Jan 20, 2025  
Undergraduate Record 2009-2010 
Undergraduate Record 2009-2010 [ARCHIVED RECORD]

Additional Academic

Additional Academic Opportunities

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English as a Second Language


The Center for American English Language and Culture (CAELC) provides an array of services to help members of the University of Virginia community attain the level of linguistic and cultural proficiency needed for success at a research university in the United States. CAELC offers a number of ESL courses free of charge to students who have matriculated in a degree program at UVa. Visiting scholars and research associates may enroll in CAELC classes as space allows. Completion of the University of Virginia English Language Proficiency Exam must precede placement in any CAELC class. Individuals can take the exam at the beginning of each semester and by appointment throughout the year. CAELC also administers the SPEAK Test in August, December, and May. The SPEAK Test is used to assess the oral proficiency of prospective graduate teaching assistants whose native language is not English. CAELC also offers several courses designed to help prospective teaching assistants develop the communication skills needed for teaching in a U.S. college or university. CAELC offers an intensive English for Academic Purposes (EAP) program through the University’s Summer Language Institute, mid-July through mid-August. The EAP program is for entering students and research associates. CAELC endorses the NAFSA Principles of International Educational Exchange and the TESOL Standards for Post Secondary Programs. Information on testing, classes, and other services is available at www.virginia.edu/provost/caelc, caelc@virginia.edu, or (434) 924-924-3371.


Center for Undergraduate Excellence


The Center for Undergraduate Excellence advises U.Va. students regarding undergraduate research opportunities and national scholarships and fellowships. We encourage students to visit the center throughout their undergraduate careers. We are located on the third floor of the Harrison Institute/Small Special Collections Library. For further information, contact Lucy Russell, Director, or visit http://www.virginia.edu/cue/.

January Term


January Term offers UVa students a range of unique opportunities: new courses that address timely topics, undergraduate research seminars, overseas programs, and increased student-faculty contact, thanks to intensive formats and small class size. Students who enroll in January Term courses have access to a variety of student services and extracurricular activities. The list of January Term courses can be viewed at www.virginia.edu/januaryterm.

Students who register for a January Term course pay by the credit; financial aid is available for eligible undergraduate students. For more information, visit www.virginia.edu/januaryterm or contact Summer and Special Academic Programs, Dell Building 1, University of Virginia, P.O. Box 400161, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4161; (434) 924-3371; januaryterm@virginia.edu.

UVA Post-Baccalaureate Pre-Medical Program


The UVA Post-Baccalaureate Pre-Medical Program is designed for individuals with exceptional academic records who have not fulfilled their pre-medical prerequisites as an undergraduate and seek the science background to apply to medical school and a future career in medicine. This full-time, twelve month program’s focus is the education and immersion of students in the pre-medical science curriculum, the medical field, and medical practices and related opportunities. Topical medical seminars, as well as volunteer and paid medical-related experiences will acquaint students with the medical field in preparation for the MCAT entrance examination and medical school admission. For more information please visit the program online at www.uvapostbacpremed.info/.

Summer Session


Each summer, the University of Virginia offers a rich selection of programs and courses to over four-thousand students through its Summer Session. Many of these programs and courses are not available during the academic year, including the University’s well-known Summer Language Institute (SLI). UVa students commonly enroll in the Summer Session to fulfill degree requirements, double major, improve their GPA, shorten time to their degree, or explore new interests. Summer Session students have access to an array of support services and extra-curricular activities during their studies. The list of Summer Session 2009 courses can be viewed at www.virginia.edu/summer after November 27, 2009.

UVa students enrolled in the 2010 spring semester and not graduating at the end of that semester may register for Summer Session courses on-line. UVa students who graduate in May, 2009 must first complete the Summer Session application for visiting students. (Note: Any individual who wishes to enroll in the Summer Language Institute must complete the SLI application process).

The Summer Session welcomes visiting students. The majority of these individuals are enrolled at another college or university and come to UVa to complete courses not offered at their home institution. Visiting students must apply for admission to the Summer Session. Rising high school juniors and seniors with distinguished academic records may also apply for admission to the Summer Session. Admission to the Summer Session does not constitute admission to the University of Virginia. Comprehensive information on the University of Virginia’s Summer Session and application materials are available at www.virginia.edu/summer. For more information contact the Office of the Summer and Special Academic Programs, Dell Building 1, University of Virginia, P.O. Box 400161, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4161; (434) 924-3371; summer@virginia.edu.

