Jul 04, 2024  
Graduate Record 2010-2011 
Graduate Record 2010-2011 [ARCHIVED RECORD]

Course Descriptions


Biomedical Engineering

  • BME 6103 - Physiology I

    The integration of cell and organ systems into a coherent, functional organism is studied, in a course designed for students with either an educational and life science background. Topics covered include major aspects of human physiology, with an emphasis on mechanisms. The structure and function of each system is treated, as well as the interrelations and integration of their hormonal and neural control mechanisms. BIOM 603 focuses on how excitable tissue (nerves and muscle) and the cardiovascular and respiratory systems work. Prerequisite: Instructor permission. Suggested preparation: physics, chemistry, cell biology, and calculus.

    Credits: 3
  • BME 6104 - Physiology and Pathophysiology

    This course will emphasize a fundamental understanding of physiology with a focus on mechanisms, and continues the coverage of major systems from BIOM 603. Studies the renal, gastrointestinal, endocrine, and central nervous systems. Integration of function from molecule to cell to organ to body. Includes some functional anatomy. Quantitative understanding of problems like salt and water balance through class work and homework sets. Five lectures on specific diseases and their pathophysiology. Prerequisite: BIOM 603 or instructor permission.

    Credits: 3
  • BME 6280 - Motion Biomechanics

    Focuses on the study of forces (and their effects) that act on the musculoskeletal structures of the human body. Based on the foundations of functional anatomy and engineering mechanics (rigid body and deformable approaches); students are exposed to clinical problems in orthopedics and rehabilitation. Cross-listed as AM-628. Prerequisite: BIOM 603.

    Credits: 3
  • BME 6310 - Instrumentation and Measurement in Medicine I

    Presentation of the fundamental circuit concepts and signal and system analysis methods used in the design and analysis of medical instrumentation. Circuit concepts include passive electronic circuits, operational amplifier circuits, circuit solution methods, and filter design methods. Special emphasis is placed on circuits commonly employed in medical devices, such as, differential amplifiers and filtering networks used in electrocardiograph systems. Signal and system analysis topics include linear system definitions, convolution, Fourier transforms, and Laplace transforms. Students perform a project using the signal and systems analysis methods to model and analyze biomedical problems. A laboratory, equivalent to one of the four course credits, provides experience in electronic circuit construction and testing, and numerical modeling and analysis of signals and systems. Prerequisite: Instructor permission. Suggested preparation: physics and mathematics through differential equations.

    Credits: 4
  • BME 6311 - Instrumentation and Measurement in Medicine II

    Preparation: Mathematics through differential equations. Undergraduate Physics, Chemistry, Electronic Circuit Analysis. Review of basic sensor classes (resistive, piezoelectric, etc.). Principles of measurement of various biomedical parameters and effects that limit accuracy. Interfacing and loading issues. Discussion of electronic circuits for pre-amplification and signal conditioning. Noise, signal averaging, A/D conversion and sampling effects. Origin and measurement of biopotentials. Bioinstrumentation techniques used for various physiological signal monitoring methods (blood flow, ECG, respiratory, etc.). Discussion of magnetic resonance and ultrasound imaging principles and basic image quality metrics. Laboratory experiments involve construction and characterization of simple transducers and signal conditioning equipment for measuring such biomedical parameters as force, displacement, pressure, flow and biopotentials. Prerequisite: Instructor permission, and EE 203 or MAE 202.

    Credits: 4
  • BME 6550 - Special Topics in Biomedical Engineering

    Applies engineering science, design methods, and system analysis to developing areas and current problems in biomedical engineering. Topics vary by semester.

    Credits: 3
  • BME 7003 - Biomedical Engineering Seminar

    A seminar course in which selected topics in biomedical engineering are presented by students, faculty and guest investigators.

    Credits: 0
  • BME 7641 - Bioelectricity

    Provides biomedical engineers with a grounding in molecular biology and a working knowledge of recombinant DNA technology, thus establishing a basis for the evaluation and application of genetic engineering in whole animal systems. Beginning with the basic principles of cell structure and function, this course examines the use of molecular methods to study gene expression and its critical role in health and disease. Topics include DNA replication, transcription, translation, methods for studying genes and gene expression at the mRNA and protein levels, methods for mutating genes and introducing genes into cells, methods for creating genetically-engineered mice and methods for accomplishing gene therapy by direct in vivo gene transfer. Prerequisite: An undergraduate-level cell and/or molecular biology course (e.g., BIOM 204) and BIOM 601, or instructor permission. Suggested preparation includes: biochemistry, cell biology, genetics and physiology.

