Mar 14, 2025  
Undergraduate Record 2005-2006 
Undergraduate Record 2005-2006 [ARCHIVED RECORD]

Department of Parking and Transportation Services

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In accordance with Section 23-9.2:3 of the Code of Virginia, the Transportation and Parking Committee has approved the following regulations for the operation of motor vehicles by all students, faculty, and staff members of the University of Virginia. As appropriate, these regulations also apply to visitors operating motor vehicles on the University’s Grounds. The regulations remain in effect from July 1, 2001 until amended. Students should contact the Department of Parking and Transportation for any amendments which may be effective without notice.

General Introduction Operating and parking motor vehicles in University controlled areas is permitted only in accordance with University Motor Vehicle Regulations. These regulations have been prepared and distributed to assist those who plan to operate and park motor vehicles on University property. Knowledge of the regulations is assumed, and they are enforced by the Department of Parking and Transportation and the Department of Police. Ignorance of the regulations is not a basis for appeal of parking citations.

Parking in University controlled areas is by permit only except at meters and in attended lots. The responsibility for finding a proper parking space rests with the vehicle operator. The regulations apply to all vehicles driven or parked on University property, regardless of who operated the vehicle. The individual in whose name the permit is held, the registered owner and/or operator of the vehicle is held responsible for violation of these regulations. Employees who are being payroll deducted and fail to return their permits or gate access pass upon separation are held liable for the remaining balance.

The University of Virginia assumes no responsibility for the care or protection of any vehicle or its contents at any time.

The University of Virginia reserves the right to set aside areas for special events such as plays, funerals, athletic events, etc., in all University controlled parking areas.


  1. Motor Vehicles: All self-propelled vehicles which require state licensing.
  2. Motorcycles: Two and three wheeled vehicles with a primary or auxiliary gasoline engine.
  3. University Grounds: For the purpose of these Regulations, “University Grounds” is defined as any University property in the Charlottesville/Albemarle area.
  4. Parked car: Any vehicle that is stopped and has no driver, regardless of whether flashers are on or motor is running.

Registration of Motor Vehicles General Registration Except at meters or in attended lots, all staff, faculty, students, and other University affiliated personnel must purchase and display parking permits on their vehicles in order to park in University controlled areas. Visitors are required to park at metered spaces, in attended lots, or in permit areas with appropriately purchased temporary parking permits.

Eligibility Standard commuter, storage, and reserved parking permits may be purchased by the following individuals provided they have paid all parking fines/bills due and have not lost their parking privileges through suspension or revocation:

  1. Staff and faculty members
  2. Graduate students
  3. Undergraduate students beyond their first year who have GPAs of at least 2.0 for the preceding year or cumulatively, and who are not on academic or social probation. (Requests for exceptions due to physical disability are made to the Department of Student Health. All other requests for exceptions should be made to the Dean of Students.)
  4. Employees of non-University agencies working full time in buildings located on the University Grounds.

Visitors may purchase temporary parking permits or park at metered spaces or attended lots.

Certification By signing a parking permit application form, the purchaser:

  1. agrees to comply with the regulations set forth herein;
  2. is able to furnish evidence of:
    1. a valid motor vehicle registration, and
    2. a minimum motor vehicle liability insurance coverage prescribed by the laws of the state in which the vehicle is registered, or
    3. payment of the requisite amount into that state’s uninsured motorist fund;
  3. certifies to being the registered owner of the vehicle(s) or:
    1. is the spouse of the permit purchaser,
    2. is the child of the permit purchaser,
    3. the owner has provided written permission from the Dean of Students or the Director of Parking and Transportation to the permit purchaser.

The permit year begins June 1 and ends May 31.

Parking Permits

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Standard Commuter Permits authorize parking in parking spaces and areas which are labeled blue or red permit areas. Students living in dormitory, Lawn, or Range housing may not purchase or use these permits without written permission from the Dean of Students or the Director of Parking and Transportation.

Storage Permits are sold to students living in University housing, including the Lawn, the Ranges, dormitories, Copeley III and IV, and Lambeth Apartments. These permits authorize parking in accordance with the letters and/or numbers on the permits in lots which are labeled as orange “S” permit areas.

