Jul 02, 2024  
Graduate Record 2010-2011 
Graduate Record 2010-2011 [ARCHIVED RECORD]

Course Descriptions


Computer Science

  • CS 5787 - Security in Information Systems

    This course focuses on security as an aspect of a variety of software systems. We will consider software implementations of security related policies in the context of operating systems, networks, and data bases. Topics include: operating system protection mechanisms, intrusion detection systems, formal models of security, cryptography and associated security protocols, data base security, worms, viruses, network and distributed system security, and policies of privacy and confidentiality. Prerequisite: CS 340 and either CS 457 or CS 414 or instructor permission.

    Credits: 3
  • CS 5788 - Cryptology: Principles and Applications

    Introduces the basic principles and mathematics of cryptology including information theory, classical ciphers, symmetric key cryptosystems and public-key cryptosystems. Develops applications of cryptology such as anonymous email, digital cash and code signing. Prerequisite: CS 302 or instructor permission.

    Credits: 3
  • CS 6160 - Theory of Computation

    Analyzes formal languages, the Chomsky hierarchy, formal computation and machine models, finite automata, pushdown automata, Turing machines, Church’s thesis, reductions, decidability and undecidability, and NP-completeness. Prerequisite: CS 302 or equivalent.

    Credits: 3
  • CS 6161 - Design and Analysis of Algorithms

    Analyzes concepts in algorithm design, problem solving strategies, proof techniques, complexity analysis, upper and lower bounds, sorting and searching, graph algorithms, geometric algorithms, probabilistic algorithms, intractability and NP-completeness, transformations, and approximation algorithms. Prerequisite: CS 432 or equivalent.

    Credits: 3
  • CS 6190 - Computer Science Perspectives

    This ‘acclimation’ seminar helps new graduate students become productive researchers. Faculty and visitors speak on a wide variety of research topics, as well as on tools available to researchers, including library resources, various operating systems, UNIX power tools, programming languages, software development and version control systems, debugging tools, user interface toolkits, word processors, publishing systems, HTML, JAVA, browsers, Web tools, and personal time management. Prerequisite: CS graduate student or instructor permission.

    Credits: 1
  • CS 6240 - Software Engineering

    Analyzes project management, software tools, requirements and specification methods; top-down, bottom-up, and data-flow design; structured programming, information hiding, programming language issues, and coding standards; software development environments, fault tolerance principles, and testing. Prerequisite: CS 340 or equivalent.

    Credits: 3
  • CS 6250 - Building Complex Software Systems

    This course requires actual implementation of a complex, challenging system such as those encountered in today’s world. Most systems undertaken involve an external interface implementation, such as a real-time controller, robotic management, requiring sophisticated sensor input. Available implementation tools, such a CORBA, distributed RPC calls, and GUI interface systems are mastered as appropriate to the project. Similarly, relevant software engineering concepts, such as system specification and documentation methodologies are developed as appropriate to the project. Prerequisite: First-year standing as a CS graduate, good programming skills, undergraduate mastery of operating systems and programming languages, or instructor permission.

    Credits: 3
  • CS 6316 - Knowledge-Based Systems

    Introduces the fundamental concepts for research, design, and development of knowledge-based systems. Emphasizes theoretical foundations of artificial intelligence, problem solving, search, and decision making with a view toward applications. Students develop a working knowledge-based system in a realistic application domain. Cross-listed as SYS 616. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.

    Credits: 3
  • CS 6354 - Computer Architecture

    Study of representative digital computer organization with emphasis on control unit logic, input/output processors and devices, asynchronous processing, concurrency, and parallelism. Memory hierarchies. Prerequisite: CS 333 or proficiency in assembly language programming.

    Credits: 3
  • CS 6415 - Performance Analysis of Communication Networks

    Analyzes the topologies arising in communication networks; queuing theory; Markov Chains and ergodicity conditions; theory of regenerative processes; routing algorithms; multi-access and random-access transmission algorithms; mathematical methodologies for throughput and delay analyses and evaluations; performance evaluation; performance monitoring; local area networks (LANs); interactive LANs. Cross-listed as ECE 715. Prerequisite: CE/ECE 457, APMA 310, or instructor permission.

