Jun 30, 2024  
Graduate Record 2012-2013 
Graduate Record 2012-2013 [ARCHIVED RECORD]

Course Descriptions



  • LAW 9022 - Federal Lawyer

    This course will address the broad, legal, ethics, and policy issues confronted by the federal lawyer. The focus will be on the several roles and responsibilities of lawyers in the Department of Justice (DoJ), often referred to as the ‘world’s largest law firm.’ The course will also address professional responsibility and disciplinary issues.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9023 - Gender and Legal Theory

    This seminar provides an intensive introduction to various schools of feminist theory, including liberal feminism, cultural feminism, dominance feminism, critical race feminism, and feminist uses of queer theory. The principal objective of the seminar is to sharpen skills of close reading and critical analysis.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9024 - Health Care for Children: Law, Economics, and Health Policy

    The course will examine those issues which influence the health and wellbeing of children in our society. Elements in the health care and legal systems which are unique to children will be emphasized. The financing and organization of children’s health and social services will be reviewed. One important theme will be the significance of socioeconomic status and poverty levels on the welfare of children.

    Credits: 2

  • LAW 9025 - Law of Politics

    This seminar examines the variety of laws governing the political process in America; in particular, voting rights, redistricting, campaign finance, and lobbying and ethics regulation. The class will focus on the development of these laws over the last century, with emphasis on recent areas of controversy.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9026 - Law Firm as a Business Organization

    This course is an overview of the historical, economic and sociological factors that have shaped how the practice of law evolves in the modern legal market place. The central focus is the law firm as a business organization. The over-arching issue will be the factors that face a business oriented law firm in today’s environment.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9027 - Moral Dimensions of Policymaking in the United States

    This seminar will explore uses of legal and moral analysis in the American political culture through case studies of current policy problems. The range of possible case studies includes organ transplantation, tobacco control, immunization, mental health policy, and physician-assisted suicide.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9028 - Lochner Era

    This seminar will examine significant developments in the areas of constitutional law governing social and economic regulation in the so-called “Lochner Era,” extending roughly from 1880 to 1940.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9029 - Psychology and Law: Cognitive and Social Issues

    We will investigate about 10 topics for which psychology has important things to say to and about the legal system including: eyewitness testimony, confessions, jury selection, jury decision making, negotiation, hate crime legislation, punishment, and others. Our goal is to learn about the current state of affairs in both domains and propose ways to facilitate the exchange of knowledge between the two disciplines.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9030 - Religion, Democracy, and Law

    This seminar will explore the proper role of religious convictions in a liberal democracy. The seminar will provide a general overview of the contemporary debate on whether citizens and public officials have duties to refrain from relying on religious beliefs in political and legal decision-making. Selected topics will include abortion, homosexuality, evolution, blasphemy, public education, and civil disobedience.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9031 - Rhetoric Seminar

    This course will focus on readings from Aristotle, Cicero, and other ancients and modern rhetoric writers, lectures on rhetorical style and substance, review and analysis of video tapes of distinguished oral presentations, informal discussion, student presentation of five video taped speeches and critique thereof.

    Credits: 2

  • LAW 9032 - Rights of Indigenous Peoples

    This seminar will explore emerging norms and principles of indigenous rights within the international legal framework.

    Credits: 3
  • LAW 9033 - Tax Policy

    This course will examine the legal, economic, and political considerations relevant to formulating tax policy.

    Credits: 3
  • LAW 9034 - Transactional Approach To Mergers and Acquisitions

    The course will provide an in-depth look at the roles played by lawyers and investment bankers in advising boards of directors of target and acquirer companies as well as those played by other transactional professionals. Emphasis will be on how the case law and various state statutes and SEC regulations inform the acquisition process.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9035 - White Collar Crime

    This course will explore federal white collar crime law and practice. We will begin by delving into the federal statutes and the cases interpreting those statutes. We will then examine the investigation, prosecution, and defense of white collar crime cases by considering the power of the grand jury; the Fifth Amendment and immunity; plea bargaining; sentencing; corporate liability; and charging decisions.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9036 - Evidence Theory

    This seminar will examine some of the most difficult doctrinal, philosophical and empirical issues in contemporary evidence law. Topics will include, among others, the role of the jury in fact-finding, the use of probabilistic evidence, demonstrative and narrative relevance, and expert testimony.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9037 - Wrongful Convictions

    This seminar will explore the nature of the problem of wrongful convictions and critically assess possible solutions.

