Undergraduate Record 2024-2025
Mathematics, B.A.
The study of mathematics develops logical thinking, creative problem solving, and the ability to connect ideas. This makes it highly useful and desired for diverse career paths, ranging from graduate study in mathematics, science and engineering careers, through social science, medical, and business careers. Beyond this practical aspect, studying mathematics develops appreciation for the inherent elegance and beauty of the subject and is thus a deeply rewarding endeavor.
The program in mathematics offers courses of study leading to either a minor, or a major in one of several concentrations. The prerequisites to declare and the requirements to complete the major are provided below. For minor program and requirement information please visit the minor program page . The Department, of Mathematics website (https://math.virginia.edu/) provides extensive further information, including background and benefits of the various concentrations, student resources, departmental procedures, and advice on navigating the program and beyond.
Universal Curriculum Requirements
To be awarded a degree from the College of Arts and Sciences, students are required to complete universal curriculum requirements in addition to the program requirements provided below. The school universal curriculum requirements can be found on the school Degree Programs page . Prerequisite
To declare the major, students must demonstrate proficiency in single and multivariable calculus at the grade level of C or better. Select one of the following options to meet this prerequisite: - MATH 2310 - Calculus III Credits: 4
Note: Students may need to complete one or both of MATH 1310 -Calculus I and MATH 1320 -Calculus II prior to enrolling in Calculus III. Students should determine their appropriate starting placement in the calculus sequence by consulting with advisors and placement resources on the Department of Mathematics website. - MATH 2315 - Advanced Calculus and Linear Algebra I Credits: 4
- APMA 2120 - Multivariable Calculus Credits: 4
- Complete a course of study at another university or program that the Director of Undergraduate Programs determines is equivalent to one of the above options.
1. The sequence MATH 1210, 1220 (Survey of Calculus I and II) is insufficient preparation for continuing to Calculus lll and should therefore not be taken by students who might want to major/minor in mathematics or any other field requiring Calculus lll or beyond.
2. The above prerequisite is not part of the major itself. Prerequisite courses do not, factor into the major GPA, are not subject to restrictions on transfer credit, double counting, or other rules pertaining to credit applied to the major.
Program Requirements
To complete the major, students must complete the requirements for one of the Concentrations or General Option below. - Each concentration and the general option requires four core courses (the standard or the advanced core), and a set of required and/or elective courses.
- At least 6 courses offered for the major must have a MATH prefix.
- All classes used to complete the major must be taken for a letter grade and passed with a C or better, except that two of these may be passed with a C- or better.
Restrictions & Exceptions - No more than two courses taken from outside the University can be applied to the major or minor.
- For transfer students, more may be approved by the Director of the Undergraduate Program and transfer credit advisor.
Core Requirement
The core requirement consists of 4 courses, one each in differential equations, linear algebra, real analysis, and abstract algebra. The standard core is satisfied by either standard or advanced versions of these courses. The advanced core requires the advanced version for some of these courses. Standard Core
Note: MATH 3315 must be passed at B- or higher to be used as a core course. If MATH 3315 is used to satisfy both the linear algebra and differential equations requirements of the standard core, then an additional MATH elective is required for the concentration so that the total number of MATH courses is not reduced. Advanced Core
Note: MATH 3315 must be passed at B- or higher to be used as a core course. General Option Requirements
- 4 courses from the Standard Core.
- 2 MATH elective (see below).
- 3 General electives (see below).
- 1 Computing elective (see below).
Concentrations Requirements
Probability and Statistics
MATH Electives
Any course with a MATH prefix numbered 3000 or higher (excluding MATH 3350), that is not being used to satisfy another requirement of the major. General Electives
Any course that is either a MATH elective as defined above, or is from the following list: Substitutions
The following APMA courses may be substituted for certain requirements of the major. However, students must still take the required minimum number of MATH prefix courses to earn the major. - APMA 2130 for MATH 3250
- APMA 3080 for MATH 3351
- APMA 3100 for MATH 3100
- APMA 3120 for STAT 3120
Distinguished Majors Program
In order to complete the Distinguished Majors Program, students must have completed all prerequisites, apply, and be admitted to the program by the May prior to the last two semesters of undergraduate study. Program Requirements
- Fulfill all requirements of the chosen major concentration or general option.
DMP Requirements
- Complete the following courses with a GPA of at least 3.4 and a minimum grade of B in each course. These courses may also be used to satisfy major requirements.
Thesis Requrement
- Complete the following by writing a Distinguished Major Thesis under the supervision of a faculty advisor.
Learning Objectives
A student who completes the major will have a solid foundation in the core topics of modern mathematics, more extensive knowledge in a chosen concentration, familiarity of appropriate adjacent fields, and familiarity with computing. The math major will be proficient in each of the following 4 areas: - Communication - read, interpret, write about, and talk about mathematics, in a manner appropriate to the audience and purpose; recognize and construct logical ar- guments and rigorous proofs; understand the differences between proofs and other less formal arguments;
- Problem solving and computation - devise problem solving strategies; carry out computations and derivations accurately and efficiently; assess the correctness of solutions; create and explore examples; carry out mathematical experiments, and devise and test conjectures;
- Abstraction - work with abstract mathematical structures, generalize from the concrete to the abstract, deduce general principles from particular instances;
- Mathematical maturity - absorb new mathematical ideas efficiently; link theory with examples and applications; exhibit independence and perseverance; approach open- ended inquiry with curiosity and creativity.