Reserved Permits are generally available only to Staff and Faculty on a first-come, first-serve basis. However, reserve permits are available to students in certain lots. Permit privileges in some lots may be determined either by lottery or by assignments by University departments that have spaces designated solely for their use. Reserved permits authorize parking in accordance with the letters and/or numbers on the permit in lots with the same letter and/or number designation. Reserved permits are also authorized in any blue (not red) commuter area.

Handicapped Permits Persons with a permanent or temporary physical handicap who hold a UVa parking permit may submit requests to the Department of Parking and Transportation for special permits entitling them to reserved parking. In addition, these permits allow parking at meters free of charge and at designated handicapped spaces. Students must submit such a request through the Department of Student Health.

Resident Permits are sold to residents of the University owned family housing. These permits grant parking privileges in accordance with the Family Housing Handbook, published by the Division of Housing.

Second Car Permits A person may register more than one vehicle, provided each vehicle meets the certification requirements set forth previously in section II D. The vehicle displaying the second car permit may not be parked on the Grounds at the same time the vehicle displaying the primary permit is parked on the Grounds.

Transferable Permits Transferable (hang tag) permits are available for all areas and convey the same privileges as stick on mirror permits. Any vehicle displaying a transferable permit must satisfy eligibility requirements stated for the particular permit displayed.

Temporary Permits Temporary permits, issued for periods of up to twelve weeks, convey the same privileges as permanent permits. Temporary permits can be issued to a permit holder at no charge if the permit is to be applied to a temporary alternate vehicle that is being used by the permit holder, such as one borrowed or rented.

Note: Parking permits are the property of the University and may be physically removed from bearer’s vehicle by University representatives if they are not voluntarily returned when a permit is revoked.

Gate Access Passes are issued in lieu of the types of permits described above for reserved parking in gated areas. A deposit is charged at the time of purchase for a gate access pass.

Carpools HSC employees may establish a carpool with a co-worker who has been issued a permit to park in a Health Sciences Center (HSC) reserved parking lot. If the employee who has been assigned an HSC reserved permit should leave the University and wishes to transfer the permit to a member of the carpool, the following procedure is required to accomplish the transaction: the employee who has the HSC reserved parking assignment must register the existence of the carpool membership by requesting a Carpool Form from the Office of the Associate Vice President at the HSC (P.O. Box 800799, telephone 434-924-5147). This form is required in order for consideration to be given for transfer of the reserved permit to another member of the carpool.

Display of Permits Stick on mirror permits must be displayed on the back of the inside rear view mirror on cars, and on the back of the left handle bar mirror on motorcycles. Dashboard permits must be displayed on the dashboard on the driver’s side of the vehicle. Transferable permits must be hung from the inside rearview mirror or displayed on dashboard of the driver’s side. Any other special permit must be displayed as the permit indicates. Parking privileges are not in effect until the permits are properly affixed or displayed on the vehicle. When a permit holder has more than one permit, the permits must be displayed adjacent to each other.

Replacement and Exchange

  1. Lost or damaged permits may be replaced by paying a replacement fee. Scrapings of the damaged permit, including the numbers, must be returned to the Department of Parking and Transportation.
  2. When a vehicle is sold or traded, the permits must be removed or parking fine liabilities continue to apply to that permitholder. Replacement permits may be obtained for a fee provided the old stickers, including numbers, are returned to the Department of Parking and Transportation.

Refunds Permanent permits and gate access passes are sold for the entire permit year. Scrapings of the old permit, including numbers, or the gate access pass must be returned to the Department of Parking and Transportation in order to receive a refund. No refund will be made for an amount less than $5, or for second vehicle permits.

Riding the Bus A student I.D. serves as a bus pass for unlimited rides on University buses. Non-students should be prepared to show the bus driver proof of their UVa affiliation (for example staff I.D., summer conference bus pass) whenever riding the bus. Children under the age of 12 may ride the bus when accompanied by an adult with proper UVa identification. Permit holders who have family members requiring access to the University bus service but who are not affiliated with the University need to contact the Department of Parking and Transportation to receive proper identification. The bus driver may request a passenger’s I.D. card at any time to help protect the safety and security of the other passengers.