    Credits: 3
  • BME 7782 - Medical Imaging Systems Theory

    Develops an intuitive understanding of the mathematical systems theory needed to understand and design biomedical imaging systems, including ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography. Topics will include multidimensional Fourier transform theory, image reconstruction techniques, diffraction theory, and Fourier optics. Prerequisite: BME 6310 or equivalent exposure to linear systems theory or instructor permission.

    Credits: 3
  • BME 7783 - Medical Image Modalities

    Studies engineering and physical principles underlying the major imaging modalities such as X-ray, ultrasound CT, MRI, and PET. A comprehensive overview of modern medical imaging modalities with regard to the physical basis of image acquisition and methods of image reconstruction. Students learn about the tradeoffs, which have been made in current implementations of these modalities. Considers both primarily structural modalities (magnetic-resonance imaging, electrical-impedance tomography, ultrasound, and computer tomography) and primarily functional modalities (nuclear medicine, single-photon-emission computed tomography, positron-emission tomography, magnetic-resonance spectroscopy, and magnetic-source imaging). Corequisite: BIOM 610 or instructor permission.

    Credits: 3
  • BME 7784 - Medical Image Analysis

    Comprehensive overview of medical image analysis and visualization. Focuses on the processing and analysis of these images for the purpose of quantitation and visualization to increase the usefulness of modern medical image data. Topics covered involve image formation and perception, enhancement and artifact reduction, tissue and structure segmentation, classification and 3-D visualization techniques as well as pictures archiving, communication and storage systems. Involves ‘hands-on’ experience with homework programming assignments. Prerequisite: BIOM 610 and ECE 682/CS 682, or instructor permission.

    Credits: 3
  • BME 7806 - Biomedical Applications of Genetic Engineering

    Provides biomedical engineers with a grounding in molecular biology and a working knowledge of recombinant DNA technology, thus establishing a basis for the evaluation and application of genetic engineering in whole animal systems. Beginning with the basic principles of genetics, this course examines the use of molecular methods to study gene expression and its critical role in health and disease. Topics include DNA replication, transcription, translation, recombinant DNA methodology, methods for analyzing gene expression (including microarray and genechip analysis), methods for creating genetically-engineered mice, and methods for accomplishing gene therapy by direct in vivo gene transfer. Prerequisite: BIOM 603, undergraduate-level cell and/or molecular biology course. (e.g., BIOM 304) or instructor permission. Suggested preparation: biochemistry, cell biology, genetics, and physiology.

    Credits: 3
  • BME 8550 - Advanced Topics in Biomed Engineering

    Applies engineering science, design methods, and system analysis to developing areas and current problems in biomedical engineering. Topics vary by semester.

    Credits: 3
  • BME 8730 - Diagnostic Ultrasound Imaging

    Underlying principles of array based ultrasound imaging. Physics and modeling techniques used in ultrasound transducers. Brief review of ID circuit transducer models. Use of Finite Element techniques in transducer design. Design considerations for 1.5D and 2D arrays will be reviewed. Diffraction and beamforming will be introduced starting from Huygen’s principle. FIELD propagation model will form an important part of the class. In depth discussion of various beamforming and imaging issues such as sidelobes, apodization, grating lobes, resolution, contrast, etc. The course addresses attenuation, time-gain-compensation and refraction. Finally, speckle statistics and K-Space techniques will be introduced. Laboratories will involve measuring ultrasound image metrics, examining the effect of various beamforming parameters and simulating these on a computer using Matlab. Prerequisite: instructor permission, BIOM 610 and BIOM 611. Preparation: Undergraduate Physics, Electronic circuit analysis, Differential Equations, Fourier and Laplace Transforms, Sampling Theorems.