    Credits: 3
  • LAW 9039 - Supreme Court: October Term

    This seminar will examine the Supreme Court by intensive study of the Court’s most recent Term, October Term 2008, which concludes in June 2009. After a brief introduction to the workings of the Court, the seminar will closely examine the most significant decisions from last Term.

    Credits: 3
  • LAW 9040 - Animal Law

    This seminar will explore the legal issues pertaining to animals, the laws that govern their treatment, as well as a number of topics that fall within the general headings “animal law” and “animal rights.” We will examine the historical and philosophical treatment of animals, and how those views impact the way law currently governs treatment and use of animals.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9041 - Law and Ethics of Human Subject Research

    This seminar will begin with a brief look at the origins of the current system for regulating human subjects research and the ethical and legal frameworks that have evolved to assist with that regulation. We will explore central issues like risk-benefit assessment, informed consent, confidentiality, diversity in subject populations and how subjects are recruited and retained.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9042 - Advertising Law

    This seminar covers the traditional regulation and case law of advertising and considers the legal effects of the industry’s innovations and evolution. The course will be divided into sessions on false advertising; trademark and consumer deception laws; the First Amendment; the agencies charged with regulatory oversight; embedded advertising; and possibly some recent developments in internet advertising and search law.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9043 - Tax Practice and Procedure Seminar

    This course will follow the progression of a tax dispute from the planning stages through to litigation.

    Credits: 3
  • LAW 9044 - Mental Health Law and Higher Education

    This seminar will review and critique efforts to provide a safe learning environment for all students while protecting the rights of students with mental illness.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9045 - Intellectual Property Law Policy

    This seminar will cover advanced readings in intellectual property theory and policy.

    Credits: 3
  • LAW 9046 - Issues in Poverty Law

    This seminar examines poverty in the U.S. Addressing historical and contemporary perspectives on poverty and poverty law, topics include access to legal representation, access to the courts, and the ways in which impoverished communities perceive and experience the law, the legal profession, and legal institutions.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9047 - Pro Bono at Large Law Firms

    The purpose of the seminar is to examine the nexus between public interest and private sector law, namely pro bono work.

    Credits: 1

  • LAW 9048 - Legal and Policy Issues of the Indochina War

    America’s tragic involvement in Indochina provides a rich case study for examining a diverse range of broader national security legal and policy issues, including the legal regulation of the initiation of coercion and the conduct of military operations, the role of Congress in the use of military force, and legal regimes governing war crimes and the treatment of prisoners of war.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9049 - American Legal History Seminar

    This seminar investigates problems in American legal history. Students write a 40-page research paper, evaluate five or six papers written by classmates, and participate in weekly discussions of important works written from different historiographical, theoretical, and methodological perspectives.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9050 - Antitrust in the Global Economy

    This seminar examines the unique phenomenon of global antitrust law. The seminar seeks to provide a working knowledge of antitrust principles around the world (with a focus on the United States and Europe) in a field where the typical practice experience now transcends national boundaries.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9051 - Antitrust Practice

    This course studies antitrust and related laws in subject areas ranging from traditional industries to multinational/international transactions to cyberspace and high-tech industries. The seminar covers problems involved in dealing with DOJ and FTC proceedings and in dealing with private suits including mergers, joint ventures, and intellectual property and international trade matters.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9052 - War and Peace: New Thinking about the Causes of War and War Avoidance