Regulations and Restrictions

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  1. General Parking at the University is controlled by signs, painted curbs and painted pavement. Generally, yellow paint indicates that parking is prohibited at all times. Red paint indicates limited parking in accordance with the posted signs. It is the responsibility of the vehicle operator to find a proper parking space. Failure to find a legal space is not a license for violation of these Regulations.
  2. Parking restrictions are in effect all year, including student breaks, from Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. unless otherwise posted. Holidays are established separately by the academic and medical areas and may be determined by contacting the Department of Parking and Transportation. Signs at the lot entrances denote permit restrictions. Additional signs within the lot may denote an individually reserved space. In many lots, permit restrictions are lifted after 5 p.m. However, some permit restrictions are modified after 3:30 p.m. or 5 p.m. For example, E1, E3, A9, A10, and D3 lots allow blue permits after 3:30 p.m.; an R1 or R2 permit is required in R2 after 5 p.m.; any UVa permit is required in the U lots after 5 p.m. Check the signs at every entrance/space for exact restrictions.
  3. Short duration parking: Any person anticipating a temporary parking problem, regardless of duration, should contact the Department of Parking and Transportation in advance to seek possible options. Unless arrangements are made in advance, illegally parked vehicles are subject to ticketing and possible towing at the owner’s expense. A vehicle is considered parked if it is stopped and there is no driver, regardless of whether the flashers are on or the motor is running.
  4. Vehicles shall be parked within twelve inches of the curb for parallel parking and within surface markings for off-street parking.
  5. Driving or parking on the grass, mulch or walkways is prohibited.
  6. Whether marked or not, parking is prohibited in driveways, alleys, crosswalks, or within 15 feet of a fire hydrant.
  7. Special motorcycle parking areas are designated throughout Grounds. A blue, red, or orange permit is required in these areas during normally restricted hours. Motorcycles using a vehicle space in other parking areas are subject to the same permit restrictions as the other vehicles using that space/area.
  8. Metered Parking: The days and hours of metered parking is in effect as posted. The duration for which a vehicle may be parked at a meter is posted and may not be exceeded, regardless of the amount of money placed in the meter. All motor vehicles, except those that are properly marked as vehicles for the handicapped, must pay at meters. It is prohibited to allow a vehicle to remain parked in a metered space with an expired time flag or coupon showing, even if the meter is not functioning. If a meter malfunctions, that space must not be used and the malfunction should be reported to the Department of Parking and Transportation Garage and Meter Operations immediately. A refund of money lost in a malfunctioning meter must be requested within one working day of the loss.
  9. Football Games: Parking areas near Scott Stadium are reserved on days of home football games. Vehicles parked in these areas after 1:00 a.m. on the day of the game are subject to ticketing and towing at the owner’s expense.
  10. Basketball Games: When the University hosts a home men’s basketball game, parking is restricted in several lots surrounding University Hall as posted. Vehicles in violation of the posted restrictions are subject to ticketing and towing at the owner’s expense. On all home game days, Orange permit holders must vacate the East Lot and Cage Lot by 1 a.m. Blue, Red, and Green permit holders must vacate the East, West, and Cage lots by 5:30 a.m. the day of the game. The North Massie Lot at U Hall is unrestricted on the days of home Men’s basketball games. Should North Massie fill up on a weekday, Parking and Transportation personnel will provide a parking permit and/or instructions to relocate to another parking facility.
  11. Reserved Parking: Parking without a proper permit in a reserved space or area is prohibited. Violators are subject to ticketing and towing at owner’s expense. If a permit-holder’s space or area is filled, the permit holder must find a legitimate space and contact the Department of Parking and Transportation in order to have violator’s vehicle(s) towed and to obtain authorization to park.
  12. Service Parking and Loading Dock: Parking in a service vehicle space without a valid service vehicle pass or without proper markings on the vehicle is prohibited. Loading docks are used for loading and unloading only. Parking at a loading dock is prohibited.
  13. Handicapped parking spaces are reserved for the use of those possessing valid handicapped permits (provided by the Commonwealth of Virginia or the University of Virginia). Any use of these spaces without a proper handicapped permit is prohibited.
  14. Resident parking is located in areas of University family housing and is reserved at all times for residents’ vehicles bearing the appropriate permits.
  15. Blocking access to a parking space or blocking another car in a parking space is prohibited.
  16. Disabled Vehicle: Should a vehicle become disabled in an unauthorized area, the vehicle must be removed without delay. If it is necessary to leave the vehicle unattended while making arrangements for its removal, the Department of Parking and Transportation must be notified immediately (after hours, notify the Department of Police at 924-7166). If the vehicle is not removed promptly it may be towed away at the owner’s expense.
  17. Parking Problems: Any person anticipating a temporary parking problem, regardless of duration, should contact the Department of Parking and Transportation in advance to seek possible options. Unless arrangements are made in advance, illegally parked vehicles are subject to ticketing and possible towing at the owner’s expense.
  18. Alternate Vehicles: Permitholders who wish to park an unregistered vehicle temporarily should telephone the Department of Parking and Transportation each day the alternate vehicle is used before driving or parking on the Grounds (after hours contact the Department of Police, 924-7166).
  19. Other Vehicles: Vehicles covered in this section include but are not limited to trailbikes, minibikes, snowmobiles, and trailers for cargo, boats, camping, traveling, etc. Permits to park other vehicles in University controlled areas are not sold. These vehicles shall not be parked in areas designated for motor vehicle parking or in bicycle racks. The owner or custodian of such vehicles shall arrange for their off-Grounds parking or storage if their area of residence has no storage area designated.
  20. Parking Garages: Parking in the Health Sciences Center parking garages is restricted to patients, visitors, and authorized employees who have been issued gate access passes. Employees and students are not allowed to park in the HSC garages even if they choose to pay those costs except during times they are bona fide patients or visitors to a patient.


