; Mach’s principle, tests of gravitational theories; perihelion precession, red shift, bending of light, gyroscopic precession, radar echo delay; gravitational radiation; relativisitic stellar structure and cosmography; and cosmology.
    Prerequisite: Advanced calculus through partial differentiation and multiple integration; vector analysis in three dimensions.

    Credits: 3

  • PHYS 5250 - Mathematical Methods of Physics I

    Discusses matrices, complex analysis, Fourier series and transforms, ordinary differential equations, special functions of mathematical physics, partial differential equations, general vector spaces, integral equations and operator techniques, Green’s functions, group theory.
    Prerequisites: MATH 5210 and 5220 or instructor permission.

    Credits: 3

  • PHYS 5310 - Optics

    Includes reflection and refraction at interfaces, geometrical optics, interference phenomena, diffraction, Gaussian optics, and polarization.
    Prerequisite: PHYS 2320, 2415, 2610, or an equivalent college-level electromagnetism course; knowledge of vector calculus and previous exposure to Maxwell’s equations.

    Credits: 3

  • PHYS 5320 - Fundamentals of Photonics

    This course is designed to provide an understanding of the physics that underlies technologies such as lasers, optical time/frequency standards, laser gyros, and optical telecommunication. Covers the basic physics of lasers and laser beams, nonlinear optics, optical fibers, modulators and optical signal processing, detectors and measurements systems, and optical networks.
    Prerequisite: PHYS 5310 or instructor permission.

    Credits: 3

  • PHYS 5620 - Solid State Physics

    Includes crystal structures, lattice vibrations, and electronic properties of insulators, metals, and semiconductors; superconductivity.

    Credits: 3

  • PHYS 5630 - Computational Physics I

    A review of computational methods for differentiation, integration, interpolation, finding zeroes, extrema, etc. proceeding to a concentration on numerical solutions of differential equations, basic spectral analysis, numerical methods for matrices and Monte Carlo simulation applied to problems in classical and modern physics.
    Prerequisite: PHYS 2660
    Pre- or corequisite: PHYS 3210 and PHYS 3650, or instructor permission.

    Credits: 3

  • PHYS 5640 - Computational Physics II

    Advanced topics in computational physics including numerical methods for partial differential equations, Monte Carlo modeling, advanced methods for linear systems, and special topics in computational physics.
    Prerequisite: PHYS 5630, or instructor permission.

    Credits: 3

  • PHYS 5720 - Introduction to Nuclear and Particle Physics

    Studies subatomic structure; basic constituents and their mutual interactions.

    Credits: 3
  • PHYS 5820 - Introduction to Nanophysics

    An introduction to rapidly-evolving ideas in nanophysics. Covers the principles involved in the fabrication of nanosystems and in the measurement of phenomena on the nanoscale. Concepts necessary to appreciate applications in such areas as nano-electronics, nano-magnetism, nano-mechanics and nano-optics, are discussed. Prerequisite: One course each in undergraduate-level quantum mechanics and statistical physics or instructor permission; knowledge of introductory-level wave mechanics and statistical mechanics; applications of Schroedinger equation, Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac distributions.

    Credits: 3

  • PHYS 5993 - Physics Colloquium

    First and second year students enrolled in the Physics PhD program are required to take Physics Colloquium in their first and second years of study.

    Credits: 2

  • PHYS 6010 - Concepts of Physics for Elementary School Teachers I

    6010 is a course in classical physics including mechanics, heat, electricity, magnetism, and waves. This course may be a distance-learning course for in-service teachers. Courses 6010 and 6020 may be taken in any order.
    Prerequisite: Undergraduate degree or instructor permission. Primarily for teachers with little or no background in physics; not suitable for physics majors or any graduate degrees in physics (including the M.A.P.E.).

    Credits: 3

  • PHYS 6020 - Concepts of Physics for Elementary School Teachers II

    6020 is a course in modern physics including waves, optics, relativity, atomic structure, and nuclear physics. This may be a distance-learning course for in-service teachers. Courses 6010 and 6020 may be taken in any order.
    Prerequisite: Undergraduate degree or instructor permission. Primarily for teachers with little or no background in physics; not suitable for physics majors or any graduate degrees in physics (including the M.A.P.E.).