The Summer Language Institute (SLI) offers nine-week programs in Chinese, French, German, Italian, Latin, Russian, Spanish, and Tibetan. Students attend classes five days a week, six hours a day. Communication skills are developed in a student-centered environment. Participation in evening cultural activities is required five days/week. Individuals who successfully complete the Institute programs in French, German, Italian, Latin, Russian, Spanish, and Tibetan earn 12 credits, which satisfies the foreign language requirement at the University of Virginia. Participants in the SLI Chinese program earn 8 credits.

The Summer Language Institute also offers English for Academic Purposes. Participants in this 4.5-week program enjoy the intensive learning experience found in other SLI programs.

Information and application materials are available at www.virginia.edu/summer/sli. For further information, contact the Summer Language Institute, Office of Summer and Special Academic Programs, Dell Building 1, University of Virginia, P.O. Box 400161, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4161; (434) 924-6552; uvasli@virginia.edu.

English for Academic Purposes (EAP) The Center for American English Language and Culture (CAELC) offers an intensive language and culture program through the Summer Language Institute. EAP program is designed for non-native speakers of English who have been admitted to an undergraduate or graduate degree program at the University of Virginia. Incoming UVa research associates and visiting scholars are also welcome to apply for admission to the program. Participants fine-tune the language skills required for success in U.S. higher education through classes in academic writing, academic reading and vocabulary development, listening comprehension and note-taking, classroom discussion strategies, and presentation skills. A pronunciation assessment is conducted with follow-up work assigned as needed.

The program includes a series of workshops that provides a general introduction to U.S. higher education. Workshop topics include library and research skills, university computing resources and facilities, academic culture, student-faculty relationships, cross-cultural awareness, and student services. Cultural proficiency is developed through a combination of workshops and activities. Activities include social gatherings, sporting events, field trips, and frequent meetings with conversation partners. A minimum TOEFL score of 550 (PBT), 213 (CBT), and 79-80 (iBT) is recommended. An overall band score of 6.0 is recommended for individuals who take the IELTS.

For further information, contact CAELC, Dell Building 2, University of Virginia, P.O. Box 400161, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4161; (434) 924-3371; caelc@virginia.edu; www.virginia.edu/provost/caelc.

Study Abroad


University of Virginia views Study Abroad as an important educational endeavor, enriching both academically and personally, and crucial in preparing students for the realities of the global world. This unique learning experience combines intellectual pursuits with first hand exposure to different peoples and their cultural traditions. It provides the students with an opportunity to gain an international perspective on their chosen academic field or career path and to learn and practice important life skills - critical thinking, independence, flexibility, resilience, and the ability to interact and communicate across differences.

Study abroad programs sponsored by the International Studies Office are open to students from all colleges and schools at the university. Programs vary in duration, destination, content, and the degree of immersion into the local culture. ISO provides professional advising, guides students throughout the process of choosing the program best suited for their needs, and prepares students for a meaningful sojourn.


  • Any degree seeking undergraduate UVA student, who has completed at lease one semester at UVa, has attained 2.5 Cumulative GPA, and is in good academic and disciplinary standing is eligible to study abroad.
  • Transfer students should consult with their respective schools for any additional criteria.
  • Please note that some programs may have admissions requirements higher than the general study abroad eligibility requirements.

Study Abroad Advising: The key to successful study abroad experience lies in early planning. The first step for students interested in studying abroad is to attend a General Information Session (GIS). Sessions are held Monday through Thursday, at 2 pm ; locations are posted on the ISO website www.studyabroad.virginia.edu. After attending the GIS and conducting initial research into the program offerings, students work with their academic advisor and one of the study abroad advisors in the International Studies Office to identify the program that best matches their academic and personal goals and to prepare for the sojourn.

Financial Considerations: UVa is committed to making study abroad affordable and accessible to all of its students. Students receiving financial aid through Student Financial Services can apply that funding towards their study abroad program expenses. Additional funding is available through several study abroad scholarships, administered through individual schools and departments.  The ISO website and Study Abroad Library have information on a variety of national and program-specific funding sources.

Health and Safety in Study Abroad: The International Studies Office and the Office of the Provost work closely with UVa’s Office of Risk Management and the Overseas Advisory Council of the State Department to ensure maximum safety of UVa students on study abroad programs. UVa policy states that no undergraduate study abroad is permitted in areas of the world for which an active State Department Travel Warning is in effect. Through mandatory pre-departure orientations ISO and the Elson Student Health Center ensure that all students are aware of possible health risks and have access to required and recommended vaccinations and medications.