    This interdisciplinary seminar will explore the causes of international armed conflict and the ways in which future wars might be avoided and peace preserved. Case studies of past wars will be examined to test competing theories. The seminar is a working seminar designed to advance human knowledge about war and war avoidance.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9053 - Hallmarks of Distinguished Advocacy

    This course treats oral advocacy as an effort to persuade any audience of the merits of a cause or proposal and of the credibility of the proponent. The first seven weeks treat advocacy in settings outside the courtroom. The last half deals with advocacy in the most common trial settings: direct and cross-examination, opening statements, closing arguments and appellate advocacy. Mutually Exclusive with LAW 7626, 9055, and 9185.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9054 - Colloquium in American Legal History

    This is a reading and discussion course in selected topics in the history and historiography of American law. Topics may include the law of accidents, debtor-creditor relations, Native American rights, judicial review, juvenile justice, immigration and citizenship, legal thought, and the civil rights revolution.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9055 - Persuasion for Advocates

    This seminar will explore the principles and techniques of persuasion in the legal arena including a review of the techniques of persuasive oral advocacy and the application of those techniques in opening, closing, witness examination, and oral argument. Mutually Exclusive with LAW 7626, 9053, and 9185. Enrollment not allowed in LAW 7626, 9053, 9055, or 9185 if any taken previously.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9056 - Business Reorganization Under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code

    This seminar focuses on the practical and strategic applications of Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code. The seminar examines applicable statutory and case law with particular emphasis on hypothetical and actual fact situations to demonstrate how the Chapter 11 process works.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9057 - Civil Liberties

    The seminar is a survey and discussion of selected contemporary problems in civil liberties, using both case law (largely Supreme Court) and contemporary writings as base materials.

    Credits: 2

  • LAW 9058 - Race and Law Seminar

    This course will examine the response of law to racial issues in a variety of contemporary legal contexts. Topics may include education, employment, criminal justice, voting, interracial relationships and adoption, and hate speech. The materials will consist of a mix of cases and scholarly commentary. Mutually Exclusive with LAW 7707 Race and Law (SC) and LAW 7089 Race and Law Lecture

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9059 - Airline Industry and Aviation Law

    This course explores legal and policy issues confronting the airline industry. Topics include current issues such as airline bankruptcies, modernizing the air traffic control system, air transportation security, whether the U.S. should permit foreign control of domestic airlines, and other similarly timely topics.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9060 - Rule of Law: Controlling Government

    This seminar explores the theory and cost of government failure and movements for constitutional and legal reform. We will review government failure internationally and domestically; examine theoretical explanations for such failure, including public choice theory; and consider the implications for the rule of law and constitutional and legal reform as applied to controlling government.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9061 - First Amendment Theory

    The principal objective of the seminar is to sharpen skills of close reading and critical analysis. The seminar begins with an overview of general writing about the freedom of speech, including both philosophical and historical treatments. After that, each session is devoted to a close critique of one law review article on the subject.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9062 - Supreme Court from Warren to Roberts

    This seminar will consider the origins of the Warren Court, that Court’s legacy, and the extent to which that legacy survives today; the relation between presidential politics and the work of the Court; the interplay between the Court and the country at large; specific doctrinal developments; the philosophies of the individual justices; and voting blocs and behavior on the Court.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9063 - Criminal Procedure

    This seminar studies the litigation of criminal cases and aims to develop a working familiarity with the law and procedural rules governing conduct of a criminal case at the trial court level, and their practical and tactical application. Pre-trial and trial stages are covered.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9064 - Advanced Topics in the First Amendment (Religion Clauses)

    This seminar begins with an overview of writings about the freedom of religion, including both philosophical and historical treatments. Following weeks consist of a close critique of one (relatively short) law review article on the subject. The principal objectives are to sharpen skills of close reading and critical analysis as well as to deepen understanding of the difficult issues surrounding the freedom of religion.
    Prerequisite: Constitutional Law.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9065 - Managing the Global Economic Crisis

    This seminar will address issues arising out of the current global economic crisis and its aftermath.