    Credits: 3

  • PHYS 6040 - Energy in the 21st Century

    Learn how we produce, distribute, and consume energy including not only fossil fuels and nuclear, but also renewable energy like solar, wind, hydro, tidal, geothermal, biomass/biofuel, and fuel cells. Learn about the developments in science and technology that allow us to shape our future energy options. This is a course about Energy for K-12 teachers. No physics or math prerequisite courses are required.

    Credits: 3

  • PHYS 6050 - How Things Work I

    This course considers objects from our daily environment.
    Prerequisite: Undergraduate degree or instructor permission.

    Credits: 3
  • PHYS 6060 - How Things Work II

    This course considers objects from our daily environment.
    Prerequisite: Undergraduate degree or instructor permission.

    Credits: 3
  • PHYS 6090 - Galileo and Einstein

    This course examines how new understanding of the natural world developed from the time of Galileo to Einstein taking the two famous scientists as case studies. This may be a distance learning course intended for in-service science teachers with lectures, homework and exams conducted via the internet. Prerequisite: Undergraduate degree or instructor permission.

    Credits: 3
  • PHYS 6110 - Physical Science for Teachers

    Laboratory-based course providing elementary and middle school teachers hands-on experience in the principles and applications of physical science. Not suitable for physics majors; no previous college physics courses are assumed. Prerequisite: Undergraduate degree and presently (or intending to be) a K-8 teacher.

    Credits: 3

  • PHYS 6120 - Physical Science for Teachers

    Laboratory-based course providing elementary and middle school teachers hands-on experience in the principles and applications of physical science. Not suitable for physics majors; no previous college physics courses are assumed.
    Prerequisite: Undergraduate degree and presently (or intending to be) a K-8 teacher.

    Credits: 3

  • PHYS 6200 - Topical Physical Science

    A series of one-credit science courses of interest to K-12 teachers, as well as the general public. These courses are offered anywhere in the state as needed through School of Continuing and Professional Studies regional centers. The courses are designed to meet Virginia’s SOLs and consist of lectures, demonstrations, and many hands-on science activities. Current course topics include Sound, Light & Optics, Aeronautics and Space, Electricity, Meteorology, Magnetism, Heat & Energy, Matter, and Force & Motion. May be taken more than once.
    Prerequisite: Undergraduate degree or instructor permission.

    Credits: 1

  • PHYS 6201 - Physical Science for K-8 Teachers: Sound

    Teachers will learn about the nature and characteristics of sound. Topics include how sound travels, the different types of waves, vibrations, loudness of sound, musical instruments, the speed of sound, the Doppler effect, and the human ear. Activities include making sound, demonstrating the Doppler effect, demonstrating wave movement, building musical instruments, and many others.

    Credits: 3

  • PHYS 6202 - Physical Science for K-8 Teachers:Light

    Teachers will learn how light behaves and the reasons why it does so. Topics include light propagation, shadows, refraction, lenses, prisms, color, eye properties, wave properties of light, and optical phenomena. Activities include ray tracing with lenses, making telescopes, and assembling spectroscopes. Demonstrations will be conducted for better understanding of the concepts of light and optics.

    Credits: 1

  • PHYS 6203 - Physical Sciences for K-8 Teachers: Aeronautics and Space

    Newton’s laws and the concepts of force will be discussed along with their relevance to aircraft and rockets. Activities include force demonstrations, building and launching airplanes and rockets, and microgravity experiments. The effects of gravity and weightlessness will also be investigated. Videos and demonstrations will be used to help increase understanding of the concepts of aeronautics and space.

    Credits: 1

  • PHYS 6204 - Physical Science for K-8 Teachers: Electricity

    Topics include learning why some materials conduct electricity while others do not, the atomic basis of simple electrical current flow, household electrical wiring, and static electricity. Electrical circuits will be constructed including open, closed, parallel, and series circuits. Many teacher activities and demonstrations will be performed to introduce the concepts of electricity including potential and electric field.

