Visitors and Administration
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The Rector and Visitors
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W. Heywood Fralin, Rector, Roanoke, VA
Thomas F. Farrell II, Richmond, VA
Daniel R. Abramson, Alexandria, Virginia
Jeanne Flippo Bailes, Clerk of the Board of Visitors
A. Macdonald Caputo, Greenwich, CT
Alan A. Diamonstein, Newport News, VA
Susan Y. (Syd) Dorsey, Mechanicsville, VA
G. Slaughter Fitz-Hugh, Jr., Richmond, VA
Glynn D. Key, Washington, DC
Austin Ligon, Manakan-Sabot, Virginia
Vincent J. Mastracco, Norfolk, VA
Lewis F. Payne, Charlottesville, VA
Don R. Pippin, Norton, VA
Gordon F. Rainey, Jr., Richmond, VA
Warren M. Thompson, Vienna, VA
Edwin Darracott Vaughan, Jr., M.D., New York, NY
John O. Wynne, Vice Rector, Virginia Beach, VA
Carey J. Mignerey, Student Member, Charlottesville, VA
Alexander G. Gilliam, Jr., Secretary to the Board of Visitors
John T. Casteen III, President of the University
Leonard W. Sandridge, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
Arthur Garson, Jr., M.D., M.P.H., Executive Vice President and Provost
Sharon L. Hostler, M.D., Interim Vice President and Dean of the School of Medicine
R. Ariel Gomez, M.D., Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies
William B. Harvey, Vice President & Chief Officer for Diversity & Equity
James L. Hilton, Vice President and Chief Information Officer
R. Edward Howell, Vice President and Chief Executive Officer for the Health System
Patricia M. Lampkin, Vice President for Student Affairs
Craig K. Littlepage, Director of Athletic Programs
David J. Prior, Chancellor of the University of Virginia’s College at Wise
Yoke San L. Reynolds, Vice President for Finance
Colette Sheehy, Vice President for Management and Budget
Robert D. Sweeney, Senior Vice President for Development and Public Affairs
Karen L. Ryan, Interim, Dean of the College and Graduate School of Arts & Sciences
James H. Aylor, Dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Science
John (Jack) Blackburn, Dean of Undergraduate Admissions
Robert C. Pianta, Dean of the Curry School of Education
Robert F. Bruner, Dean of the Darden Graduate School of Business Administration
Sharon L. Hostler, M.D., Interim Dean of the School of Medicine
John C. Jeffries, Jr., Dean of the School of Law
B. Jeanette Lancaster, Dean of the School of Nursing
Sondra F. Stallard, Dean of the School of Continuing and Professional Studies
Karen Van Lengen, Dean of the School of Architecture
Karin Wittenborg, University Librarian
Carl P. Zeithaml, Dean of the McIntire School of Commerce