    Credits: 3
  • BME 8782 - Magnetic Resonance Imaging

    The course covers the physical principles of nuclear magnetic resonance, the biological and medical problems addressed using MRI, the analysis and design of MRI pulse sequences from a signal processing perspective, and MR image reconstruction techniques. It will introduce various advanced topics, such as cardiac MRI and spectroscopic imaging. The course will include laboratory sessions working with an MRI scanner. Prerequisites: BME 7782 Biomedical Imaging Systems Theory, or knowledge of 2D Fourier transforms and linear systems theory.

    Credits: 3
  • BME 8783 - Advanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging

    Advanced physics and applications of magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy will be covered. Upon completion of this course, the student will understand the factors that affect the MRI signal, and will know how these factors can be exploited to image or measure various aspects of physiology with MR. Prerequisites: BME 8782 Magnetic Resonance Imaing and MATLAB experience.

    Credits: 3
  • BME 8823 - Cell Mechanics, Adhesion, and Locomotion

    Biomechanics and structural biology of cell structure and function, focusing on quantitative description and measurements of cell deformability, adhesion, and locomotion. Cell deformability: erythrocyte properties, membrane mechanics, shear, bending, and area elasticity. Leukocyte structure and deformability. Structural basis of plasma membrane, lipid bilayer, surface structures, nucleus, organelles, cell junctions, cytoskeleton, membrane transport, active cytoskeletal functions, specific and non-specific forces between molecules, protein structure, molecular graphics. Cell adhesion molecules: families of adhesion molecules, cell-cell and cell-matrix binding, biochemical characteristics, regulation of expression, regulation of binding avidity, functional role. Cell adhesion assays: detachment assays, aggregation of leukocytes and platelets, controlled shear systems, flow chambers. Mechanics of cell adhesion: equilibrium analysis of cell adhesion, models of cell rolling, adhesion bond mechanics. Liposomes, microbubbles, and applications to targeted adhesion. Cell motility: measurement of active forces and motility in cells, molecular motors. Effects of mechanical stress and strain on cell function. Prerequisite: BIOM 822 or instructor permission.

    Credits: 3
  • BME 8890 - Biomolecular Engineering

    In this class, students design treatment strategies for cancer and cardiovascular disease based on molecular bioengineering principles.  Special topics will include design of nanoparticle drug and gene delivery platforms, materials biocompatibility, cancer immunotherapy, and molecular imaging.  Prerequisites: Undergraduate coursework in cell and molecular biology and biomechanics. Recommended undergraduate course in transport processes.

    Credits: 3
  • BME 8900 - Graduate Teaching Instruction

    For master’s students.

    Credits: 1 to 12
  • BME 8995 - Supervised Projects Research

    A research project in biomedical engineering conducted in consultation with a faculty advisor. Includes the design, execution, and analysis of experimental laboratory work and computational or theoretical computer analysis of a problem. Fulfills the project requirement for the Biomedical Engineering Masters of Engineering degree.

    Credits: 1 to 6
  • BME 8999 - Master’s Research

    Master’s Research

    Credits: 1 to 12
  • BME 9000 - Graduate Teaching Instruction

    For doctoral students.

    Credits: 1 to 12
  • BME 9999 - Dissertation

    Formal record of student commitment to doctoral research under the guidance of a faculty advisor. May be repeated as necessary.

    Credits: 1 to 12

Biomedical Sciences

  • BIMS 5012 - Cell Structure and Function

    A beginning graduate course in molecular cell biology examining the functional organization of eukaryotic cells and the interactions of cells with their surroundings. General and specialized forms of cell signaling are discussed, and events involved in regulating cell proliferation and differentiation are emphasized.

    Credits: 5
  • BIMS 5030 - Macromolecular Structure and Function

    This integrated course provides the necessary background at the professional level for careers in a variety of biological and physical sciences. Prerequisites: Calculus, organic chemistry, physical chemistry. Some introductory knowledge assumed.

    Credits: 4
  • BIMS 5410 - Computational Methods in Diabetes and Endocrinology

    A focused introduction to contemporary quantitative methods applied to basic and clinical diabetes and endocrine research. Topics may include the clinical blood glucose optimization problems of diabetes, history of quantifying characteristics of T1DM and T2DM, error-grid analysis, behavioral determinants of T1DM control, risk analysis of blood glucose data, use of self-monitoring blood glucose data for evaluation of patients’ glycemic control, stochastic modeling of blood glucose fluctuations, network modeling of blood glucose dynamics, and analysis of continuous monitoring data. Prerequisites: consent of advisor.