    Credits: 1

  • PHYS 6205 - Physical Science for K-8 Teachers: Meteorology

    The basis of meteorology will be investigated.Topics include temperature measurements, air flow, pressure, density, elements of the atmosphere, heat transfer and radiation, greenhouse effect, ozone layer, humidity, and atmospheric optics. Satellite and weather maps will be studied. Whenever possible, laboratory experiments will be done to demonstrate weather phenomena and concepts.

    Credits: 1

  • PHYS 6206 - Physical Science for K-8 Teachers: Magnetism

    The basic concepts of magnetism will be investigated including the effects of permanent magnets on materials, the force of magnets on each other, the magnetic force on moving charges, and how electromagnets work. Teacher activities include building an electromagnet, simple electrical generators and motors, compasses, and eddy currents. The relationship between electricity and magnetism will be investigated.

    Credits: 1

  • PHYS 6207 - Physical Science for K-8 Teachers: Heat and Energy

    The basic concepts of heat and energy will be investigated including conduction and convection, changes of state, and potential and kinetic energy. Teacher activities include convection, heat absorption, evaporation, melting and boiling points, and energy transfer. Videos and demonstrations will be utilized to better understand the concepts of heat and energy.

    Credits: 1

  • PHYS 6208 - Physical Science for K-8 Teachers: Properties of Matter

    Teachers will learn about the properties of matter, including mass, volume, density, and chemical properties. Activities will include separating objects by physical means, solubility and temperature, making a fire extinguisher, and many others. Investigations include classifying substances as elements and compounds, observing chemical changes, and classifying compounds by their reactions. Lecture demonstrations and videos will be utilized.

    Credits: 1

  • PHYS 6209 - Physical Science for K-8 Teachers: Force and Motion

    Teachers will learn about force and motion including simple machines, position, velocity, acceleration, various forces (friction and gravity, for example), rockets, Newton’s laws, and energy. Activities include making a spring balance, building various simple machines including a Rube Goldberg device, water soda rockets, sail and steam boats. Videos and lecture demonstrations will help provide conceptual understanding.

    Credits: 1

  • PHYS 6251 - Light and optics I

    This course focuses on concepts in light and optics I covering topics such as light rays, images, shadows, reflection and refraction and is designed to be taken by inservice K-5 teachers . The material is introduced from a historical perspective The course is unique in that it requires students to complete and write-up 5 light and optics experiments.
    Prerequisites: undergraduate degree or permission from instructor.

    Credits: 1

  • PHYS 6252 - Light and optics II

    This course focuses on concepts in optics and light II covering topics such as light rays, images, shadows, reflection, refraction, disperson, color, and lenses, and is designed to be taken by inservice grades 6-10 teachers . The material is introduced from a historical perspective The course is unique in that it requires students to complete and write-up 10 light and optics experiments at home.
    Prerequisites: undergraduate degree or permission from instructor.

    Credits: 2

  • PHYS 6253 - Light and optics III

    This course focuses on concepts in light and optics III covering topics such as light rays, images, shadows, reflection, refraction, disperson, color, and lenses, interference, polarization, and diffraction and is designed to be taken by inservice grades 11-12 teachers . The material is introduced from a historical perspective The course is unique in that it requires students to complete and write-up 15 light and optics experiments at home.
    Prerequisites: undergraduate degree or permission from instructor.

    Credits: 3

  • PHYS 6263 - Electricity and Magnetism III

    This course focusses on concepts in electricity and magnetism covering topics such as static electricity, charging by friction and induction, resistors, capacitors, DC circuits, Faraday and Lenz’s law activities. It is a hand-on activities course done at home by science teachers of grades 6-10. A kit composed of the electrical and magnetic materials is purchased and supplemented by low cost materials from home.
    Prerequisite: Undergraduate Degree or Permission from Instructor

    Credits: 3

  • PHYS 6310 - Classical and Modern Physics I

    A comprehensive study of physics using some calculus and emphasizing concepts, problem solving, and pedagogy. This course series is intended for in-service science teachers, particularly middle school physical science and high school physics teachers. This course can be used for crossover teachers who wish to obtain endorsement or certification to teach high school physics. This is a required course for the M.A.P.E. degree. This course is typically taught for 4 weeks in the summer with a daily two-hour lecture and two-hour problem session. Problem sets continue for three months into the next semester. Motion, Kinematics, Newton’s laws, energy and momentum conservation, gravitation, harmonic motion, waves, sound, heat, and fluids.
    Prerequisite: Undergraduate degree and instructor permission.