    Credits: 3
  • LAW 9066 - Law of Reproduction

    This course will examine ethical and legal issues related to reproduction. While some historical coverage will take place, primary emphasis will be on current topics, such as conscientious provider accommodations, state ultrasound legislation, embryonic stem cell research, prenatal genetic testing, and regulation of the fertility industry.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9067 - Anti-Terrorism, Law and the Role of Intelligence

    In this seminar students will examine legal definitions of terrorism; define the threat of religion-based, non-state terrorism; read studies on the appropriate legal and constitutional responses to terrorism; study the USA Patriot Act, the 9/11 Commission Report, the report of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence on Iraqi WMD reporting, courts’ responses, and the Silberman/Robb report on intelligence analysis.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9068 - Historic Preservation Law

    The seminar reviews the structure of historic preservation law in the U.S. at the federal, state, and local level, and the policy issues facing governmental units regarding the preservation of historic buildings and sites. Comparisons are made to programs in other countries and to efforts undertaken at the international level to foster preservation.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9069 - Antitrust Review Mergers in a Global Environment

    Mergers and acquisitions are reviewed under antitrust laws, with an emphasis on U.S. antitrust law at the federal level. Topics include market definition and measures of market concentration; theories of liability for anticompetitive horizontal, vertical, and conglomerate mergers; methods for predicting anticompetitive effects; failing firm, efficiencies, and other defenses; remedies; and enforcement mechanics.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9070 - Current Issues in International Financial Regulation

    This research-oriented seminar is intended for students interested in international finance and the structure of financial regulation in the global economy.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9071 - Law and Higher Education

    This seminar focuses on the law particular to institutions of higher education. Topics include institutional governance; faculty/student rights and responsibilities; the First, Fourth and 14th Amendments; civil rights, the rights of the disabled, and gender-based issues; liability issues; research-related issues; affiliated entities; and the legal implications of increasing technology in higher education.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9072 - Commercial Real Estate Transactions

    This seminar focuses on the practical and legal issues associated with the development and finance of commercial real estate transactions.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9073 - Government Ethics: Conflicts of Interest, Lobbying and Campaign Finance

    There is increasing concern in Congress and state legislatures about the rules governing conflicts of interest, lobbying and campaign finance. We will examine what restrictions legislatures and courts have placed on the financing of campaigns, and what reforms are necessary.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9074 - Legislative Drafting and Public Policy

    Each student in this seminar will draft legislation and supporting documentation on an issue of particular interest to the student. Each student will be required to prepare a draft statute, and a supporting commentary of usual seminar paper length.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9075 - Environmental Liability Litigation

    This seminar deals with both public enforcement of environmental standards and private suits that seek to curb environmental hazards or recover damage for harms attributed to such hazards. The practical process of bringing private actions for so-called toxic torts will receive particular attention.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9076 - Federal Lands, Energy, and Natural Resources Law

    The seminar surveys the laws and policies governing the management of lands and natural resources under federal ownership (some one-third of the nation’s continental land area).

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9077 - Comparative Law

    This seminar introduces the fundamental features of different legal systems, especially those in Europe and parts of the developing world. The seminar will consider the influence of ideology on law, the reform process, the influence of various models, and the realization of institutional change in constitutional, civil, criminal and administrative law. It will also examine the impact of international institutions on domestic law.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9078 - Current Issues in Copyright Litigation

    This seminar will explore the issues raised by significant copyright litigation pending in the federal courts, recent copyright decisions and emerging digital technologies that rely upon copyrighted content.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9079 - Psychiatry and Criminal Law

    This interdisciplinary seminar will examine how the criminal justice system addresses defendants and adult offenders with a mental disorder. Contemporary issues in forensic mental health will be explored.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9080 - Legal Issues at the End of Life

    This course will examine ethical and legal issues at the end of life, including withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment, physician-assisted suicide, definitions of death, and organ harvesting.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9081 - Trial Advocacy

