Feb 12, 2025  
Summer Record 2007 
Summer Record 2007 [ARCHIVED RECORD]

Summer Session 2007

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Summer Session 2007

Each summer the University of Virginia offers a rich selection of programs and courses to over four-thousand students through its Summer Session. Many of these programs and courses are not available during the academic year. Summer Session students have access to an array of support services and extra-curricular activities during their studies.

The mission of the University’s Summer Session is to supplement academic-year course offerings, to facilitate fulfillment of undergraduate and graduate degree requirements, and to extend access to the resources of the University of Virginia to students enrolled at other colleges or universities, rising high school juniors and seniors, and lifelong learners.

Summer Session 2007 will be the one hundred third at U.Va. Courses will be offered May 14 to June 8, June 12 to July 10, July 12 to August 9 and June 12 to August 9. The Curry School of Education will offer four three-week sessions and an alternate weekend schedule. The School of Nursing has a special calendar for its students.


Special Courses and Programs


Completing the Liberal Arts Degree in Three Years

If you are entering the College with a large number of AP credits, transfer credits, or dual enrollment credits, and/or if you are planning to take 18-19 credits each semester, and/or if you are planning to attend summer sessions, you may be able to finish both the area requirements of the College and the requirements for a major in three years. Additionally, you may be exempt from certain courses or requirements if your SAT II Subject Test scores are high enough.

If you are planning to graduate in three years, you should inform both your Faculty Advisor and Association Dean early on so that they can advise you accordingly. For example, you would probably have to declare a major in your second or third semester, and would certainly want to make good progress toward satisfying the College’s area requirements by the end of the first year. For more information on the requirements for specific majors, contact the appropriate department.


Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies

The Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (BIS) degree programis tailored to adults who have completed the first two years of undergraduate work but are unable to enroll in a full-time degree program due to work or personal commitments. The BIS program offers a

challenging and stimulating curriculum with a full course schedule in the summer, fall, and spring semesters. Classes meet in the evenings. -Students may be admitted in fall or spring terms. BIS students pursue concentrations in business, humanities, social sciences or, with special approval, an individualized curriculum, including an opportunity to prepare for teacher licensure.

For further information, contact BIS Degree Program, University of Virginia, School of Continuing and Professional Studies, 106 Midmont Lane, P. O. Box 400764, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4764, (434) 982-5274. www.uvabis.info


Admission of High School Juniors and Seniors

Rising high school juniors and seniors may apply for admission to the University’s Summer Session. High school students admitted to the Summer Session enroll in regular, credit-bearing University of Virginia courses. All University Summer Session courses are delivered in an intensive format. Only rising juniors and seniors with an outstanding academic record and demonstrated personal maturity will be considered for admission to the University’s Summer Session. A high school junior or senior who successfully completes Summer Session course work will receive undergraduate credit. The Director of Summer and Special Academic Programs serves as the academic advisor to high school students offered admission to the Summer Session. The Director helps such students select appropriate programs. The normal course load is one course per session or two courses spanning the nine-week session. The Summer Session application form for rising high school juniors and seniors is available online at www.virginia.edu/summer. Admission to the Summer Session does NOT constitute admission to a degree program at the University of Virginia. Summer Session students are subject to the University of Virginia’s academic, financial, and non-academic rules and regulations. Students enrolled in a UVa Summer Session course are expected to attend each class meeting.



English as a Second Language (ESL)

The Center for American English Language and Culture (CAELC) provides an array of services to help members of the University of Virginia community attain the level of linguistic and cultural proficiency needed for success at a research university in the United States. During the academic year, CAELC offers a number of ESL courses free of charge to students who have matriculated in a degree program at the University of Virginia. Visiting scholars, research associates, and classified staff are also eligible for CAELC classes. In addition, CAELC offers an intensive English for Academic Purposes (EAP) program through the University’s Summer Language Institute, mid-July through mid-August. The EAP program is for entering students and research associates. Completion of the University of Virginia English Language Proficiency Exam must precede placement in any CAELC class. Individuals can take the exam at the beginning of each semester and by appointment throughout the year. CAELC also administers the SPEAK Test in August, December, and May. The SPEAK Test is used to assess the oral proficiency of prospective graduate teaching assistants whose native language is not English. A self-study program in the University’s Language Lab is available year-round. Writing support at the University’s Writing Center and conversation practice through a language partner program are available in the fall and spring semesters. CAELC endorses the NAFSA Principles of International Educational Exchange and the TESOL Standards for Post Secondary Programs. Information on testing, classes, and other services is available online at www.virginia.edu/provost/caelc; caelc@virginia.edu ; (434) 924-3371.


The Summer Language Institute

SLI o ffers nine-week courses in Chinese, French, German, Italian, Latin, Russian, Spanish, and Tibetan. Students attend classes five days a week, six hours a day. Listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills are developed in a student-centered environment. Students are expected to attend all classes and evening cultural activities, Monday through Friday. Students are advised to live in their program’s language residence to enhance their learning and to increase proficiency in the target language. With the exception of the Chinese program which confers 8 credits, the other seven language programs enable students to earn 12 credits, the total needed to satisfy the foreign language requirement at the University of Virginia. The eight individual SLI language programs are listed in the course offering section of the catalog.