    Credits: 3

  • PHYS 6320 - Classical and Modern Physics II

    A comprehensive study of physics using some calculus and emphasizing concepts, problem solving, and pedagogy. This course series is intended for in-service science teachers, particularly middle school physical science and high school physics teachers. This course can be used for crossover teachers who wish to obtain endorsement or certification to teach high school physics. This is a required course for the M.A.P.E. degree. This course is typically taught for 4 weeks in the summer with a daily two-hour lecture and two-hour problem session. Problem sets continue for three months into the next semester. Coulomb’s law, Gauss’s law, electrostatics, electric fields, capacitance, inductance, circuits, magnetism, and electromagnetic waves.
    Prerequisite: Undergraduate degree and instructor permission.

    Credits: 3

  • PHYS 6330 - Classical and Modern Physics III

    A comprehensive study of physics using some calculus and emphasizing concepts, problem solving, and pedagogy. This course series is intended for in-service science teachers, particularly middle school physical science and high school physics teachers. This course can be used for crossover teachers who wish to obtain endorsement or certification to teach high school physics. This is a required course for the M.A.P.E. degree. This course is typically taught for 4 weeks in the summer with a daily two-hour lecture and two-hour problem session. Problem sets continue for three months into the next semester. Geometric and physical optics, relativity, and modern physics.
    Prerequisite: Undergraduate degree and instructor permission.

    Credits: 3

  • PHYS 6350 - Curriculum Enhancement I

    A laboratory sequence normally taken concurrently with PHYS 6310, 6320, 6330, respectively. It includes experiments with sensors that are integrated with graphing calculators and computers and other experiments using low cost apparatus. This course is typically held in the summer for four weeks and is extended into the next semester creating an activity plan. The laboratories utilize best teaching practices and hands-on experimentation in cooperative learning groups.
    Prerequisite: Undergraduate degree and instructor permission.

    Credits: 3

  • PHYS 6360 - Curriculum Enhancement II

    A laboratory sequence normally taken concurrently with PHYS 6310, 6320, 6330, respectively. It includes experiments with sensors that are integrated with graphing calculators and computers and other experiments using low cost apparatus. This course is typically held in the summer for four weeks and is extended into the next semester creating an activity plan. The laboratories utilize best teaching practices and hands-on experimentation in cooperative learning groups.
    Prerequisite: Undergraduate degree and instructor permission.

    Credits: 3

  • PHYS 6370 - Curriculum Enhancement III

    A laboratory sequence normally taken concurrently with PHYS 6310, 6320, 6330, respectively. It includes experiments with sensors that are integrated with graphing calculators and computers and other experiments using low cost apparatus. This course is typically held in the summer for four weeks and is extended into the next semester creating an activity plan. The laboratories utilize best teaching practices and hands-on experimentation in cooperative learning groups.
    Prerequisite: Undergraduate degree and instructor permission.

    Credits: 3

  • PHYS 6410 - Physics Teaching Pedagogy

    A course in the pedagogy of teaching secondary school physics. This may be a distance-learning course intended for in-service teachers desiring to teach secondary school physics.
    Prerequisite: PHYS 6310, 6320, 6330, 6350, and 6360, or instructor permission. Not suitable for physics majors.

    Credits: 3

  • PHYS 6513 - Topics in Physical Science

    Small classes studying special topics in physical science using cooperative teaching in a laboratory setting. Hands-on experiments and lecture demonstrations allow special problems to be posed and solved. May be taken more than once.
    Prerequisite: Undergraduate degree or instructor permission.

