Required Courses
- One survey course on Native American Indigenous Studies
• AMST/ANTH 3280, Introduction to Native American Studies
• AMST 2280, Contemporary Issues in Native North America
- One course on Global/Transnational Indigenous Studies
Eligible courses include:
• ANTH 3100 - Indigenous Landscapes - Credits: 3
• ANTH 3152 - Rainforests of Flesh / Peoples of Spirit - Credits: 3
• ANTH 3450 - Native American Languages - Credits: 3
• ANTH 4590/ARTH 4591, Aboriginal Contemporary Art
• *MDST 4301 - Global Indigenous Media - Credits: 3
• SPAN 4500 - Special Topics Seminar: Literature - Credits: 3
Elective Courses
The remaining four courses for the minor may be taken from the lists above, or from a list of electives adjusted each semester based upon availability. Eligible courses include:
• AMST 4403 - Transamerican Encounters - Credits: 3
• AMST 4500 - Fourth-Year Seminar in American Studies - Credits: 3
• AMST/HIUS 3641, American Indian History
• ANTH 2153 - North American Indians - Credits: 3
• ANTH 2160 - Culture and the Environment - Credits: 3
• ANTH 2589 - Topics in Archaeology - Credits: 3
• ANTH 3154 - Indians of the American Southwest - Credits: 3
• ANTH 3175 - Native American Art: The Astor Collection - Credits: 3
• ANTH 3589 - Topics in Archaeology - Credits: 3
• ANTH 3590/ARTH 3595, Indigenous North American Art
• ANTH 5541, Language Revival in the Eastern Tribes
• ARTH 2882 - Sex, Spirits & Sorcery: Modern Aboriginal Art - Credits: 4
• ENGL 3332/AMST 4401, Literature of the Americas
• ENGL 3725 - Contemporary Ethnic American Fiction - Credits: 3
• EVSC 2200 - Plants, People and Culture - Credits: 3
• GDS 3110 - Engaged Learning for Global/Local Development - Credits: 3
• GSGS 3111 - Global Studies Epistemology, Methodology & Methods - Credits: 3
• GDS 3114 - Science, Technology and Development - Credits: 3
• GSGS 4559 - New Course in Global Studies - Credits: 1 to 6
• HILA 2001 - Colonial Latin America, 1500-1824 - Credits: 3
• *HIUS 3012 - War and Empire in Colonial America - Credits: 3
• HIUS 3261 - History of the American West - Credits: 3
• MDST/AMST 3407, Racial Borders & American Cinema
• MDST 4500, Surveillance and US Empire
• RELG 3360 - Conquests and Religions in the Americas, 1400s-1830s - Credits: 3
• SPAN 4500 - Special Topics Seminar: Literature - Credits: 3
• SPAN 4711 - 1492 and the Aftermath - Credits: 3
[*Indicates that course is rarely taught]