    Credits: 3
  • CS 6444 - Introduction to Parallel Computing

    Introduces the basics of parallel computing. Covers parallel computation models, systems, languages, compilers, architectures, and algorithms. Provides a solid foundation on which advanced seminars on different aspects of parallel computation can be based. Emphasizes the practical application of parallel systems. There are several programming assignments. Prerequisite: CS 308, 414, and 415, or instructor permission.

    Credits: 3
  • CS 6456 - Operating Systems

    Covers advanced principles of operating systems. Technical topics include support for distributed OSs; microkernels and OS architectures; processes and threads; IPC; files servers; distributed shared memory; object-oriented OSs; reflection in OSs; real-time kernels; multiprocessing; multimedia and quality of service; mobile computing; and parallelism in I/O. Prerequisite: Undergraduate course in OS; CS 654 or instructor permission.

    Credits: 3
  • CS 6501 - Special Topics in Computer Science

    Course content varies by section and is selected to fill timely and special interests and needs of students. See CS 751 for example topics. May be repeated for credit when topic varies. Prerequisite: Instructor permission.

    Credits: 3
  • CS 6610 - Programming Languages

    Examines modern and non-imperative languages, the theoretical techniques used to design and understand them, and the implementation techniques used to make them run. Topics include functional languages, object-oriented languages, language safety and classification of errors, type systems, formal semantics, abstraction mechanisms, memory management, and unusual control-flow mechanisms. Example languages include Standard ML, Modula-3, CLU, Scheme, Prolog, and Icon. Prerequisite: CS 415 or equivalent.

    Credits: 3
  • CS 6620 - Compilers

    Study of the theory, design, and specification of translation systems. Translation systems are the tools used to translate a source language program to a form that can be executed. Using rigorous specification techniques to describe the inputs and outputs of the translators and applying classical translation theory, working implementations of various translators are designed, specified, and implemented. Prerequisite: CS 333 or instructor permission.

    Credits: 3
  • CS 6750 - Database Systems

    Studies new database systems, emphasizing database design and related system issues. Explores advanced topics such as object-oriented and real-time database systems, data warehousing, data mining, and workflow. Makes use of either commercial or research database systems for in-class projects. Prerequisite: CS 462 or equivalent.

    Credits: 3
  • CS 6840 - Computer Graphics

    Analyzes display devices, line and circle generators; clippings and windowing; data structures; 2-D picture transformations; hidden line and surface algorithms; shading algorithms; free form surfaces; color graphics; 3-D picture transformation. Cross-listed as ECE 635. Prerequisite: Knowledge of C/C++.

    Credits: 3
  • CS 6993 - Independent Study

    Detailed study of graduate course material on an independent basis under the guidance of a faculty member.

    Credits: 1 to 12
  • CS 7456 - Models of Computing Systems

    Explores studies of user behavior, program behavior, and selected aspects of computer systems such as scheduling, resource allocation, memory sharing, paging, or deadlocks. Analyzes mathematical models and simulation, the use of measurements in the formulation and validation of models, and performance evaluation and prediction. Prerequisite: CS 656 and either SYS 605 or ECE 611.

    Credits: 3
  • CS 7457 - Computer Networks

    Introduction: switching methods, network services, layered protocol architectures, OSI reference model; Physical Layer: transmission media, modulation, encoding; Data Link Layer: framing, error detection and correction, ARQ protocols, data link layer protocols, multiplexing; Local Area Networks: multiple access protocols, local network topologies, CSMA/CD, token bus, token ring, FDDI, DQDB; Network Layer: packet switching, routing algorithms, traffic control, internetworking, network protocols; Transport Layer: transport services, connection management, transport protocols; Special topics such multimedia, ATM, and protocol design and verification. Prerequisite: CS 656 or instructor permission.

    Credits: 3
  • CS 7501 - Selected Topics in Computer Science

    Content varies based on the interest and needs of students. Topics may include safety critical systems, parallel processing, information retrieval, data communications, computer networks, real-time computing, distributed multimedia systems, electronic commerce, and advanced combinatorics and graph theory.. May be repeated for credit when topic varies. Prerequisite: Instructor permission.

    Credits: 3
  • CS 7620 - Advanced Compilers

    Study of advanced compilation techniques with a focus on code generation and optimization techniques, advanced execution environments, and compilation of emerging programming languages. Prerequisite: CS 660 and 655, or equivalent.