    Credits: 4
  • BIMS 5559 - New Course in Biomedical Sciences

    New course in the subject of biomedical sciences.

    Credits: 1 to 4
  • BIMS 6559 - New Course in Biomedical Sciences

    New course in the subject of biomedical sciences.

    Credits: 1 to 4
  • BIMS 7100 - Research Ethics

    Beginning in 1989, the National Institutes of Health introduced a requirement that institutions provide a program of instruction in the responsible conduct of research (NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts, Volume 18, Number 45, 1989). This was later expanded to require that all fellows on NIH training grants should receive instruction in the responsible conduct of research. The requirement does not specify a particular format or curriculum. However, recommendations are made that several areas should be covered in the instruction: conflict of interest, responsible authorship, policies for handling misconduct, policies regarding the use of human and animal subjects, and data management. This course is designed to help student consider each of these areas and therein formulate an understanding of responsible conduct in research.

    Credits: 1
  • BIMS 7559 - New Course in Biomedical Sciences

    New course in the subject of biomedical science.

    Credits: 1 to 4
  • BIMS 8010 - Gene Structure, Expression and Regulation

    Study of the molecular biology of bacterial and eukaryotic cells, emphasizing the application of recombinant DNA for elucidation of gene structure, the mechanism of gene expression, and its regulation. Five lecture hours.

    Credits: 5
  • BIMS 8011 - General and Molecular Genetics

    Study of the organization, transmission, function and regulation of prokaryotic and eukaryotic genes. Three lecture hours.

    Credits: 4
  • BIMS 8012 - Chromatin Structure & Function

    This course is designed to provide students with a broad understanding of the role that chromatin structure plays in multiple chromosomal processes. Emphasis is placed on the integration of structural, biochemical, and genetic approaches to chromatin function. Topics covered include nucleosome structure, DNA replication and nucleosome assembly, chromosome condensation, post-translational histone modifications, chromatin remodeling, gene silencing, and many others.

    Credits: 3
  • BIMS 8041 - Advanced Topics in Cancer

    Continuing education in cancer-related topics, focusing on four topics from the current literature. Faculty with special interest in each topic will guide students, who will be responsible for presenting and discussing the contents of selected research papers. Prerequisite: MICR 815 and BIMS 812.

    Credits: 3
  • BIMS 8050 - Explorations in Human Disease

    Explorations in Human Disease

    Credits: 1
  • BIMS 8051 - Cell & Molecular Biology Proj

    Cell and Molecular Biology Projects.

    Credits: 1 to 12
  • BIMS 8052 - Cell & Molecular Biol Projects

    Cell and Molecular Biology Projects.

    Credits: 1 to 12
  • BIMS 8053 - Cell & Molecular Biology Literature

    Other first-year course work could include genetics, physical chemistry, developmental biology, immunology, pharmacology, neurosciences, or computer sciences. Qualifying examinations include written examinations, oral research proposals, or both, depending upon the particular department. In addition to formal course work and informal laboratory research discussions, graduate students are encouraged to attend a variety of special seminars given by visiting speakers. The seminar programs provide knowledge in every area of modern biological science, and are an integral part of the general education of a research scientist.

    Credits: 1
  • BIMS 8054 - Cell and Molecular Biology Literature

    A continuing seminar based on papers in the current literature.

    Credits: 1
  • BIMS 8062 - Vascular Biology

    A broad interdisciplinary course considering the basis for vascular function from a physiological and pathophysiological perspective. Topics include basic microcirculatory function, smooth muscle and endothelial cell function and development, capillary exchange, inflammatory processes, leukocyte endothelial cell interactions, and the pathophysiology of atherogenesis. Topics such as vascular control, angiogenesis, and inflammatory responses of the cardiovascular system will be highlighted. Prerequisite: One course in mammalian physiology and one in cell biology.

    Credits: 3
  • BIMS 8063 - Modern Literature of Cardiovascular Research

    A one-credit course taught by a number of members of the faculty of the Cardiovascular training grant. Faculty will rotate from semester to semester. It will be offered each semester and the aim of the course will be to establish a strong background in cardiovascular research technology and state-of-the-art research concepts.