    Credits: 1 to 3

  • PHYS 6993 - Independent Study

    A program of independent study for in-service science teachers carried out under the supervision of a faculty member culminating in a written report. A typical project may be the creation and development of several physics demonstrations for the classroom or a unit activity. The student may carry out some of this work at home, school, or a site other than the University.
    Prerequisite: Undergraduate degree and instructor permission.

    Credits: 3 to 6

  • PHYS 7250 - Mathematical Methods of Physics I

    Discusses matrices, complex analysis, Fourier series and transforms, ordinary differential equations, special functions of mathematical physics, partial differential equations, general vector spaces, integral equations and operator techniques, and Green’s functions.
    Prerequisite: MATH 5210 and 5220 or instructor permission.

    Credits: 3

  • PHYS 7420 - Electricity and Magnetism I

    A consistent mathematical account of the phenomena of electricity and magnetism; electrostatics and magnetostatics; macroscopic media; Maxwell theory; and wave propagation.
    Prerequisite: PHYS 7250 or instructor permission.

    Credits: 3

  • PHYS 7430 - Electricity and Magnetism II

    Development of the theory of special relativity, relativistic electrodynamics, radiation from moving charges, classical electron theory, and Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations of electrodynamics.
    Prerequisite: PHYS 7420 or instructor permission.

    Credits: 3

  • PHYS 7559 - New Advanced Topics Course in Physics

    New course in the subject of Physics. May be repeated for credit.

    Credits: 3
  • PHYS 7610 - Quantum Theory I

    Introduces the physical basis of quantum mechanics, the Schroedinger equation and the quantum mechanics of one-particle systems, and stationary state problem.
    Prerequisite: Twelve credits of 3000-level physics courses and MATH 5210, 5220, or instructor permission.

    Credits: 3

  • PHYS 7620 - Quantum Theory II

    Includes angular momentum theory, techniques of time-dependent perturbation theory, emission and absorption of radiation, systems of identical particles, second quantization, and Hartree-Fock equations.
    Prerequisite: PHYS 7610 or instructor permission.

    Credits: 3

  • PHYS 8220 - Fundamentals of Photonics

    Studies nonlinear optical phenomena; the laser, sum, and difference frequency generation, optical parametric oscillation, and modulation techniques.
    Prerequisite: PHYS 5310 and exposure to quantum mechanics.

    Credits: 3

  • PHYS 8260 - Ultrafast Laser Spectroscopy

    The course is designed to provide students in physics, chemistry, and engineering an overview of methods in which laser pulses with extremely short duration are used to explore atoms, molecules, and surfaces for basic and applied research applications. Students are also provided with formal descriptions of how laser pulses with extremely short duration are produced, manipulated, and characterized.
    Prerequisite: There are no explicit graduate course pre-requisite, but familiarity with undergraduate level quantum mechanics, electricity and magnetism, optics, and differential calculus is expected.

    Credits: 3

  • PHYS 8310 - Statistical Mechanics

    Discusses thermodynamics and kinetic theory, and the development of the microcanonical, canonical, and grand canonical ensembles. Includes Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac distributions, techniques for handling interacting many-particle systems, and extensive applications to physical problems.
    Prerequisite: PHYS 7610.

    Credits: 3

  • PHYS 8320 - Statistical Mechanics II

    Further topics in statistical mechanics.
    Prerequisite: PHYS 8310.

    Credits: 3
  • PHYS 8420 - Atomic Physics

    Studies the principles and techniques of atomic physics with application to selected topics, including laser and microwave spectroscopy, photoionization, autoionization, effects of external fields, and laser cooling.
    Prerequisite: PHYS 7620 or instructor permission.