    Credits: 3
  • CS 7716 - Artificial Intelligence

    In-depth study of a few major areas historically considered to be part of artificial intelligence. Emphasizes the design considerations involved in automatic theorem proving, natural language understanding, and machine learning. Cross-listed as SYS 716. Prerequisite: CS 616 or SYS 616.

    Credits: 3
  • CS 7882 - Advanced Computer Vision

    Analyzes advanced topics in automated reconstruction of imaged objects and computer interpretation of imaged scenes; techniques for three-dimensional object reconstruction; computing motion parameters from sequences of images; computational frameworks for vision tasks such as regularization, and stochastic relaxation; approaches for autonomous navigation. Depth image analysis; novel imaging techniques and applications; and parallel architectures for computer vision. Cross-listed as ECE 782. Prerequisite: CS 682.

    Credits: 3
  • CS 7993 - Independent Study

    Detailed study of graduate course material on an independent basis under the guidance of a faculty member.

    Credits: 1 to 12
  • CS 7995 - Supervised Project Research

    Formal record of student commitment to project research for the Master of Computer Science degree under the guidance of a faculty advisor.

    Credits: 3
  • CS 8516 - Topics in Theoretical Computer Science

    Study of selected formal topics in computer science, including computational geometry, advanced searching techniques, proximity and intersection problems, interconnection problems, VLSI CAD, amortized complexity analysis, approximation algorithms, zero-knowledge proofs, biological computing, and quantum computing. Prerequisite: CS 660 or instructor permission.

    Credits: 3
  • CS 8524 - Topics in Software Engineering

    A special topics course in software engineering. Topics are determined by the individual instructor, but might include software reliability; engineering real-time systems; managing large software projects; resource estimation; validation and verification; or advanced programming environments. Prerequisite: CS 685 or instructor permission.

    Credits: 1 to 3
  • CS 8535 - Topics in Computer Architecture

    Studies selected advances in the architecture of computer systems. May include distribution processor systems, memory hierarchies, and secondary storage management schemes. Prerequisite: CS 654 or instructor permission.

    Credits: 3
  • CS 8545 - Topics in Operating Systems

    Topics covered are generally chosen from one or more of the following operating system research areas: detailed case studies, distributed systems, global computing, distributed shared memory, real-time systems, object-oriented systems, security, multimedia, and mobile computing. Prerequisite: CS 656 or instructor permission.

    Credits: 3
  • CS 8561 - Topics in Programming Languages

    Studies selected advanced topics in design, definition, and implementation of programming languages. Typical recent topics: parallel language design; formal semantics of programs. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: CS 655 or instructor permission.

    Credits: 3
  • CS 8575 - Topics in Database Systems

    Analyzes the implementation of database systems, concurrent and distributed access, backup, and security; query languages and optimization of query access; multi-attribute dependencies and retrieval. Data warehousing and web-based data systems are explored. Prerequisite: CS 662 or instructor permission.

    Credits: 3
  • CS 8584 - Special Topics in Computer Vision/Image Processing

    For M.S. and Ph.D. students conducting research in image processing and machine vision. The contents vary with each semester and each instructor. An in-depth study of recent research in narrowly defined areas of computer vision/image processing. Readings from recently published articles in journals and conference proceedings are assigned. Cross-listed as ECE 882. Prerequisite: Instructor permission.

    Credits: 3
  • CS 8897 - Graduate Teaching Instruction

    For master’s students who are teaching assistants.

    Credits: 1 to 12
  • CS 8999 - Thesis

    Formal record of student commitment to thesis research for the Master of Science degree under the guidance of a faculty advisor. May be repeated as necessary.

    Credits: 1 to 12
  • CS 9897 - Graduate Teaching Instruction

    For doctoral students who are teaching assistants.

    Credits: 1 to 12
  • CS 9999 - Dissertation

    Formal record of student commitment to doctoral research under the guidance of a faculty advisor. May be repeated as necessary.