    Credits: 1
  • BIMS 8064 - Modern Literature of Cardiovascular Research

    A one-credit course taught by a number of members of the faculty of the Cardiovascular training grant. Faculty will rotate from semester to semester. It will be offered each semester and the aim of the course will be to establish a strong background in cardiovascular research technology and state-of -the-art research concepts.

    Credits: 1
  • BIMS 8066 - Cardiovascular Physiology

    An intense six-week course emphasizing autonomic pharmacology, and basic principles of cardiovascular function. This will be integrated into the Medical Physiology course and supplemented by weekly meetings with Cardiovascular faculty. Prerequisites are cell biology and biochemistry.

    Credits: 3
  • BIMS 8071 - CVRC Research in Progress

    CVRC Research in Progress

    Credits: 1
  • BIMS 8072 - CVRC Research in Progress

    CVRC Research in Progress

    Credits: 1
  • BIMS 8090 - Cell Imaging

    Principles of optical and electron microscopy, light absorption and emission, quantitative fluorescence imaging; in vivo imaging; image processing, FRET and FLIM, photo-bleaching and photo-activation, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, speckle microscopy, and other new techniques for studying cell dynamics by microscopy. Includes lectures on these topics and discussions of research papers. Prerequisite: BIMS 812.

    Credits: 1
  • BIMS 8091 - CVRC Seminars

    CVRC Seminars

    Credits: 1
  • BIMS 8092 - CVRC Seminars

    CVRC Seminars

    Credits: 1
  • BIMS 8121 - Skeletal Health and Disease

    The biological structure of skeletal tissues, the role of growth factors in mesenchymal cell signaling and differentiation, tissue regeneration and genetic diseases will be presented by experts in the field. Recent publications will be assigned to participating postdoctoral fellows and senior graduate students for in depth discussion of major discoveries and technological advances in the molecular and cellular biology of skeletal tissues. Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.

    Credits: 2
  • BIMS 8122 - Skeletal Health and Disease

    The biological structure of skeletal tissues, the role of growth factors in mesenchymal cell signaling and differentiation, tissue regeneration and genetic diseases will be presented by experts in the field. Recent publications will be assigned to participating postdoctoral fellows and senior graduate students for in depth discussion of major discoveries and technological advances in the molecular and cellular biology of skeletal tissues. Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.

    Credits: 2
  • BIMS 8131 - Topics in the Molecular Basis of Human Disease

    The course will address the biologic/molecular mechanisms related to selected disease processes as they affect specific cell types, tissues, and/or organic systems. A strong focus of the course will be the discussion of the basic pathobiologic processes and the contemporary biomedical translation of experimental science to the understanding and treatment of human disease.

    Credits: 1
  • BIMS 8132 - Topics in the Molecular Basis of Human Disease

    This is a series of joint lectures by basic and clinical scientists that focuses on the clinical context of a specific biomedical problem and the contemporary research that has resulted in major advances and treatment of the disease. Note: Students may take part II before part I of this course. This is a series of joint lectures by basic and clinical scientists that focuses on the clinical context of a specific biomedical problem.

    Credits: 1
  • BIMS 8151 - MSTP Journal Club

    A weekly journal club for Medical Scientist Training Program first year medical students.  Format: A different faculty member will be responsible each week for choosing journal articles to be reviewed.  The faculty member will help one student prepare an oral presentation of background material, which will be followed by querying the students in a random fashion.  All students are expected to read the papers and participate in the discussion.

    Credits: 1
  • BIMS 8171 - M.D./Ph.D. Research in Progress Colloquium

    The Research in Progress Colloquium is a series of research seminars and short talks by students in our combined M.D./Ph.D. Program. The major goals of the course are to familiarize students with key research areas of importance for training as physician scientists, and to develop the student’s presentation skills. Students are required to give a minimum of one oral presentation per year to their fellow students and to selected faculty members who have expertise in the area of presentation. Students also are required to attend presentations of other students and to participate in group discussions. In addition to research presentations by students, there will also be presentations by faculty members in areas of significance for training of physician scientists. Grading (S/U) will be based on the quality of the students’ presentation, as well as the extent of their participation in group discussions.