The Summer Language Institute also offers English for Academic Purposes. Participants in this four-week program enjoy the intensive learning experience found in other SLI programs. English for Academic Purposes is listed in the course offering section of this catalog as LING 108S.

OFFICIAL APPLICATION REQUIRED FOR ALL PROGRAMS. For further information, contact the Summer Language Institute, Summer and Special Academic Programs, University of Virginia, P.O. Box 400161, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4161; uvasli@virginia.edu;www.virginia.edu/summer/SLI/.


Semester at Sea

Semester at Sea is a global comparative study-abroad experience that traces its origins to the earliest days of study abroad in 1963. Each year during both the fall and spring semesters, approximately 670 students from colleges and universities around the country take an around-the-world voyage on the floating campus, the MV Explorer. A shorter voyage with approximately 400 students is held during the summer session. Almost 45,000 students from approximately 1,500 different institutions have studied and traveled to 60 countries through the program.

The University of Virginia became the academic sponsor for the Semester at Sea program in June of 2006. Semester at Sea students receive credit for their course work through the University of Virginia.

During the Summer 2007 voyage, students and faculty will travel to Latin America under the leadership of David T. Gies, Commonwealth Professor of Spanish at UVa. The ship will depart on June 17 from Ensenada, Mexico and return to San Diego, California on August 21 after having visited Acapulco, Mexico; Balboa, Panama; Guayaquil, Ecuador; Valparaiso, Chile; Callao, Peru; Puntarenas, Costa Rica; and Puerto Quetzal, Guatemala. On the summer voyage students complete three courses while on the ship and participate in a field study program during each port visit.

For information about participating in a voyage and details about the application process, please contact the International Studies Office at (434) 982-3010. Non-UVa students should contact Semester at Sea directly, www.semesteratsea.org. The Office of Summer and Special


Academic Programs manages the UVa-Institute for Shipboard Education partnership and academic administration of the Semester at Sea Program.



Mountain Lake Biological Station ,

The Mountain Lake Biological Station is a facility of the Department of Biology, holds several residential sessions for the intensive study of courses in field biology. The station is located at 1200 meters elevation in the Allegheny Mountains of Giles County, VA offering a diverse array of habitats for field work. For information on undergraduate and graduate courses and research opportunities, see pages 38-39, call (434) 982-5486, or e-mail mtlake@virginia.edu for a brochure. Competition for independent financial aid and work-study awards is open to all students. www.mlbs.virginia.edu


The Center for the Liberal Arts

The Center for Liberal Arts sponsors workshops, graduate courses, in-service programs, and fellowships for elementary, middle, and high school teachers in the Commonwealth of Virginia. For further information, please contact the Center for the Liberal Arts, University of Virginia, P.O. Box 400762, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4762; phone: (434) 982-5205; fax: (434) 982-6271; centerfortheliberalarts@virginia.edu; www.virginia.edu/cla/.


The Central Virginia Writing Project

The Central Virginia Writing Project is part of The National Writing Project, a national effort to improve the writing of the nation’s students. Since 1979, up to 25 elementary and secondary teachers have been selected annually as fellows for this intensive summer institute hosted by the Curry School of Education. For further information, see pages 42 and 60 or call Ms. Julie Estes at (434) 243-5503.

School of Continuing and Professional Studies ( University Center)

The summer brings special programs into residence at the University and at other locations. Summer on the Lawn, The Jefferson Symposium, Shakespeare Seminar, and the Seminars at Oxford, England are just a few of the annual offerings. Each of these “Travel and Learn” programs for adults offers unsurpassed value, rich content, expert faculty, and a history of exceptional participant satisfaction. In addition, the School of Continuing and Professional Studies offers summer field schools in historical archaeology at both Monticello and Poplar Forest and sponsors many workshops, conferences, and courses with academic departments, corporations, community, and government agencies. For further information, contact SCPS, University Center, Zehmer Hall, PO Box 400764, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4764; (434) 982-5313; www.universitycenter.info.

UVa Post-Baccalaureate Pre-Medical Program

The University of Virginia’s full-time, twelve month Post-Baccalaureate Pre-Medical Program is designed for individuals with exceptional academic records who have not fulfilled the pre-med prerequisites as an undergraduate and seek the science background to apply to medical school and a future career in medicine. The Program’s focus is the education and immersion of students in the pre-medical science curriculum, the medical field, and medical practices and related opportunities. UVa classes are taught by renowned faculty. Topical medical seminars, as well as volunteer and paid medical-related experiences and opportunities, acquaint students with the

practice of medicine in preparation for the MCAT entrance examination and medical school admission. For more information please visit the program online at www.uvapostbacpremed.info/.