    Credits: 3

  • PHYS 8450 - Computational Physics II

    Linear algebra and large sparse matrix methods applied to partial differential equations, with applications to 1+1 and 2+1 dimensional Schrodinger equations. The use of lattice gauge theory methods for introducing electromagnetic fields on a grid, and applications to the quantum theory of conductivity and the integer quantum Hall effect. Application of Monte Carlo simulation methods to statistical mechanical systems, quantum mechanics, and quantum field theory.
    Prerequisite: PHYS 5630 or instructor permission

    Credits: 3

  • PHYS 8610 - Condensed Matter Theory I

    The description and basic theory of the electronic properties of solids including band structure, electrical conduction, optical properties, magnetism and super-conductivity.
    Prerequisite: PHYS 7620 or instructor permission.

    Credits: 3

  • PHYS 8620 - Solid State Physics II

    A discussion of various topics and problems relating to the physical properties of crystalline solids.

    Credits: 3
  • PHYS 8630 - Introduction to Field Theory

    Introduces the quantization of field theories, including those based on the Dirac and Klein-Gordon equations. Derives perturbation theory in terms of Feynman diagrams, and applies it to simple field theories with interactions. Introduces the concept of renormalization.
    Prerequisite: PHYS 7620.

    Credits: 3

  • PHYS 8640 - Modern Field Theory

    Applies field theory techniques to quantum electrodynamics and to the renormalization-group description of phase transitions. Introduces the path integral description of field theory.
    Prerequisite: PHYS 8630.

    Credits: 3

  • PHYS 8710 - Nuclear Physics I

    Discusses nuclear theory and experiment from the modern perspectives of the fundamental theory of the strong interaction: Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD).

    Credits: 3

  • PHYS 8720 - Nuclear Physics II

    A continuation of the topics of PHYS 8710.

    Credits: 3
  • PHYS 8750 - Elementary Particle Physics I

    Introduction to the Standard Model of Electroweak and Strong Interactions, to be followed by physics beyond the Standard Model, including aspects of Grand Unification, Supersymmetry, and neutrino masses.

    Credits: 3

  • PHYS 8760 - Elementary Particle Physics II

    A continuation of the topics of PHYS 8750.

    Credits: 3
  • PHYS 8810 - Selected Topics in Modern Physics

    Selected Topics in Modern Physics

    Credits: 3
  • PHYS 8820 - Ultracold Gases

    Ultracold Gases

    Credits: 3
  • PHYS 8880 - Quantum Optics and Quantum Information

    Studies the quantum theory of light and other boson fields with a special emphasis on the nonclassical physics exemplified by squeezed and entangled quantum states. Applications to quantum communication, quantum computing, and ultraprecise measurements are discussed.
    Prerequisite: PHYS 7610 or instructor permission.

    Credits: 3

  • PHYS 8970 - Non-Topical Research, Preparation for Research

    For master’s research, taken before a thesis director has been selected.

    Credits: 3 to 12
  • PHYS 8999 - Master Thesis Non-Topical Research

    For master’s thesis, taken under the supervision of a thesis director.

    Credits: 3 to 12
  • PHYS 9010 - Introduction to Physics Research I

    Workshops given by UVA Physics faculty describing their research. Restricted to Arts and Sciences graduate students in Physics only

    Credits: 1

  • PHYS 9020 - Introduction to Physics Research II

    Workshops given by UVA Physics faculty describing their research.

    Credits: 1
  • PHYS 9260 - Research Seminar in Theoretical Physics

    Research seminar given on topics in Theoretical Physics. Restricted to Arts and Sciences Physics graduate students only.

    Credits: 3

  • PHYS 9410 - Atomic and Molecular Seminar

    Atomic and Molecular seminars given by invited speakers from outside and within UVA. Restricted to Arts and Sciences Physics graduate students only.

    Credits: 3

  • PHYS 9420 - Atomic and Molecular Seminar

    Studies the principles and techniques of atomic physics with application to selected topics, including laser and microwave spectroscopy, photoionization, autoionization, effects of external fields, and laser cooling.
    Prerequisite: PHYS 7620 or instructor permission.

    Credits: 3

  • PHYS 9610 - Condensed Matter Seminar

    Condensed Matter seminar given by invited speakers from outside and within UVA. Restricted to Arts and Sciences Physics graduate students only.

    Credits: 3


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