    Credits: 1
  • BIMS 8172 - MD/PhD Research in Progress Colloquium

    The Research in Progress Colloquium is a series of research seminars and short talks by students in our combined M.D./Ph.D. Program. The major goals of the course are to familiarize students with key research areas of importance for training as physician scientists, and to develop the student’s presentation skills. Students are required to give a minimum of one oral presentation per year to their fellow students and to selected faculty members who have expertise in the area of presentation. Students also are required to attend presentations of other students and to participate in group discussions. In addition to research presentations by students, there will also be presentations by faculty members in areas of significance for training of physician scientists. Grading (S/U) will be based on the quality of the students’ presentation, as well as the extent of their participation in group discussions.

    Credits: 1
  • BIMS 8191 - Biotechnology Rsch Seminars

    This weekly research-in-progress student series will be overseen by the Biotechnology Training Program Director or Co-Director. Trainees will present their research results or a related journal article on a round robin basis involving a single presenter per session. To ensure that trainees learn how to prepare research or journal presentations, a training program mentor will be scheduled to meet with a trainee one week before the presentation for rehearsals. This weekly research-in-progress student series will be overseen by the Biotechnology Training Program Director or Co-Director. Trainees will present their research results or a related journal article on a round robin basis involving a single presenter per session. To ensure that trainees learn how to prepare research or journal presentations, a training program mentor will be scheduled to meet with a trainee one week before the presentation for rehearsals.

    Credits: 1
  • BIMS 8192 - Biotechnology Research Seminars

    This weekly research-in-progress student series will be overseen by the Biotechnology Training Program Director or Co-Director. Trainees will present their research results or a related journal article on a round robin basis involving a single presenter per session. To ensure that trainees learn how to prepare research or journal presentations, a training program mentor will be scheduled to meet with a trainee one week before the presentation for rehearsals. This weekly research-in-progress student series will be overseen by the Biotechnology Training Program Director or Co-Director. Trainees will present their research results or a related journal article on a round robin basis involving a single presenter per session. To ensure that trainees learn how to prepare research or journal presentations, a training program mentor will be scheduled to meet with a trainee one week before the presentation for rehearsals.

    Credits: 1
  • BIMS 8193 - Biotechnology Industrial Externship

    A one to four month training experience at participating Biotechnology Training Program host companies or facilities. Students contribute to host company research projects, offer ideas and interact with company/facility officials. Student performance is graded by the hosting company official using a standardized form. Externship occurs within 2 years of entering the Biotechnology Training Program

    Credits: 1
  • BIMS 8194 - Biotechnology Industrial Externship

    A one to four month training experience at participating Biotechnology Training Program host companies or facilities. Students contribute to host company research projects, offer ideas and interact with company/facility officials. Student performance is graded by the hosting company official using a standardized form. Externship occurs within 2 years of entering the Biotechnology Training Program

    Credits: 1
  • BIMS 8200 - Fundamental Immunology

    An introduction and detailed coverage of cellular and molecular immunology, emphasizing antigen-specific immune responses. Topics include structure of antigens and antigen recognition structures, development of immunologically competent cells, cell-cell interactions and signaling, development and regulation of different immune responses, and the relationship of basic immunological mechanisms to the control of disease and immunopathology.

    Credits: 5
  • BIMS 8201 - Colloquium in Immunology

    Students will present in rotation critical analysis of seminal and current research papers in areas of immunology. Papers will be chosen in consultation with different faculty members, who may also provide background reading and introductory material. Two conference hours per week.

    Credits: 1
  • BIMS 8202 - Colloquium In Immunology

    Students will present in rotation critical analysis of seminal and current research papers in areas of immunology. Papers will be chosen in consultation with different faculty members, who may also provide background reading and introductory material. Two conference hours per week.

    Credits: 1
  • BIMS 8260 - Practical Molecular Medicine

    Clinician-Scientist presentations on the basic science underlying clinical disease manifestations.

    Credits: 2
  • BIMS 8300 - Medical Genetics

    A series of lectures and eams covering human genetics and their relevance to a variety of disease states.