    Credits: 1 to 12

Criminal Justice

  • CJ 5010 - Human Behavior in Organizations

    Advanced course focusing on changing patterns of behavior in organizations. Identifies problem areas in organizations, how structural relationships and leadership patterns influence the climate of an agency, and how groups influence the behavior of individuals within an organizational setting. Examines the methods and strategies of organizational development with the aim of increasing effectiveness and adaptation to change.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 5030 - Executive Leadership

    Analyzes the leadership role and process, emphasizing the requirements and developmental needs for current and future leadership.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 5070 - Managing Organizational Change and Development

    This seminar focuses on the effect of change and development on the behavior of employees. It studies the nature of planned change, methods of managing change, ways to diagnose changes and development, and ways to implement change in police departments and other organizations.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 5150 - Futuristics and Law Enforcement: Foreseeing, Managing and Creating the 21st Century

    This course is a seminar in which law enforcement managers are introduced to the study of Futuristics and the ways in which it can assist in forecasting, managing and creating preferable futures. The course is divided into five areas: Introduction, Where We Are/Where We’ve Been, Possible Futures, Where We Want to Go, and Getting There.  Students will complete a comprehensive project (written and oral) in which they will forecast possible futures for their agency and community, decide upon a preferable future or futures, and devise various strategies for achieving that preferable future. It is expected that this project will be of sufficient quality to be of use to the student’s agency upon his/her return.          

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 5160 - Crime Analysis, Futuristics, and Law Enforcement: The 21st Century

    Seminar conducted at both the undergraduate and graduate level in which law enforcement managers are introduced to the study of crime analysis and futures research and the utility that each has for law enforcement managers. Students will learn to utilize databases and mapping techniques to analyze criminal activity and will be shown how to forecast, manage, and create the future.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 5170 - Managing Death and Sexually Re

    Managing Death and Sexually Re

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 5180 - Understanding Terrorism: Mindset, Methodologies, and Response

    Designed to provide the student with an appreciation and understanding of appropriate government responses to domestic terrorism ranging from military action, to criminal prosecution, and/or civil penalties. the student will examine the various definitions for terrorism: the effects of the media and the Internet, the history, and response from a crisis management standpoint. The student will approach the subject matter from both a theoretical and practical perspective as they analyze case histories and apply conflict resolution strategies.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 5190 - Conflict and Crisis Management: Theory and Practice

    Designed for law enforcement leaders who direct/manage resources relating to the response, management, and resolution of critical incidents such as terrorism and homeland security events; natural, manmade and transportation disasters; hostage and barricade situations; suicides; and the stress and trauma that these critical incidents may foster. Focuses on ‘best practices’ for response, management, and resolution of these critical incidents with an emphasis on reducing and eliminating inter-agency, intra-agency, and interpersonal conflict. The underlying premise is the ability to assess verbal and non-verbal behavior as the basis for successful response, management, and resolution of critical incidents; and the development of professional and personal relationships among the various stakeholders in both internal and external organizational environments.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 5210 - Contemporary Issues in Law Enforcement

    Focuses on contemporary issues and leadership concerns in various areas of law enforcement, leadership and management, emphasizing problem solving and the systematic development of improvement innovations.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 5220 - Seminar in Organizational Communications for Law Enforcement Executives

    Highly interactive seminar designed to explore communications systems within public and private organizations, with particular focus on federal, state, and local law enforcement. This course provides organizational leaders with strategies and competencies designed to promote a communications-intensive work environment as well as hone individual interpersonal communications skills.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 5230 - Seminar in Media Relations for the Law Enforcement Executive

    Focuses on contemporary relations between law enforcement and the news media. Emphasizes the development of a proactive versus reactive departmental media strategy and the formation of effective media policy.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 5240 - Interviewing Strategies through Statement Analysis

    Hands-on seminar provides a structured method of examining verbal and written statements of suspects, victims and witnesses. Provides linguistic tools to assist investigator in gaining insight to the speaker/writer and in detecting areas of deception.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 5260 - Communicating in a Changing Security Environment: Law Enforcement and Global Issues

    Focuses on post-911 police-media relations. Touches on the relationship between international security issues and utilizing the media for effective community policing. Concentrates on the development of competent media skills in a local Homeland Security context.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 5270 - Interpersonal Communications for Law Enforcement Executives

    Highly interactive course designed to acquaint the leaders not only with his/her communications styles and preferences, but how the communications process influences interpersonal relationships in both social and work-related environments. Practical application a major focus.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 5280 - Promoting the Law Enforcement Image