    In this seminar, students are prepared for work in the trial court and for the atmosphere of the courtroom. Students will be given the opportunity to perform one or more of the functions of trial lawyers on their feet, such as direct and cross examination, opening statements, handling of exhibits, objections, and closing argument.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9082 - Lawyers and Justice: Ethics in Public Interest Lawyering

    This seminar focuses on how ethical and moral considerations intersect with the practice and theory of law. Topics include “impact,” or class-action litigation; government lawyering; lawyering for specific status groups, such as women or the poor; and legal services lawyering, which typically involves the representation of indigent clients.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9083 - Mental Health Issues in Juvenile Justice

    This interdisciplinary seminar examines the role of mental disorders and mental health professionals in juvenile justice and family law.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9084 - Criminology

    This seminar introduces law students to the scientific study of violent crime, including the factors that give rise to violence and those that may account for the remarkable decline in violence in recent years in the United States.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9085 - Issues in International and Digital Media

    This seminar explores the ways digital media have had an impact on various aspects of contemporary law and regulation. It will also consider the intersections between digital media law and politics, culture, community, communication, identity, privacy, and property.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9086 - Jury Trials in America: Understanding and Practicing before a Pure Form of Democracy

    This seminar will immerse students in the world of jury trials including the history of our jury and current perceptions of its role; jury selection processes; factors affecting juror performance during the trial; jury management challenges such as increasing juror comprehension in complex litigation and juror privacy; and current policy debates concerning jury proceedings.

    Credits: 2

  • LAW 9087 - International Environmental Law

    This seminar deals chiefly with the role and impact of traditional public international law and policy, particularly multilateral environmental agreements, on international environmental issues. It also emphasizes the practical aspects of representing clients in the international context, by focusing on the regulatory and liability aspects of environmental law, both domestic and international.

    Credits: 2

  • LAW 9088 - Supreme Court Justices and the Art of Judging

    Key figures on the modern Supreme Court will be the focus of this seminar. We will consider selected justices - their background before coming to the Court, their major decisions, their jurisprudence, their interaction with other justices, their legacy. We will take stock of these justices both through their own writings and through the views of commentators, including judicial biographers.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9089 - Seminar in Ethical Values (YR)

    This is the first semester of a yearlong seminar designed to enhance students’ understanding of ethical issues and address the broader ethical and moral responsibilities of the lawyer as citizen and leader.

    Credits: 0

  • LAW 9090 - Seminar in Ethical Values (YR)

    This is the second semester of a yearlong seminar designed to enhance students’ understanding of ethical issues and address the broader ethical and moral responsibilities of the lawyer as citizen and leader.

    Credits: 1

  • LAW 9091 - Germs, Guns, and Lead: Public Health Law and Policy

    This course explores the legitimacy, design, and implementation of policies aiming to promote public health and reduce the social burden of disease and injury. Illustrative topics include mandatory immunization, screening and reporting of infectious diseases, prevention of obesity and diabetes, and prevention of lead poisoning.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9092 - International Ifs in the Mid-Twentieth Century

    This seminar undertakes a variety of “what if?” speculations associated with crucial events affecting the United States in the middle of the 20th century, with special attention paid to the potential role of international law.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9093 - Law and Ethics in Medical Practice

    This interdisciplinary seminar will address legal and ethical issues in the practice of medicine. Law students and residents, fellows and faculty from the Medical School will explore issues such as informed consent, ethical and legal challenges in managed care, prevention and acknowledgment of medical errors, regulation of research, and end-of-life issues.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9094 - Issues in State and Local Taxation and Fiscal Policy

    An examination of issues relating to the ways in which state and local governments tax, spend, and borrow. Specific topics may include treatment of unfunded mandates, financing education, and borrowing for public/private projects.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9095 - Aging and the Law

    This seminar addresses issues relating to the health and financial needs of the elderly. Topics include ethical issues raised in representing elderly clients, financing of health care, guardianship and other mechanisms of surrogate decision-making, nursing home regulation, special housing needs, elder abuse and neglect, end-of-life medical care, employment discrimination, and income security.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9096 - Property Theory