    Credits: 3
  • BIMS 8311 - Medical Pathology Part I

    A first semester lecture series covering the pathology of human disease.

    Credits: 6
  • BIMS 8312 - Medical Pathology Part II

    The second of two semesters of lectures detailing the pathology of human disease.

    Credits: 6
  • BIMS 8320 - Graduate Physiology

    A course in mammalian physiology that integrates events that occur on the cellular, tissue, and organ level to understand the vial functions of the human body. Emphasis on common cellular principles that underlie tissue organization and function, and advances to an understanding of specific functional roles carried out by each organ system.

    Credits: 5
  • BIMS 8340 - Issues in Biodefense: Science and Policy

    Analysis of historical, clinical, practical, social, and political issues that have emerged as a consequence of bioterrorism.

    Credits: 2
  • BIMS 8380 - Practical Use of Statistics in Biomedical Research

    This course will be of variable format including: lecture, student presentations, statistical program software use, and round-table discussions. Graduate students, typically in their second year of studies after beginning their thesis research, will learn practical use of statistical methods. Students will present ~8 statistical methods that will equip them in designing their experiments, evaluating experimental outcomes, and interpreting. Prerequisite: Instructor Permission.

    Credits: 2
  • BIMS 8471 - Research Correlation in Medical Pathology

    Self organized journal club.

    Credits: 1
  • BIMS 8472 - Research Correlation in Medical Pathology

    Self organized journal group.

    Credits: 1
  • BIMS 8559 - New Course in Biomedical Sciences

    New course in the subject of biomedical science.

    Credits: 1 to 4
  • BIMS 8619 - Molecular Medicine Colloquium

    Course work could include genetics, physical chemistry, developmental biology, immunology, pharmacology, neurosciences or computer sciences. Colloquium programs provide knowledge in every area of modern biological science and are an integral part of the general education of a research scientist. Prerequisite: Instructor Permission.

    Credits: 1
  • BIMS 8620 - Advanced Topics and Technologies in Cell Signaling

    This course will use contemporary literature in the field of cell signal transduction as a foundation for student driven discussion. Particular attention will be paid to an understanding of the state-of-the-art technologies as applied to the student of cell signaling. Each class session will focus on a particular signaling pathway. Understanding of the pathway will share emphasis with critical examination of the work, with a focus on discussion of the chosen approach and comparison with possible alternatives. Prerequisites: BIMS 812 or permission of instructor

    Credits: 3
  • BIMS 9559 - New Course in Biomedical Sciences

    New course in the subject of Biomedical Sciences.

    Credits: 1 to 4
  • BIMS 9640 - Clinical Oncology for Basic and Translational Scientists

    This course is designed to present an overview of selected aspects of clinical cancer diagnosis and care by cancer practitioners, with a view toward developing new clinical and translational research initiatives. Selected vignettes demonstrating technologies and problems will be presented, together with a discussion of cutting edge approaches and current problems confronting clinicians, patients, and researchers. The level of presentation will be for the non-specialist in each area, addressing trainees and basic science investigators, but providing challenging thought for established clinicians. At least a third of each session will be dedicated to interaction between investigators and clinicians, with the emphasis on identifying opportunities for basic-clinical (or translational) collaboration. Prerequisite: Instructor permission

    Credits: 1
  • BIMS 9998 - Non-Topical Research

    Preparation for Doctoral Research prior to completion of candidacy examination.

    Credits: 1 to 12
  • BIMS 9999 - Non-Topical Research

    For doctoral dissertation following advancement to PhD candidacy.

    Credits: 1 to 12


  • BIOP 5050 - Biophysical Literature

    A journal club. Students present recent research papers in biophysics and/or report on progress of their own research projects. Students learn how to effectively read, critique, and present science research progress.

    Credits: 3
  • BIOP 5060 - Molecular Physiology: From Molecular Machines to Biological Information Processing

    Various aspects of molecular and cellular physiology and biophysics, including structural biology, quantitative studies of molecular interactions, biomolecular spectroscopy, proteomics, membrane biophysics, electron microscopy of large complexes, and advanced optical microscopy.

    Credits: 4
  • BIOP 7051 - Directed Reading

    Designed on an individual basis, students who have deficiencies in particular areas pertaining to biophysics will be advised by a faculty member to read texts in that area and will discuss the contents with the faculty mentor on a regular basis.