    Explores proven marketing strategies to promote the law enforcement community image in times of stability and instability. Covers organizational culture, cross-cultural relations, “micro inequities”, marketing the law enforcement brand, persuasion, and effective communication.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 5360 - Advanced Computer Crimes for Police Supervisors

    This graduate course is designed for law enforcement managers who desire to learn and practice advanced investigative computer techniques, methods and data recovery. Students will work with desktop computer hardware, use EnCase and Forensic Toolkit software tools, and learn basic networking (TCP/IP). In addition, FTK - Case Agent Investigative Review and Image Scan course work will be completed. This class provides the opportunity for hands-on experience to help prepare and or enhance the police manager’s role as it applies to the investigation of computer related crimes.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 5440 - Forensic Mitochondrial DNA Analysis

    This course provides classroom and laboratory experience in the principles and procedures involved in typing mtDNA from evidentiary items such as hair, teeth, and bones. Classroom instruction is focused on the nature of mtDNA, molecular biology principles involved in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequencing, and legal issues related to this technique. Discussions regarding scientific literature published in the area of forensic mtDNA analysis are also conducted. Laboratory procedures include DNA extraction, PCR, quantification of amplified products by capillary electrophoresis, and automated sequencing. Computer-based practice compiling sequences and database searches using appropriate software is provided and moot court exercises are conducted.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 5450 - Enlightened Leadership

    Provides a progressive leadership development strategy which focuses on human behavior, self awareness, and decision-making. Explores ethical behavior as it relates to decision-making.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 5455 - Enlightened Leadership

    The curriculum for this course is designed to represent a progressive leadership development strategy focusing on human behavior, self awareness, and decision-making. A significant portion of the course will focus on ethical behavior as it relates to decision-making. Activities include student presentations, breakout groups, personality and leadership effectiveness instruments, practical exercises and case studies.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 5460 - Context: The Leadership Imperative

    Familiarizes law enforcement personnel with how to evaluate leadership styles, theories, and challenges in varying contexts. Discusses the failures and successes of leadership paradigms in the context of culture and how paradigms influence and determine leadership roles and performance.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 5600 - Violent Behavior: A Biopsychosocial Approach

    This course for law enforcement managers examines six (6) general areas of violent behaviors which directly affect the law enforcement officer. After developing a biopsychosocial conceptual framework with which to understand violent behavior, these principles will be applied to specific topics and cases. Topics discussed in this seminar may be occasionally supplemented with guest speakers and practitioners from varied fields, but related fields of criminal justice and mental health. Students are required to bring with them a closed, fully adjudicated case. Cases may deal with homicides, sex offenses, suicide by cop, or a hate-related case.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 5610 - Legal Aspects of Policing in Today¿s War on Terrorism

    Provides law enforcement officials with the opportunity to evaluate and apply recent developments in criminal procedure with emphasis on developments impacting policing strategies in light of today¿s threat to National Security.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 5650 - Intelligence Theory and Application for Law Enforcement Managers

    This is a survey course that will cover the definitions, history and philosophy of law enforcement intelligence, the intelligence cycle, types of law enforcement and national security analysis, the development and management of law enforcement intelligence units, and innovation in law enforcement intelligence. This course will emphasize, through active discussion, group exercises, and speakers, the importance of and the challenges in the development of the intelligence functions within law enforcement.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 5700 - Behavioral Science Research Methods

    Covers techniques and methods employed in behavioral science research and evaluation. Focuses on mechanisms for producing research findings and evaluation of research methodologies. Includes design and implementation of research strategies and techniques for analyzing research problems. Includes inventory of available technology designed to support research, organizational issues in developing research, and evaluation of analytical publications.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 5710 - Conflict Resolution for Law Enforcement Executives

    Explores theories of conflict and how to identify and apply appropriate conflict resolution techniques.  Encourages students to identify their personal conflict resolution style, effectively utilize different conflict resolution techniques, and implement an effective departmental conflict resolution program.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 5810 - Solving Ethical Dilemmas in Law Enforcement