Types of Study Abroad Programs

UVa programs: University of Virginia faculty members have developed and are directing close to 50 study abroad programs. Costs differ by program. Depending on the program, students receive either UVa credit or transfer credit. Summer and January term programs span the globe.Among the 2008-2009 destinations were Australia, China, Morocco, Ghana, South Africa, England, France, Germany, the Bahamas, Costa Rica, Spain, El Salvado, and the UK. The curriculum is varied as well. For example, students can choose from intensive language and culture studies, Marine Biology, Engineering, Nursing, or Architecture. Semester-long programs include: 

°UVA in Cairo (in affiliation with American University of Cairo)
°UVA in Florence at Palazzo Rucellai
°UVA in London (in affiliation with NYU)
°UVA in Lyon
°UVA in Peru
°UVA in Scotland (in affiliation with University of St. Andrews)
°UVA in Siena (in affiliation with CET)
°UVA in Tibet (in affiliation with the University of Tibet)- Fall semester only
°UVA in Valencia

  • UVA Exchanges: UVa has established over 40 bi-lateral and multi-lateral agreements with foreign universities. Under these agreements, UVa students enroll at partner institutions as visiting students, while students from partner universities study at UVa. Faculty both from UVa and the partner universities communicate about department requirements and curricula to ensure maximum benefits for the student. If English is not the language of instruction at the host university, UVa students need to meet a prescribed language requirement prior to participating in the exchange. UVa students on exchange programs pay regular UVa tuition and fees; room and board expenses are paid abroad.  Exchange programs are highly competitive, since UVa can nominate a limited number of students for any particular exchange. Applicants need to have a GPA of 3.0 or above and demonstrate significant independence and maturity. Students are advised to start planning early and meet with the study abroad advisor well ahead of deadlines.
  • UVa-Approved programs: The International Studies Office, in collaboration with academic departments, has approved a number of well established and reputable program sponsors for UVa student participation and credit transfer. In order to participate in these programs, students need to complete both the ISO application process and the program sponsor application process. Application deadlines may vary.
  • Other programs: Students interested in a program not included in the current UVa study abroad offerings should consult with an ISO advisor and petition for program approval. Petitions must be submitted within the appropriate timeline and approved by ISO and the appropriate academic departments.

Extensive information on all types of programs, specific study abroad program details, deadlines, costs, study abroad advising hours, as well as the application materials is available at www.studyabroad.virginia.edu. With further inquiries, contact the International Studies Office, 225 Minor Hall, Charlottesville, VA, 22904, (434) 982-3010, studyabroad@virginia.edu.

Semester at Sea

  •  Semester at Sea is a global comparative study-abroad experience that traces its origins to the earliest days of study abroad in 1963. Each year, during the fall and spring semesters, approximately 700 students from colleges and universities around the country take an around-the-world voyage on the floating campus, the MV Explorer. A shorter voyage is held during the summer term. Over 47,000 students from approximately 1,500 different institutions have studied and traveled to 60 countries through the program.
  • The University of Virginia became the academic home for the Semester at Sea program in June of 2006. Semester at Sea students receive credit for their course work through the University of Virginia. The Office of Summer and Special Academic Programs oversees the partnership between UVa and the Institute for Shipboard Education partnership and academic administration of the Semester at Sea Program.

  • The International Studies Office advises and supports UVa students wishing to participate in a voyage. For information about participating in a voyage and details about the application process, please contact the ISO at (434) 982-3010 or studyabroad@virginia.edu. Non-UVA students interested in attending Semester at Sea should contact the Institute for Shipboard Education at www.semesteratsea.org.

Extensive information on all types of programs, specific study abroad program details, deadlines, costs, study abroad advising hours, as well as the application materials is available at www.studyabroad.virginia.edu. With further inquiries, contact the International Studies Office, 225 Minor Hall, Charlottesville, VA, 22904, (434) 982-3010, studyabroad@virginia.edu.

University Seminars


University Seminars (USEMS) are designed to give first-year students the opportunity to develop critical-thinking skills and explore new ideas in an environment that encourages interactive learning and intensive discussion. The seminars are based on ideas that have changed the way we think about our relation to the world around us. The seminars are given by prominent faculty in departments and schools across the University, carry two or three hours of credit, and are restricted to 18 first-year students during the initial course enrollment. If space is remaining, second-, third-, and fourth-year students may enroll using a Course Action Form.

Refer to the online Course Offering Directory for a list of specific offerings each semester.