    Credits: 1 to 5
  • BIOP 8010 - Special Topics in Biophysics

    A seminar series comprised of 45-minute informal talks given by students, faculty, and guest speakers.

    Credits: 1
  • BIOP 8020 - Advanced Protein Crystallography

    An in-depth assessment of the current methodology in macromolecular crystallography. In addition to formal lectures, a number of hands-on sessions introduce students to experimental aspects of crystallization and sample preparation, data collection, as well as selected problems in computing. The lectures cover selected aspects of crystal symmetry, diffraction theory including diffraction by helical structures and fiber diffraction, methods of data collection and structure solution, with emphasis on the contemporary approaches utilizing synchrotron radiation and exploiting anomalous scattering. Refinement and model assessment and selected papers are discussed.

    Credits: 3
  • BIOP 9995 - Biophysics Research

    Independent study, other than non-topical research, for course credits.

    Credits: 3 to 12
  • BIOP 9998 - Non-Topical Research, Preparation for Doctoral Research

    For doctoral research, taken before a dissertation director has been selected.

    Credits: 3 to 12
  • BIOP 9999 - Non-Topical Research

    For doctoral research, taken under the supervision of a dissertation director.

    Credits: 3 to 12


  • RELB 5000 - Literary and Spoken Tibetan I

    Introduces the philosophical and spiritual texts of Tibet. Includes grammar, basic religious terminology, and structure.

    Credits: 4
  • RELB 5001 - Readings in Japanese Buddhist Studies I, II

    Practice in reading and translating selected works of modern Japanese Buddhist scholarship. Introduction to research materials in Japanese. Prerequisite: JAPN 102 or instructor permission.

    Credits: 3
  • RELB 5002 - Readings in Japanese Buddhist Studies I, II

    Practice in reading and translating selected works of modern Japanese Buddhist scholarship. Introduction to research materials in Japanese. Prerequisite: JAPN 102 or instructor permission.

    Credits: 3
  • RELB 5010 - Literary and Spoken Tibetan II

    Introduces the philosophical and spiritual texts of Tibet. Includes grammar, basic religious terminology, and structure.

    Credits: 4
  • RELB 5011 - Readings in Chinese Buddhist Texts I, II

    Instruction in the reading and interpretation of Chinese Buddhist texts and the use of reference tools such as Chinese language dictionaries, bibliographies, encyclopedias, and indices.

    Credits: 3
  • RELB 5012 - Readings in Chinese Buddhist Texts I, II

    Instruction in the reading and interpretation of Chinese Buddhist texts and the use of reference tools such as Chinese language dictionaries, bibliographies, encyclopedias, and indices.

    Credits: 3
  • RELB 5020 - Tibetan Perspectives on Tantra

    Tibetan presentations of the distinctive features of Tantric Buddhism.

    Credits: 3
  • RELB 5055 - Buddhist Philosophy

    Study of the Pali and Sanskritic Buddhist philosophical traditions.

    Credits: 3
  • RELB 5170 - The Dalai Lamas of Tibet

    A seminar on the history, mythology, and Buddhist doctrinal basis of the Dalai Lamas, the most important religious and political leaders of traditional Tibet. Prerequisite: one course on Buddhism or Tibet

    Credits: 3
  • RELB 5250 - Seminar in Japanese Buddhism

    Examines selected topics in the major schools of Japanese Buddhism, Tendai, Shingon, Pure Land, Nichiren, and Zen. Prerequisite: RELG 213 or 316, or instructor permission.

    Credits: 3
  • RELB 5260 - Seminar in Tibetan Buddhism II

    The theory and practice of Tibetan Buddhism.

    Credits: 3
  • RELB 5270 - Seminar in Chinese Buddhism

    Selected doctrinal and historical issues in Chinese Buddhism.

    Credits: 3
  • RELB 5350 - Literary and Spoken Tibetan III

    Intermediate course in the philosophical and spiritual language of Tibet, past and present.

    Credits: 4
  • RELB 5360 - Literary and Spoken Tibetan IV

    Intermediate course in the philosophical and spiritual language of Tibet, past and present.

    Credits: 4

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