    Provides the law enforcement leader/practitioner with the opportunity to examine, evaluate and research the most complex and current ethical dilemmas in the law enforcement profession.  After properly categorizing and understanding the dilemmas, the students will use existing research to diagnose, analyze, and compare existing and creative solutions, and subsequently discuss and defend their conclusions.  Within every dilemma, the themes of best practices in ethical behavior and successful decision making processes will be assessed.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 5840 - Applied Criminology

    This graduate course offering covers the theories, principles, techniques, materials, and methods commonly employed in the disciplines of criminology and criminal justice. The particular emphasis is on examining empirical bases for decision-making through examination of existing research and contributions of criminology and other social sciences to identifying “best practices” for law enforcement operations. Students are expected to complete a class project based on the course material and applying this material to issues they confront in their own departments. Both oral and written products reflecting these projects are required.

    Credits: 3
  • CJ 5995 - Independent Study and Research

    This graduate experience permits students to work under close faculty guidance on individual research projects when particular needs cannot be met by regularly scheduled classes. The student, under the guidance of the instructor, in a formally written contractual agreement,will select a research project, the methodology and proposed resources for the project, and a format for the formal written report. An oral defense is required. Prerequisite: Contact instructor before enrolling.

    Credits: 3

Criticism and Theory

  • ENCR 5559 - New Course in Criticism

    This course provides the opportunity to offer a new course in the subject of Criticism. For more details on this class, please visit the department website at http://www.engl.virginia.edu/courses.

    Credits: 1 to 4
  • ENCR 5620 - History of Literary Criticism

    In this course we pursue two lines of argument at once: we read a judicious selection of the canonical primary and secondary works in the history of literary criticism from Plato to the mid-twentieth century; and we learn how to identify in a principled way a specific ¿pluralism¿ of philosophic methods variously constituting these texts.

    Credits: 3
  • ENCR 5650 - Books as Physical Objects

    Surveys bookmaking over the past five centuries. Emphasizes analysis and description of physical features and consideration of how a text is affected by the physical conditions of its production. For more details on this class, please visit the department website at http://www.engl.virginia.edu/courses.

    Credits: 3
  • ENCR 5670 - Theory and Feminism

    For more details on this class, please visit the department website at http://www.engl.virginia.edu/courses.

    Credits: 3
  • ENCR 5800 - Queer Theories and Queer Practices

    Introduces ‘queer theory’ through an examination of key theoretical texts (e.g., Foucault, Sedgwick, Butler) and several exemplary practices, which vary each semester. For more details on this class, please visit the department website at http://www.engl.virginia.edu/courses.

    Credits: 3
  • ENCR 8100 - Introduction to Literary Research

    Introduces UVa’s research resources and the needs and opportunities for their use. The library and its holdings are explored through a series of practical problems drawn from a wide range of literary subjects and periods. Required of all degree candidates in the M.A. and Ph.D. programs. For more details on this class, please visit the department website at http://www.engl.virginia.edu/courses.

    Credits: 3
  • ENCR 8559 - New Course in Criticism

    This course provides the opportunity to offer a new course in the subject of Criticism. For more details on this class, please visit the department website at http://www.engl.virginia.edu/courses.

    Credits: 1 to 4
  • ENCR 8600 - Criticism in Theory and Practice

    Studies critical theories and the kinds of practical criticism to which they lead. For more details on this class, please visit the department website at http://www.engl.virginia.edu/courses.

    Credits: 3
  • ENCR 8610 - An Introduction to Modern Literary Theory and Criticism

    Studies 20th-century theoretical writings, focusing on intellectual movements such as Marxism, Psychoanalysis, Structuralism and Post-Structuralism, and to influential thinkers such as Barthes, Bakhtin, Derrida, Kristeva, and Butler. For more details on this class, please visit the department website at http://www.engl.virginia.edu/courses.

    Credits: 3
  • ENCR 8620 - Critical Theory Since Plato

    A historical survey of major theories about the nature and function of literature from antiquity to the present. For more details on this class, please visit the department website at http://www.engl.virginia.edu/courses.

    Credits: 3
  • ENCR 8630 - Twentieth-Century Criticism

    Surveys modern critical theory and practice. For more details on this class, please visit the department website at http://www.engl.virginia.edu/courses.