    This seminar will examine a variety of theories of property, including natural rights theories and utilitarian theories. The focus of the seminar is on the rigorous evaluation of scholarly argument. After a several-week overview of the field, each session will be devoted to an intensive study of single law review article, with designated students criticizing or defending that article.
    Prerequisite: LAW 6006 Property.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9097 - Tort Theory

    This seminar will explore contemporary issues in tort law, including the proper scope of liability for accidental harm, problems of causation, and damages. The focus of the seminar is on the rigorous evaluation of scholarly argument. The readings will consist of both classic works in the field and important current studies.
    Prerequisite is LAW 6007 Torts.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9098 - Retirement Security

    This seminar will examine the adequacy of legal regulation intended to protect workers’ earned benefits and how these rules, primarily the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), have worked in protecting employer-funded retirement income and health benefits in relation to government-funded benefits, including Social Security, Medicare and plans operated by State and local governments.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9099 - Civil Rights History from Plessy to Brown

    This course explores the various meanings of civil rights in the 50 years that preceded Brown v. Board of Education. Examining civil rights cases from Plessy v. Ferguson through World War II and beyond, the course emphasizes recreating the uncertainties that characterized civil rights doctrine in the 1940s.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9100 - Federal Criminal Practice

    This seminar takes a practical approach to the investigation and adjudication of complex federal crimes. Students will trace a criminal investigation from its genesis through its courtroom conclusion. Students will learn the law governing each of these various stages of criminal investigations and its application to real-life investigative situations.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9101 - Restitution and Unjust Enrichment

    Unjust enrichment is a source of civil liability parallel to tort and contract. That is, you can be civilly liable without having done anything wrong, simply because you have received a thing of value that rightly belongs to someone else.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9102 - Legal History: Transnational and Imperial Contexts to 1850

    This course explores law’s history across boundaries of nation or culture, with a particular interest in how legal ideas and practices associated with one culture operated when carried into others.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9103 - Public and Private Rights in American Law

    This seminar explores various manifestations of the distinction between public and private rights in American law. The course situates the debate about public and private rights historically, and examine various areas where the contest continues, including standing to vindicate public and private rights, punitive damages, legislative retroactivity, state action, and the right to privacy.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9104 - Regulation of U.S. Industries

    This seminar will cover the deregulation of the energy and telecommunications industries with emphasis on the legal and financial impacts, the relationship between federal and state regulatory jurisdiction, the challenges to deregulation, market power, price caps, stranded costs, the California energy crisis, the collapse of Enron, and Wall Street’s “behind the scene” role in deregulation.

    Credits: 2

  • LAW 9105 - Lawyers and the Civil Rights Movement

    This seminar considers issues in 20th-century social and constitutional history, with particular emphasis on matters of race and inequality. Students read and discuss constitutional cases, works of historical scholarship, and primary source material and watch and comment upon documentaries on the civil rights era.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9107 - Expertise, Science, and the Law of Evidence

    This seminar examines the theoretical and practical questions raised by the use of expert information within the legal system.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9108 - Urban Law and Policy

    This course will examine the legal, economic, and political forces that have shaped American metropolitan areas with particular attention to the policies that have shaped American cities and suburbs. The course will consider issues such as sprawl, racial segregation, housing, education, land use, concentrated poverty, and community economic development.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9109 - China(s) and the United States

    This seminar examines international law and U.S. foreign policy relevant to Taiwan and the People’s Republic of China (PRC).