General The enforcement of University Parking Regulations is primarily the responsibility of the Department of Parking and Transportation. The Department of Police also exercise authority to enforce University Parking Regulations. The Department of Parking and Transportation assess fines and penalties and may revoke parking privileges of violators. Health System employees should refer to Medical Center Policy Number 0041-N for specific details applicable to Health System employees.

Offenses and Penalties Listed below are the violations of these Regulations with the fine indicated. Fines must be paid to the Department of Parking and Transportation in person or by mail.

  1. For most violations, the first ticket issued on a license number in the 12 months preceding the violation date is normally a warning ticket and the fine may be waived. The warning ticket is forfeited for all violations that carry a $100 fine. If you are unsure about warning ticket status on any particular ticket, contact Parking and Transportation.
  2. For operation of a motor vehicle by a student not entitled to motor vehicle privileges, the penalty is $100 and/or possible suspension from the University.
  3. For altering a permit the penalty is $100 and revocation of parking privileges.
  4. For purchasing, displaying, or selling a permit under false pretenses, (for example, a dorm student purchasing or displaying a commuter permit) the penalty is $100 and/or revocation of parking privileges.
  5. For parking an additional car (second cars or carpool) in a University controlled area without having paid full fees, the penalty is $100 and/or revocation or parking privileges.
  6. For improper use in the Hospital parking garages, for example, abusing a night time gate access pass, abusing the fee structure or patient validation system, or paying of hourly charges by an employee of the HSC during the course of a work schedule, the penalty is $100, possible revocation of parking privileges, and/or departmental disciplinary action after referral to the Office of the Associate Vice President for Health Services.
  7. For improper parking, the penalties are as follows:

    Parking in a Blue or Orange area      $30
    Parking in a reserved space or area   $40
    Double parking   $40
    Parking within 15 ft of a fire hydrant   $40
    Parking in a fire lane   $100
    Parking in a prohibited zone   $40
    Parking with motor running   $40
    Parking on the grass, mulch, dirt, etc.   $40
    Parking with wrong side of vehicle to curb   $40
    Improper angle   $40
    Blocking another vehicle   $40
    Parking over 12 inches from curb   $40
    Parking in a service space/area or loading dock   $40
    Parking in a loading zone   $40
    Parking on sidewalk, crosswalk, or driveway   $40
    Parking in a bus loading zone   $40
    Parking overtime   $30
    Improper display of registration decal   $5
    Meter violation   $30
    Parking in a handicap space   $100
    Parking in a handicap discharge area   $100
    Displaying a revoked permit   $100
    Obstructing a dumpster   $40
    Parking across a stall line   $30
    Parking a vehicle in a motorcycle area   $40

  8. After 14 calendar days from the issue date of the ticket any unpaid and unappealed ticket is considered delinquent. A $20 late penalty is added to delinquent tickets. The ticket is considered the first notice. If the payment due date falls on a weekend or a holiday, payment must be received on the previous business day to avoid a delinquent account.
  9. A vehicle for which the outstanding obligation for citations totals $250 or more is subject to being towed from University Grounds at the owner’s expense.
  10. Parking permits for University controlled areas are revoked for extended non-payment of fines or for concurrent non-payment of outstanding obligation for citations totals $250 or more. Flagrant violations by staff or faculty may result in other administrative action. Flagrant violations by students may result in suspension from the University. All student fines are treated as official financial obligations.