    Credits: 3
  • ENCR 8670 - Feminist Theory

    An introduction to American feminist theory¿its major concerns, historical development, array of methodologies, and formative debates. Divergent theoretical and critical texts on gender/sexuality are juxtaposed with primary materials ranging from early novels to contemporary movies. Likely topics include queer theory, transnational feminism, feminist cultural studies, the gendering of race, and feminist approaches to film. For more details on this class, please visit the department website at http://www.engl.virginia.edu/courses.

    Credits: 3
  • ENCR 9559 - New Course in Criticism

    This course provides the opportunity to offer a new course in the subject of Criticism. For more details on this class, please visit the department website at http://www.engl.virginia.edu/courses.

    Credits: 1 to 4
  • ENCR 9650 - Introduction to Textual Criticism and Scholarly Editing

    Studies the transmission of texts over the past five centuries and examines theories and techniques of editing literary and non-literary texts, both published and unpublished. For more details on this class, please visit the department website at http://www.engl.virginia.edu/courses.

    Credits: 3

Curriculum, Instruction, and Special Education

  • EDIS 5000 - The Exceptional Learner

    An intensive introduction to the study of exceptional children and adults. Focuses on extending principles of learning and intellectual, socio-cultural, emotional, and physical development to persons with disabilities, as well as the gifted, autism, traumatic brain injury, ADD, and ADHD. Information on medical conditions which influence learning and development is also provided. Credit is not given for both EDIS 302 and 500. Prerequisite: Instructor permission.

    Credits: 3
  • EDIS 5010 - Curriculum and Instruction for Elementary and Special Education

    Study of the development of curriculum and instructional design with a focus on developing teaching techniques to increase student performance. Emphasis is also given to understanding classroom routines and management to support safe learning environments. Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education Program; corequisite: EDIS 488.

    Credits: 2
  • EDIS 5020 - Instruction and Assessment

    Focus is on curriculum, instructional strategies, & assessment of learning outcomes within the framework of the Virginia SOLs. Attention is given to analysis of student work samples & assessments for instructional decision-making. Separate sections apply specific content and assessment techniques appropriate to needs of the program area (elem., secondary) in accordance with the Virginia approved program guidelines. Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education Program

    Credits: 2 to 3
  • EDIS 5021 - Assessment and Instruction: Birth to Age Five

    This course covers the selection, administration, and interpretation of formal and informal assessments for children birth to 5 to document development, diagnose learning needs, and plan and modify curriculum and instruction. It also discusses instructional programming and service delivery. Restricted to ECSE students.

    Credits: 3
  • EDIS 5030 - Secondary Curriculum and Management

    This class focuses on instruction, classroom management, behavioral management, and personalized curriculum techniques for establishing positive learning environments in secondary classrooms. Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education Program; corequisite: EDIS 502.

    Credits: 3
  • EDIS 5040 - Psychoeducational Assessment

    Prepares teachers of exceptional children to administer, score, and interpret several standard educational instruments; to use informal procedures in educational assessment; and to interpret the combined results of psychological, sociological, medical, and educational assessments as they apply to the development and evaluation of individualized educational plans.

    Credits: 3
  • EDIS 5041 - Behavior Management

    Examination of principles and applications of behavior analysis in education settings. Students learn fundamental concepts of human behavior as well as procedures for managing classroom behavior and routines for establishing positive learning environments.

    Credits: 3
  • EDIS 5050 - Teaching Science in Secondary Schools I

    The first course in the “Teaching Science Sequence” addresses scientific literacy as a rationale and framework for secondary science instruction. Specific topics in science subject matter are developed along with teaching techniques, procedures and on-going professional development.

    Credits: 3
  • EDIS 5051 - Teaching Science in Secondary Schools II

    The second course in the “Teaching Science Sequence” addreses scientific inquiry, teaching process skills, safety, assessment, and evaluation. Prerequisites: EDIS 550 and instructor permission

    Credits: 3
  • EDIS 5052 - Models of Science Instruction Lab

    This lab course introduces students to several models of effective science instruction and provides opportunities for practice of the models in peer instruction lessons. P) Prerequisites: Concurrent enrollment in EDIS 551 and Instructor Permission

    Credits: 1
  • EDIS 5055 - Models of Instruction

    Focuses on instructional design and delivery. A range of instructional models are introduced with an emphasis on cognition, information processing, and cooperative learning. Student practice planning and implementing instruction.