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9110 - Education Law and Policy

    This seminar considers law and policy pertaining to public education, mainly state and federal constitutional and statutory law concerning elementary and secondary education. The goal is to examine how educational systems function as tools of socialization and social ordering, and how individuals and communities interact (and sometimes collide) with these systems.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9111 - Sexuality and the Law

    This seminar explores the role of the law in shaping the social meaning of heterosexuality and of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender identities in a number of contexts, including employment, education, sexual expression, family relationships, and the military. There is an emphasis on constitutional doctrines, including equal protection, due process/privacy, and freedom of speech and association.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9112 - Trials of the Century:Literary & Legl Represntatns of Great Criminal Trials

    This seminar examines a number of famous criminal trials and explores what commonalities, if any, are shared by those trials that capture our cultural imagination. The focus is on rhetorical and narrative strategies for representing the facts, as well as the legal rules, adversarial norms, and ideological stakes in such trials.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9113 - Intellectual Property - A Speakers’ Workshop

    This seminar will involve presentations of recent scholarship and works-in-progress by leading law professors in the field of intellectual property.

    Credits: 2

  • LAW 9114 - Law of War

    This course will introduce the student to the full scope of the contemporary law of war including international humanitarian law, centered on the Geneva Conventions, customary practice, numerous other treaties such as the Hague accords of 1899 and 1907, and rulings in hundreds of war crimes trials. It will contain a mixture of humanitarian and pragmatic concerns.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9115 - Law in Society

    This course examines law as a moving force and a responsive element in society. The course explores several legal disciplines with a focus on understanding the questions that must be addressed in making informed decisions. The focus is on more effective problem-solving with the uncertainty, trade-offs, and unanticipated outcomes that may come from applying legal concepts.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9116 - Direct Democracy

    Voters in many American states use direct democracy to make laws on everything from soda bottles and horsemeat to taxes and same-sex marriage. In so doing, they sidestep many of the checks and balances of republican government that the Framers carefully designed. This seminar will examine the history, theory, and practice of direct democracy, as structured by federal and state constitutional law.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9117 - Marriage in Law, Culture, and the Imagination

    The colloquium will study law relating to marriage (and related topics, such as love, divorce, paternity, etc.) and will also put the institution of marriage in broad cultural context. Materials include fictional texts, cultural analysis, and films, as well as cases from the law.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9118 - Poverty, Inequality, and Human Rights in Education

    This course will provide a systematic analysis of global poverty and inequality as it intersects with the right to education. We will examine the broad underpinnings of international human rights and the specific components of education rights, and then examine these issues as they relate to the experiences of refugee and immigrant children in the Charlottesville area.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9119 - Copyright and Literary Culture in the Digital Age

    This course inquires into the relationship between the U.S. copyright regime and contemporary literary production and consumption, focusing on how cultural and aesthetic notions of literary originality, creativity, and ownership both shape, and are shaped by, legal regulation. Topics include fair use, sponsorship, characters, moral rights, and their evolution in a digital era.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9120 - Intelligence Law Reform

    This seminar will trace the development of intelligence law from the creation of the CIA in 1947, through the Cold War, to the current War on Terrorism. We will review the USA Patriot Act of 2001 and more recent intelligence reform legislation including the creation of a Director of National Intelligence and a National Counter-Terrorist Center.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9121 - Supreme Court and Criminal Law

    This seminar will focus on the role of the Supreme Court in establishing general doctrines governing the scope of substantive criminal law including statutory interpretation principles, retroactive decision-making and the meaning of fair notice, the constitutionality of guideline sentencing schemes, and constitutionally imposed proportionality limits as they apply to the death penalty, prison sentences, and fines.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9122 - Labor Racketeering

    This seminar will consider the origins of labor racketeering in the structure of organized crime and the American labor movement. We will consider the basic statutory scheme - the LMRDA, Taft Hartley, and ERISA - in which unions, their affiliated funds, and the mob operate; as well as the criminal statutes - RICO, the Hobbs Act - that have framed the government’s response.

    Credits: 3

  • LAW 9123 - Judging

    Scholars, lawyers, journalists, and politicians have long debated how judges do ‘and how judges should’ decide cases. This seminar will explore this debate by examining theories of judicial decision-making, including Langdellian formalism, legal realism, and theories flowing from critical legal studies.

    Credits: 3


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