Removal and Immobilization of Vehicles

  1. The Department of Parking and Transportation or the Department of Police may immobilize or have removed and put into storage any vehicle in University controlled areas which is parked in violation of these Regulations.
  2. Costs of such removal and storage are charged against the individual in whose name the car is registered. Towed vehicles may be retrieved by the owners at the appropriate towing company office. (Note: Vehicles are not released by the tow companies until tow and storage charges are paid.)
  3. Any student, staff or faculty member whose driving or parking privileges are compromised as a result of a vehicle parked in violation of these Regulations may request that the Department of Parking and Transportation take action against the violating vehicle. After hours the Department of Police respond to such requests. Ticketing and towing may result.
  4. Any person who has received an “upheld” decision from the hearing officer may appeal to the Traffic Appeals Committee. The Traffic Appeals Committee is a three person committee appointed by the President of the University. The Traffic Appeals Committee decides whether a violation of University regulations is shown without presumption of guilt if there is any new evidence that warrants a change in the hearing officer’s decision. Decisions are reached by majority vote and the final decision is reported to the individual. The Traffic Appeals Committee may decide to affirm, reverse, or otherwise modify the decision of the hearing officer. Any appeal to the Traffic Appeals committee must be in writing and received by the Traffic Appeals Committee with 14 calendar days from the date of the hearing officer’s decision. For good cause shown, the above time period may be extended by the Traffic Appeals Committee. The appeal must be signed and must state the merits of the appeal. Any person who has received an “upheld” decision from the Traffic Appeals Committee may appeal a second time to the committee requesting a personal appearance before the committee. An individual who has made such a request shall have the right to present witnesses with relevant information provided the request is timely, made on the appeal form, and accompanied by a statement of relevance to the matters on appeal. The Traffic Appeals Committee shall govern proceedings and may question any witness. The Traffic Appeals Committee’s decision is final and is one of the following:
    1. Citation dismissed; no fine is due.
    2. Citation is upheld. This is a warning ticket, no fine is due.
    3. Citation is upheld. Fine is excused due to mitigating circumstances. (1)
    4. Citation is upheld, a fine is due.

(1) Mitigation is an unforeseen emergency not within the control of the individual, such as a proven exigent illness, that could not otherwise be managed to avoid a violation. The burden is on the individual to show mitigation. It does not include the defense that “I did not know” or “mean” to violate parking regulations, or that “I or others may have parked in the area before without any penalty,” or “I did not see any signs prohibiting parking.”

Modification of Privileges

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The privilege of parking in University controlled areas is granted when a permit is affixed to the vehicle. The privileges granted may be modified or the permit revoked at any time by the University for good cause.

Notice of Modification of privileges or revocation of permit is given to the permit holder at least five days prior to modification or revocation. The permit holder may, at that time, request a prorated refund for the unexpired portion of a revoked permit or they may request a cancellation (and prorated refund) of the modified privileges granted.

Good Cause for Revocation of permit or modification of privileges includes, but is in no way limited to, the following circumstances:

  1. Removal of parking from an area for safety reasons.
  2. Removal of parking from an area due to construction or renovation including provision of adequate storage space for contractors and a safety zone surrounding construction.
  3. Removal of parking from an area in order to improve traffic flow for motor vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians.

The holder of a permit that is revoked or whose privileges have been modified as set forth above is given priority in assignment of another space.

Amendments to these regulations may be initiated by students through the Student Council and by staff and faculty through the Department of Parking and Transportation for consideration by the Traffic and Parking Committee. Amendments are effective without notice.

Personal Property Tax

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Owner(s) of vehicles operated by students in University housing, Albemarle County, City of Charlottesville or other surrounding localities may be subject to the personal property tax for the locality in which the student resides while attending school. For a vehicle titled in a student’s name only, the decal fee and the personal property tax go back to the student’s domicile. Proof of taxes paid is required.

Payment of local property tax does not convert non-Virginia tuition status to in-state status.

For additional information, please contact the Albemarle County Department of Finance (434) 296-5851 or the Charlottesville Commissioner of the Revenue (434) 970-3160.


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