    Credits: 3
  • EDIS 5058 - Positioning, Handling, and Self-Care Skills

    Designed for special educators, related service personnel, and other professionals who teach young children with disabilities or school-aged students with severe disabilities. Includes interdisciplinary instructors with training in special education, occupational, physical, and speech therapies, and nursing. Content addresses high & low muscle tone and related movement disabilities, mobility, carrying and positioning of students, use of equipment, instruction of self-care, and collaborative teaming. Students are involved in supervised use of lifting, positioning, and other therapeutic methods. Prerequisite: EDIS 500; corequisite: EDIS 715.

    Credits: 3
  • EDIS 5060 - Math Instruction for Special and Elementary Education

    Designed to teach special education preservice teachers the Virginia Mathematics Standards of Learning (SOL) content strands: Number and Number Sense; Computation and Estimation; Measurement; Geometry: Probability and Statistics; and Patterns, Functions, and Algebra. This course also focuses on the mathematical adaptations through Problem Solving, Reasoning and Proof, Mathematical Communication, Mathematical Connections, and Representation. Elementary and secondary mathematics topics will be covered in this course. Restricted to Special Education.

    Credits: 3
  • EDIS 5070 - Intermediate Teaching with Technology

    This course is a more rigorous, graduate version of the introductory course taught concurrently with sections of EDLF 3450. Students in the teacher education program who have advanced expertise with instructional technologies can apply to enroll in EDLF 5050 in place of EDLF 3450.

    Credits: 3
  • EDIS 5100 - Characteristics of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders

    This course presents the characteristics of children and adolescents with emotional and behavior disorders within the context of special education services. On completion of this course, students will have (1) knowledge of the origins and characteristics of the primary behavioral disorders, (2) procedures for identification and assessment, and (3) approaches of programming and instruction for ED/BD, autism and other related disabilities.

    Credits: 1
  • EDIS 5110 - Characteristics of Learning Disabilities

    Studies the meaning and concepts associated with the field of learning disabilities and the diverse characteristics of individuals with these disabilities. Includes the nature, causes, assessment, and treatment of learning disabilities and related disabilities such as ADHD, ADD, brain injury and others. Prerequisite/corequisite: EDIS 302 or 500.

    Credits: 1
  • EDIS 5120 - Characteristics of Intellectual Disabilities

    Designed to explore basic concepts/issues pertaining to persons with significant limitations in intelligence and adaptive behavior. While the course primarily explores the educational implications of having intellectual disabilities/mental retardation, the psychological, historical, and medical implications are also touched upon. Prerequisite: EDIS 302 or 500.

    Credits: 1
  • EDIS 5130 - Characteristics of People with Severe Disabilities

    This course is designed to explore basic concepts and issues that pertain to persons with severe disabilities including those with intellectual disabilities, autism, and multiple disabilities who exhibit extensive or pervasive support needs. While the course primarily explores the educational implications of having intellectual disabilities, the psychological, historical, medical, and sociological implications of this disability are also touched upon. Prerequisite: EDIS 302 or 500.

    Credits: 3
  • EDIS 5131 - Curriculum and Assessment in Severe Disabilities

    This course develops knowledge and skills related to best practices in curriculum and assessment for those preparing to teach individuals with severe disabilities. Students plan, develop and implement assessment and curriculum activities. Field-based activities allow students to directly apply their learning.

    Credits: 3
  • EDIS 5132 - Teaching Strategies for Severe Disabilities

    This course reviews the principles of instruction and learning and gives practice using effective strategies for teaching students with severe disabilities. Topics include writing goals and objectives, documenting progress, planning instruction, prompting and reinforcement methods, teaching in special and inclusive settings and in the community, adapting the general education curriculum, and working with paraprofessional support staff.

    Credits: 3
  • EDIS 5140 - Methods of Instruction and Collaboration in Special Education

    Presents cognitive and behavioral instructional approaches for teaching children with special needs in a variety of service delivery options. Emphasis is given to collaborating and adapting instruction, assessment, and materials within inclusion and special education placements to support student achievement of the Virginia Standards of Learning. Co-requisite EDIS 488

    Credits: 3

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